
star bird [writting]

Jun 10th, 2015
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  1. Day 445
  3. I talked with Rain today when I went to run some errands around town. We talked for awhile but; she some how managed to rope me into drawing some pictures for this animal book she's been writing. She's such a nice person, how could I say no?
  5. Day 447
  6. [One abstract sketch of a hedge-hog with some mushrooms around it and, a not so detailed sketch of a bird made of stars. Two jars of odd cream colored liquid smelling of cream and bananas. One strange fetish; made of different bones of small animals. It looks primitive yet it still sends a trill of terror up the spine when observed.]
  8. So, some birds are made of stars; that or those mushrooms really got to me.
  10. After meeting farm at her farm I went east to where the land drops off into a cliff. Along the way the way I ran into a bush that was surrounded by mushrooms, this bus was shaking and wobbling about a bit and made the mushrooms shoot spores out into the air. It was such a peculiar site that I had to investigate further.
  12. I grabbed a stick and poked at the fungus just to test what would happen and the spores shot at my face like, peat moss. I managed to avoid most of it but, I still breathed a little in. Next thing I know the bush next to me just uproots itself and looked at me with it's wooden pig face. It took me a minute to realize that I was looking at a hedge-hog and a high one at that. The creature just looked baked plus, he was playing around in the mushrooms for awhile before I got their.
  14. I had no intention of bothering the creature and walked some distance away to sketch it's interactions with the mushrooms. That's when the spores started to kick in. I started feeling really good, I mean REALLY good. I didn't even end up draw the sketch, it just turned into some rather abstract doodle. I decided not to fall deeper into the rabbit hole and left hoping the air would clear my head a little bit.
  16. The air didn't help for a good log while because around five minutes after I left I swear I saw the caterpillar for Alice in Wonderland offer me a hit on his pipe. I did a double take but by the second time he was gone. The buzz started to wear off at that point and I was thankful because it was starting to get dark.
  18. After some walking I heard the buzzing of these dragon fly things that Kindle was telling me about; you know the ones that are supposed to make coffee and jellybean trees and what not. It looked like they were guarding a steaming plant but I readied a jar none the less. I heard some glass break behind me and was taken back. I knew I didn't break a jar or anything so, I left the bugs alone and went to check out what could have possibly made the noise.
  20. I heard flapping as I made my was through the thicket of woods and armed myself just in case. I couldn't see much in the gloom except the stars and the moon which had quietly crept across the sky. I was surprised I missed it because it was shining as bright as the sun, shinning through the leaves. A cloud passed by dimming the lights and, that is when I saw it.
  22. At first I thought I was looking at a hawk but the stars shinning in it's feathers said other wise. It was majestic watching it glide lazily from branch to branch with wings that sounded like liquid moonlight. I have no real clue what liquid moonlight would sound like but if I had to guess that would be it. It's call reminded me of a silver bell but it sounded more distant then it actually was. As I drew I noticed that parts of the light that the moon was shining down seemed to be missing.
  24. The bird landed on a branch and looked at me as I drew, as if it were as curious about me as I was it. The bird made a pass at the light unprotected by the cloud and bit a piece of it off leaving behind darkness. I never expected something like that to ever happen let alone be possible in the first place. The only thing I can say is "magic". Broken moonlight sounds exactly like broken glass.
  26. The bird flew off before I could detail the sketch some more but, when I followed after it all I found was a pool of some pale creamy looking goo. I poked it with a stick out of curiosity. The pool didn't have the consistence of thick sludge like I imagined but it was more fluid, like water.
  28. I was getting ready to leave the strange goop until my eye caught some weird doll thing sitting besides the puddle. I can't really call it a doll I guess... I suppose, a totem? Either way the thing is made out of some bone and scraps of cloths and is pretty freaky. It makes me feel rather odd. Like I felt a tingle in my spine type of weird. The now dark night didn't help my unease as I picked the strange totem. When I looked at it closer I saw how crudely if ingenious all the bones fitted together. It had the bones of different forest animals and combines them in a rather spooky looking figure but I have to give the creator some credit. It was a bit artsy.
  30. My alone in the dark anxiety was made worse while I was holding the wretched item in my hands. The shadows seemed to grow darker and deeper with secrets of their own, and I could swear that I could feel someone or something watching me. The nerve wracking sensation was too much in the dark and I put the totem back where I found it and decided to look back at the mystery goo once again. I felt better once I put that nasty little thing down.
  32. My curiosity got the better of me once again and I retrieved another stick and ladled some of it to my nose for a sniff. And guess what. The goo smelled just like banana cream pudding! I hate pudding but, I saved two jars of the stuff just to run a few tests on it. It's not often you smell pudding out in the woods.
  34. I still felt like I was being watched and the oppressiveness of the shadows faded only to be replaced by the howl of wolves in the distance. I started to go before I felt the strong urge to take the small bone figurine with me; I don't know what possessed me to take it with me but I did. I tied it against a good sized stick and let it dangle to my side sure that it didn't touch me or my belongings.
  36. I got stuck in a tree while I was walking and all of the branches got stuck in my hair and my fur as I clawed my way out. The wolf baying only got worse since it sounded like it was getting closer and the awful little totem swirled in front of me some how and bounced around madly like a trinket on a key chain. I broke free from the tree with a might yell but my manly yell turned into a girly scream because I propelled myself off of a fucking cliff.
  38. This is the second time I've fallen off of a cliff only to receive only minor injuries; I think that's a record. I swear when I looked up at that small token it's sunken squirrel head eyes flashed at me; as much as I hate this thing it fascinates me greatly. Maybe it's the bones or that odd flash in the eye holes but I feel the urge to study it. I figured I could study it more at home since I was right on the border of town.
  40. As I dusted my self off and prepared to leave the bush I rolled into I was aghast to have a timber wolf jump out before me. It roared in my face blowing it's noxious breath in my face. The beast soon set upon me only to be put down by a crossbow bolt stuck in one of it's eye sockets. I looked to my side and saw someone holding a crossbow while Green Hoof ran to my side to reprimand me for being out so late and said Rain could bandage me up at his place.
  42. I was so out of it from the sudden shock and loss of sleep that all I could do was nod in agreement. I was soon wrapped up in the blankets of their house but I soon got up to leave the bone figure outside. I can't bring that into people's homes; it's against customs and; is just a dick move.
  44. Day 488
  46. So after I got home from Hoof's place; I wasn't greeted by my cat Mr. Kitty. He probably didn't stroll by because of the weird bone thing I brought home. I didn't stick around for long because I got really hungry and went to one of the small shops around town
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