
Deadmeat Chronicles: Closing Night at the Arena

Jul 21st, 2012
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  1. >You are an entertainer.
  2. >You give the people what they want.
  3. >You started off tonight with a huge show, the crowd loved it.
  4. >You, on the other hand, are beside yourself with rage.
  5. >You are looking down on this little fucking asshole who is openly challenging you.
  6. >This little fluffy unicorn, dark red maroonish faggot with the light green mane.
  7. >He even has a horn that you put on him, the ungrateful bastard.
  8. >The crowd is cheering and you haven’t taken him out of the arena yet.
  9. >You haven’t even turned off the traps.
  10. >A quick glance at the betting board tells you all you need to know.
  11. >Half these mouth breathers bet for him to live, you lost a shit ton of money on that fight.
  12. >You know better than to act on anger too, that makes it worse.
  13. >Bad enough almost everyone bet on him to kill the hugger, this fucker is costing you money.
  14. >But what to do with him? What to do….
  15. >The fuck? What’s that noise?
  16. >There is a commotion at the back of the audience.
  17. >”Police! Everyone stay down. We are here to collect the fluffies!”
  18. >What the shit is that? It isn’t illegal to fight fluffies, you can understand the other animals but the fluffies?
  19. >A member of the audience jumps up, “Fuck off pig!”
  20. >He runs up and punches one of the cops.
  21. >Fuck my life! The mouth breathers weren’t even in trouble!
  22. >”Officer down! Officer down! Send back up!”
  23. >One of the police starts to spray mace in the man’s face, some flies into the audience.
  24. >You decide you need to take control, “Ok guys, everyone calm down. Let the police do what they came for. I’ll refund all your admissions.”
  25. >They either don’t hear or don’t give a fuck, pandemonium starts to break out.
  26. >More police start to pour into the door bringing out their tonfas, tazers and batons.
  27. >The audience members start to throw chairs.
  28. >You watch as the police start to bash audience members in the head, some get huge bleeding gashes.
  29. >You hear a popping noise, when you turn you see a cop tazing a man.
  30. >While he is immobile another hits his face with a tonfa, teeth and blood pour from his mouth.
  31. >You see a cop on the floor holding the inside of his leg, blood spurting between his fingers.
  32. >”Asshole stabbed me! Fucking degenerate scum stabbed me!”
  33. >You give a small giggle.
  34. >”Whoa fuck me!”
  35. >You turn and see some of the audience walking through the arena, a spike barely missed skewering one of them
  36. >What the hell are they doing in there? How the hell did they get in there?
  37. >Fuck! Looks like someone broke the sides-
  38. >”AHHHHHHHH!!!”
  39. >Pain shoots up through your left leg.
  40. >You look down.
  41. >That maroon motherfucker just stabbed your leg just above the ankle… with the horn you gave him… motherfuck!
  42. >Someone broke the sides of the arena.
  43. >The maroon asshole pulls back and looks at you.
  44. >You try to kick but the pain in your ankle makes you fall.
  45. >You sit up and get ready to punch him.
  46. >Guess he realizes he can’t win and starts to run.
  47. >You get up to chase, you look at the sorry sticks.
  48. >You grab the ultimate sorry, the bat.
  49. >You limp into the melee looking for him.
  50. >You see him hiding between two chairs looking for an escape in all the fighting.
  51. >You walk up behind him and push him with the bat.
  52. >He turns and sees you, he jumps back and puffs his cheeks.
  53. >”Just want you to see it coming shit bag.”
  54. >You raise the bat.
  55. >You feel a sharp pain in your back.
  56. *tic**tic**tic**tic**tic**tic**tic**tic*
  57. >Your body spasms and locks up in pain.
  58. >You drop the bat and fall on the floor.
  59. >You just got fucking tazed.
  60. >”lay down and put your hands-“
  61. >Two audience members jump the cop making him drop his tazer.
  62. >The maroon fluffy makes a break while you break the electric wires on your back.
  63. >You get the bat back and start scanning.
  64. >You know he isn’t far.
  65. >You push your way past a couple of fights.
  66. >Suddenly you get a huge pain in your back from getting hit.
  67. >”Put the bat down and get on the floor!”
  68. >The police are hitting you with batons.
  69. >You lay down prone and put your hands on the back of your head.
  70. >Seriously, do they think this is the first time you’ve been arrested?
  71. >Well, he is a fluffy after all.
  72. >Accident prone faggot is probably…
  73. >You look at the door just in time to see a flash of maroon fluff with a light green tail disappear around its edge.
  74. >The police are too concerned with the riot and arresting people.
  75. >The crowd is too concerned with fighting to get out.
  76. >No one gives a fuck about a lone feral fluffy running around.
  77. >The maroon fluffy unicorn with the light green mane is running of into the night.
  78. >Your rage filled screams of “FUCK!!!” echo after him.
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