

Aug 26th, 2021
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  1. Shadow - Fits her theme and mechanics, pretty good spells
  3. 5/10 Silent Image- Wizard Spell: Basic illusions, pretty all right if used creatively.
  4. 8/10 Darkness- Wizard Spell: Negates torches and other lights, negates some magic lights, can create concealment. Mythic version is fucking amazing.
  5. 10/10 Deeper Darkness- Cleric Spell: Can stack with Darkness to make bright light into dark, and anything below that into magical darkness.
  6. 6/10 Shadow Conjuration- Wizard Spell: Any wizard summoning or creation conjuration spell of 3rd level or lower, but at potentially 1/5 power. Also requires an extra save, and allows spell resistance. But it does allow access to a good chunk of wizard spells for just a single spell slot.
  7. 6/10 Shadow Evocation- Wizard Spell: Any wizard evocation spell of 4th level or lower, All the downsides of shadow conjuration with better choices
  8. 6/10 Shadow Walk- Wizard Spell: Great fast travel option, or can let you shunt others to the shadow plane and abandon them. Unclear if it works from the Abyss or not, though.
  9. 8/10 Greater Shadow Conjuration- Wizard Spell: Any wizard summoning or creation conjuration spell of 6th level or lower, and 60% real even if disbelieved. Still allows spell resistance, though.
  10. 8/10 Greater Shadow Evocation- Wizard Spell: Any wizard Evocation spell of 7th level or lower, and 60% real even if disbelieved. Still allows spell resistance, though.
  11. 9/10 Shades- Wizard Spell: Any conjuration spell of 8th level or lower, and 80% real even if disbelieved. Sadly, still allows spell resist.
  12. Average - 7.3/10
  14. Time - Doesn't fit, but mostly good spells
  16. 4/10 Ventriloquism- Wizard Spell: Make sounds within a close-ish range. Maybe good for stealth?
  17. 6/10 Silence- Wizard Spell: Silence can help with stealth, and shut down spellcasters. Would also shut me down, though, until I get silent spell.
  18. 10/10 Haste- Wizard Spell: I don't need to explain why this is great.
  19. 3/10 Threefold Aspect- Witch Spell: I already have this and I don't want it.
  20. 2/10 Teleport- Witch Spell: I already get this.
  21. 9/10 Disintegrate- Wizard Spell: Very good option. Great damage, and sneak damage. Sadly does allow spell resistance but not that bad.
  22. 4/10 Expend- Wizard Spell: This is... potentially neat against demons? But with a will save and spell resistance probably useless most of the time.
  23. 5/10 Temporal Stasis- Wizard Spell: I can permanently disable someone if they fail a fort save. Good, unlikely to succeed, and costs 5,000gp each try. I can deliver it at range which is cute, but not much more useful.
  24. 6/10 Time Stop- Wizard Spell: Obviously one of the best available spells, and I'll have access to the mythic version, but honestly I'm not sure how much good it'll do me. I'm not gonna get delayed blast fireball so nix that insane sneak attack potential. Best I could really do is go invisible, but I'd have to spend extra actions for that since I don't have the spell naturally.
  25. Average - 5.44
  27. Winter - Fits her theme, not so much mechanics. A couple very good spells.
  29. 0/10 Unshakable Chill- Witch Spell: I get it a spell level early which is neat, but not that excellent. Most demons will probably be immune to the effects of cold, or just pass the fort save. I consider this one useless.
  30. 0/10 Resist Energy (Cold Only)- Wizard Spell: Only effects cold, which we might not even be getting. Useless.
  31. 4/10 Ice Storm- Witch Spell: Get this a level early which is neat, and some of its damage is bludgeoning. Not gonna get sneak damage until way later on though, and it's only a 20ft radius. Difficult terrain and penalties to perception might be neat, but without a way to make this bigger i don't think it'll come up much.
  32. 5/10 Wall of Ice- Wizard Spell: Useful enough little area denial spell. Unfortunately, it's melted easily by fire, and a reflex save can make the spell fail entirely if I don't place it carefully enough.
  33. 6/10 Cone of Cold- Witch Spell: Another spell I'd be getting a level early. Decent damage, won't be sneak-able for a while though, and elemental resistances will really fuck me here.
  34. 8/10 Freezing Sphere- Wizard Spell: Pretty cool spell, fireball but better but cold. The ability to freeze water probably won't come up but it's very cool if it does. The fact that I can hold them for a few turns is also neat, especially since I could stack them up for some suicide bombing bs if I need to.
  35. 5/10 Control Weather- Witch Spell: Again, a level early. Such a difficult spell to use right, but it could definitely be useful.
  36. 10/10 Polar Ray- Wizard Spell: The best spell here, I think. up to 25d6 damage, 1d4 dex damage, and no saving throw. PLUS sneak damage. Extraordinary.
  37. 10/10 Polar Midnight- Wizard Spell: Fucking. Excellent. Constant area damage, Dex damage, and potentially just ice tombing everything there.
  38. Average - 5.3
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