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a guest
Oct 20th, 2013
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  1. autoboot=run loadkernel && run setargs && true && bootm 0x48000000
  2. baudrate=115200
  3. boot_ram=saved_stdout=$stdout;setenv stdout nc;if iminfo 0x41000000; then true; setenv stdout $saved_stdout; source 0x41000000;else setenv stdout $saved_stdout;fi
  4. bootargs=console=ttyS0,115200 root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 rootwait panic=10
  5. bootcmd=if run loadbootenv; then echo Loaded environment from ${bootenv};env import -t ${scriptaddr} ${filesize};fi;if test -n "${uenvcmd}"; then echo Running uenvcmd ...;run uenvcmd;fi;if run loadbootscr; then echo Jumping to ${bootscr};source ${scriptaddr};fi;run autoboot;
  6. bootdelay=3
  7. bootenv=uEnv.txt
  8. bootscr=boot.scr
  9. console=ttyS0,115200
  10. device=mmc
  11. ethact=emac
  12. kernel=uImage
  13. loadbootenv=fatload $device $partition $scriptaddr ${bootenv} || ext2load $device $partition $scriptaddr boot/${bootenv} || ext2load $device $partition $scriptaddr ${bootenv}
  14. loadbootscr=fatload $device $partition $scriptaddr ${bootscr} || ext2load $device $partition $scriptaddr boot/${bootscr} ||ext2load $device $partition $scriptaddr ${bootscr}
  15. loadkernel=if bootpath=/boot/ && ext2load $device $partition 0x43000000 ${bootpath}script.bin && ext2load $device $partition 0x48000000 ${bootpath}${kernel};then true; elif bootpath=/ && fatload $device $partition 0x43000000 script.bin && fatload $device $partition 0x48000000 ${kernel};then true; elif bootpath=/ && ext2load $device $partition 0x43000000 ${bootpath}script.bin && ext2load $device $partition 0x48000000 ${bootpath}${kernel};then true; else false;fi
  16. loglevel=8
  17. machid=0x10bb
  18. panicarg=panic=10
  19. partition=0:1
  20. scriptaddr=0x44000000
  21. setargs=if test -z \\"$root\\"; then if test \\"$bootpath\\" = "/boot/"; then root="/dev/mmcblk0p1 rootwait"; else root="/dev/mmcblk0p2 rootwait"; fi; fi; setenv bootargs console=${console} root=${root} loglevel=${loglevel} ${panicarg} ${extraargs}
  22. stderr=serial
  23. stdin=serial
  24. stdout=serial
  26. Environment size: 1927/131068 bytes
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