
Lucyne and Green Hoof in Woods

May 7th, 2014
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  1. GreenHoof stands outside in the field next to his house, tilling away at a particularly tough mound of dirt to plant his hops seeds that he just procured.
  3. Lucyne rubs her left eye a bit as she walks distractedly over her field in a bit of a zig zag pattern, as if not quite sure where to go, slowly moving towards the east forest, sunlight refracting from her mint and white mane making her stand out to the brown background.
  5. GreenHoof picks his head up and wipes some sweat from his brow, squinting off into the distance. Not far away, he spots a minty mare walking along in an off pattern. Lucyne. The stallion looks down at the tiller, then over to Lucyne, then the tiller again. He shrugs and walks off the field onto the road, heading over to the unicorn. Meekly, and quietly, the stallion speaks up as he nears her. "Hey, Lucy
  7. Lucyne blinks a bit surprisedly as she raises her head and turns around to regard Hoof with her misty blue eyes, a smile mellowing on her face "Oh...Hey Hoof! Startled me a bit there."
  9. GreenHoof smirks. "Sorry. You goin' somewhere? Mind if I walk with you? Need a break..."
  11. Lucyne chuckles "Don't we all sometimes? I'd love the company, I was just gonna head into the forest and see if I can find that standing stone again or something."
  13. GreenHoof tilts his head, remembering the incidents with skullkid yesterday. Both wanting to just get away from the farm for a little, and not wanting Lucyne to go out by herself, he looks over his shoulder, realizing that he already has his crossbow holstered -- something he'd made a habit of carrying since his assassination attempt --. "That sounds... nice. I want to get out of here."
  15. Lucyne waves a hoof beckoningly "Come on then, forget the standing stone, I know somewhere better to go."
  17. GreenHoof raises an eyebrow and nods. "Sure. Lead the way boss. Where we goin'?"
  19. Lucyne starts walking again and heads into the deep eastern forests, hopping over a gnarled root "A pretty, quiet little place I've found, had to find something new after promising Rain to not jump into the river anymore. Come on, it isn't too far."
  21. GreenHoof picks up his hooves and follows Lucyne, a pang of nostalgia running through him for a split second as it reminds him of their adventures when they first got here. "Anything to get out of here for a little." The stallion trots along and hops over the root, keeping close behind the mare.
  23. Lucyne trots through the verdant undergrowth, avoiding brambles and other nasties quite well, but of course you can't avoid stepping into the occasional patch of mud or moving through a thick bush "So what's up?"
  25. GreenHoof pushes a low hanging branch out of the way, occasionally scanning the area around them as they trot. He shrugs and looks forward to the pale mare as they trot, speaking in a bit of a quieter, tired voice compared to months past. "Workin' on the farm and a little construction. Plus I just got my ingredients and equipment from Cheren. Set up a bit of a microbrewery last night. What about you?"
  27. Lucyne gracefully hops from one root to the next, unusually dexterious for the clumsy mare "A microbrewery? Heh that sounds nice. Me? Oh well you know, same old same old. Pulling my hair out about 234, being useless on the farm, being isolated from my friends, having some love life issues, being my usual undead self and all." Lucy shrugs and does another hop "Life in fourcannon
  29. Lucyne I guess, I think I'm getting used to it."
  31. GreenHoof can't help but chuckle a bit at the mare's honesty and bluntness, something he can always appreciate. The stallion's bones creak as he keeps up, hopping from root to root, actually a bit challeneged to keep up with the ded one. "No shit, right? I can relate. Maybe I'll tell you about all the stuff that's been happening... But, what about this 234? What's the status now?"
  33. Lucyne trots around a big old oak tree but keeps going onwards, light splashing of water can be heard in the distance. "The embassy seems to constantly have some reason to keep me, scheduled building works, change of shit,'s been impossible to contact them properly. And 234 is...well honestly the thing has been behaving really really well for the
  35. Lucyne fact that we locked it up for months and all, just feel bad we're being shitheads lying to it." Lucy sighs as she steps over a bright red toadstool "And what's been up with you?"
  37. GreenHoof stops for a second and admires the big oak tree, reminding him of one he used to climb as a kid back home. He shakes his head back to reality and continues following Lucyne, ears flickering in the direction of the distanct splashing noise, but listneing to Lucyne. "Yeah... I pity anyone that has to deal with the Embassy. I gotta wonder why they're so hard to deal with, whether it's just incompetence or something less than benevolent. But enough tinfoiling..." The earth pony takes a deep breath and sighs, trying to collect his thoughts to get it out. "Alright... Well, I still have a price on my head. I can't walk around in town without havin' to look over my shoulder every few seconds.
  39. <GreenHoof> I can't sleep at night, can't stop worrying. Can't get the guilt to go away, and I can't help but be scared shitless for my little adopted family I got goin' now. I'm raising Bob's son and taking care of two mares, while at the same time tryin' to figure out this HORS bullshit..."
  41. GreenHoof shakes his head. "Sayin' it all at once like that makes it seem 'cheap', but... that's a TL;DR. Heh... usually not this forthcoming..."
  43. Lucyne breathes in a breathe of the cool, fresh air of this primal forest, little accents of flowers, sap and earth giving the air it's unique smell with every breathe. "I see hmm..." Lucy speaks softly, walking ahead deeper through the woods almost like a minty forest spirit luring Hoof far, far away from home, to a world where time doesn't move like it does in the real world,
  45. Lucyne a place where we "Not cheap at all have my sincerest sympathies...what is wrong with this world? Assassinations, undead, faery demons, what is this place really, I sometimes wonder." She speaks with her soft, somewhat distant voice as her blue eyes look deep ahead into the forest "Any leads on the HORS issue?"
  47. GreenHoof absorbs Lucy's words, wondering the same thing to himself, something he's asked himself over and over for months. In response to her question, he shakes his head. "Not even one. It's like the don't even exist. Whoever's running that operation... I'd like to meet them." Green Hoof stops talking, his nose picking up the slightly allergic scent of spring in the forest, but the stallion can't deny that it's a pleasant aroma. Looking forward at Lucy, he feels a shiver go down his spine from the mention of fey demons, yet another unresolved conflict. A strange feeling of calm washes over him at the surreal charge in the air and surroundings, like he's in some sort of story book
  49. Lucyne whisks ahead through another bush, her swishing tail and somewhat but just not quite natural coat color leading you on a winding trail of leaves, branches and reflection. Something about the whole scene seems haunting, something about the way she moves you will just never get used to, how she doesn't flinch when a twig snaps at her skin, how she hops from one vantage point
  51. Lucyne to another occasionally, makes her seem almost unreal, like watching a painting or an animation. Memories of days by gone cannot be quelled as the two continue onwards, remembering themselves, and who they are to each other, the events that have transpired between them and the world around. "None at all huh...and the guard not either I take? Why do they even want your head? What did you do?" the words float from some direction, probably ahead but can you be sure?
  53. GreenHoof hesitates for a few moments, suddenly feeling a bit disoriented for a second. he shakes his head to bring things back to normalcy, still haunted by a feeling that something just seems... off. The stallion's eyes hypnotically follow Lucyne and her odd, captivating body movements, ears twitching in many directions as he tries to determine if the voice is actually coming from her or somewhere around her. After a good ten seconds, he finally responds, voice full of uncertainty and distraction. "U-uh... I-I'm not really... sure...?"
  55. Lucyne slows down to let Hoof catch up a bit, a bit of splashing water being heard not far now at all along with the croaking of many many frogs. "Everything ok Hoof?"
  57. GreenHoof shakes his head quickly again, putting himself back in orientation. He catches up to Lucyne and slowly turns around 360 degrees, the feelings of serenity intensifying with the quelling croaking of frogs. "Y-yeah... Sorry. Just, you weren't kiddin'. This is a pretty serene place. Almost enchanting. Kinda reminds me of some of the woods I'd go through back home."
  59. Lucyne smiles softly, looking to Hoof calmly, a lock of silvery white hair over her eye " too..." she says softly as she heads out of the brush and into the open, revealing a small, only about 200ft across, lake, with many many reeds along the sides and the croaking of a hundred frogs hidden between the plants giving the soundtrack, augmented by the crickets starting to
  61. Lucyne join in with their own song as the sun turns orange in the evening sky ( Ahead for where Lucy is heading, a single large Willow tree stands by the lakes side, it's roots standing out of the earth somewhat, making a few grooves just about the size for a pony to lay in, illuminated by the late afternoon sun in a golden light. "It's really beautiful out here you few people leave town for just a while to...look at the world a bit, you know?"
  63. GreenHoof looks into Lucyne's eye and smiles, the mare's features fitting nicely with the setting. He follows Lucyne into the clearing, eyes widening a bit at the little lake, hearing the frogs up close. It's as if he were back in Louisiana one night, about to go night fishing. Immediately the stallion is attracted to the willow tree and it's roots, wanting to look over the little lake as the sun sets.
  65. <GreenHoof> "This... this is beautiful. This is better than all the bustle of town..."
  67. Lucyne walks on over to the willow tree as well, taking in the atmosphere and the soothing sounds of nature. So chaotic, yet harmonious. She crosses through the hanging limbs of the tree and picks a groove bathed in light, with a clear view of the lake, curling up in it a bit like a dog in it's basket, laying her head on the root to look across the almost, but not quite, still
  69. Lucyne water of the lake. " is, isn't it? People spend so much time in town, in their homes, at their friend's house, in the vault, in the inn, but so rarely just...look outside, look at the world around us, and just...think for a while. I often come out here, to places like this, I've found a few nice places." she speaks, noticeably more relaxed than when first met, her voice
  71. Lucyne not disturbing the oddly loud silence of nature's chorus.
  73. GreenHoof makes his way into one of the grooves between the roots, picking one near Lucy. He curls up on the soft earth, mimicking Lucyne's position as he lays his head on the root, looking out over the lake and the soft, illuminating sunset's light. He takes a deep breath and holds it for a few seconds, letting it out through his nose. He looks over the water, noticing the typical ripples of the little waterbugs and fish nipping at them, the only thing keeping him from fashioning some sort of fishing gear is the immedise relaxation washing over him in his current position. He casts a glance over to Lucyne, the sunlight giving a more healthy appearance to her pale form.
  75. <GreenHoof> "Yeah..." the stallion says quietly, just loud enough to hear over the loud but relaxing lake's residents. "Wouldn't mind just packin' up and living out here for a while by myself..."
  77. Lucyne rests for a moment or two, a small smile on her face as she relaxes into the surroundings, her form making almost, but not quite, blending in with the serene ambient. Her ear flicks instinctively from time to time, listening to the frogs and Hoof's voice. "Heh, yea, a nice break from all the stress of town..." Her voice trails off and she sits silently to listen for another
  79. Lucyne few moments before shifting her gaze up to the trees "You know what we call these trees in German?"
  81. GreenHoof looks up at the treetops himself, pupils shrinking from the sunlight as he opens his eyes wider to see. "What?"
  83. Lucyne raises her head to look up to the drooping branches "We call them 'Trauerweiden'. 'Weiden' is the word for 'willows'." begins as she stands up and reaches for the branches running her hoof down then "'Trauer' means 'sadness'. They are called this because of how their branches droop, as if they were filled with sorrow."
  85. GreenHoof blinks, looking up at the low hanging branches. He reaches his hoof up, brushing a particularly low hanging one, the soft, slender long leaves contrasting with his darker green hoof. "Trauerweiden. Willows of sadness. Fitting. back home, we called 'em Weeping Willows. Used to be a song about 'em I liked..."
  87. Lucyne chuckles as she picks a leaf of a branch to look at it "Oh? Can you sing it?"
  89. GreenHoof blushes, pulling a branch down and plucking a lead, turning it over in his hooves. He takes a slow, deep breath, clearing his throat. Contary to the stallion's typically pained sounding, raspy voice, he begins quietly singing. "Beeeend little willow... Wiiind's gonna blow you, hard and cold tonight..."
  91. <GreenHoof> []
  93. <GreenHoof> "Life, as it happens. Nobody warns you. Willow, hold on tight.."
  95. Lucyne lays down back in her little groove and watches Hoof, laying her head to the side.
  96. Lucyne 's ears lay still, body laying softly, blinking slowly as she listens to song.
  98. <GreenHoof> "...Nothing's gonna shake your love
  99. <GreenHoof> Take your love away
  100. <GreenHoof> No one's out to break your heart
  101. <GreenHoof> It only seems that way... hey
  102. <GreenHoof> Sleep, little willow
  103. <GreenHoof> Peace gonna follow
  104. <GreenHoof> Time will heal your wounds
  105. <GreenHoof> Grow to the heavens
  106. <GreenHoof> Now and forever
  107. <GreenHoof> Always came too soon
  108. <GreenHoof> Little willow..."
  110. GreenHoof finishes the song, sniffling a little bit as he rubs his watery eyes with a hoof. His face burns a tinge of crimson on his cheeks under his coat, not used to singing with anyone around. He clears his throat. "W-well... that's it..."
  112. <GreenHoof> "I used to be able to play it on guitar. I loved that song as a little boy."
  114. Lucyne lazily and dreamily watches and listens, enjoying the sound against the background of nature, a warm breeze ruffling her and Hoof's hair a bit. Lucy smiles widely "That was wonderful Hoof, really wonderful, you have a nice voice."
  116. GreenHoof blushes a little more, looking down at the root, ears flickering at the various sounds of wilderness around them. He looks over to Lucyne, youthfully handsome facial features contrasting with his aged looking, haunted green eyes. He gives a small but genuine smile to the minty mare. "Thanks, Lucyne..."
  118. Lucyne slowly rises to her feet, walks over before Hoof and sits down in front of him, golden light reflecting off them both, before she extends her arms for a hug "Come here old friend..."
  120. GreenHoof swallows hard and stands up, the short stallion leaning in and wrapping his hooves around the mare. He closes his eyes, a couple of tears trickling out as he lets out a shakey sigh.
  122. Lucyne lays her head on Hoof's shoulder as well, closing her eyes and just holding him near for a while, the serence ambience and setting sun allowing them to sit in the warm glow and just reflect for a while, on what has happened, where they have come from, what they have lost, and what they have won. The people they have left behind, the people that have gone beyond, the people
  124. Lucyne that we keep close every day, the fears and hopes of tomorrow, the fulfilled and broken dreams of yesterday. All, in the quiet light of another ending day, memories.
  126. GreenHoof just hugs Lucyne gently, the warm sunlight bringing a more living warmth to her coat. The stallion takes another deep breath, a wave of clarity, of all their memories together washing over him, as if everything, if only for a second, finally made sense. He leans his head on her shoulder, the soft scent of her coat comforting him as he feels closer to his old friend. He closes his eyes and relaxes for a solid minute, just holding her and basking in the brief moment of total peace.
  128. Lucyne relaxes as well, squeezing Hoof a bit as she whispers, somewhat to Hoof, somewhat to herself "We can do this, we'll get through this, you'll see...". After another good minute or so of hugging, the sunlight quickly begins to diminish, and Lucy slowly breaks the embrace, laying her hooves down carefully, looking to Hoof with a unsteady, but hopeful expression "G-Getting
  130. Lucyne late I think, better not be out in the forest at night. Wanna head home?" she says softly, with a slight hint of a quiver in her voice.
  132. GreenHoof gulps and takes in Lucyne's words, letting them go into his heart. Hearing someone else, especially Lucyne, say this, finally cements a confidence in him he lacked. When she slowly breaks the hug, he puts his own hooves down, looking to Lucyne with a much more relaxed, peaceful smile. He nods. "Mhmm... Good idea. But, can we come back soon?"
  134. Lucyne builds another shaky smile slowly "Sure, that'd be nice, but for now, wouldn't want Rain worrying eh?"
  136. GreenHoof nod with a warm smile. "O-of course. Let's go home..."
  138. Lucyne stands next to Hoof, a long look going over the peaceful area and the many hopping little frogs and other animals in the area before she heads home. Home to their friends, their family, their life. They walk through the forest again, seemingly breaking the time spell that had kept them safe for these precious moments, but the memories remain, giving their spirit a boost
  140. Lucyne it needs for the many trials of normal and abnormal life events ahead. Life in Fourcannon, the colony of the damned, the haven of the lost, the home of these two ponies. But well, that's a story for another day.
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