
Kirin Magic (Vore ending)

Sep 9th, 2018
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  1. [kirin, micro, hoof, sock entrapment, unaware, vore]
  3. “Hi there! Hello! Nice to meet you!”
  5. The townsponies of Ponyville watched from afar as a strange, overly chatty creature trotted through town, trying to start conversations with anyone nearby. Most had tried to keep their distance to avoid the risk of being trapped in discussion with the creature, others due to its strange form.
  7. It wasn’t until a purple Alicorn landed in town, having flown from her castle that ponies started to feel at ease. Most were expecting her to deal with this strange one but it was her who had been expecting company.
  9. “Autumn Blaze right? I’ve heard so much about you from Applejack and Fluttershy. I’ve wanted to meet a Kirin since they told me about your village.”
  11. Twilight nearly leapt onto the Kirin as she inspected all the differences, her horn, her mane, her hooves and tail.
  13. “Wow, you’re almost as chatty as me. *Gasp* Did you loose your ability to talk and only recently get it back and now you’re making up for lost time and saying everything you can when you can?”
  15. Twilight stared at her for a moment before breaking into a wide, almost creepy smile.
  17. “No but I want to know all about this river of silence and the Kirins and your village and o~h everything!”
  19. The trip back to the castle wasn’t long enough to hear all of Autumn Blaze’s stories but it was surprisingly empty as most ponies seemed to have fled when they neared, most of them trying to hold their ears down for some strange reason. Before Autumn Blaze realized it, she was in Twilight’s library, still going on about the most recent play she had written, directed, starred in and reviewed, not to mention awarded for best play of the year.
  21. “I’ve been reading up on Kirin’s, trying to learn as much about them. At first I thought they were just a legend but when I found out you’re kind were real, I couldn’t stop researching!”
  23. Twilight teleported in a flash across the library, up to the roof as she pulled a book from the top shelf before teleporting back beside Autumn Blaze. Caught off guard, Autumn Blaze looked from Twilight to the shelf, now with a single missing book in it’s rows, back to Twilight.
  25. “What?”
  27. Twilight had noticed the confused look on the Kirin’s face and was a little confused herself at what was troubling her.
  29. “Oh! I see now. You have a twin sister and this is a magic trick you pull on visitors isn’t it?”
  31. “No… I don’t have a twin sister. I just… teleported… with magic.”
  33. “Magic doesn’t work that way, it’s only for picking things up and putting things down.”
  35. Twilight leaned in, getting a better look at Autumn Blaze’s horn.
  37. “Have Kirin’s never cast spells before?”
  39. “Pfft! Of course we can spell, I came second in the ‘Kirin’s School of Kirin Things’ spelling bee.”
  41. “No, not spelling, casting spells, with your horn, use magic for something other than levitation.”
  43. Autumn Blaze’s gaped.
  45. “You can do that?”
  47. Twilight’s creepy smile returned as she clapped her hooves together as she teleported all over the library in rapid succession. Returning to the centre of the room, she dropped a stack of books before disappearing from the room completely, only to return with Starlight holding a Quesadilla.
  49. She hadn’t even noticed in her excitement when she turned to Starlight, she jumped back, teleporting away to Autumn Blaze’s side.
  51. “What did I say about Quesadillas!”
  53. “Hey, I didn’t bring it near you; I was just having lunch until you barged in and brought me here!”
  55. Starlight then noticed Autumn Blaze and got an excited look similar to Twilight’s first sight of her.
  57. “You’re a Kirin aren’t you? Oh wow, this is amazing.”
  59. She hadn’t noticed that she had carried her lunch over with her, causing Twilight to cower and crawl under Autumn Blaze to get further away from it.
  61. “Well I just learned that Kirin’s don’t know how to cast spells, so I thought you could help me teach the first Kirin to cast spells.”
  63. Twilight took Starlight’s Quesadilla, shoving it into her mouth as she explained her reason for bringing her here in the first place.
  65. “So, should we start with something simple like transmogrification?”
  67. Starlight swallowed her mouthful before stepping in.
  69. “Why not teleportation, since you’ve shown how useful it is to bother others with.”
  71. “Bother? I thought you’d enjoy helping to teach the first of a kind to learn something new. Besides, teleportation is too advanced to begin with.”
  73. “I taught Trixie, maybe I’m just a better magic teacher than you.”
  75. “Please, most of Trixie’s motivations are to be better than me. If that means learning an advanced spell, Boulder could have taught her.”
  77. The two argued back and forth, leaving Autumn Blaze standing behind, trying to decide. She hadn’t had anyone to argue with in so long, it would be the first time in years, but learning to cast a spell also sounded fun. She flipped open the first book on the table and started skimming through the pages, eventually landing on a page that caught her attention.
  79. While the two continued to bicker, Autumn Blaze followed the instructions on the book, finding her horn to glow more brightly than it had ever done before. She followed the instructions as stated, but then they ended and her horn returned to its dim self.
  81. “That’s odd. I did this ‘Red Juice’ spell, but I don’t see any red juice. Maybe I misread it, I haven’t said most of these words in years and I’ve forgotten what most of them actually are.”
  83. Surprised at the lack of response, she turned around to find the library empty.
  86. In the midst of their argument, Twilight and Starlight hadn’t noticed that Autumn Blaze had taken it upon herself to learn a spell herself. It wasn’t until the two began to dwindle in size that they noticed and tried to stop her, but it was already too late, they were tiny, bugs on the library floor.
  88. “That’s odd. I did this ‘Red Juice’ spell, but I don’t see any red juice. Maybe I misread it, I haven’t said most of these words in years and I’ve forgotten what most of them actually are.”
  90. Autumn Blaze’s voice was booming as she turned in their direction, unable to see them at their current size. They tried to cover their ears from the booming voice but it was the sudden tremors that caught their attention. Autumn Blaze was walking towards them, her hooves causing tremors with every step, followed by a ‘click’ of her hoof tip on the solid floor.
  92. “Watch out!”
  94. Twilight flew up into the air, waving her hooves in the air to grab her attention, but even so far off the ground; she was barely up to her knees, still far below her eye sight.
  96. Starlight had already run to the side, staying close to the leg of a chair where she found safety from the giant hooves. Twilight however found herself in danger instead as she turned, flying away from the giant Kirin who easily gained ground on her.
  98. A shadow loomed over Twilight as the next step of the Kirin hovered over her, coming down on the bug sized princess. As the hoof fell, Twilight got caught in the alcove of her hoof tip that gently spread as it hovered in the air. Once it came down, pushing Twilight down to the ground with it, it closed on her, pinching her in the Kirin’s hoof.
  100. The hoof didn’t lift again, holding Twilight trapped as Autumn Blaze spun on her fore hooves, moving her hind legs to turn and face another book that the two were arguing over. As she spun around, her tail swept across the floor, smacking into the legs of the nearby furniture, collecting the remaining tiny pony.
  102. “Hmm? Tell Porting? Teleporting…”
  104. Reading over the spell, Autumn Blaze followed the instructions, hoping this one would actually work this time. In a flash, Autumn Blaze moved over by a hoof step.
  106. “It worked!”
  108. Flash after flash, she started to teleport around the room before she eventually began to teleport around the castle instead, seeing all the new rooms that caught her attention for a moment before teleporting to the next.
  110. She found herself in a room with a bed; she could only assume was a bedroom. It was at this point that she started to feel cold, having finally stopped and taken notice of how cold the rock floor was on her hooves. She was used to walking on dirt trails, never really feeling cold hooves before. Perhaps she could find something to wrap her hooves in.
  112. Teleporting around the room, she eventually teleported in front of a closet, finding some long, tube like fabrics hanging over the drawers.
  114. “What are these?”
  116. Autumn Blaze lifted one of them up, turning it around, finding one side being closed off but the other having an opening. Lifting a hoof, she feed it through the opening in the fabric and pulled it up her leg. It was both comfortable and warming. She pulled the drawer open, taking out more of these fabrics and sliding them onto each of her hooves.
  118. Twilight was still trapped in Autumn Blaze’s hoof tip, finally managing to part the tip enough and tried to wiggle out the front since the hoof seemed to refuse to lift anymore. Now with only her head free to see, she saw her closet in front of her with one of her socks, sliding onto Autumn Blaze’s hoof.
  120. Before she could even work out what was going on, the hoof she was trapped in lifted, still holding her body in its grip as another sock wrapped around her, sliding up the hoof until her face was pressed into the sock’s fabric. There was no escaping now, not unless Starlight had a plan.
  123. Speaking of, Starlight was tangled in a sea of long strands of hair. When she was smacked with the tail, she was caught in the hair that surrounded it, wrapping up her hooves in its embrace. It was hard to try to free herself as she watched her surroundings change over and over again with Autumn Blaze, learning to teleport and going everywhere in the castle as fast as possible. Not until she had finally come to a stop in front of Twilight’s closet that Starlight finally had the time to zap at the tangled hairs, burning a few strands off to free her hooves.
  125. Finally free of her chains, leaping off seemed pointless since she wasn’t going to gain the giant Kirin’s attention from the ground. Instead, climbing from the tail seemed the most obvious plan, better than trying to climb a hoof.
  127. Autumn Blaze seemed distracted with something at the moment, meaning without worrying about her moving for the moment, Starlight climbed the tail relatively easily, only struggling on the last part which had no hair to grab onto, only the smooth surface of the tail dock.
  129. Now atop the Kirin’s flank, she felt awkward, like she shouldn’t have been here. Things got a little shaky though as Autumn Blaze began to lift each hind leg, pulling socks up her hind legs, threatening to toss Starlight from her rear. She leapt ahead, reaching the scales on her back and held on, finding better grip on her than her smooth flank.
  131. The other side began to buck as the last hoof was protected from the cold floor, no longer being that threatening to Starlight with her grip on the scales. However it was preventing her from advancing. Once the Kirin settled again, Starlight took off running along her back, leaping into her mane for safety and a way to climb up to her head.
  133. Autumn Blaze must have been really distracted as Starlight traversed the red forest of her mane. Movements were minimal and once free at the base of her horn, she found her still standing in at the closet, looking through for other articles of clothing. As Starlight stepped across her head, her hoof stepped on a strand of hair as another kicked it, accidently pulling it, causing a minor itch to the giant Kirin.
  135. A socked hoof came into view as it reached her head and started rubbing along it towards her. In a panic, Starlight scurried up the curved horn, narrowly avoiding being run over by the socked hoof. She wrapped her own hooves around the small protrusion in the horn until the hoof retreated. Feeling safe again, she was about to climb down with another shadow appeared overhead.
  138. These fabrics felt amazing on Autumn Blaze’s hooves. They were soft, warm and came in such vibrant colours. Perhaps she should get some of her own to take back to her village.
  140. There was a sudden irritation on her head. She reached up and rubbed it, her hoof running over the base of her horn, giving her an idea. She looked back into the closet, pulling out another sock before she lifted it up and pulled it over her horn.
  142. It wasn’t a perfect fit like they were on her hooves, but it seemed to fit still, was this what they were for? Well if she came across those two again, she’d have to ask.
  145. Now surrounded in darkness, Starlight held on tightly as her surroundings began to bounce around. It seemed Autumn Blaze had gotten tired of teleporting and instead went back to walking around again.
  147. The bouncing began to take its toll after a few minutes. Her hooves had become numb from the shaking. Unable to do anything about it, her hooves slipped from their grip as she fell off the horn, falling into the fabric of the sock and sliding down it as she flew from the loose opening at the base of the horn.
  149. She slid along a green, slick surface, heading directly towards a sudden drop off. Turning around, she tried to grab onto something to stop her sliding, but her hooves just slipped on the surface. Her lower half fell over the edge but even with numb hooves, she still managed to grab the edge, not sure at all of how much longer she could hold it.
  151. Hot air began to roll over her as she looked over, finding two holes, pulsing as they blasted hot air at her. It wasn’t helping her as her hooves began to sweat in the heat, steadily slipping over the edge.
  153. “No!”
  155. She screamed, nearly loosing her grip when a soft surface came up from below, pushing her rear up onto the ledge. Breathing in a sigh of relief, she looked ahead and saw two, giant, orange eyes, staring directly at her.
  157. “… little help?”
  160. Returning back to the library, Autumn Blaze lowered her nose to the book she had read first, allowing Starlight to jump down from her nose, onto the pages.
  162. “This is a size reduction spell.”
  164. “Reduce! Not red juice. No wonder it didn’t work the way I thought it was meant to.”
  166. Starlight rolled her eyes and jumped down from the book, lifting the next page over, revealing the enlarging spell.
  168. “Cast this on me.”
  170. Autumn Blaze had a look at the page before casting the spell, watching as Starlight steadily grew back to normal size on the table beside her. Finally back to normal, Starlight leapt down from the table, ready to relax; then she remembered Twilight was still small.
  172. “Umm… do you mind?
  174. Starlight grabbed Autumn Blaze’s hoof and lifted it up as she gently removed the sock from her hoof. Autumn Blaze, unsure of what she was doing, blushed as the unicorn held her hoof. Pulling the sock off, Starlight found Twilight, still trapped in Autumn Blaze’s hoof, only her head and a single fore leg free of it’s solid grip.
  176. Using that free hoof, Twilight wiped the sweat from her face, finally free to breathe in some fresh air and to be freed from the confines of this Kirin’s hoof.
  178. Starlight however, had another idea. After all, how often can you mess with a tiny friend?
  180. “You must be hungry after all this time, wandering around the castle and all.”
  182. As if on queue, Autumn Blaze’s stomach growled, as if it knew someone was talking about food and it was begging for some.
  184. “I’ll be right back.”
  186. Starlight teleported away, returning only moment’s later with a plate, a single Quesadilla, sitting on the plate.
  188. “That does look good.”
  190. Autumn Blaze began to lift it off the plate before Starlight interjected.
  192. “This is the kind of food you really should enjoy with your hooves.”
  194. Shrugging, just accepting it as a pony thing, Autumn Blaze reached out with her bare hoof, scooping up the meal and biting into it, the soft, warm cheese began to ooze out of its folds, sticking to her hoof. Starlight could see Twilight squirming as she was coated in the warm cheese. A grin crossed her lips at the sight.
  196. “That’s what you get for interrupting my lunch.”
  198. Autumn Blaze loved the Quesadilla. The melted cheese was easily the best part of it. It wasn’t something she had had before so she wanted to savour every bite. Each time she spent a moment longer, chewing and tasting it. Starlight didn’t mind, the longer it took her, the more amusement she got out of Twilight’s struggles.
  200. Eventually, Autumn Blaze pushed the last piece into her maw and began to savour it. Starlight guessed she had a moment to end this now.
  202. “Hold on here, I’ll get you something to clean your hooves.”
  204. As she teleported away to find a towel, Autumn Blaze’s attention was brought to her hoof. It was coated in cheese. Not wanting to waste a single bit of flavour, with a nearly full mouth anyway, she rolled out her tongue and rolled it along her hoof, pulling the cheese up from her sole.
  206. The cheese was solidified as one big piece as it had cooled over her hoof. As part of it was pulled into her maw, the rest steadily came loose from her hoof and stretched towards her mouth.
  208. Twilight could feel herself lifting as she was finally pulled from the hoof, but the cheese was still causing her to freak out. She would get Starlight back for this for sure.
  210. “Mmmm…”
  212. That almost sensual noise suddenly gave Twilight the idea that maybe Starlight wasn’t pulling her free. With her free hoof, she pulled a thick layer of cheese from her eyes, enough to see the cheese she was trapped in stretch ahead towards the lips of the Kirin.
  214. “No! No, no, no!”
  216. Twilight tried to squirm and struggle free but the cheese was too cooled and heavy for her tiny form. Autumn Blaze lowered her hoof; the grip from her lips peeled the cheese from her hoof, allowing her to lower it as she steadily pulled the cheese into her maw.
  218. Closer and closer, Twilight was pulled to the lips, each bite threatening to pull her into her mouth. She tried to crawl out of the cheese, steadily getting her hoof further out of the cheese before one last pull pulled her past the cheese stained teeth.
  220. Her scream couldn’t even be heard as Autumn Blaze’s tongue curled over the end of the cheese, pulling it into her already cramped maw and sealed her lips, chewing on her final bite.
  222. The cheese steadily broke away, both from the mixture of saliva and heat of the maw, breaking away from Twilight as she was thrown about, tossed against teeth and lumps of food mush. The thrashing and tossing of food finally came to a halt, for only a moment as Twilight found herself atop of pile of mush. As she attempted to climb off, the tongue curl in front of her, tossing another pile of chewed food from the tip, on top of her. She was trapped once again, this time inside some post chewed cheese.
  224. There was no hope left as the tongue below her lifted and she slid backwards, pulled down by strong muscles.
  226. Autumn Blaze swallowed her last mouthful, feeling the large mass travel down her throat. It was such a great feeling, she was startled when Starlight returned, having forgotten she had left to get something to clean her hoof.
  228. Starlight was about to reach out and pull Twilight free when she noticed the hoof, although a little greasy, clean of cheese and tiny Twilights. There was still a lump in Autumn Blaze’s throat for a moment longer before it disappeared behind her mane.
  230. She stood there, unable to speak as Autumn Blaze reached out, grabbing the towel and wiping her hoof clean.
  232. “That was amazing. Would you mind getting me another? Never eaten pony food before.”
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