
You are (not) broken

Aug 6th, 2012
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  1. Jul 31 22:49:16 <DamienLunas> So, on let's say... July 4th
  2. Jul 31 22:49:44 <DamienLunas> no, not july 4th.
  3. Jul 31 22:49:58 <DamienLunas> she's searching for entei that day.
  4. Jul 31 22:50:00 <DamienLunas> The 5th
  5. Jul 31 22:50:12 <DamienLunas> while she's lurking around campus, spying
  6. Jul 31 22:50:14 <Rica> Well it COULD be in-between! But 5th it is.
  7. Jul 31 22:50:29 <DamienLunas> she hears a disturbance
  8. Jul 31 22:50:52 <DamienLunas> ???: "Please, give it back!"
  9. Jul 31 22:51:54 <DamienLunas> the young boy's voice is met with jeers and laughter. It sounds like it's coming from behind one of the school buildings.
  10. Jul 31 22:52:18  Rica peps up, hushing her spymons before floating a bit closer. A few signals are given to move them in position to observe from all sides.
  11. Jul 31 22:53:53 <DamienLunas> "Come on, we're gonna do you a favor!" "Yeah, if we sold this piece of junk for you maybe you could afford some real clothes and not wear your uniform around everywhere like a nerd."
  12. Jul 31 22:54:49 <Rica> Aaaand that's enough. "A-hem." Chair and all, Rica floats out brandishing her committee armband. "Excuse me, is there a problem?"
  13. Jul 31 22:55:50 <DamienLunas> Two upperclassman spin around to face you. One of them is holding a pokedex out of reach of a younger student. Jerry.
  14. Jul 31 22:55:59 <Rica> Well, not really brandishing. So much as the fact that it's definitely on.
  15. Jul 31 22:56:33 <Rica> On the other side of the scene is her ghostly investigation partner, instructed to keep silent.
  16. Jul 31 22:57:23 <DamienLunas> "Oh, no problem here officer!" one of them says sarcastically. "Isn't that right little Jerry?"
  17. Jul 31 22:57:39 <DamienLunas> Jerry doesn't respond, just remaining silent and avoiding eye contect.
  18. Jul 31 22:58:24  Rica folds her arms and stares the upperclassmen down. "Is that so? I'd like to hear that student's story from himself, if you wouldn't mind."
  19. Jul 31 22:58:41 <Rica> "If you ask me, he doesn't look very comfortable."
  20. Jul 31 22:58:55 <DamienLunas> he just fidgets silently.
  21. Jul 31 22:59:17 * Melanie is now known as Aori_Radidjiu
  22. Jul 31 22:59:39 <DamienLunas> "Mind your own business." one of the bullies says.
  23. Jul 31 23:00:38 <Rica> "No, thank you." Now she draws attention to the armband. "I believe he told you to give something back."
  24. Jul 31 23:02:11 <DamienLunas> "You really think we're afraid of a little red armband?"
  25. Jul 31 23:02:47 <Rica> Wearing a bit of a small smile, she just continues. "He was even kind enough to say 'please.' I think he and I would both appreciate if you'd give back what he asked for."
  26. Jul 31 23:03:57 <Rica> "I think it would be in your best interests too, for the record."
  27. Jul 31 23:04:19  Rica just nods in place. Of course that's a signal to her partner too.
  28. Jul 31 23:05:09 <DamienLunas> They smirk, "What are you gonna do about it? Call your boyfriend to come beat us up with his whip?"
  29. Jul 31 23:06:31 <Rica> "Oh," she full-on smirks, "Is that really how the Committee is seen? What a shame. I think I'll ask one more time: Give this student back what he asked for and leave him alone."
  30. Jul 31 23:07:00  Rica snaps her fingers for the 'eon to step out on the other side of the bullies.
  31. Jul 31 23:07:21 <Rica> Aka the 'overexp- fuck, what did mons call him? Overexposed fluffball?
  32. Jul 31 23:07:49 <DamienLunas> "Heh, is that the best you've got?" "It's two against one and you send out an overexposed fluffball?"
  33. Jul 31 23:08:06 <Rica> (I love you)
  34. Jul 31 23:09:39 <Rica> "The best I've got?" She shakes her head. "It's more like... We'd rather not expend effort on lowlife bullies. This is your final chance to leave peacefully."
  35. Jul 31 23:11:20 <Rica> (ha, I just realized I really did put 'spy on students' down there)
  36. Jul 31 23:11:25 <Rica> (tree humor is a miracle of the universe)
  37. Jul 31 23:11:49 <DamienLunas> "We don't take orders from cocky little girls in wheelchairs." "Yeah, we're going to have to teach you to respect your upperclassmen!"
  38. Jul 31 23:12:18 <Rica> "Oh? In that case, I believe we'll have to teach you to respect the law."
  39. Jul 31 23:12:56 <DamienLunas> They each send out a pokemon at once; an electabuzz and a magmar!
  40. Jul 31 23:13:13 <DamienLunas> Speed?
  41. Jul 31 23:13:14 <Rica> Zafi's speed is 21!
  42. Jul 31 23:13:27 * #traineracademy :You're not channel operator
  43. Jul 31 23:14:14 <DamienLunas> "Allright, Mag-Neato, use Faint Attack!"
  44. Jul 31 23:14:22 <DamienLunas> (looks like I can't set topic)
  45. Jul 31 23:14:35 <DamienLunas> (Magmar > Zafi > Electabuzz)
  46. Jul 31 23:15:00 <DamienLunas> 1d20
  47. Jul 31 23:15:01 <DiceMaid-9001> DamienLunas, 1d20: 17 [1d20=17]
  48. Jul 31 23:15:29  Rica hmphs. "Zafi, plan C. Get ready."
  49. Jul 31 23:15:34 <DamienLunas> 2d10+8+12
  50. Jul 31 23:15:35 <DiceMaid-9001> DamienLunas, 2d10+8+12: 39 [2d10=9,10]
  51. Jul 31 23:16:12 <Rica> (Girls are calculating...)
  52. Jul 31 23:17:54  Rica nods to the fluffball. "There's nothing to be afraid of... but I don't like the idea of letting them off easy. Show them! Shadow Sneak!"
  53. Jul 31 23:17:57 <Rica> 1d20 here we go
  54. Jul 31 23:17:58 <DiceMaid-9001> Rica, here we go: 6 [1d20=6]
  55. Jul 31 23:18:21 <Rica> Eek, more than 4 eva on the shameless mahvel reference?
  56. Jul 31 23:18:35 <DamienLunas> of course not. It's mahvel baybee.
  57. Jul 31 23:19:09 <Rica> 1d12+6+30+8+14d6 where yo curleh mustache at
  58. Jul 31 23:19:09 <DiceMaid-9001> Rica, where yo curleh mustache at: 95 [1d12=5; 14d6=3,2,1,5,3,2,6,3,3,6,4,1,4,3]
  59. Jul 31 23:19:27 <DamienLunas> FUCK DA NIX
  60. Jul 31 23:19:34 <Rica> Still up, huh?
  61. Jul 31 23:20:02 <DamienLunas> just barely
  62. Jul 31 23:20:15 <DamienLunas> "Finish him off with charge beam, Buzz Aldrin!"
  63. Jul 31 23:20:17 <DamienLunas> 1d20
  64. Jul 31 23:20:18 <DiceMaid-9001> DamienLunas, 1d20: 10 [1d20=10]
  65. Jul 31 23:20:38 <DamienLunas> 2d8+6+8+17
  66. Jul 31 23:20:39 <DiceMaid-9001> DamienLunas, 2d8+6+8+17: 39 [2d8=1,7]
  67. Jul 31 23:21:05  Rica gets a glimmer in her eye. He's still up and in max damage Flail range!
  68. Jul 31 23:21:51 <DamienLunas> still, magmar gets to go first
  69. Jul 31 23:21:58 <DamienLunas> since it used faint attack already...
  70. Jul 31 23:22:01 <DamienLunas> 1d20 fire punch
  71. Jul 31 23:22:02 <DiceMaid-9001> DamienLunas, fire punch: 12 [1d20=12]
  72. Jul 31 23:22:05 <Rica> oh that's true
  73. Jul 31 23:22:14 <Rica> Well he has flash fire, lol
  74. Jul 31 23:22:33  Mons ( has joined #traineracademy
  75. Jul 31 23:22:33 * UboaServ sets mode +q #traineracademy Mons
  76. Jul 31 23:22:33 * UboaServ gives channel operator status to Mons
  77. Jul 31 23:22:35 <DamienLunas> oh right.
  78. Jul 31 23:22:39 <DamienLunas> (mind if I retconbeamu that)
  79. Jul 31 23:22:40  Mons has quit (Quit: Mons)
  80. Jul 31 23:22:44  Mons ( has joined #traineracademy
  81. Jul 31 23:22:44 * UboaServ sets mode +q #traineracademy Mons
  82. Jul 31 23:22:44 * UboaServ gives channel operator status to Mons
  83. Jul 31 23:22:53 <Rica> (yeah that's fine)
  84. Jul 31 23:22:57 <DamienLunas> 1d20 psychic
  85. Jul 31 23:22:58 <DiceMaid-9001> DamienLunas, psychic: 2 [1d20=2]
  86. Jul 31 23:23:02 <DamienLunas> nyoro~n :3c
  87. Jul 31 23:23:04 <Mons> !dm9001 lastlines #40
  88. Jul 31 23:23:07 <Rica> He has 1 eva, treehee
  89. Jul 31 23:23:34 <Rica> So a pointing finger directs him to the buzz instead. "Now, why don't we show them why the Committee isn't to be taken lightly?"
  90. Jul 31 23:23:41 <Rica> 1d20 SUPAFLAIL
  91. Jul 31 23:23:41 <DiceMaid-9001> Rica, SUPAFLAIL: 18 [1d20=18]
  92. Jul 31 23:24:11 <Rica> 5d10+20+30+14d6 obviously gonna waste this anyway
  93. Jul 31 23:24:13 <DiceMaid-9001> Rica, obviously gonna waste this anyway: 125 [5d10=10,3,2,1,2; 14d6=6,3,4,2,4,6,3,2,5,5,5,5,3,4]
  94. Jul 31 23:24:21 <Rica> (inb4 counter)
  95. Jul 31 23:26:26 <DamienLunas> well hee'd need to survive it to pull off a counter
  96. Jul 31 23:26:31 <DamienLunas> and he does not
  97. Jul 31 23:26:32 <Rica> ~
  98. Jul 31 23:27:15 <Rica> "Are you POSITIVE you wouldn't rather comply?"
  99. Jul 31 23:27:39 <DamienLunas> "Oh you're in for it now. We're through goin' easy on ya!"
  100. Jul 31 23:27:48 <DamienLunas> He sends out a zangoose to replace it!
  101. Jul 31 23:28:04 <DamienLunas> 1d10
  102. Jul 31 23:28:05 <DamienLunas> 1d10
  103. Jul 31 23:28:05 <DiceMaid-9001> DamienLunas, 1d10: 7 [1d10=7]
  104. Jul 31 23:28:06 <DiceMaid-9001> DamienLunas, 1d10: 3 [1d10=3]
  105. Jul 31 23:28:09  Rica yawns.
  106. Jul 31 23:28:18 <DamienLunas> Magmar > Zangoose > Flareon
  107. Jul 31 23:28:34 <DamienLunas> "Finish it with faint attack, Mag-neato!"
  108. Jul 31 23:28:35 <DamienLunas> 1d20
  109. Jul 31 23:28:36 <DiceMaid-9001> DamienLunas, 1d20: 2 [1d20=2]
  110. Jul 31 23:28:45 <Rica> too bad it's nomiss huh
  111. Jul 31 23:28:53 <DamienLunas> 2d10+8+12 yup
  112. Jul 31 23:28:54 <DiceMaid-9001> DamienLunas, yup: 35 [2d10=7,8]
  113. Jul 31 23:28:57 <Rica> 1d20 so obligatory sneak
  114. Jul 31 23:28:58 <DiceMaid-9001> Rica, so obligatory sneak: 10 [1d20=10]
  115. Jul 31 23:29:09 <Rica> 1d12+6+30+8 get outta here
  116. Jul 31 23:29:09 <DiceMaid-9001> Rica, get outta here: 55 [1d12=11]
  117. Jul 31 23:29:20 <DamienLunas> and its outta dere
  118. Jul 31 23:29:37 <Rica> "Don't let that stop you, Zafira!"
  119. Jul 31 23:30:01 <DamienLunas> "Night Slash!"
  120. Jul 31 23:30:03 <DamienLunas> 1d20
  121. Jul 31 23:30:05 <DiceMaid-9001> DamienLunas, 1d20: 19 [1d20=19]
  122. Jul 31 23:30:13 <DamienLunas> crit!
  123. Jul 31 23:30:38 <DamienLunas> 6d8+20+25
  124. Jul 31 23:30:39 <Rica> De- oh wait, Detect isn't okay since his next turn hasn't come yet, has it?
  125. Jul 31 23:30:39 <DiceMaid-9001> DamienLunas, 6d8+20+25: 73 [6d8=5,4,3,5,6,5]
  126. Jul 31 23:30:43 <DamienLunas> nope
  127. Jul 31 23:30:49 <Rica> Then he's down~
  128. Jul 31 23:32:00 <DamienLunas> "Ha! Not so tough now, are ya?!"
  129. Jul 31 23:32:10 <Rica> "Well, if those are the rules you're playing by," she keeps a cool head (pun intended) and whips a Pokéball out.
  130. Jul 31 23:32:22 <DamienLunas> The other one sends out his second, a seviper!
  131. Jul 31 23:33:35 <Rica> (feels so bad having such a big team where only a few are ever viable)
  132. Jul 31 23:34:01 <Rica> "Let's not bother going easy on them, Signum." The WHITE DRAGON emerges!
  133. Jul 31 23:34:08 <Rica> Aaaaaand her speed is 24.
  134. Jul 31 23:34:23 <DamienLunas> She goes first!
  135. Jul 31 23:34:46 <Rica> HMMM
  136. Jul 31 23:35:16 <Rica> Thunder Wave on the goose then!
  137. Jul 31 23:35:39 <DamienLunas> 1d20 paralysis check
  138. Jul 31 23:35:39 <DiceMaid-9001> DamienLunas, paralysis check: 3 [1d20=3]
  139. Jul 31 23:35:44 <DamienLunas> zangoose was paralyzed!
  140. Jul 31 23:36:39 <Rica> She moves with utmost precision! Hopefully she looks pretty intimidating because she isn't a stupid-looking dragonite.
  141. Jul 31 23:36:44 <Rica> Dragonites look stupid.
  142. Jul 31 23:37:44 <DamienLunas> 1d20 night slash all day erry day
  143. Jul 31 23:37:45 <DiceMaid-9001> DamienLunas, night slash all day erry day: 17 [1d20=17]
  144. Jul 31 23:38:01 <DamienLunas> 3d8+10+30
  145. Jul 31 23:38:02 <DiceMaid-9001> DamienLunas, 3d8+10+30: 53 [3d8=8,2,3]
  146. Jul 31 23:38:23 <Rica> She takes it!
  147. Jul 31 23:38:51 <Rica> 1d20 let's have... icicle crash on the viper
  148. Jul 31 23:38:52 <DiceMaid-9001> Rica, let's have... icicle crash on the viper: 8 [1d20=8]
  149. Jul 31 23:38:56 <Rica> AC4
  150. Jul 31 23:38:59 <DamienLunas> hit
  151. Jul 31 23:39:19 <Rica> 3d12+14+31+8 no flinch though, shame
  152. Jul 31 23:39:20 <DiceMaid-9001> Rica, no flinch though, shame: 73 [3d12=1,8,11]
  153. Jul 31 23:39:38 <DamienLunas> still up!
  154. Jul 31 23:40:17 <DamienLunas> 1d20 para against 7
  155. Jul 31 23:40:18 <DiceMaid-9001> DamienLunas, para against 7: 9 [1d20=9]
  156. Jul 31 23:40:21 <DamienLunas> 1d20 slash
  157. Jul 31 23:40:22 <DiceMaid-9001> DamienLunas, slash: 20 [1d20=20]
  158. Jul 31 23:40:27 <DamienLunas> critical slash!
  159. Jul 31 23:40:29 <Rica> oh my
  160. Jul 31 23:40:37 <Rica> 1d20 preemptive extremespeed zzz
  161. Jul 31 23:40:37 <DiceMaid-9001> Rica, preemptive extremespeed zzz: 19 [1d20=19]
  162. Jul 31 23:40:42 <Rica> REALLY
  163. Jul 31 23:40:47 <DamienLunas> 6d8+20+25+8
  164. Jul 31 23:40:48 <DiceMaid-9001> DamienLunas, 6d8+20+25+8: 78 [6d8=7,3,3,4,7,1]
  165. Jul 31 23:41:12 <DamienLunas> he is still up
  166. Jul 31 23:41:31 <DamienLunas> and
  167. Jul 31 23:41:37 <DamienLunas> you put him in last chance range so that's +8 again
  168. Jul 31 23:41:57 <Rica> 3d10+12+31+8+14d6 Siggy would be downed by that, so iceshifting for a little extra
  169. Jul 31 23:41:58 <DiceMaid-9001> Rica, Siggy would be downed by that, so iceshifting for a little extra: 122 [3d10=9,2,10; 14d6=4,3,4,1,2,5,3,1,4,6,2,5,6,4]
  170. Jul 31 23:42:32 <Rica> NOW is he still up?
  171. Jul 31 23:42:47 <castfromhp> (why did you IBIY if he was in last chance range?)
  172. Jul 31 23:42:55 <Rica> (he hadn't been hit before)
  173. Jul 31 23:43:08 <castfromhp> (...then again, you have five of them or something)
  174. Jul 31 23:43:13 <Rica> (I think he was confusing the two of them? The viper was hit with icicle crash, the goose was just thunder waved)
  175. Jul 31 23:43:14 <DamienLunas> ... uh
  176. Jul 31 23:43:16 <DamienLunas> dur.
  177. Jul 31 23:43:26 <DamienLunas> Ino no what I did was
  178. Jul 31 23:43:47 <DamienLunas> I looked at MY slash damage
  179. Jul 31 23:43:55 <Rica> (hahaha oh you)
  180. Jul 31 23:43:56 <DamienLunas> and dealt that to the zangoose.
  181. Jul 31 23:44:25 <DamienLunas> anyway that'll take down the zangoose because lol IBIY extremespeed note to self in the next round of dev work nerfs cap IBIY.
  182. Jul 31 23:44:36 <Rica> (lol xD)
  183. Jul 31 23:45:01 <DamienLunas> that's going in there along with do something about efficiency boost.
  184. Jul 31 23:45:16 <Rica> (okay I can't argue, IBIY is kind of bullshit)
  185. Jul 31 23:45:30 <DamienLunas> I try not to use it on tom if I can help it.
  186. Jul 31 23:45:47 <DamienLunas> I mostly use it to get people to blow their protects.
  187. Jul 31 23:45:47 <Rica> She's already on the other side of the attacker, who's smothered in icicles.
  188. Jul 31 23:46:13 <Rica> (I do feel kind of bad about how it's capable of making any combat mindless interrupt mash yeah)
  189. Jul 31 23:46:20 <Rica> (... at the same time, I love mindless interrupt mash)
  190. Jul 31 23:46:21 <DamienLunas> "Ice type huh... then try this!"
  191. Jul 31 23:46:29 <DamienLunas> 1d20 Iron Tail misses
  192. Jul 31 23:46:30 <DiceMaid-9001> DamienLunas, Iron Tail misses: 8 [1d20=8]
  193. Jul 31 23:46:40 <Rica> actually it probably doesn't!
  194. Jul 31 23:46:42 <DamienLunas> ac 6
  195. Jul 31 23:46:51 <Rica> Yyyep her eva is exactly 2.
  196. Jul 31 23:47:05 <DamienLunas> 4d12+16+30
  197. Jul 31 23:47:06 <DiceMaid-9001> DamienLunas, 4d12+16+30: 82 [4d12=12,4,8,12]
  198. Jul 31 23:47:12 <DamienLunas> steel, so SE
  199. Jul 31 23:47:20 <Rica> She doesn't take that well at all.
  200. Jul 31 23:48:14 <DamienLunas> so that'll take her down?
  201. Jul 31 23:48:14 * DiceMaid-9001 is now known as Jessie
  202. Jul 31 23:48:21 <Rica> Almost DST range!
  203. Jul 31 23:48:41 <Rica> Not quite, but almost.
  204. Jul 31 23:48:54 <DamienLunas> "Ha! That'll show her, C. Viper!"
  205. Jul 31 23:49:12 * Jessie is now known as DiceMaid-9001
  206. Jul 31 23:49:16 <Rica> "Impressive, for a-" ... She has to pause to take that in. Holy shit that was horrible.
  207. Jul 31 23:49:29 <DamienLunas> (muahahaha)
  208. Jul 31 23:49:51 <Rica> (I love what you did with this, I really do)
  209. Jul 31 23:49:54 <Rica> (you sir have no shame)
  210. Jul 31 23:50:55 <Rica> "Either way, we're not quite finished here." She reaches for a compartment, watching what bully #1's doing first.
  211. Jul 31 23:51:09 <DamienLunas> he seems to be out of mans and a bit panicked
  212. Jul 31 23:51:36 <Rica> Oh, that's actually not fair th- wait a second, it's two against one in the first place, of COURSE it's fair!
  213. Jul 31 23:51:54 <DamienLunas> (no, it's still not fair)
  214. Jul 31 23:51:57 <DamienLunas> (lolbreeders)
  215. Jul 31 23:52:07 <DamienLunas> (they're SUBTLY broken.)
  216. Jul 31 23:52:10 <Rica> "Caro! Stand by..." POP. "... Ready!"
  217. Jul 31 23:52:14 <Rica> (no they're pretty blatantly broken)
  218. Jul 31 23:52:34 <Rica> Out pops a Dewgong! Her speed's only 7 though.
  219. Jul 31 23:53:05 <DamienLunas> so's this
  220. Jul 31 23:53:08 <DamienLunas> 1d10 speed tie
  221. Jul 31 23:53:08 <DiceMaid-9001> DamienLunas, speed tie: 8 [1d10=8]
  222. Jul 31 23:53:12 <Rica> 1d10 ha
  223. Jul 31 23:53:12 <DiceMaid-9001> Rica, ha: 9 [1d10=9]
  224. Jul 31 23:53:17 <Rica> Well then!
  225. Jul 31 23:53:32 <Rica> "I think there's something I'd like to teach you about ice-types."
  226. Jul 31 23:53:35 <Rica> 1d20 aisu biimu
  227. Jul 31 23:53:36 <DiceMaid-9001> Rica, aisu biimu: 12 [1d20=12]
  228. Jul 31 23:54:02 <Rica> 4d12+16+37+6 BZZZZZZZZZZZT
  229. Jul 31 23:54:03 <DiceMaid-9001> Rica, BZZZZZZZZZZZT: 94 [4d12=11,11,1,12]
  230. Jul 31 23:54:10 <DamienLunas> aaaand down
  231. Jul 31 23:54:14 <Rica> ... Is that even the sound ice beam makes?
  232. Jul 31 23:54:16 <Rica> Pretty sure it isn't.
  233. Jul 31 23:55:18  Rica directs her laser beam seal toward the bullies, with a pointing finger. "Now, is that all?"
  234. Jul 31 23:55:19 <DamienLunas> no, it makes this sound
  235. Jul 31 23:55:33 <Rica> "I'm sure this student has better things to do."
  236. Jul 31 23:56:03 <Rica> (also yfw you forgot to make the other bully refer to Zangief by name)
  237. Jul 31 23:56:11 <DamienLunas> speaking of said student!
  238. Jul 31 23:56:50 <DamienLunas> before you attack the bullies, he rushes in front of the one holding his pokedex and takes the hit!
  239. Jul 31 23:57:03 <Rica> Oh, that was just a threat.
  240. Jul 31 23:57:14 <Rica> Like... come on, ACTUALLY attacking bullies?
  241. Jul 31 23:57:14 <DamienLunas> Oh
  242. Jul 31 23:57:17 <DamienLunas> disregard suck cocks
  243. Jul 31 23:57:26 <Rica> No, it's the thought that counts!
  244. Jul 31 23:57:33 <DamienLunas> 1d100
  245. Jul 31 23:57:34 <DiceMaid-9001> DamienLunas, 1d100: 85 [1d100=85]
  246. Jul 31 23:58:03 <DamienLunas> "Tch... fine, take the damn thing!"
  247. Jul 31 23:58:07  Rica signals to stop anyway.
  248. Jul 31 23:58:18 <DamienLunas> he tosses it to the ground, and Jerry catches it quickly
  249. Jul 31 23:58:46 <Rica> "Thank you for complying. If I catch the two of you bullying students again, a week of detention may not be harsh enough a penalty."
  250. Jul 31 23:59:45 <DamienLunas>
  251. Jul 31 23:59:47  Rica gathers her fallen mans. "I hope you'll remember some things about ice-types."
  252. Aug 01 00:00:22 <DamienLunas> They go and slink off. There's no real need to chase them down right now. You just need to write them up and their punishment will find them.
  253. Aug 01 00:00:44 <DamienLunas> However jerry scoops up his fallen pokedex and walks over to you.
  254. Aug 01 00:00:55 <Rica> "Ahem." Well of course she's compiling a report! Just... not physically writing it down while there are more important things to attend to. She's floating over to him at the same time.
  255. Aug 01 00:01:04 <DamienLunas> "Um... thank you. Thank you so much for standing up for like that."
  256. Aug 01 00:01:06 <Rica> "Is everything all right now?"
  257. Aug 01 00:01:07 <DamienLunas> for me*
  258. Aug 01 00:01:24 <DamienLunas> "Yeah." he smiles. "So long as I have this, I'm okay..."
  259. Aug 01 00:01:36  Rica wears a sweet smile and giggles slightly. "That's just what the Disciplinary Committee does. It isn't damaged or anything, is it?"
  260. Aug 01 00:01:51 <DamienLunas> he looks it over, "No... I don't think so. Thank goodness..."
  261. Aug 01 00:02:06 <DamienLunas> "I know it's not the newest version or anything, but this is important to me nonetheless."
  262. Aug 01 00:03:02 <Rica> "I'm glad, too. But... even if it was I'm sure I could've seen about help in having it fixed." After wondering if Mika is sneezing in her dorm Rica shakes her head. "Either way, please don't hesitate to call us. Especially if this happens often."
  263. Aug 01 00:03:29 <DamienLunas> "My family is really deep in debt... so we've never had any money. I'm used to getting bullied because of it."
  264. Aug 01 00:04:08 <DamienLunas> He looks up from it, "That's why it's so important. My mom saved up for a really long time just to get me this before I came to this school."
  265. Aug 01 00:04:11  Rica starts applying some bandages to her friends and reballing a couple, nodding along. "I see... that's awful. But that's definitely no excuse for just putting up with them. Bullying ISN'T okay by any means."
  266. Aug 01 00:04:17 <DamienLunas> "She even got it engraved for me."
  267. Aug 01 00:05:11 <DamienLunas> He shows you his pokedex, which has a gold engraving on the casing in small letters, reading, "L'avenir que vous souhaitez, c'est déjà entre vos mains."
  268. Aug 01 00:05:43 <Rica> "Oh... er... sorry, excuse me." A small nod. "I should've introduced myself. Frederica Rosalin of the Disciplinary Committee- please don't hesitate to ask for me if this ever happens again, okay? Ah..." Suddenly she has a lightbulb looking at it. Just a little lightbulb.
  269. Aug 01 00:05:53  Rica squints a bit, even.
  270. Aug 01 00:06:24 <DamienLunas> "Oh, I guess you can't read it..."
  271. Aug 01 00:06:48 <DamienLunas> "It says, 'The future you wish for is already in your hands.' Oh! I-I should introduce myself too, shouldn't I."
  272. Aug 01 00:07:26 <DamienLunas> "I'm... Jeremiah Willow. First year. Jerry is fine I guess..."
  273. Aug 01 00:07:59 <Rica> "Oh, no, I... hehe, well, you're right. But it's a bit familiar." Smiling again she extends a hand. "Then call me Rica, if you'd like. It's nice to meet you, Jerry."
  274. Aug 01 00:08:25 <DamienLunas> He shakes your hand, "Nice to meet you too, R-Rica."
  275. Aug 01 00:08:48 <Rica> "Do you have a class you need to be getting back to?" The stuttering just makes her smile a little more. "Or a dorm, perhaps? I'll make sure they don't bother you on the way back if you'd like."
  276. Aug 01 00:08:58 <DamienLunas> "I know it's a bit personal but... Jeremiah sounds too long, and I don't really like being called that..."
  277. Aug 01 00:09:46 <Rica> "Mhm! I understand that! I've had students try to call me 'Fred' before..."
  278. Aug 01 00:10:03  Rica wears a friendly face and leads him out.
  279. Aug 01 00:10:05 <DamienLunas> "Heh, I can imagine you don't really like that much."
  280. Aug 01 00:10:26 <Rica> "I don't mind. As long as other people have fun with it, I can too, don't you think?"
  281. Aug 01 00:10:54 <DamienLunas> "Huh? Oh, yeah it's fine. I mean even if it's a man's name. I mean... it could be either, it doesn't matter."
  282. Aug 01 00:11:38 <Rica> Littlegiggle. "A nickname somebody gives to another person says something about the nickname-giver's own personality... the same way people name their pokémon."
  283. Aug 01 00:11:48 <Rica> By the way for reference every IBIY interrupt was an EX DP.
  284. Aug 01 00:14:19 <DamienLunas> "Well... I mean I guess you can call me what you like. Rosalin's pretty... can I call you that?"
  285. Aug 01 00:15:58  Rica is secretly a little glad she didn't tell him her middle name, but nods. "It sounds like a polite form of address... but I guess there's nothing wrong with it. And 'Willow' certainly isn't a bad-sounding name either, but... hmmm, would you be free to stop by the Committee office sometime soon?"
  286. Aug 01 00:16:31 <Rica> "If we heard about your problem we could put more effort into making sure they don't come after you again."
  287. Aug 01 00:16:33 <DamienLunas> "Huh? S-Sure... why?"
  288. Aug 01 00:16:47 <DamienLunas> "Oh. Well I mean you don't have to... okay. Thank you."
  289. Aug 01 00:16:55 <Rica> "Of course I do plan to submit a report myself, but..." Her face seriouses up.
  290. Aug 01 00:18:14 <Rica> "But there's no reason to be afraid of them. Even if you can't stand up to them yourself, letting those with the ability to do so know is a form of standing up to them in and of itself."
  291. Aug 01 00:19:10 <DamienLunas> "I know... but I'm opposed to violence. I don't like fighting." :<
  292. Aug 01 00:19:57 <Rica> And she smiles again. "The Disciplinary Committee exists to stop fights from even happening when possible. I did give them multiple warnings..."
  293. Aug 01 00:20:23 <Rica> "Student life in this Academy should be a pleasant one, not one where people should live in fear. Don't you think so?"
  294. Aug 01 00:21:53 <DamienLunas> "Yeah... I think you're right."
  295. Aug 01 00:22:02 <DamienLunas> "I was really excited when I got the scholarship to attend this academy."
  296. Aug 01 00:22:16  Rica looks up while floating along. "That's why I signed up. There shouldn't be such a thing as a world where people torment and bully others because of silly things like personal standing. And that's why we'll do all we can to stop it from happening."
  297. Aug 01 00:22:57 <Rica> One more nod. "Being able to attend is a privelige. I'm definitely happy I got the chance, myself."
  298. Aug 01 00:24:03 <DamienLunas> He looks over, "Did people used to bully you too?"
  299. Aug 01 00:24:52 <Rica> "Bully..." She looks straight down. "Well, people used to... look down on me. Because of my disability. I couldn't stand that."
  300. Aug 01 00:26:41 <Rica> "So I make up for that with my connection with Pokémon. I bred and raised them to do things I wasn't able to. And having their help to stop injustices from happening... well, it's thrilling in its own way."
  301. Aug 01 00:26:59 <DamienLunas> "Sounds rewarding."
  302. Aug 01 00:27:25  Rica nods. "It is."
  303. Aug 01 00:28:01 <DamienLunas> "Well... thanks again for helping me."
  304. Aug 01 00:28:10 <DamienLunas> "I think those two probably won't be bothering me anymore."
  305. Aug 01 00:28:28 <Rica> "Oh! I'm sorry. I trailed off a bit, didn't I? Eheh..." She nods either way.
  306. Aug 01 00:28:36 <Rica> "If they ever do, please don't hesitate to come say something."
  307. Aug 01 00:28:43 <Rica> "I promise we'll be there."
  308. Aug 01 00:29:02 <DamienLunas> He smiles, "It was great to meet you. I can make it back to my dorm from here."
  309. Aug 01 00:29:26 <Rica> And the smile is returned. "All right. Please stay safe."
  310. Aug 01 00:30:06 <DamienLunas> He waves and heads off.
  311. Aug 01 00:30:12 <DamienLunas> Perception check before we end?
  312. Aug 01 00:30:37 <Rica> 1d20+6 HA, sure
  313. Aug 01 00:30:38 <DiceMaid-9001> Rica, HA, sure: 25 [1d20=19]
  314. Aug 01 00:31:33 <DamienLunas> While he's walking away, you notice that he still has 6 perfectly pristine pokeballs on his belt. Doesn't even look like he tried to use them. Interesting.
  315. Aug 01 00:32:11  Rica assumes this is because they're all level 1 digletts and floats off to submit a report~
  316. Aug 01 00:33:39 <DamienLunas> [/mini]
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