
Serial Killer [Spaghetti]

Apr 9th, 2013
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  1. I wrote this in Pudge’s [spoiler]from DotA 2[/spoiler] voice, so if you can read it in that then you may enjoy it more. Examples: http://www.dota2
  3. >Day serial killer in Equestria.
  4. >It’s a lovely morning.
  5. >The suns shining and the birds are chirping.
  6. >You fuckin’ hate birds.
  7. >Makes you feel like doing some murdering.
  8. >You get up and wander over to your bedroom closet, the ‘trophy case’ as you liked to call it. The innards of your last few victims sitting right where you left them.
  9. >Kinda makes you hungry. Haven’t had any breakfast this morning, so naturally you’re a bit cross.
  10. >But your stomach must wait. Murder first and then you shall be able to feast upon your victim.
  11. >You creep down the stairs and spot your roommate sitting in the usual spot, various breakfast related things spread out on the table.
  12. >You slip your dagger out of your pocket and begin to move forward.
  13. >“Morning Anon.”
  14. >Damn… must’ve heard you. No matter.
  15. “Hey, don’t turn around… I’m naked.”
  16. >“Aight man.”
  17. >Fool.
  18. >You’re almost upon him now. Look at him just sit there, no idea about what’s going to come next.
  19. >Your roommates obnoxiously loud eating covers your steps.
  20. >Taking a deep breath, you charge forward, dagger at the ready.
  21. >You grab [spoiler]the cereal box[/spoiler] and plunge the dagger into its back.
  22. >“Woah! What the fuck man? Again? Seriously?”
  23. >You turn to face your roommate.
  24. “You saw nothing.”
  25. >And with that, you run back upstairs with your latest victim still in your grasp.
  26. >Just another one for the trophy case.
  27. [spoiler]This is what I imagine every time I hear someone mention serial killer.[/spoiler]
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