
The Guide of a God (SFW)(SADISH)

Jun 1st, 2014
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  1. Oneshot.
  3. >You don't know where you are.
  4. >That's the first thing you're aware of
  5. >It doesn't bother you much
  6. >After all, you've woken up in an unfamiliar place more times than you can count
  7. >Opened your eyes inside of Changeling cocoons, strange caves
  8. >A castle that seemed suffocatingly empty without your sister
  9. >You go through your usual checklist, looking for distinctive features to let you know where you are
  10. >You start to worry when you find none
  11. >There wasn't just a lack of distinctive features
  12. >There was a lack of any features
  13. >At all
  14. >All you could see was whiteness
  15. >A seemingly infinite expanse, laid out in front of you
  16. >Your eyes scan the scene
  17. >Surely, there has to be something!
  18. >...Or maybe you are mistaken.
  19. >"Oh. Hello."
  20. >You jump, slightly, at the voice
  21. >Male
  22. >Unfamiliar
  23. >You can hear the clip of your hooves as you turn around
  24. >Like you're stepping on pavement
  25. >Although it certainly doesn't feel like pavement
  26. >It doesn't feel like anything, really
  27. >You catch sight of the source of the voice, and tilt your head in confusion
  28. >He was sort of like a minotaur, but... different
  29. >A much smoother face
  30. >So smooth, in fact, that it lacked eyes, or eyebrows, or, well, any hair at all
  31. >Any distinctive features were totally absent from his face, in fact
  32. >"Well. Hm. This is pretty odd, isn't it, Celestia?"
  33. "How do you know my name?"
  34. >"Well, I'm not... Totally sure yet."
  35. >He seems to examine his body
  36. >Looking up and down the sleeves of the jacket he has on
  37. >Running... whatever the hell he has at the end of his arms over his bald head
  38. >"Hm. I think that you're asking the wrong questions."
  39. "What do you mean?"
  40. >"The real question, Princess, is how you got here."
  41. "Well, I know that, but I can't seem to rem-"
  42. >And then it all comes flooding back
  43. >The escape
  44. >A villain so terrible and powerful that he made Tirek look like a small filly
  45. >And then...
  46. >Then you were talking to Twilight
  47. >And your sister was there
  48. >And Cadence
  49. >And you heard noises, and--
  50. >There wasn't much time, and then-
  51. >The wall broke
  52. >And you saw a bright flash of magic
  53. >And it was heading towards Twilight
  54. >And you...
  55. >You...
  56. >Your heart sinks in your chest as you realize what happened
  57. >You still don't know where you are
  58. >But you can guess why you're here.
  59. >"Oh. Guessing the light bulb went off."
  60. >And you especially don't know why this thing is grinning in front of you
  61. "Why are you here?"
  62. >"Hey, give me a moment, okay? I've been through a lot."
  63. >You find yourself glaring at him
  64. >You rarely glared
  65. >But, honestly, what gave him the right?
  66. "You are not alone in that."
  67. >"Yeah, but I have it a hell of a lot worse."
  68. >You can feel anger rising within yourself
  69. "Worse? I have just died!"
  70. >"Yeah, and I was just fuckin' born! Or-- Created, or whatever. Dying's easy compared to that. Lay off!"
  71. >You tilt your head again, raising an eyebrow
  72. "Just born?"
  73. >"Created. Much better word. Well, maybe not, it's more like... came into being."
  74. "Was my death the cause?"
  75. >"Oh, yeah, definitely."
  76. "Hm."
  77. >You sit down, trying to relax
  78. >The ground beneath you is smooth, and cool
  79. >You can barely feel it under you
  80. >Then again, you are dead
  81. >You really shouldn't feel anything at all.
  82. "So. What are you, exactly?"
  83. >"Human."
  84. "I haven't heard of your people before."
  85. >"I wouldn't expect you to."
  86. "Do you have a name?"
  87. >"Anonymous."
  88. "You do realize that literally means 'nameless,' right?"
  89. >The human in front of you smirks
  90. >You catch a glimpse of brilliant white teeth between his lips
  91. >"That's sort of the point, Princess. I'm not your average Joe, so to speak. Or... maybe it's more proper to say that I am *the* average Joe."
  92. "...I don't follow."
  93. >"You'll have to forgive me."
  94. >He, too, sits now, facing you
  95. >His legs are crossed beneath him
  96. >"You see, I have several hundred people in my head right now. It's taking a bit of getting used to."
  97. >You remain silent, studying the creature
  98. >He still had that grin on his face
  99. >Eventually, he realizes that you have no words to say, and continues
  100. >"You have brought me here, of course. Or, well, maybe they sent me here because of you. I can't really get a clear picture as of yet."
  101. >He scratches himself on his shoulder
  102. >"Sorry about your death, by the way. They're all really upset about that."
  103. "The people in your head?"
  104. >He nods
  105. >You take a moment to consider this, then nod in return
  106. "I... Appreciate the sentiment."
  107. >"I would put flowers on your grave, but, well, your body is currently laying in a corner of the castle with Twilight crying over it. There's no grave to put flowers on."
  108. >The sound of your students name drives a spike through your heart
  109. >You have to know what's happened to her
  110. "Twilight? Is she okay? Is she-"
  111. >The man puts up a hand, indicating that you should stop
  112. >You follow his direction
  113. >"She's fine. The burst of magic that exploded from your body when you died knocked him pretty far back."
  114. "And... What is the final outcome?"
  115. >"Of the entire mess?"
  116. >He shrugs
  117. >"Oh, I don't know that yet. As I said, Twilight's crying over your body. And thinking back on your memories together."
  118. "But... How can you know her inner thoughts, but not the outcome?"
  119. >"It hasn't happened yet."
  120. >Hm.
  121. >So time did exist after you died
  122. >You had always wondered about that
  123. >Not for yourself, of course
  124. >You hadn't expected to die
  125. >It's kind of funny how suddenly it happened, really...
  126. >"As I said, she's thinking back on your memories. And the people in my head are wondering why they're spending so long on this. Some of them, I think, know the truth."
  127. "Know what?"
  128. >"That you're not getting back up."
  129. >He smiles at you again, but sadness is splayed across his face
  130. "I... I don't understand what's going on."
  131. >"Maybe I can make it a bit easier."
  132. >He clears his throat
  133. >"The people who make up me, as an entity, are watching a TV show. Think of a moving storybook. It focuses on Twilight, and it's aimed at people... much younger than they are. So they really didn't expect a death. Especially your death."
  134. "I'm... A story?"
  135. >Your mouth feels dry
  136. >"Well, apparently not, because this is happening. Right now. I'm here with you. So there's another dimension to it."
  137. >You nod
  138. >You can kind of understand that
  139. >"Now, of course, I'm not here for no reason. I believe... Oh, that's interesting."
  140. >He smiles and leans back in the grass
  141. >"There's a bus coming."
  142. "What?"
  143. >You stand up and walk over to him, peering down at his face
  144. >"Yeah. To take you onwards. Us onwards, really."
  145. "Did-- did the people in your head tell you that?"
  146. >"Oh no. I figured that out for myself."
  147. "How?"
  148. >"Just came to me."
  149. >He continues to smile upwards at you
  150. >You can't tell if his eyes are open or closed, since he doesn't really have eyes
  151. >But, even with his lack of features, you can tell that he's absolutely content
  152. "Where do you mean by onwards?"
  153. >"Oh. Well, I have a feeling that everybody's fucking wrong. So if you believe in an afterlife, it's not going to happen."
  154. >You shrug
  155. "I didn't even believe in my own death, until it happened."
  156. >He chuckles
  157. >"Neither did I, Princess."
  158. >You suddenly hear a noise
  159. >A noise like... a motor
  160. >You look off to where it's coming from
  161. >Sure enough, there's a bus
  162. >A large bus
  163. >It quickly reaches where you are, and stops
  164. >The door opens, revealing the driver-less interior.
  165. >"Huh."
  166. >Anonymous stands up, peering inside
  167. >"No driver. Must be an AMD bus."
  168. >He snorts at his own joke, then takes a step inside
  169. >You hesitate, and he turns back to you
  170. >"Well? You coming?"
  171. "I-- I still don't know why you're here."
  172. >"I don't either. For sure, at least. But, if I had to guess, I'd say that I'm supposed to make you happy."
  173. "Happy?"
  174. >"Celestia, you didn't get a day off in your life. You never found love. You rarely had a chance to vacation. You never really were able to do anything for yourself."
  175. >You stare at him, unblinking
  176. >He... Sort of had a point
  177. >"You were still happy, I suppose, but not... Not as happy as you deserved to be. Because you are the most beautiful thing I have ever laid my eyes on."
  178. "I'm the only thing you've ever laid eyes on. You came into being when I died, remember?"
  179. >He smirks
  180. >"Kind of. I'm many people, remember? Now, come on."
  181. >He gestures for you to get on the bus
  182. >You take a tentative step forward
  183. "I'm... Not sure about this."
  184. >"Hell, neither am I. But I can guarantee, that, whatever is about to happen to us, it's going to be the best thing that has ever happened to us. And... Maybe the worst."
  185. >He shrugs
  186. >"I don't know what's going to happen. But, hey, as long as you have me you're alright. Now come on."
  187. >He steps fully onto the bus
  188. >You think for a moment
  189. >Think of those you had lost
  190. >Think of the things you wanted to say to your sister
  191. >That you wanted to say to Twilight
  192. >Things you wished you had done
  193. >And...
  194. >You step on the bus
  195. >He's waiting for you, on a comfortable-looking seat
  196. >It's sized for two
  197. >He pats next to him, and you sit down
  198. "What happens now?"
  199. >"Oh, fuck if I know."
  200. >You feel motion
  201. >The bus is starting to move
  202. >"But I promise you, Celestia."
  203. >You turn to look at him
  204. >His face is earnest
  205. >Maybe a bit mischievous, but earnest
  206. >"I am going to make you happy."
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