Guest User


a guest
Aug 31st, 2012
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  1. default: default
  2. groups:
  3. admin:
  4. permissions:
  5. - bPermissions.*
  6. - bukkit.broadcast
  7. - bukkit.broadcast.admin
  8. - bukkit.command
  9. - bukkit.command.defaultgamemode
  10. - bukkit.command.gamemode
  11. - bukkit.command.give
  12. -
  13. - bukkit.command.kill
  14. - bukkit.command.list
  15. -
  16. - bukkit.command.op
  17. - bukkit.command.op.give
  18. - bukkit.command.op.take
  19. - bukkit.command.plugins
  20. - bukkit.command.reload
  21. -
  22. -
  23. -
  24. -
  25. - bukkit.command.say
  26. - bukkit.command.seed
  27. - bukkit.command.stop
  28. - bukkit.command.teleport
  29. - bukkit.command.tell
  30. - bukkit.command.time
  31. - bukkit.command.time.add
  32. - bukkit.command.time.set
  33. - bukkit.command.toggledownfall
  34. - bukkit.command.unban
  35. - bukkit.command.unban.ip
  36. - bukkit.command.unban.player
  37. - bukkit.command.version
  38. - bukkit.command.whitelist
  39. - bukkit.command.whitelist.add
  40. - bukkit.command.whitelist.disable
  41. - bukkit.command.whitelist.enable
  42. - bukkit.command.whitelist.list
  43. - bukkit.command.whitelist.reload
  44. - bukkit.command.whitelist.remove
  45. - bukkit.command.xp
  46. - buttonpromote.*
  47. - buttonpromote.create
  48. - buttonpromote.remove
  49. - buttonpromote.use
  50. - craftbukkit
  51. - essentials.*
  52. - group.admin
  53. - lockette.*
  54. - lockette.admin.*
  55. - lockette.admin.break
  56. - lockette.admin.bypass
  57. - lockette.admin.create.*
  58. - lockette.admin.create.brewingstand
  59. - lockette.admin.create.chest
  60. - lockette.admin.create.custom
  61. - lockette.admin.create.dispenser
  62. - lockette.admin.create.door
  63. - lockette.admin.create.furnace
  64. - lockette.admin.create.trapdoor
  65. - lockette.admin.reload
  66. - lockette.admin.snoop
  67. - lockette.towny.wilds
  68. - nocheatplus
  69. - nocheatplus.admin
  70. - nocheatplus.admin.notify
  71. - nocheatplus.admin.plugins
  72. - nocheatplus.admin.reload
  73. - nocheatplus.checks
  74. - nocheatplus.checks.blockbreak
  75. - nocheatplus.checks.blockbreak.direction
  76. - nocheatplus.checks.blockbreak.fastbreak
  77. - nocheatplus.checks.blockbreak.noswing
  78. - nocheatplus.checks.blockbreak.reach
  79. - nocheatplus.checks.blockinteract
  80. - nocheatplus.checks.blockinteract.direction
  81. - nocheatplus.checks.blockinteract.reach
  82. - nocheatplus.checks.blockplace
  83. - nocheatplus.checks.blockplace.direction
  84. - nocheatplus.checks.blockplace.fastplace
  85. - nocheatplus.checks.blockplace.noswing
  86. - nocheatplus.checks.blockplace.reach
  87. - nocheatplus.checks.blockplace.speed
  88. -
  89. -
  90. -
  91. - nocheatplus.checks.fight
  92. - nocheatplus.checks.fight.angle
  93. - nocheatplus.checks.fight.critical
  94. - nocheatplus.checks.fight.direction
  95. - nocheatplus.checks.fight.godmode
  96. - nocheatplus.checks.fight.instantheal
  97. - nocheatplus.checks.fight.knockback
  98. - nocheatplus.checks.fight.noswing
  99. - nocheatplus.checks.fight.reach
  100. - nocheatplus.checks.fight.speed
  101. - nocheatplus.checks.inventory
  102. - nocheatplus.checks.inventory.drop
  103. - nocheatplus.checks.inventory.instantbow
  104. - nocheatplus.checks.inventory.instanteat
  105. - nocheatplus.checks.moving
  106. - nocheatplus.checks.moving.boatsanywhere
  107. - nocheatplus.checks.moving.creativefly
  108. - nocheatplus.checks.moving.morepackets
  109. - nocheatplus.checks.moving.morepacketsvehicle
  110. - nocheatplus.checks.moving.nofall
  111. - nocheatplus.checks.moving.survivalfly
  112. - nocheatplus.checks.moving.survivalfly.blocking
  113. - nocheatplus.checks.moving.survivalfly.sneaking
  114. - nocheatplus.checks.moving.survivalfly.sprinting
  115. - nocheatplus.checks.moving.survivalfly.step
  116. - rjasrocks
  117. - tracks.*
  118. - ultraban.*
  119. - ultraban.checkban
  120. - ultraban.checkip
  121. - ultraban.clean
  122. - ultraban.dupeip
  123. - ultraban.editban
  124. - ultraban.empty
  125. - ultraban.export
  126. - ultraban.fine
  127. -
  128. - ultraban.history
  129. - ultraban.import
  130. - ultraban.inv
  131. - ultraban.ipban
  132. - ultraban.jail
  133. - ultraban.lockdown
  134. - ultraban.lockdown.override
  135. - ultraban.mute
  136. - ultraban.override.*
  137. - ultraban.override.dupeip
  138. - ultraban.override.fine
  139. - ultraban.override.ipban
  140. - ultraban.override.jail
  141. - ultraban.override.lockdown
  142. - ultraban.override.mute
  143. - ultraban.override.permaban
  144. - ultraban.override.pingcheck
  145. - ultraban.override.starve
  146. - ultraban.override.tempban
  147. - ultraban.override.tempipban
  148. - ultraban.override.tempjail
  149. - ultraban.override.warn
  150. - ultraban.pardon
  151. - ultraban.permaban
  152. -
  153. - ultraban.reload
  154. - ultraban.spawn
  155. - ultraban.starve
  156. - ultraban.status
  157. - ultraban.tempban
  158. - ultraban.tempipban
  159. - ultraban.tempjail
  160. - ultraban.unban
  161. - ultraban.version
  162. - ultraban.warn
  163. - vault.admin
  164. - ^group.moderator
  165. groups:
  166. - moderator
  167. meta:
  168. prefix: '&5[Admin] '
  169. default:
  170. permissions:
  171. - bukkit.broadcast.user
  172. - buttonpromote.use
  173. - essentials.compass
  174. - essentials.depth
  175. -
  176. - essentials.home
  177. - essentials.ignore
  178. -
  179. - essentials.motd
  180. - essentials.msg
  181. - essentials.r
  182. - essentials.rules
  183. - essentials.seen
  184. - essentials.sethome
  185. - essentials.spawn
  186. - essentials.suicide
  187. -
  188. - group.default
  189. - lockette.user.*
  190. - lockette.user.create.*
  191. - lockette.user.create.brewingstand
  192. - lockette.user.create.chest
  193. - lockette.user.create.custom
  194. - lockette.user.create.dispenser
  195. - lockette.user.create.door
  196. - lockette.user.create.furnace
  197. - lockette.user.create.trapdoor
  198. groups: []
  199. meta:
  200. prefix: ''
  201. build: 'true'
  202. moderator:
  203. permissions:
  204. - bukkit.command.ban
  205. - bukkit.command.ban.ip
  206. - bukkit.command.ban.player
  207. - bukkit.command.kick
  208. - group.moderator
  209. - nocheatplus.mods
  210. - nocheatplus.mods.cjb
  211. -
  212. - nocheatplus.mods.cjb.radar
  213. - nocheatplus.mods.cjb.xray
  214. - nocheatplus.mods.minecraftautomap
  215. - nocheatplus.mods.minecraftautomap.cave
  216. - nocheatplus.mods.minecraftautomap.ores
  217. - nocheatplus.mods.minecraftautomap.radar
  218. - nocheatplus.mods.rei
  219. - nocheatplus.mods.rei.cave
  220. - nocheatplus.mods.rei.radar
  221. - nocheatplus.mods.smartmoving
  222. - nocheatplus.mods.smartmoving.climbing
  223. - nocheatplus.mods.smartmoving.crawling
  224. - nocheatplus.mods.smartmoving.flying
  225. - nocheatplus.mods.smartmoving.jumping
  226. - nocheatplus.mods.smartmoving.sliding
  227. - nocheatplus.mods.smartmoving.swimming
  228. - nocheatplus.mods.zombe
  229. - nocheatplus.mods.zombe.cheat
  230. -
  231. - nocheatplus.mods.zombe.noclip
  232. - ultraban.ban
  233. - ultraban.kick
  234. - ultraban.kick.all
  235. - ultraban.override.ban
  236. - ultraban.override.kick
  237. - ultraban.override.kick.all
  238. - ^group.default
  239. groups:
  240. - default
  241. meta:
  242. prefix: '&7[Mod] '
  243. Owner:
  244. permissions: []
  245. groups:
  246. - admin
  247. meta:
  248. prefix: '&5[Owner] '
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