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We never stop Learning

a guest
Jul 8th, 2013
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  1. >You did it.
  2. > Against all odds you were able to retire young with an empire.
  3. > A little bit of smarts and a lot of hard work, you managed to control a monopoly of multiple corporations and businesses.
  4. > This ranged from shows geared to little girls and major oil Riggs in the Middle East.
  5. > After receiving too many letters from male fans, (believe it or not) of your "little girls" show, you decided it was time to retire.
  6. > You were able to have other people you handed picked to run certain companies and only had to sign a few papers here and there.
  7. > In return you received at least fifty million dollars a month.
  8. > You finally decided to settle in your private Villa in Colorado since you never really had a permanent place to stay due to your constant traveling.
  9. > Upon arrival at your mansion you forgot how large it was.
  10. >And how you never actually got someone to constantly come over and clean the place.
  11. > Being in a somewhat isolated area of Colorado the only neighborhood was about 100 miles away and a small college about 50 miles.
  12. >Well you decided to see if there would be any young ladies that would enjoy a lot of money and a place to stay if they worked for you.
  13. > Since you forgot where your room was you decided to explore a bit.
  14. > You found your art room, which had a collection of priceless Greek art and some of your own sculptures and paintings you thought you sold a long time ago.
  15. > You also found the music room with a large window where blinding light filled the room.
  16. > Alone inside the middle of the room were your favorite instruments.
  17. >The Grand Piano from your Grandmother, a signed Cello from Yo-Yo Ma, and finally a Large Harp carved from gold.
  18. > After going down memory lane, you finally find the master bedroom.
  20. > Two main doors open to a large open space where two steps lead to your King Sized bed with the entire wall behind you was made of glass.
  21. > The view of the mountains,valley and river could be seen outside your master bedroom window and looked beautiful during this spring with flowers blooming giving you a eyeful of color when you wake.
  22. > Now that you were settled in, it was time to find a maid.
  23. > The drive was long but you were used to long trips.
  24. > The Celestial University of Knowledge and Wisdom.
  25. > Interesting choice to name a College.
  26. > You first asked the Mane Office if it was ok to put up fliers of employment around the campus.
  27. > The rather lovely lady behind the desk in a black suit and green lipstick said it was fine.
  28. >You could have sworn she winked at you as you left.
  29. > You had just put up the first poster in front of the library and began walking when you heard a soft voice behind you.
  30. > T: "Excuse me Sir, are you the one putting these fliers up?"
  31. > You turn around and what you saw made your eyes barf rainbows.
  32. > A young women probably around your age stood there in a White chapel uniform and wearing kaki colored pants and black shoes.
  33. > Her long flowing hair looked like a dark shade of black in the shade, but the sunrays that broke out of the large tree revealed a shade of purple and that she had steaks of a deep royal purple. Along with the light breeze that pushed her hair gave you a spectrum of black and purple, making it appealing very appealing to the eye.
  34. > Her face was bright and clean, an almost pale white face but she had somewhat of a light tan.
  35. >Her figure was perfect to her as well. Being just a little bit shorter than you her breast were well rounded and quite large. Better than the other women you dated in the past with just large implants that sagged.
  36. > She was a perfect natural beauty. This image deserved to be a painting. You stored it in your mind for later.
  37. > She the got a small look of frustration and waved her and asked you again.
  39. > T:" Sir are you the one putting these fliers up?"
  40. > You finally snap out of your daydream and respond
  41. "Oh yes I am, are you wanting to apply?"
  42. > T: "Yes sir, My name is Twilight Sparkle and you are?"
  43. > An odd name. Yet again this seemed like an odd school. Who knows whatever other odd things roam Colorado.
  44. "My name is Anonymous (Insert last name here)."
  45. > T: "Well Mr. Anonymous I must ask you though where do you live?"
  46. > you explained the location and after you finished her face turned into a frown.
  47. > T: "Terribly sorry Mr. Anon my neighborhood is much too far away. It would be too much for me to drive to your house, go to my classes, and return home."
  48. > You knew she would be perfect for this job, you had to have her. Being the business man you were you could get her to work for you.
  49. "That's ok because I have many spare rooms for you to choose from and I only ask that the mandatory hours you be at my house is in the morning for breakfast and at night for dinner."
  50. > Her face brightened up.
  51. > T: "That fits perfectly with my schedule !"
  52. > Perfect.
  53. "You can start tomorrow if you like."
  54. >T: "Yes sir! Is there anything I should bring?"she said while pulling a small notebook and pen out from her back pocket.
  55. > You smiled. You are going to like this one.
  56. "No I have everything you need at the house. Just come as you are. I'll see you at 7:30 sharp Miss Sparkle."
  57. > The next morning
  59. > The next morning
  60. > It has been awhile since you could have a good nights rest. Ever since you join the Marines, you always woke up at 6:30 without any help. You woke up with the headache that has plagued you for years, but like always you got over it got ready for the day.
  61. > showered, brushed your teeth, shaved and got dressed.
  62. > you jogged down the large stairs into the mane living area with the fireplace in the middle with much furniture and a large coffee table.
  63. >Looking above the Fireplace the old clock was close to 7:30.
  64. > The second it hit 7:30, the doorbell rang.
  65. > opening the door you saw Twilight with her jaw on the floor.
  66. "Is everything alright Miss Sparkle?"
  67. >T: "Alright?! This Manson is amazing the architecture and it's design are of Greek culture! The furniture looks of British? 1800's I'm guessing?"
  68. > She was spot on. You received that coffee table from the Queen herself after making a deal with your Tea company bailing out some banks and establishing less taxes on your trading goods to Europe.
  69. "You have an eye for historic treasures Miss Sparkle. Is that what you are studying at the college?"
  70. > T: "Oh no, Mr. Anon, just a hobby/independent study."
  71. "Then what do you study?"
  72. > T: "It's a secret. She said smiling."
  73. "You can't hide anything from me Miss Sparkle, I'll find out sooner or later."
  74. > T:" Good luck." She teased.
  75. > You showed her around and each room with its own design she could describe in perfect detail.
  76. "Any of those spare rooms you are free to have and do what you please with them. You will also find your new uniform in any of the rooms. It's 7:45 now and I would like to have breakfast no later than 8:30."
  77. >T:"I'll get right on it sir."
  78. "Please just call me Anon."
  79. >T: "Yes sir... I mean Anon. "
  80. >Good lord in heave she is cute. You stopped yourself first before you let her go. You forgot to check out her ass. She turned and skipped off to her room.
  82. > UMF... Dat ass was round and lifted. Arguable the best feature of her and probably the best ass you have ever seen.
  83. > While you waited for breakfast you went back downstairs to the art room and set up a new stand paper and a mass of 300 colors. You decided to lightly draw the picture of your first encounter with Twilight then try as best you can to paint the beautiful colors that went among with her. If that was possible.
  84. > You had everything ready and right before you touched the paper with your pencil a small knock came from outside the room.
  85. >T: "Ummmm Anon..." You heard Twilight say in a shaky voice.
  86. > You stood up and opened the door and now you had another picture to draw.
  87. > Twilight stood there with one hand trying to pull down the incredibly short skirt in high heels and black leggings, with her looking in a different direction blushing. Her black and white attire boldened her figures and her colors.
  88. >T: "Is this *gulp* outfit r-rea-really nessisary Anon....?"
  89. > You reached for your nose making sure your nose wasn't bleeding. After the reassurance that it wasnt you reply.
  90. "Oh don't think of it like that Miss Sparkle... It's mainly traditional."
  91. > She looked back at you with a frustrated look.
  92. "Think of it as a learning experience then. Something new to understand."
  93. >T: "Very well then. Breakfeast will be ready shortly... Anon."
  95. > God damnit. You now had two beautiful images that needed to be framed.
  96. > Very carefully you tried to draw each figure that you could remember with your first encounter with Twilight.
  97. > If you weren't so hard on yourself when you drew, you would probably flatter yourself given the other paintings you have done before.
  98. > But you were frustrated with what you made. Even though it was on,y done in blue pencil, you couldn't seem to remake the image you saw, which had always been a talent of yours.
  99. > You drop your pencil and give out a long loud yawn.
  100. "This is awful."
  101. >Suddenly a familiar smell grabs you're attention.
  102. >T: "Anon breakfast is ready." Twilight said still trying to pull her skirt down
  103. "Wonderful." you said as you threw a sheet over your drawing hoping Twilight didn't see it.
  104. >You went into the dining room and sat waiting for your meal.
  105. >Twilight entered the room somehow holding the huge tray of food in one hand and still having another hand holding down her skirt.
  106. Impeccable balance you have there Miss Sparkle.
  107. > Still blushing she lays the tray in front of you.
  108. >My god.
  109. >Buttermilk Pancakes with Peanut Butter and Huckleberry Syrup. Oh the memories this bring. They are warm slightly soggy but still fluffy. Just like grandma used to make.
  110. >The side of bacon and eggs were perfect as well. The bacon was crisp, and the eggs had cheese and salsa on them. The Vanilla milk also gave everything a great after taste.
  111. > You devoured the well prepared meal and sent Twilight on her way.
  112. >T: "I have to leave and attend to my studies at 1:00 Anon. I'll be back at around 7:30. Since summer is right around the corner, my instructor has insisted I take a break from my studies so next week I'll be here full time."
  113. > Why couldn't she be here all day this week.
  114. "Very well. Good luck in your finals."
  115. >T: "Thank you Anon."
  116. > She finally lifted her hand from her skirt and smiled at you.
  118. She was walking back to the kitchen, when a gust of wind from heavens (aka the air conditioner) came through the house and caught Twilights skirt off guard.
  119. >Yesssssssss
  120. > Lace, silk, blue no light purple. The contrast from her colored panties to her bare white skin was breathtaking.
  121. >You remember this from somewhere.
  122. >Without hesitation you pull out your phone to act like you didn't see anything.
  123. >T: "EEK!" Twilight shouted as she quickly turned around with her face brighter than fire truck.
  124. > Your face was looking down on your locked phone with blood over it. Luckily she didn't notice your bloody nose.
  125. >You bring a napkin to your nose and make a hard wipe against your face hoping to get rid of all the blood. You put it down and look up at Twilight.
  126. "Everything alright?" you say with a dumbfounded face of shock.
  127. >T:" YES ANON. *Ahem* I just noticed that your, rug is Persian?" she said in an unconfident voice.
  128. > You smile. She got it wrong but just to play along acting like you know nothing you agree.
  131. > You walked Twilight out, her face still radiating red as she said that she will be back tonight.
  132. > As you watched her leave the property, you contemplated how to get closer to her.
  133. >You talk a stroll through the garden out back thinking of what got you close to the past girls you had. Broken legs? Not doing that again. Joint Millitary exercise? Of course that ended well. Forcing her to leave her job and work for you 24/7. I don't won't to remember.
  134. > A party! That's it. But I don't know the ways of "throwing a party".
  135. > Well I do live close to a college, I'm sure to find someone who would be of help.
  137. > You got into your 2013 Lamborghini Veneno and enjoyed driving down your long private road with no speed limit.
  138. > You arrived back at the University to begin your search all while trying to avoid Twilight.
  139. >Again you go to the mane office to learn of any clubs or activities that could give you a lead to finding someone. You also took this opportunity to find out what Twilight was studying.
  140. >You walk in and your eyes immediately see the same women in the black suit. >Her long black hair and bedroom eyes made you uneasy.
  141. >QC:" I thought you would come back soon." she said in a ratherflirtatious voice.
  142. "Good afternoon Miss..."
  143. >QC: "Chrysalis." she said leaning back in her leather chair. "How may I help you Mr. Anon?"
  144. "How do you know my name" you said stupidly.
  145. >QC: "Oh please Mr. Anon, who doesn't know who you are". She said jokingly holding up a Time magazine with your face on it.
  146. "Ha ha, I was wondering when they were going to print that. I need to get a copy. Actually I am here to check some of your clubs and classes if that is alright."
  147. >Chrysalis smiled and reached into her the bottom shelf on her desk and pulled out a large stack of paper.
  148. >QC: "This is all the currently approved clubs and classes that are offered here at the University."
  149. >The list was endless for classes and a ton of student made clubs. Art, Poetry, Philosophy, Every math known to man, Science, Ancient History and Architecture.
  150. "My my so many classes." you said flipping the pages. Wait a minute. "How are the Economics and Government classes?"
  151. >QC: "Severely lacking. We don't have any real professionals and none of the professors cover big business, historic and modern in any of them."
  152. > Damn. You might just have to teach here.
  153. >QC: "Are you thinking of applying?" she said licking her green lips.
  154. "It's quite tempting. I'll consider it"
  155. > You find quite a long list that look promising and take it.
  156. "Well thank you Miss Chrysalis, I'm sure to find what I'm looking for."
  158. >QC: "If you have any trouble feel free to come back. And by the way those are only the Official clubs. Ask around to find some other clubs."
  159. "Will do."
  160. You turn and open the door..
  161. >QC: "Mr. Anon!"
  162. >Will she let me free from her prison?
  163. > You turn and catch the Time magazine and look at her.
  164. >QC:"Keep it, I already finished." she smiled biting the end of her pen.
  166. A few visits to Pop Culture clubs, Athletic clubs, Dance clubs and even The chess club, non of them had someone or something that could get a party started.
  167. The next stop was the Music Club.
  168. Upon walking into the very large music room, there were obviously many people here with much taste.
  169. You bumped into a rather odd looking fellow, who had brown hair are looked very sweaty and nervous and carrying a large guitar.
  170. "Excuse me, where is the Music Club Sponsor?"
  171. He pointed but didn't say a word.
  172. Upon following his finger you couldn't believe who it was.
  173. "OCTAVIA!" you shouted.
  174. Octavia had been a childhood friend for as long as you could remember, and we're ecstatic to see her.
  175. >O:"Anon? Is that you?"
  176. Without acknowledging her you ran at her and picked her up giving her a hug that could forever satisfy a care bare.
  177. You both laugh and after some small talk and catching up, you got to the point.
  178. >O: "Why yes anon I could help with the Party."
  179. "Oh thank you Octavia, I really appreciate it."
  180. >O: We can have a very nice dinner party and you and me could play together again!"
  181. >Yes you had it set. A wonderful evening with champagne and music. Tonight you needed to brush up on your piano playing.
  182. >After you were finished planing with Octavia, a girl about Twilights height stopped you.
  183. > That electric blue hair was strikingly bright in the sunlight, and she wore large glass which prevent her eyes from showing.
  184. >?: Hey mister you looking for real party?
  185. "Who's asking?"
  186. >The girl motioned to come closer.
  187. >?: "Ever heard of the Party Club?"
  188. "No." you just then remembered about the unofficial clubs.
  189. >?: "Go to the East Wing and ask around for a girl named Pinkamena."
  190. "Ok...."
  191. >Curiosity killed the cat I guess.
  192. >You walked around the Eastern area and asked many people but no one answered.
  193. >Finally one guy told you to go to the Janitors closet in the East Wing.
  195. >Upon opening the door there wasn't anything special. It just looked like a normal Janitors closet.
  196. >The door suddenly shut behind you and the lights went out.
  197. >You heard a made up deep voice say, "Password."
  198. "What?!"
  199. >P: "CORRECT!"
  200. Suddenly the wall in front of you fell forward and there stood a girl with Pink hair jumping up and down.
  201. "Are you Pi.."
  202. >P: "Pinkamena? Yes. Yes I am."
  203. "Well I'm having..."
  205. "Whoa wait a minute I don't want that kind of party."
  206. A frown conquered her face
  207. >P: "We are done here."
  208. >The lights went out again, and you were back in the old Janitors closet. It was even more weird when the Janitor opened the door, and the only thing you could do was smile at how weird this probably looked.
  209. >The old odd looking man picked you up by the shirt.
  210. >J: "Stop having fun."
  211. >He threw you out and got his broom and locked the door.
  212. "How much retard did your mom put in your orange juice this morning!"
  213. >The janitor just walked off.
  214. > You got up and dusted yourself off and turned to the stairs.
  215. >Running into the only person you didn't want to see right now.
  216. >T: "Anon what are you doing here?"
  217. > Now with your past experiences and Wise leadership from your father you knew it would be wrong to lie to the woman you loved. The spaghetti Oozed out.
  218. >T:"A party sounds wonderful Anon!"
  219. >Thank goodness you could say it without confessing your love to her.
  220. >T: "Can I bring a few people along?"
  221. "Of course." you said pulling on your tie trying to loosen it. Octavia and I planned everything. All I ask is that they are understand that kind of party."
  222. >T: "Oh if Miss Octavia is hosting it then of course these people will be fine with it."
  223. > All according to plan. The party would be in full swing, get buzzed, and then win the heart of your princess.
  224. "I will see you next week then Miss Sparkle".
  226. Later that week..
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