
Another Time

Apr 24th, 2012
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  1. >Rainbow heads off after a chuckle.
  2. >She assumes the symbolism of your words, thinking you were just at the memorial again.
  3. >It’s getting to be morning anyways and you need to head....
  4. >That wheezing sound.... That blue box again.
  5. >He said he wanted to see you again, but so soon?
  6. >The familiar p0ny pokes his head out the door.
  7. >You cross your arms, “Miss me already Doc?”
  8. >He waves his head, making his mane bounce as he rolls his eyes. “Yes yes, not my idea... She wants to do something for you.” He smirks and wiggles his eyebrow, “What you say?”
  9. >Oh man, you want to... “I should really get breakfast ready.”
  10. >He smacks the side of the box. “Time machine, DUH! I can get you right back here no longer than a second from now.”
  11. >You unconsciously take a step forwards. “Really?”
  12. >”Really really.”
  13. >Another step. “And Pinkie really wants to do something for me?”
  14. >”REALLY really.”
  15. >You’re inside as The Doctor closes the door shut. “Ok then, where to?”
  16. >Pinkie pops out of nowhere, “THE FUTURE!”
  18. >The Doctor pulls some of the leftover confetti and streamers from the console. “Yes, brilliant idea for a fellow like you.”
  19. >Pinkie’s beaming at you.
  20. >The Doctor throws a lever, “Hold on to something for a moment.” The room lurches like it did the first time you met. “Want to tell him Miss Pie?”
  21. >Her eyes spring wide as her smile and she bounces circles around you. “I thought, ‘he’s so sad, what would make him happy?’ Then I thought ‘What does he love most?’ Then it hit me! ‘His family!’ So I told The Doctor that you should see how you affected their lives!”
  22. >The Doctor looks up from his console, He doesn’t seem too pleased. “I don’t normally DO this, but she was rather persistent.
  23. >Pinkie pulls you down and whispers into your ear, “I said ‘please’.”
  24. >You chuckle and pat her on the head. “You’re not going to make me press any buttons again are you?” You ask.
  25. >He doesn’t look up as he works. “No, I believe I can handle button pressing duty this time.” He finally glances up and stares directly at you. “We are NOT leaving the TARDIS, do you understand? We are only going to observe.... Got it?”
  26. >You give a salute and wink at Pinkie before thanking her for her thoughtless act.
  28. >The TARDIS ‘lands’ or whatever it does.
  29. >After a few more buttons and levers, The Doctor runs to the door and sticks his head out.
  30. >”I thought you said we weren’t going out?” You ask, making room for him.
  31. >After a brief moment, he closes the door and runs back to the console. “We’re not, just wanted to see if we were in the right spot.... And.... Here we are.” He motions for you to come to a monitor he pulled down. “P0nyville... about 30 or so years ahead of your relative timeline.”
  32. >It looks mostly the same.
  33. >Most of the buildings you recognize, some new.
  34. >The image pans around and zooms to one of the newer buildings. “You see that?” He asks.
  35. >You just nod.
  36. >”That,” He says with an arrogant tone that fits him all too well. “Is the Pinkie Pie Memorial Orphanage.”
  37. >Pinkie shoves The Doctor out of the way to see and ‘Ooo Ooo's’ at it.
  38. >He picks himself off the ground and brushes himself off. “Quite... I’ll give you a guess who it’s run by.”
  39. >You smile.
  40. >Pinkie jumps in the air. “OH! Is it Scootaloo?!?!”
  41. >He pats you on the back. “Indeed. If it wasn’t for you, she wouldn’t have been around to work at the hospital and without the hospital, no orphanage.... Proud yet ‘Dad’?”
  42. >You look over to him. “I always have been.”
  43. >He smiles, “Atta boy!” He turns and starts heading down a flight of stairs. “Feel free to look around, but NO. GOING. OUT.”
  44. >You agree and he heads off.
  45. >The image pans and zooms. You catch sight of p0nies you remember, all older, but still familiar.
  46. >Something catches your eye though.
  47. >A young filly.
  48. >Alone and crying....
  49. >You head for the door.
  50. >”Hey,” Pinkie hisses to you. “He said not to leave.”
  51. >You shrug. “I know.... But look at her.”
  52. >Pinkie nods and smiles. “You’re such a DAD.”
  54. >You look around to see if the coast is clear.
  55. >Last thing you want is for an old friend to recognize you and blow up the world.
  56. >Wait, is that what’ll happen?
  57. >Your guess is as good as mine brain.
  58. >Maybe we shouldn’t.....
  59. >But she’s crying brain.
  60. >You take a seat on the ground next to her. She’s so wrapped up in her issues, she doesn’t notice you.
  61. >”What’s wrong?” You ask softly.
  62. >She’s surprised... but not because of your appearance.
  63. >She sniffles and wipes her nose. “My mommy’s not going to love me anymore soon...”
  64. >You instictivly pat her back, “What makes you think that? I’m sure she loves you very much.”
  65. >She shakes her head. “It’s because I’m adopted is why... Mommy and daddy are having a real kid... they won’t want me anymore because I’m not theirs.”
  66. >That’s when you notice her wings... or rather, wing. Must have come from your girls orphanage.
  67. >She looks you over again. “Can I ask you something?”
  68. >You nod.
  69. >”Do you know grandpa? You look like him.”
  70. >Your heart stops, but you’re smiling so damn hard.
  72. >You clear your throat. “He knew me... A long time ago. Is he doing ok?” You ask probably breaking every temporal law ever.
  73. >She nods vigorously. “He’s the best! Mommy says he’s a hero and I believe it!”
  74. >You chuckle. “Well let me ask you... Your mommy doesn’t look like grandpa right?”
  75. >She shakes her head. “No she doesn’t... she looks like me...”
  76. >”And does your grandpa love your mommy?”
  77. >Another nod. “Yeah!”
  78. >You pat her back again. “Then there you go. I’m SURE he taught your mom better.” You lean in and whisper for no reason. “Besides, if you tell your grandpa what’s wrong, I’m sure he’ll give your mommy a talking to as if she was a young filly.” Then a playful nudge. “That’ll teach her.”
  79. >She laughs... Your granddaughter.
  80. >”But you won’t need to,” You assure her. “I KNOW she’ll love you no matter what.”
  81. >She nods. “I know... I guess I just wanted to hear it... Thanks mister.”
  82. >You ruffle her mane. “Give your grandpa a hug for me ok?
  83. >She smiles and hurries off as you go back to the TARDIS.
  84. >As you open the door, you’re met by a very unhappy Doctor.
  85. >”ONE thing, I told you to do ONE LITTLE thing!” He shouts as he runs around his console. “So tell me... TELL ME WHAT was SO important? WHAT information did you get that you were willing to make me so MAD!” He shouts, getting right in your face.
  86. >Laughing and crying at the same time is an interesting feeling.
  87. >Doesn’t matter to you how mad he’s gotten, you’re so damn happy.
  88. >”I... I’m going to be a grandpa.” You say between joyful sobs.
  89. >The Doctor glares at you for a moment before shrugging. “Apology accepted.”
  91. >He’s too busy messing with his gizmo.
  92. >You talk with Pinkie.
  93. >Somehow this thing has infinite cupcakes. Something about a specially made ‘cupcake room’
  94. >There’s an oddly familiar ringing sound. The Doctor turns to you. “Can you get that please? It’s just my phone.”
  95. >You randomly point to buttons until he nods, a phone extends on a rod out of the console.... at p0ny height.
  96. >You feel like an idiot as you bend over to talk into it. “Um.... Hello?”
  97. >”Oh... Is The Doctor around?” A familiar voice says on the other line.
  98. >Very familiar... “Princess Luna?” You ask as The Doctor pushes you out of the way.
  99. >”Princess! Always a pleasure..... Yes.... OH! That’s fantastic..... My my YES I would LOVE to go..... Yes, that was your pet human.... Oh please, it was only a..... Fine fine. Very protective, so sweet..... I can bring him too.... See you later, hugs and kisses.”
  100. >He goes back to his manic, almost nonsensical flailings at the console.
  101. >You look to Pinkie. “Um.... Doctor?”
  102. >He glances up, “Hmmm?”
  103. >You wait a moment, hoping he’ll get the point... No luck with that. “Where am I being taken?”
  104. >He smiles and throws a switch. “A royal wedding of course!”
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