
I am Two

Oct 29th, 2017
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  1. I never consider the question of why I am me, or why I am not my brother or why am I not my friend. It's obvious. I'm a different mind in a different body, I'm Gregory. But recent experiments with the two-sided nature of my brain, experiments which it bears pointing out were not conducted in a truly scientific manner, have shown me that I am very subtly different from the right brain. The experiments involved trying to get my right brain to communicate with me outside of my mind. The most successful experiment seemed to be drawing the USS Enterprise with my left hand. My brain would attempt to narrate what was happening, and what I might do next, but left hand would do something different instead for the most part.
  3. It's important to note that I consider "me" to be the left brain--the speaking/writing brain.
  5. I now realize the full implications of the fact that I am two brains connected together. I feel as though the part of me that can think words is somehow subtly disconnected from the full extent of my mind. And it seems so arbitrary now that I should be this consciousness and not the other.
  7. I am two, but I will never be you.
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