
26 Konik [M. Earth Pony Ranger] MLPFEMTORPG

Feb 25th, 2014
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  1. Name: Konik the Impenetrable
  2. Gender: Male
  3. Race: Earth Pony
  4. Class: Ranger [Knight/Tracker]
  5. Talent: Discus (All shields used by Konik count as ranged weapons and get +1 when thrown)
  6. Hit/Wounds: 10/6
  7. Alignment: Neutral Evil
  9. Skills:
  10. (Free Racial) Tough: passive; Earth ponies take 1 additional hit before becoming helpless as well as 1 extra wound once they become helpless, for a total of 6 hits and 6 wounds without other modifiers. They can also lift, carry and move heavier objects than unicorns and pegasi.
  11. (Racial) Earth Pony Way: Being born without a horn or wings has taught you how to spend more time and effort in the things you do. You can pick one skill and gain a +1 bonus. This does not include non-skill actions like melee attacks or recovering from helplessness. (Bonus: Slam)
  12. (Free Multiclass) Ranged Support: passive; all your skills have the Ranged and Weapon tags
  13. (Cross-Class) Defense Mastery: passive; you gain +1 hit of damage to become helpless (if you had 5 hits, you now take 6 hits, etc). Can only be taken once.
  14. (Class) Martial Defender: passive; you take +2 hits before going helpless (if you had 5, you now have 7, etc), and Slam crits on 8+
  15. (Class) Slam: recharge 1; damages the enemy via a crushing body slam. Crits on 9+
  17. Inventory:
  18. Bronze Shield: lined with spikes, front depicts a bleeding eye.
  19. Bronze Manica
  20. Bronze Full Helm: Only one eye hole, red paint streaking down from it
  22. Traits:
  24. Konik is a male Earth Pony. His fur is a light grey, with a shaggy auburn mane and ember-orange eyes. Born in a small barbaric village, Konik was born to kill. Captured in one of many failed Germaneic raids, he was taken into the gladiator scene, as did many of his brethren. At first, he was loyal to his kind, not killing any that were from the same village of his and others he knew.
  25. That all changed when him and a personal colleague of his were pitted against each other, both being promised their chance at freedom if the won. Konik, still loyal to his friend, attempted to throw the fight, but it wasn't necessary. His friend didn't care for him, and cared more for his freedom then he did for Konik. Konik, taken aback by the betrayal, let his guard down. His friend slashed against his face, and even though Konik pulled back to avoid being killed, his combatant cut a gash down his face, slicing through his right eye. Enraged by this same betrayal that let his guard down moments before, Konik screamed and jumped on top of his friend, bashing his shield into their face until his friend's skull concave, killing him.
  26. Konik then realized that there was no room for mercy in his life anymore, and that loyalty towards a cause meant nothing. Even with chance at freedom, he couldn't go back to his village, not after that day. Instead, he chose to fight more and more in the arena, earning sponsors that provided him his custom helmet, shield, and manica, all to remind of why he was there. Konik doesn't fight for freedom, nor fame, nor fortune. Konik fights, because it's the last thing he feels he has left. He is well known in many arenas for being near impossible to knock down, his unforgiving ways, and his ability to fight adequately at range and in melee.
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