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Dec 29th, 2016
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  2. "Huuuh" young man burst out a sigh of relief. "All packed" he was talking to himself. Looking through the balcony, the golden sandy beach was glowing under the scorching sun. In a beach front apartment from a Mediterranean little town, a 30-ish young man had everything fit into a luggage, in the middle of a Sunday of August.
  4. He decided to have a walk on the beach while waiting for the transport. "Do I like staying in this place?" He almost asked himself, but in no time he ridiculed himself of even having such thought. Such question should be left to others to ask him, he justified to himself. After all, he had been on different assignments and been through many Sunday like this one. What does staying in a place even mean, he pondered? He found this concept alien. At a spot with least people around, he sit down straight onto the baked sand. The heat was intense, his face twitched subtly and almost embarrassed himself of revealing his discomfort. He slightly moved back and forth his hip, so that it got in contact with cooler sand. He looked around, it seemed no one had noticed.
  6. The wave was quiet, moving back and forth over a hard piece of ancient rock impassionately. The rock is a local attraction. It is almost 10 feet wide, square shaped with round corner and dark surface. There are no visible mound nearby, how exactly this rock came about has been a debate. But it seems of only some archeologists' concern. In this part of the world, it is not uncommon for topless women at the beach. And they love to climb to it and be taken photos of. Soft and tender body rubbing against the solid and rough giant stone, a scene makes young men swallow in their already over-cooked lust of summer days.
  8. This young man though seemed unmoved by these erotic imaginary. He's been gazing into the wave. A small minion is swimming against the tide. "How stupid", he thought, "the mild wave is enough to push this poor little simple creative around however pleases the wave." He found this insight satisfying and comforting, the world seemed logical and orderly to him once again: A simple fish awash to the shore, has 1% chance of surviving, swepted around by waves created by our moon, that is together with our planet circling aroudn the sun. And that rock is almost certainly coming from a piece of space rock orbiting the sun in the utter coldness for millions of years before arriving to this beach. And those busty young ladies...
  10. Young man jumped out of sand, shook them off, rushed to the house, and the limo had been waiting him. Leaving him behind, are people still seeking attentions and minions that are striving for a living.
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