
I get dropped in College Web Design

Sep 30th, 2014
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  1. TODAY: 9/30/14 @ approximately 8:20PM (20:20),
  2. My Web Design Teacher FAILED me, told me not to come back to his class for raising my hand (he acknowledges and allows me to speak) and saying "Syntax is useful aside from notepad, just thought it would be helpful".
  4. So here's the scoop on what happened:
  6. After raising my hand and getting called on to speak during class, I stated syntax is useful in regards to notepad for HTML. The teacher tells me to stay after class just as I was about to walk out. So i sit like he asks me too, and feeling a little intimidated and nervous by his mean-like stare at me. Confused I asked "Is everything alright?", he doesn't reply and waits for everyone to leave the classroom.
  8. Everyone leaves and he asks in a very rude tone "What's your problem". I said confused "Sir, what's going on?". He repeats himself again, and before i can ask again, he interrupts and asks "How old are you?". I said "I don't understand sir what's the problem" -before i could finish he repeated multiple times "How old are you" and "Are you in High School?" and i didn't reply. This went on for a good minute. I finally said "Sir it's irrelevant, and don't want to answer your question, what is the problem". Then he says, in a more mean and beaming manner "Answer my question". I didn't reply, and he repeated a few more times telling me to answer his question.
  10. I finally said again, "No sir". He got angry, slapped the computer screen aside and said "You think your smarter don't you? Think you know more than me.". I said "No", baffled and confused and continued to listen to him raise his voice towards me and said "You try to belittle me and interrupt my class everyday!". I replied "No sir, I'm engaging in conversation, and raising my hand, that's what your supposed to do in College.". "NO!" he yelled, then saying "You failed my class. Don't come next week, your not in my class anymore". I replied "What are you talking about sir?". He replied "Your done. You failed my class". I said "For what?". He replied hastily "Because you failed. You got 0's on everything".
  12. Upset, i felt the need to backlash but held it in. I said "Sir, please lets just talk this over". He replied "Their is nothing to talk about. Get the hell out of my class". I repeated to have him get more upset and tell me to leave once more. I said "Sir I'm trying to be mature and talk about this", while he interrupted me telling me "Your failed, get out my class. I said "No. Stop being immature and lets sit down like adults and talk this out". He immaturely said "haha, yea okay.".
  14. I then said "Dude what the fuck is your problem.". His reply was "Excuse me, what did you just say?". I replied "You swore already", while he denied ever saying that I continued "I said what's your damn problem dude. He then mocks me saying "Dooooode. Duuuude. Don't bother coming back next week, your not in my class." I said "I'm gonna be here next week, and I'm gonna have someone with me. "Oh really?" he replied smurking, "Who you gonna bring? Your MOM?". I replied "Yea, I'm going to bring my mommy and daddy. Nah, I'm bringing someone else homie." as i walked towards the door. "Whose that gonna be?" he said concerned. "You'll see." as i walked out the door.
  16. So yea, that's what happened. I had my Web Design Teacher verbally attack me and make me feel intimidated and small. His actions were erratical about nothing significant and could have resolved the situation and his differently by sitting down and talking with me first in a professional manner. Also, he can't fail me over something so asinine, especially without talking to me about such an issue first. I paid to be in that class, did every assignment up to this point and have 100% in the class (yet he has not put any grades in on the college website); therefore, i feel I may have no proof. (fellow students maybe can vouch).
  18. BaSs_HaXoR gets FAILED in Web Design for giving tips or answering questions when asked everyday during Web Design.
  19. BaSs_HaXoR Fails Web Design.
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