
SpiderAnon: Nightmare Night

Oct 31st, 2015
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  1. >It was once again Nightmare Night in Ponyville.
  2. >The town was expertly decorated to give all the little colts and fillies a good scare.
  3. >Everyone was in their best costumes for the season.
  4. >Including the Cutie Mark Crusaders who were blithely scooting around the nearby park on the hunt for more candy to fill their gullets.
  5. >Ah, to be young and stu-
  6. >Suddenly a rock
  7. >The abrupt collision sends the scooter and the girls flying through the air.
  8. >Something little Scootaloo enjoyed for all of five seconds.
  9. >Anticipating the inevitable crash, the flightless Pegasus screwed her eyes shut.
  10. >Though instead of the hard ground she expected, she lands on something that slightly yields to her weight before bouncing back.
  11. >It takes her a few seconds to realize the painful tumble was not coming.
  12. >Cautiously, she opens her eyes to a world that was upside down.
  13. >"Above her" she can see her friends coming to their hooves, costumes askew but unharmed.
  14. >The disappearance of their friend soon sends them into a slight panic.
  15. >"Up here!"
  16. >They immediately look above them, moving back to get a better look.
  17. >"Scootaloo! Are you okay?"
  18. >"I guess so..." She mumbles, finally inspecting her own condition.
  19. >First she can see is that her prized scooter was caught in the same situation as her.
  20. >She was caught in what looked like one of the giant webs that covered all the trees during the holiday.
  21. >She tries to tug at her limbs free but the surface refused to yield to her filly strength.
  22. >She makes a face in frustration.
  23. >"What is this stuff made of?"
  24. >Sweetie curiously eyes it, comparing to the several other strands that decorated the park.
  25. >"It almost looks real."
  26. "That's because it issss."
  27. >All three fillies become frozen at the sound of your hiss.
  28. >From the canopy of the tree, a row red eyes shone in the darkness.
  29. >You emerge from the tree and crawl onto your web, revealing your giant, arachnid form.
  30. >The filly's struggles had alerted you to her presence a while ago.
  31. >Your terrifying visage has the expected effect of shocking the three ponies.
  32. >The filly's efforts redouble as you crawl toward her.
  33. >"Guys, help!"
  34. >Applebloom rushes over to a rock and lodges it at you.
  35. >"Stay away from her!"
  36. >You soon come under fire with rocks and sticks from the earth pony but the missiles either fall too short or harmlessly deflect on your tough exoskeleton.
  37. >The alabaster unicorn tries to free her friend with a spurt of her magic but her lack in skill deems it fruitless.
  38. >Eventually, you reach the pegasus and break the magical grip on her, rolling her into a stream of your webbing.
  39. >You continue this until your body is encased in a cocoon, leaving her head and neck free.
  40. >Baring your fangs, you allow some venom to drip from them and lean toward her.
  41. >"Wait!"
  42. >The objection causes you to finally stop.
  43. >Confident that your prey isn't going anywhere, you lean away to eye the earth filly.
  44. "...why?"
  45. >The filly's eyes grow wet with tears.
  46. >"She's our friend! You can't eat her!"
  47. >You motion your primaries into what you hope is an imitation of a shrug.
  48. "That's of little consequence to me. Your little friend wandered into my web and I'm quite famished."
  49. >With that, you lean back into biting position.
  50. >"Stop!"
  51. >This time you don't cease your advance, dripping fangs lightly gliding over her taut skin.
  52. >Sweetie Belle finally speaks up in desperation.
  53. >"W-what if we bring you something else to eat?!"
  54. >The venom misses its target as you reel back from your target.
  55. >You consider the offer for a few seconds before placing the cocoon next to you.
  56. "Alright, I accept."
  57. >The three fillies sigh in relief.
  58. "But, it better be good."
  59. >You flex your fangs in meaning.
  60. >They collectively gulp down their relief.
  61. >The yellow filly nudges the other into movement before calling back.
  62. >"Scootaloo, don't worry! We'll be back as soon as possible!"
  63. "Don't tell anyone or she's dinner~!" You shout at their backs.
  64. >You continue to watch until they leave the park and enter the town proper.
  65. >....That went well you think.
  66. >You weren't sure if you should go for it.
  67. >But you've been dying to pull off a ruse of your own.
  68. >And Rainbow Dash said confidence was essential for a good-
  69. >You're suddenly pulled out of your thoughts by a quiet sob.
  70. >A quick scan of the trapped filly's eyes reveals fresh tears on her cheeks.
  71. "...Are you crying?"
  72. >The filly flinches, glaring back at you.
  73. >"No!"
  74. >She turns away, hiding the tears she can't wipe away.
  75. >"Stupid spider..." She mumbles, sniffling.
  76. >...
  77. >Did you go too far?
  78. >Pinkie and Rainbow did not cover what to do in this situation.
  79. >You didn't want to go overboard.
  80. >Unsure, you just stare at the filly before tapping her with a leg.
  81. "Hey."
  82. >Scootaloo doesn't respond, only turning around enough to look at you.
  83. "It was a prank."
  84. >She squints at you in confusion.
  85. >"W-what?"
  86. "It was a prank. I'm not going to eat you."
  87. >Your gaze shifts to the horizon.
  88. "I was just going to give you a little scare but since your friend offered a snack, I went along with it. Once they return, I'll release you."
  89. >Her being in on it shouldn't hurt your prank and should calm her down.
  90. >A mixture of anger and confusion flits across her face.
  91. >"A prank? You almost scared the buck outta me!"
  92. >You stare back at the filly pegasus.
  93. >The intensity of your unblinking eyes make her flinch back into submission.
  94. >Finally, you deign to explain yourself.
  95. "I was bored."
  96. >She looks you in the face, more confused than ever.
  97. >"Bored?"
  98. "I do not have many things to entertain myself, except eating. Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash told me pranks were a good waste of time."
  99. >At the mention of Dash, the filly's face lights up.
  100. >"You know Rainbow Dash?!"
  101. "Yes. We are what she calls, /bros/."
  102. >"Wow, Rainbow Dash never calls anypony her bro. You must be one her best friends!"
  103. >Yes, she has said that.
  104. >You feel the mood rise so you decide to take advantage of it.
  105. "Perhaps we should start over. Hello my name is Anonymous, Anon for short."
  106. >"I'm Scootaloo."
  107. >She tries to reach out her hoof but the cocoon blocks her attempt.
  108. "Ah, do you want me to let you out of that? You don't have to stay in if you want."
  109. >It might ruin any chance for your prank but that's not important.
  110. >"...Nah, it's actually kinda comfy in here! Besides, now that I know it's a prank, I want to finish it."
  111. >How wonderful, another lover of the ruse arts.
  112. >She looks toward the park and town, draped in the atmosphere of the holiday.
  113. >You return to gazing at nothing in particular, waiting for their return.
  114. >Unknowingly, she returns her gaze to you, thinking silently.
  115. >"So, uh...Anon?"
  116. "Yes?"
  117. >"Where ya from? Rainbow Dash never mentioned having a giant spider for a friend. And I've never seen anything like you before."
  118. "Hmm, that's a long story."
  119. >When a quick glance failed to produce her friends' return, you make a decision.
  120. "Though, I guess we have time."
  121. >You settle into your web, making your self comfortable before launching into your tale.
  122. >First of all, you are not from this world.
  123. >Your world was similar in some ways, just not so...colorful.
  124. >One day, an upstart mage had invaded your cave, hands alight with power.
  125. >He was probably looking to kill you for a spell ingredient or maybe even a bounty.
  126. >You had feasted on many a livestock after all.
  127. >Whether it was a mistake or his plan, the next thing you knew you were transported here in what you would later learn was the Everfree Forest.
  128. >For weeks, you were constantly in danger from the other creatures that lived there.
  129. >You weren't built to combat such ferocious adversaries and your webs did not last long enough to feed you sufficiently.
  130. >Death seemed inevitable.
  131. >That is, until you ran into Rainbow Dash and her friends.
  132. >At that point, you were so desperate that you had abandoned caution and decided to catch one of them.
  133. >Compared to the other beasts you had encountered, they looked harmless.
  134. >Your time came when Dash had become separated from the others.
  135. >As she was flying close to the canopy, you quickly snagged her with a net of your webbing, wrapped her in a cocoon and pumped her full of venom.
  136. >The effect was...interesting and unexpected.
  137. >Instead of being paralyzing, she just seemed to squirm and moan as the cocoon became inexplicably drenched in some strange fluid.
  138. >You keep that part to yourself.
  139. >Anyway, the sight was so bizarre that it distracted you long enough for the others to catch up.
  140. >It became obvious that you had underestimated the ponies when you found yourself suddenly on the ground with a burn mark on your thorax.
  141. >They would have continued their assault if it wasn't for Fluttershy's sympathy for your situation.
  142. >Since Dash was relatively unharmed, you were allowed to follow them out the forest to safety under the condition you don't try to eat ponies again.
  143. >Fluttershy then led you to some nearby caves that could house you.
  144. >The more gentle and abundant environment helped nourish you back to your prime.
  145. >You continued the life you had been whisked away from: eating, staring at nothing for hours, and thinking.
  146. >Several times you found your thoughts coming back on those ponies
  147. >You were sure you would never see them again.
  148. >That is until Rainbow Dash all of ponies came to see you.
  149. >She expressed interest in trying out again.
  150. >You didn't get it but you didn't refuse.
  151. >She made you curious enough to oblige.
  152. >She would visit several times after that.
  153. >One day, after having her "fix", she did not leave immediately.
  154. >She started to ask about yourself to which you reciprocated by asking about her.
  155. >Something you still slightly regret.
  156. >The pegasus visits became longer and longer.
  157. >You started to anticipate the pegasus' visits.
  158. >She still asked for your product, but it was no longer the focal point of your relationship.
  159. >Eventually you two became close enough to be friends, and even "bros".
  160. >She also called you her candy bug, but you still don't get that one.
  161. >It was only weeks later that another pony came to visit you.
  162. >Apparently Rainbow had let out what you could offer and some ponies were curious enough to risk coming to you.
  163. >You were hesitant at first.
  164. >Honestly, things that weren't either food or danger being near you still unsettled you.
  165. >But you capitulated when they offered you some baked goods in exchange, something you were curious to try after a passing comment by Rainbow.
  166. >It tasted completely different from liquefied innards, but not unpleasant.
  167. >From there, the word got more and more around and you were being visited almost everyday by ponies baring gifts.
  168. >In time, they became comfortable enough where you could venture closer to Ponyville without raising the alarm, which allowed you to hang out with Rainbow closer to home.
  169. >Though the rest of her friends were slow to come around, Pinkie took to you fast.
  170. >Especially after a taste.
  171. >You had set additional webs in the surrounding area to supplement your diet.
  172. >You were actually here checking this web for food when the three fillies came crashing into it.
  173. >Now that you think about it...
  174. "Actually, I'm surprised you children have not heard of me. Did none of the adults mention about me?"
  175. >Scootaloo shook her head in negative.
  176. >"I think we would have remembered about being told about a giant spider hanging around Ponyville. Though, Miss Cheerilee has been acting weird since we started learning about bugs...
  177. "How odd."
  178. >Cheerilee visited you just last week.
  179. >You two settle back into a comfortable silence.
  180. >You're not used to talking for so long, but you don't regret it.
  181. >Rainbow had awaken in you a desire for companionship that didn't end with you being eaten.
  182. >A sudden glint makes you notice the other passenger on your web.
  183. >You extend a leg to slightly nudge the contraption.
  184. >The complex analysis tells you it is not food.
  185. "What's this?"
  186. >"Huh?" Scootaloo cranes her neck to get a good look at what you're touching.
  187. >"Oh! That's my scooter. I use it to get around and pull sick tricks!" She proclaims, swelling with pride.
  188. >You stare at her in confusion.
  189. "Aren't you a pegasus? Wouldn't flying be quicker?"
  190. >The cocoon is concealing her body now, but you do remember seeing wings.
  191. >You get the feeling you've said something wrong when the smile from her face disappears.
  192. >She looks away from you with a bitter expression and mumbles something.
  193. >You lean closer to hear better.
  194. "What was that?"
  195. >"I can't fly, okay?!"
  196. >The outburst makes you flinch for once.
  197. >She continues on in a more subdued tone.
  198. >"I've never been able to stay off the ground for long. I've been trying to for years but my wings are just too small. I don't know if they'll ever grow..."
  199. "I'm sorry, Scootaloo. I didn't know."
  200. >The cocoon bends as she slouches within it.
  201. >"Yeah, I know..."
  202. >Crap.
  203. >You've ruined the mood.
  204. >Your mind races to come with a solution.
  205. "Uh...hey, watch this!"
  206. >You collect a wad of webbing between your primary legs and begin to form it.
  207. >Scootaloo eventually looks up to see what you're doing, sniffing.
  208. >In a matter of minutes, you finish your little project.
  209. >Stretching it out, you let it the rectangular-shaped web catch the moonlight to reveal its details to her.
  210. >A gasp rips from the filly's throat.
  211. >The strands wove into patterns that showed a simple depiction of Scootaloo on a scooter framed with stars.
  212. >This was a trick you had picked up from Rarity when she had suggested different applications of your webbing.
  213. >You were always good with intricate patterns.
  214. >It was always just in how to use them to trap unsuspecting prey.
  215. >"Oh wow!"
  216. "You like it?"
  217. >"Yeah, it's so cool!"
  218. "Well then, you can keep it if you want."
  219. >"Really? Thanks!"
  220. >You scamper over to a nearby tree and carefully lay it on the bark.
  221. "Just bring back some paper to put it on. Maybe put some glitter on. Pinkie Pie always say everything is better with glitter."
  222. >Scootaloo just nods, still digesting the little artwork.
  223. >She soon adopts a thoughtful frown.
  224. >"Is this what you sell?"
  225. "Excuse me?"
  226. >"Your web art. You said Rainbow Dash was your best customer."
  227. "Oh, no. That's just a hobby of mine. It's my venom ponies come to me for."
  228. >You let a drop of venom drip from your fang to illustrate.
  229. >Scootaloo's face scrunches in disgust.
  230. >"Gross! Why would anypony want that for?"
  231. >You attempt a shrug again.
  232. "Apparently it makes you ponies feel good."
  233. >She curiously stares at your fangs, incredulous.
  234. >"Really?"
  235. "If their reactions are anything to go by, yes. Personally, I don't get it."
  236. >"And Rainbow Dash does it all the time?"
  237. "She's practically addicted to it."
  238. >She stays quiet for awhile before gently breaking the quiet.
  239. >"...Can I try it?"
  240. >You consider the the little filly.
  241. >Part of you thinks this might be a bad idea.
  242. >But you also didn't want to disappoint a new friend.
  243. "Sure, why not?"
  244. >What's the worse that could happen?
  245. >"I don't have bits on me right now though..."
  246. "That's alright. I don't charge my friends."
  247. >Except Rainbow Dash.
  248. >She would drain you dry otherwise.
  249. >"Thanks! So uh, what do I...?
  250. "Just lean your head to the side."
  251. >"Okay..."
  252. >You lean closer to her now exposed neck.
  253. "It'll just be a little pinch."
  254. >She nods and screws her eyes shut.
  255. >You bare your fangs and quickly sink them into her flesh.
  256. >The filly lets out a loud gasp, more from surprise than pain.
  257. >Venom injected, you retract your fangs and lean away to study the filly.
  258. >Feeling your absence, her eyes flutter open.
  259. " do you feel Scootaloo? The venom works quick so you should feel something."
  260. >Scootaloo gazes down at her cocooned body.
  261. >"Um, I don't-whoa!"
  262. >She jerks as a shiver spreads down her spine.
  263. >The shock causes her to tuck in her head out of your sight.
  264. >The web begins to shake as she trembles in her prison.
  265. >Worried, you reach out for the filly with a primary.
  266. "Hey, you alright?"
  267. >Before you can touch her, her head pops with tears in her eyes
  268. >Face beet red, she has a strained smile on her face.
  269. >She lets out air in snorts as she tries to hold back the dam.
  270. >Eventually though, she releases the air in her lungs and breaks down into a full blown laughing riot.
  271. >Her wails are so loud that they echo through the park, spooking distant ponies and critters.
  272. >The convulsions become worse and rock the cocoon and the web violently.
  273. >Throughout it all, you just stare at the filly with disbelief.
  274. >You sidle up to Scootaloo, making sure to reduce any additional shaking that could dislodge her.
  275. "Scootaloo, what are you feeling?"
  276. >" tickles!" She manages before falling back into hysterics.
  277. >Tickles?
  278. >You're pretty sure that's not what the others felt.
  279. >And the cocoon is usually drenched by now...
  280. "Where does it tickle?"
  281. >"Everywhere!"
  282. >Nope.
  283. >Definitely not the usual unusual effect.
  284. >Seems fillies were affected by the venom in a different way.
  285. >Or something.
  286. >You don't pretend to understand how mammals work, much less ponies.
  287. >Ponies are weird.
  288. >Scootalo seemed to have calmed down, only giggling occasionally now.
  289. >The effect was also shorter apparently.
  290. "Hey little one, are you feeling better now?"
  291. >She looks up at you, panting and still slightly jittery.
  292. >"Hehe yeah, no problem!"
  293. >Relieved, you relax back into your web.
  294. "Didn't hurt did it?"
  295. >"Nah, but that was intense! No wonder Rainbow Dash does it all the time."
  296. >A nearby bush becomes interesting all of a sudden.
  297. "...Yes of course, that's why she does it."
  298. >You have a feeling this is something you'll have to explain to Dash later.
  299. >Scootaloo giggles to herself before looking up at you, eyes widened in excitement.
  300. >"Hey! You said that you like pranks right? Well then I have a way to make this one way cooler!"
  301. >All of your eyes gleam with interest.
  302. >You lean closer to the filly.
  303. "I do! What did you have in mind?"
  304. >The filly smirks at you before divulging her idea.
  306. ----
  308. >"Keep it steady, Sweetie!"
  309. >"I'm trying, but you're going too fast!"
  310. >"If we don't hurry that darn spider is going to eat Scootaloo!"
  311. >Sweetie promptly increased her speed, readjusting the cake hoisted between the two.
  312. >That matter settled, Applebloom returned to her worries.
  313. >The butterfly-shaped cake was not their first choice.
  314. >The thought of giving that monster a little critter to eat made both of them green in the face.
  315. >But bugs did not gain the same sympathy.
  316. >For half a hour, the two tried to catch as many as they could.
  317. >The results were miserable.
  318. >Only a few ants, flies, and a cricket or two.
  319. >There was a reason they failed to get a bug-catching cutie mark.
  320. >Seeing their meager catch and time wasted, Applebloom decided on a different route.
  321. >A quick search of the town revealed the local party pony enjoying the festivities.
  322. >Before they could explain, Pinkie had whipped out the confection from her mane.
  323. >She said her Pinkie Sense told her someone was in need of an emergency cake.
  324. >Far too used to her weird ways, the two accepted it without a second thought.
  325. >They emptied their jar of bugs and dirt onto the cake.
  326. >Luckily the bugs didn't want to leave the sugary treat to escape their fate.
  327. >She has no idea if the spider even liked cake.
  328. >But, it's cake!
  329. >Who doesn't like cake, right?
  330. >Right?!
  331. >A shiver goes down Applebloom's spine as a fly lands on her neck.
  332. >Gritting her teeth, she tries to ignore it.
  333. >The park soon comes into view.
  334. >A lump rises in her throat at the thought of facing that thing again.
  335. >But she swallows it down.
  336. >"For Scootaloo!"
  337. >"For Scootaloo!" Sweetie echoes.
  338. >It doesn't take long to get the area of their encounter.
  339. >The two screech to a halt before the gigantic web.
  340. >The web that was currently empty.
  341. >"Maybe we're at the wrong web?" Sweetie nervously whispered.
  342. >"No, that's Scootaloo's scooter over there. They should be here..."
  343. >Suddenly the canopy above starts to rustle, snatching the fillies attention.
  344. >Something plummets from it and lands on the ground before them with a wet sound.
  345. >Applebloom takes a step back before peering closer.
  346. >Her eyes beam when she recognizes the cocoon with a mop of cerise hair
  347. >"Scootaloo, you're alright! Where did that...spider...go?" Applebloom stammered as she got better look.
  348. >The fall had forced out the contents of the cocoon, which were now oozing out of it.
  349. >The free-floating clump of hair was submerged in a green goop that bubbled ominously.
  350. >"S-scootaloo?"
  351. >A large burp comes from behind the nearby tree.
  352. >You come into the light, rubbing your stomach contentedly.
  353. "Ah, that was a good meal."
  354. >Your eyes widen as you see the girls.
  355. "Oh, so you're back! Sorry, but it looks like you were too late." You wipe a few wisps of hair from your fangs.
  356. >The sight causes them to take a step back in horror.
  357. >You leer at the two morsels before.
  358. "Though, I could go for seconds..." Your fangs click together and hiss excitedly
  359. >Unable to take anymore, the fillies flee away from you, screaming at the top of their lungs.
  360. >Cake abandoned, it ends up smashed into the ground.
  361. >You stay where you are, just watching them run as quick as possible into town.
  362. >Laughter begins to stream from the canopy above you.
  363. >"Oh, that was great!"
  364. >Using her wings to hover safely onto your back, the now free Scootaloo watched the retreat of her friends with you.
  365. >Her mane and tails were lightly trimmed for the prank.
  366. >"I knew we could pull it off."
  367. "Yes, you have quite the scheming mind for this."
  368. >Scootaloo puffed out her chest.
  369. >"I learned from the best!"
  370. >You nod in agreement.
  371. >Hmm.
  372. >You're still not sure if that was too much.
  373. >A glance up at the grinning filly on top of you causes your face to tug into a smile.
  374. >Well, she's enjoying herself so it should be alright.
  375. >The cake on the ground before you attracts your attention.
  376. >Your multitude of eyes hone in on the various bugs crawling over it.
  377. >...
  378. >You look back at the giggling filly.
  379. "You going to eat that?"
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