
Ponyville Apartments: Human Observation Diary

Jan 27th, 2013
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  1. > I look closely at myself in the mirror.
  2. > A unicorn wearing a hoodie and jeans stares back at me.
  3. > "These clothes sure are uncomfortable, Rarity."
  4. "That's just because you aren't used to them, darling. You see humans wear these all the time."
  5. > I turn around and frown at how tightly the jeans hug my flank.
  6. > "Are you sure this is going to work?"
  7. "Of course, my dear Twilight. Trust me. You'll blend right in."
  8. > "That's not what I meant. An illusion spell is enough to fool regular humans-"
  9. "But you need something to disguise yourself from 'him'."
  10. > "Huh? B-But how did you-"
  11. "Oh please! It's written all over your face. Even Pinkie knows."
  12. > At those words, Pinkie Pie bursts into the room.
  13. "Ooo-is-that-the-secret-disguise-you-asked-Rarity-to-make-for-your-secret-mission-to-spy-on-our-apartment-manager-on-his-day-off!?"
  14. > I plant my hoof upon my face. Was I that obvious?
  15. > "Look. I'm not spying, alright? I'm just going to observe his regular activities and behavior without his knowledge or consent."
  16. "So you're SUPER-spying, then?" says Pinkie. "That sounds really fun! Can I come? Can I? Can I? I'll even wear my SUPER spy costume!"
  17. > "Thanks a lot, Pinkie, but you should really stay here with the others."
  18. "Oh, wait! I can be the detective, too!"
  19. > She pulls out a detective hat and pipe out of nowhere and puts them on.
  20. "Private Pony Investigator Pinkie Pie is on the case! PPIPP for short!"
  21. > Rarity giggles, clearly amused. I turn to Pinkie and shake my head.
  22. > "No, Pinkie! Just, no! No following us, alright?"
  23. "Aww! But I wanna come!"
  24. > "Why don't you stay here and help Rarity with her work instead?"
  25. "Wow! That's sounds like a great idea! Yay!"
  26. "B-But Twilight, wait!" says Rarity. "I'm sure that Pinkie has much better things to do with her time! I can't possibly-"
  27. "I'm free for the whole day!" cries Pinkie. "Isn't that great!?"
  28. "The whole day. That's uh... great."
  29. > Rarity gives me a dirty look as I leave.
  30. > Well, I'm sure everything will be alright.
  32. ---
  34. > "Hey, Fluttershy!"
  35. > She jumps a bit in surprise.
  36. "Oh! H-Hi there, Twilight."
  37. > I point my hoof at her saddlebag.
  38. > "Are you going out too?"
  39. "Umm, yes. Is that alright?"
  40. > "Of course it is! Where are you headed?"
  41. "My favorite place - the nearby kindergarten."
  42. > "The kindergarten? Wait, what!?"
  43. "Oh you have to see that place, Twilight!"
  44. > "Uh, Fluttershy?"
  45. "There are so many cute little humans there!"
  46. > "Fluttershy?"
  47. "I can just spend the whole day watching them!"
  48. > "Fluttershy!"
  49. "Sometimes, I just want to take them home with me~"
  50. > "FLUTTERSHY!?"
  51. "Eep!"
  52. > She cowers and hides her face behind her bangs.
  53. > I shake my head and lower my voice.
  54. > "We talked about this, remember?"
  55. "I-I know, Twilight, but-"
  56. > "No inviting them home. No offering them candy. No human-napping, alright?"
  57. "B-But maybe just one or two would be fine for a little while-"
  58. > "Fluttershy! No taking little humans home! And that's final!"
  59. > She lowers her head sadly.
  60. "I-It should be alright to just watch them? Right?"
  61. > I sigh loudly. I just know I'm going to regret this.
  62. > "Fine. You can watch but don't spend more than two hours hanging around there. The humans might get suspicious."
  63. > Fluttershy gives me a big hug.
  64. "Oh, thank you Twilight! Thank you! Thank you!"
  65. > "Yeah, great. By the way, have you seen the manager anywhere around here?"
  66. > She points a hoof toward the gate.
  67. "He left a few minutes ago. He said that he's headed to the park."
  69. ---
  71. > "The subject arrives at the park without incident."
  72. > "The subject remains unaware of my presence in the bushes."
  73. > I dip my pen into an ink bottle as I continue writing notes.
  74. > "The subject is wearing a set of casual human wear, not uncommon for their species. It suits the subject surprisingly well."
  75. > I poke my head out of the bushes to confirm his location.
  76. > "The subject has taken a seat on a nearby bench. The subject is sitting in the usual human manner, seemingly relaxed."
  77. > I continue watching closely. This is going to be easier than I thought.
  78. > "The subject is taking a glance at the park clock nearby. The subject seems to be waiting for something."
  79. > "The subject may consider purchasing a watch to monitor time more easily in the future. Noting this as a future gift reference."
  80. > "A number of other humans are walking leisurely around the area. They seem to enjoy the atmosphere of the park."
  81. > "Most of them are walking in pairs, mostly male/female. The humans converse about various topics with their partners."
  82. > "The subject watches the other humans as they enter the area. The other humans pay no heed. Perhaps the subject is looking for company?"
  83. > I pause for a moment.
  84. > "While it is tempting to approach the subject and confirm this theory, I must remain hidden and monitor his activities from a safe distance."
  85. > I quickly shake my head. Stay focused, Twilight!
  86. > "The subject has started watching the clouds. Today's sky is perfect for cloud-viewing."
  87. > Huh? One of the humans seems to be approaching him.
  88. > I quickly jot down more notes as I watch.
  89. > "An unidentified female human comes in close proximity to the subject. She waves at him with her hand and smiles."
  90. > "The subject notices the female's presence and returns the gesture. The subject exhibits familiarity with the newcomer."
  91. "Did you wait long?" says the girl.
  92. "Just a few minutes. Don't worry about it."
  93. > I narrow my eyes at this unexpected development.
  95. ---
  97. > "The female is wearing a one piece dress that unnecessarily accentuates the curves along her chest and waist."
  98. > "The female is also wearing a hat that would be fairly 'cute', even by pony standards. Also unnecessary."
  99. > "By the reactions of a few other humans walking by, the female seems to be unnecessarily attractive overall."
  100. > "And when the subject offers his hand, the female blushes unnecessarily as she takes it."
  101. > I grit my teeth before continuing my notes.
  102. > "The subject and the female start walking through the park."
  103. > "The subject seems unusually enthusiastic."
  104. > "Could the female human be the cause of this?"
  105. > I pause thoughtfully. This requires some annotations.
  106. > "Objectively speaking, the subject should consider the company of his pony tenants first if he needs somep0ny to talk to."
  107. > "And among them, the purple unicorn should be his first choice, as she is the most knowledgeable of human history and culture."
  108. > "She has read about a number of human leisure activities that we can enjoy while 'hanging out' together, as they call it."
  109. > "There is little reason or need for the subject to stray away from such pleasant company."
  110. > I frown for a moment.
  111. > "I shall continue observing from a distance, lest they notice my presence."
  112. > "I do not yet understand the meaning or relevance for their meeting."
  113. > "But I am definitely going to find out."
  114. > Definitely.
  116. ---
  118. > "The subject and the unknown female have entered a cafe together."
  119. > "I position myself at a table nearby to continue observing."
  120. > "From this distance, I cannot hear their conversation very well."
  121. > "Perhaps I should try a transformation spell and-"
  122. > My writing is interrupted by the sound of someperson clearing their throat.
  123. "What are you having, Miss?"
  124. > I turn to see a human waitress beside my table.
  125. > She seems to have been there for a while.
  126. > I feel myself blush as I put down my notes.
  127. > "Oh, right! Let me see..."
  128. > I take a couple of minutes to scan the menu for something without meat.
  129. > These humans sure enjoy eating meat. Ugh.
  130. > Despite my time here, that fact still makes me uneasy.
  131. > "I'll have the blueberry pancakes and a glass of orange juice."
  132. "Blueberry pancakes and a glass of OJ. Anything else?"
  133. > "That'll be all, thank you."
  134. > The waitress nods and heads to the counter to relay my order.
  135. > I pull out my notes and start watching the other table again.
  136. > "Both the subject and the female have started talking."
  137. > "They seem very comfortable with each other, much like good friends."
  138. > "The female seems especially happy as they converse. Too happy, even."
  139. > "But the subject seems oblivious to her subtle advances."
  140. > "Instead, the subject seems more interested in the food before him."
  141. > "The subject greedily devours several strips of pig bacon and eggs."
  142. > "While anyp0ny would normally cringe at this act of barbarism,"
  143. > "I have come to understand that the consumption of meat is normal here."
  144. > "Much like dragons and griffons, meat is a part of the human diet."
  145. > I pause for a moment and watch as he orders a second plate of pig bacon.
  146. "Here's your order, Miss."
  147. > "Oh, thank you!"
  148. > Come to think of it, he never eats meat back at home.
  149. > Probably because we never serve meat, of course.
  150. > And not once did he mention the lack of meat.
  151. > Was he holding himself back for our sake?
  153. ---
  155. > "Pancakes in this cafe are really good! I take my time and enjoy each bite."
  156. > "The softness and fluffiness of the pancake combined with the sweetness of fresh blueberry is just incredible!"
  157. > "Pinkie Pie was right when she said that humans make great food."
  158. > "I wonder if humans do anything special with their recipes."
  159. > "But I digress! As I write, the subject and the female finish eating."
  160. > "The female excuses herself and heads for the restroom."
  161. > "The subject slouches a bit, looking satisfied."
  162. > "However, that posture doesn't look proper at all."
  163. > "According to my research, humans should stand up straight at the table."
  164. > "I must remember to remind the subject of the proper way for humans to sit."
  165. > I pause in my note-taking to quickly finish my meal.
  166. > After paying the bill, I stay seated and watch as the female returns.
  167. > The two of them soon step out of the cafe together.
  168. > "..."
  169. > Together, huh?
  170. > Seems like they have more plans for today.
  171. > After waiting for a minute, I get up to follow them.
  172. *bump*
  173. > "Oops! Sorry about that."
  174. "Hey, watch it! I'm in a hurry!"
  175. > The male human frowns at me. He looks fairly irritated about something.
  176. > But before I can say anything, he quickly hurries out of the cafe.
  177. > I never could understand why these city humans are always rushing.
  178. > And speaking of rushing, I need to catch up with those two!
  179. > Stay focused, Twilight!
  181. ---
  183. > "One ticket, please."
  184. "..."
  185. > The man at the booth gives me a puzzled look.
  186. > I wait patiently for him to speak.
  187. "Are you sure you only need one?"
  188. > "Yes. Only one ticket, please."
  189. "What a waste. Here you go, Miss."
  190. > "Thank you very much. What do you mean a waste?"
  191. "A cute young girl like you shouldn't be going to the movies alone."
  192. > "Oh, don't be silly! A plain-looking pon-er-person like me?"
  193. > I laugh lightly before trotting off. What a silly idea!
  194. > As if a bookworm like me would ever be considered 'cute'.
  195. > Besides, I don't need to go on dates and things like that.
  196. > I've done more than enough research into the subject, after all.
  197. "Your ticket, Miss?"
  198. > "Here."
  199. > The man by the entrance tears off the stub and waves for me to enter.
  200. > Inside, I am quickly engulfed by the pitch-black darkness of the theater.
  201. > I barely stop myself from casting an illumination spell.
  202. > Instead, I wait for my eyes to adjust to the darkness.
  203. > I wander around for a while until I find the two humans.
  204. > They are sitting beside each other near the center of the theater.
  205. > Very quietly, I sneak by and position myself a couple of seats away.
  206. > This time, I manage to hear part of their conversation.
  207. "I've really been looking forward to this movie," says the girl.
  208. "Same here," says the subject. "I heard that this adaptation is fairly good."
  209. "I haven't read the book yet, so no spoilers, y'hear?"
  210. "Fine. Guess I shouldn't mention that the wizard is really the- OW!"
  211. "It's not nice to tease girls. Be nice."
  212. "Alright, fine! Just stop pinching me! OW! Now what was that for?"
  213. "Because you were thinking of something else while a cute girl is right here beside you."
  214. "I was not! I swear! What would make you think-"
  215. "Hush! The movie is starting!"
  217. ---
  219. > "The subject and the female both turn their attention to the movie as it starts."
  220. > "Both of them say nothing, only opening their mouths to munch on popcorn."
  221. > "I didn't get any popcorn because I thought the sound might expose me."
  222. > "But now, I kinda regret not buying any. Maybe I'll get some afterward."
  223. > After making a quick diagram of the theater, I sit down and relax.
  224. > Might as well enjoy the movie. I'm sure that Princess Celestia would love a report on human cinema.
  225. > After the introduction, I get the gist of the plot.
  226. > I decide to take down notes, for future reference.
  227. > "A number of short but stocky humans called dwarves seek to recover a treasure guarded by a dragon."
  228. > "They are accompanied by a magic-using human called a wizard on this quest."
  229. > "And for some strange reason, a tiny human called a hobbit joins them."
  230. > "The story is fairly interesting, and I notice similarities to the tales and legends of ancient Equestria."
  231. > "The dwarves are strong and tough, like earth ponies."
  232. > "The elves have magic and wisdom, like unicorns."
  233. > "Perhaps all that was missing were humans that could fly, like pegasi."
  234. > "I especially liked the wizard character. He acted like a guardian of sorts."
  235. > "In fact, the wizard should be the leader, not that grumpy dwarf character!"
  236. > "Why won't anyp0ny listen to the wizard? Isn't it clear that he knows what's up?"
  238. ---
  241. > Before I realize it, I find myself engrossed in the film.
  242. > I continue taking down several pages worth of notes.
  243. > Then, a certain scene stops me from writing.
  244. "Why did you come?" asks the dwarf leader.
  245. "I know you doubt me," says the hobbit. "I know you always have, and you're right..."
  246. > The theater falls silent. Only the voice of the tiny human could be heard.
  247. "I miss my books, and my arm chair, and my garden."
  248. > The library. My books. Spike and Owlowiscious. I miss them all.
  249. "See, that's where I belong; that's home,"
  250. > Yes. Ponyville is my home.
  251. "And that's why I came - cause you don't have one.. a home."
  252. > "..."
  253. "It was taken from you, but I will help you take it back if I can."
  254. > I glanced at the two humans seated in front. The subject, in particular.
  255. > To my surprise, he looked confused as tears rolled down his cheeks.
  256. > And equally surprising was that I had begun weeping as well.
  257. > I knew it was impossible, but for a fleeting moment,
  258. > I hoped that he remembered.
  260. ---
  262. > "Huh? It's already over? We didn't even get to see the dragon!"
  263. > "And why did they split the adaptation into three different movies?"
  264. > "This is an outrage! How do humans get away with films like this?"
  265. > "And what is with writers and cliff hangers nowadays? Geez!"
  266. > As I note down more reasons why they should release all three parts at once,
  267. > I hear similar complaints from the girl up front.
  268. "What do you mean it's only the first part!?" cries the female.
  269. "Well," says the subject. "They did mention that they plan to make three movies."
  270. "Those producers just want to cash in on the fans like me!"
  271. "Uh, since when were you a fan?"
  272. "Since today, damn it! I'll definitely post my opinions on the Internet later!"
  273. "Right. That'll sure show them, OW! Quit pinching me!"
  274. "And that's for being a smartass! Hmph!"
  275. > Smartass? But he's a human, not a donkey! I giggle quietly.
  276. > This female needs to review a dictionary. She does not seem very intelligent.
  277. > Unfortunately, the subject isn't that sharp, either.
  278. > Why didn't he just ask us ponies to accompany him today?
  279. > We would definitely make better company that this human female.
  280. "Anyway, let's go for some lunch," says the girl. "I know just the place."
  282. ---
  284. "Eh? We aren't done yet?"
  285. "Of course not! The night is young!"
  286. "It's almost noontime."
  287. "Shut up! Let's just go, alright!"
  288. > I quickly put on my hood as they get up and head to the aisle.
  289. > Neither of them notice my presence. I watch as they make for the exit.
  290. > I wait for a few moments before following. Can't be too careful.
  291. *bump*
  292. "Hey! Watch it lady! Are you blind or something?"
  293. > "Oh! I didn't see you back there!"
  294. > The male human grimaces as he tries to step around me.
  295. "Uh, whatever! Could you just move? I might lose them!"
  296. > "My apologies! If you lost something, maybe I can help?"
  297. > Huh? Didn't I already bump into this person earlier?
  298. "Forget it! Just get out of my way already!"
  299. > Before I can say anything, he shoves me to the side.
  300. > How rude! If I wasn't trying to hide my identity as unicorn, I would-
  301. > UGH! I close my eyes and take a deep breath.
  302. > "Relax, Twilight. You aren't in Ponyville, anymore."
  304. ---
  306. "What are you having, Miss?"
  307. > "I'll have the pasta with pesto sauce and an iced tea, please."
  308. > The human waiter nods and leaves. I quickly pull out my notes.
  309. > "The subject and the female have entered a pizza and pasta restaurant for lunch."
  310. > "Human pasta seems to be made with regular flour, which is a relief."
  311. > "And this restaurant seems to have a number of dishes that have no meat."
  312. > "I have taken note of the address of this establishment for future use."
  313. "Are you sure you can eat all that?"
  314. > The voice of the female catches my attention. I quickly perk my ears to listen.
  315. > "And for the record, this isn't eavesdropping," I note down. "This is for science."
  316. "I think I can manage," says the subject.
  317. "A sausage and pepperoni pizza AND spaghetti and meatballs?" she asks.
  318. "Well, I don't get to eat much meat at home."
  319. "Oh, I see. Nevermind, then."
  320. > The female pauses for a moment before changing the subject.
  321. "How's that new job treating you? I never see you around the university anymore."
  322. "It's fine. Doing something new is a good change of pace."
  323. "Heh, I never saw you as an apartment manager before."
  324. "Neither did I. The university didn't seem to require my services anymore."
  325. "What a shame. But all's well that ends well, right?"
  326. "What do you mean?"
  327. "You seem a lot happier now. Surely, you've noticed?"
  328. "Er, not really."
  329. "Heh. That part of you hasn't changed at all."
  330. > My order arrives. I thank the waiter and start on the pasta.
  331. > It's good! I quickly take another bite as I listen to the two.
  332. > Their orders arrive as well. The subject quickly devours his food.
  333. > The girl laughs as she watches him eat.
  334. "My, my," she says. "Do watch your manners in front of a lady."
  335. > Then, without warning, she says something that makes both of us choke.
  336. "This is a date, after all."
  338. ---
  340. > I quickly cough my pasta into a napkin. Somehow, I manage not to spill any.
  341. > No one notices, as the subject is doing much worse.
  342. > His face is turning blue, and he doesn't look like he can breathe.
  343. > Some of his spaghetti comes out his nose as he chokes.
  344. > I stand up to assist, but before I can do anything,
  345. > The girl giggles a bit and punches him in the stomach.
  346. > A large meatball speeds out of his throat and into the wall.
  347. "T-Thanks," he mutters weakly.
  348. "Anytime," says the female.
  349. > The subject takes a couple of minutes to recover.
  350. > One of the staff comes to clean up the mess.
  351. "Sorry about that," says the girl. "You sure you're okay?"
  352. "Yeah, it's fine. Don't worry about it."
  353. > I watch and listen closely as they finish their meal.
  354. > Neither of them say anything other than mundane small talk.
  355. > They pay for the meal and quickly leave the restaurant.
  356. > I motion at the waiter to bring the bill.
  357. "Er, Miss? Are you sure that you're finished eating."
  358. > I glance at my unfinished food and drink.
  359. > For some reason, I seem to have lost my appetite.
  360. > "Sorry, but I really need to go."
  361. "Alright. Have a good day, Miss."
  362. > After paying for the meal, I quickly follow after the two.
  363. > They head inside a public aquarium a few blocks away.
  364. > I recall reading about this place in magazines.
  365. > This is a popular place for human couples.
  367. ---
  369. > A part of me just wants to gallop back home and be left alone.
  370. > Another part of me wants to trot over and smack him on the face.
  371. > And yet another part of me is saying "Are you crazy!?" to the other two.
  372. > Somehow, I settle on following a short distance behind them.
  373. > I mean, who cares about who he has a relationship with?
  374. > That's none of my business, after all! And besides,
  375. > He's a human, and I'm a pony! It would never work out!
  376. > Wait, a second. What wouldn't work out, exactly?
  377. > Crazy thoughts! Go away, crazy thoughts! Argh!
  378. > I pull out my notes and turn my attention toward the two.
  379. "I just love the aquarium!" says the girl. "This place really calms me down."
  380. "Yeah, I suppose."
  381. "Hey! What's with the lack of energy all of a sudden?"
  382. "Huh? Lack of energy?"
  383. "You should be a lot more excited with having such a cute girl with you!"
  384. > Suddenly, the girl grabs the subject's shoulders and presses herself against him.
  385. > I cannot explain why, but an unexplainable fury builds up inside me.
  386. > Before I can think, I feel magic flowing up my horn.
  387. > "Now you've just..."
  388. "...gone too far!"
  389. > Another male human cries out. Isn't he the same guy I keep bumping into?
  390. > He runs up to the two angrily. The girl lets go of the subject and frowns at the newcomer.
  391. "I thought I told you that it's over between us?" she says.
  392. "But I love you!" says the other male. "I can't even imagine life without-"
  393. "H-Huh? What's going on-" says the subject.
  394. "Oh shut up, both of you."
  395. > With one swift motion, the girl pulls the subject close,
  396. > And gives him a long, deep kiss upon his lips.
  398. ---
  400. > Droplets of water begin to fall from the gray clouds above.
  401. > The humans on the street rush off to find shelter indoors.
  402. > My hoodie offers little protection as the downpour grows stronger.
  403. > But I pay it no head as I make my way back to the apartment building.
  404. *sniff*
  405. > Even with my hood on, I feel tiny streams of fluid drip down my cheeks.
  406. > My chest continues to ache, and the tears haven't stopped.
  407. > This doesn't make any sense. Why do I feel this way?
  408. > I don't understand! Why won't the tears stop?
  409. *sniff*
  410. > And just when I thought things couldn't get any worse.
  411. > I carelessly slip on my hooves and fall painfully on my flank.
  412. > The dirty rainwater seeps through my clothes. Some of it gets into my mouth.
  413. > "Oh Celestia, why!?"
  414. *sniff*
  415. > What am I doing? Why did I even come here?
  416. > A special assignment from the Princess?
  417. > Stop lying to yourself, Twilight!
  418. > You came because you thought this was your chance.
  419. *sniff*
  420. > A chance to start over. A chance to make things right.
  421. > But that was nothing but a foolish filly's dream!
  422. > This is the real world - harsh and cruel!
  423. > And you need to learn, Twilight,
  424. *sniff*
  425. > That there are things even magic can't fix.
  426. > And that you'll be all alone, in the end,
  427. > Just as you deserve to be.
  428. > "Because this is all my fault..."
  430. ---
  432. "Twilight?"
  433. > The rain stops pouring. Or so I thought. I look up slowly.
  434. > A familiar human is holding an umbrella over my head.
  435. "What are you doing here!?"
  436. > "I, uh, slipped."
  437. > He is the last person I want to meet, especially now.
  438. > But before I can argue, he takes off his jacket and drapes it around my back.
  439. "Keep yourself warm. You might get sick from this rain."
  440. > "T-Thank you."
  441. "And hold these for a while."
  442. > He hands me the umbrella and a small package.
  443. > "What's in this thing?"
  444. "Just a little something from today's errand."
  445. > "An errand. W-wait! What are you-"
  446. > He suddenly grabs me and carries me in his arms, princess-style.
  447. "You look like you hurt your leg, so let me carry you home."
  448. > I open my mouth to argue, but I realize that he's right.
  449. > There is a scratch on my leg that stings quite a bit.
  450. > I make a mental note to disinfect it when we get back.
  451. > "Alright, I guess. But don't make a habit of this!"
  452. "Of course not."
  453. > He starts walking back home while I hold up the umbrella.
  454. > A few minutes pass. Only the sound of the rain can be heard.
  455. > This isn't fair! There are so many things I want to ask him,
  456. > Yet, I can't! Not without telling him that I followed them all day!
  457. "..."
  458. > Eventually, fatigue takes over. I yawn and close my eyes.
  459. > I lean my head against his chest and fall asleep listening to his heartbeat.
  461. ---
  463. > After a hot shower, I head to the dining room.
  464. > The girls have a good long talk about their day,
  465. > But the apartment manager stays strangely silent.
  466. > And after dinner, he pulls me aside.
  467. "Here," he says. "This is for you."
  468. > He hands me the small package from earlier.
  469. "Just a little something to say thank you."
  470. > "Thank you? For what?"
  471. "A job, for starters. I was in a real bad situation before we met."
  472. > He turns away and smiles sadly.
  473. "I was seriously depressed back then, and I even considered suicide."
  474. > "Suicide? But that's crazy!"
  475. "Yes, it is. You might have just saved my life at that time."
  476. > Not knowing what else to say, I decide to open the package.
  477. > My eyes widen as I realize what this is.
  478. > "A library card? T-To the university library?"
  479. "That's right. I even had your name registered and everything."
  480. > "H-How did you get this?"
  481. "The university librarian is an old friend of mine."
  482. > "But don't you have to be a student to borrow books?"
  483. "Well, I did promise to do her a big favor today in exchange for it."
  484. > He sighs and plants his palm upon his forehead.
  485. "Can you believe that I had to pretend to be her boyfriend?"
  486. > I force a smile as best as I can.
  487. > "N-Not at all! Who would have imagined, huh?"
  489. ---
  491. "Dear Princess Celestia,"
  492. "Today, I learned that it's easy to misunderstand our friends,"
  493. "Especially because they mean so much to us."
  494. "We feel hurt or betrayed because of the simplest things,"
  495. "But despite that, we should always be ready to listen,"
  496. "Because every friend deserves a second chance."
  497. "Your faithful student,"
  498. "Twilight Sparkle"
  500. > After writing that letter, I decide to strengthen my resolve.
  501. > There are definitely a lot of things in this world that I can't change.
  502. > Even magic has its limits. And on Earth, even more so.
  503. > But that doesn't mean that I should give up.
  504. > That just means I have to study even harder,
  505. > And try my best without any regrets.
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