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Jan 15th, 2016
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  1. [16.01.2016 00:07:59] A/)-Orio.Ori~: That agent's back.
  2. [16.01.2016 00:08:01] A/)-Orio.Ori~: I want to talk to her.
  3. [16.01.2016 00:08:05] Order|Gantai.: Uh.
  4. [16.01.2016 00:08:14] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Oh- sorry, you busy?
  5. [16.01.2016 00:08:16] A/)-William.Foulke: What's going on here?
  6. [16.01.2016 00:08:26] A/)-Orio.Ori~: We haven't had a chance to talk.
  7. [16.01.2016 00:08:31] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Those morons interrupted it all.
  8. [16.01.2016 00:08:43] Order|Gantai.: That I can agree on.
  9. [16.01.2016 00:08:56] A/)-Orio.Ori~: *She bows her head, slightly.* - Apologies.
  10. [16.01.2016 00:09:22] Order|Gantai.: Uh. Eh.. please.
  11. [16.01.2016 00:09:25] A/)-Orio.Ori~: If you don't mind me asking, what was your business in Coronado?
  12. [16.01.2016 00:09:42] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Meaning no offense. Only curious.
  13. [16.01.2016 00:10:17] Order|Gantai.: I've been assigned here in this cell after the Newcastle incident to observe any Nomad or Outcast activties in this region.
  14. [16.01.2016 00:10:26] A/)-Orio.Ori~: I see-I see.
  15. [16.01.2016 00:10:40] A/)-Orio.Ori~: We'll, you've found Outcasts.
  16. [16.01.2016 00:10:42] A/)-Orio.Ori~: That's for sure.
  17. [16.01.2016 00:10:55] A/)-William.Foulke: Nomads... You'll find one around here. They always pop up.
  18. [16.01.2016 00:10:59] Order|Gantai.: Well. You could say my underling informants told me about this little /unpleasant/ gathering.
  19. [16.01.2016 00:11:11] A/)-Orio.Ori~: It wasn't unpleasant at the /beginning/.
  20. [16.01.2016 00:11:14] A/)-Orio.Ori~: It was actually rather nice.
  21. [16.01.2016 00:11:24] Order|Gantai.: Oh. I did find one earlier, It's a 'new-type' so to speak.
  22. [16.01.2016 00:11:32] A/)-Orio.Ori~: I called Foulke over here an a'sshole and I apologised after it, too. That was fun.
  23. [16.01.2016 00:11:33] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Ehm.
  24. [16.01.2016 00:11:45] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Aaaanyway..
  25. [16.01.2016 00:12:06] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Again, that whole scenario was rather peaceful until that 'Oracle' or whatever came along.
  26. [16.01.2016 00:12:08] A/)-William.Foulke: *Shrugs*
  27. [16.01.2016 00:12:09] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Irrelevant.
  28. [16.01.2016 00:12:28] Order|Gantai.: Tch. Oracles.. idiotic creatures.
  29. [16.01.2016 00:12:33] A/)-Orio.Ori~: That we can agree on.
  30. [16.01.2016 00:12:46] A/)-William.Foulke: The only thing he taught me was that I need to work on my aim..
  31. [16.01.2016 00:12:58] A/)-Orio.Ori~: I can help you with that, later.
  32. [16.01.2016 00:13:03] Order|Gantai.: Meh. I managed to slip out of there as soon as all the baddies gathered- Oh.
  33. [16.01.2016 00:13:29] A/)-Orio.Ori~: He seems rather jiggly over my scanners. Ion Storms.
  34. [16.01.2016 00:13:41] A/)-William.Foulke: And their shields were down...?
  35. [16.01.2016 00:13:42] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Aaaand... he or she is gone.
  36. [16.01.2016 00:13:52] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Alright, uhm.
  37. [16.01.2016 00:13:56] A/)-William.Foulke: Hold on...
  38. [16.01.2016 00:14:00] Don't use F1 or disconnect when interacting with other players.
  39. [16.01.2016 00:14:00] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Hmm?
  40. [16.01.2016 00:14:06] A/)-William.Foulke: Why were the shields down?>
  41. [16.01.2016 00:14:09] A/)-Orio.Ori~: The Cerberus.
  42. [16.01.2016 00:14:17] A/)-Orio.Ori~: She or he got shot by the platforms.
  43. [16.01.2016 00:14:18] A/)-Orio.Ori~: I saw the hit.
  44. [16.01.2016 00:14:22] A/)-Orio.Ori~: 'Tis nothing.
  45. [16.01.2016 00:14:27] A/)-William.Foulke: Alright then. Got suspicious.
  46. [16.01.2016 00:14:38] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Anyway, back to you, uhm... 'Gantai'.
  47. [16.01.2016 00:14:39] Order|Gantai.: Eh.. Well, anyway. I heard the Order's been giving it rough to you over the past period.
  48. [16.01.2016 00:14:45] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Hmm?
  49. [16.01.2016 00:14:50] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Oh, I don't know anything about that.
  50. [16.01.2016 00:14:52] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Foulke?
  51. [16.01.2016 00:15:11] A/)-William.Foulke: *Shrugs* I saw you helping us alongside Hellfire when the Eidolon was in retreat.
  52. [16.01.2016 00:15:40] A/)-Orio.Ori~: What you said rather confused me. I wouldn't imagine that The Order would have any reason to... fight us.
  53. [16.01.2016 00:15:52] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Though, I know that our Battlegroup has some former Core members.
  54. [16.01.2016 00:16:01] Order|Gantai.: Hah. Don't be so lax about the Order.
  55. [16.01.2016 00:16:32] Order|Gantai.: The Overwatch doesn't trust you, and you're subject -at anytime to be disposed of.
  56. [16.01.2016 00:16:32] A/)-Orio.Ori~: I'm just questioning our motives. We're /both/ on a hunt for Alien creatures to exterminate.
  57. [16.01.2016 00:16:37] A/)-Orio.Ori~: We're also-
  58. [16.01.2016 00:16:39] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Huh?
  59. [16.01.2016 00:16:52] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Foulke, what did you do?
  60. [16.01.2016 00:16:58] A/)-William.Foulke: Did I do something?
  61. [16.01.2016 00:16:59] Order|Gantai.: *Sighs* Look.
  62. [16.01.2016 00:17:16] A/)-Orio.Ori~: It just looks rather odd from my point of view.
  63. [16.01.2016 00:17:23] A/)-Orio.Ori~: I may have missed a few things, but..
  64. [16.01.2016 00:17:25] A/)-Orio.Ori~: I don't know.
  65. [16.01.2016 00:17:41] A/)-William.Foulke: Do not talk about that... /thing/ we associate with, Ori. You already know that, though.
  66. [16.01.2016 00:17:42] A/)-Orio.Ori~: I don't think we should go all-hostile on eachother just yet.
  67. [16.01.2016 00:17:52] Order|Gantai.: We know that you all previously worked for the Core. Well, most of you.
  68. [16.01.2016 00:17:55] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Don't worry. I got this.
  69. [16.01.2016 00:17:57] A/)-William.Foulke: Not I...
  70. [16.01.2016 00:18:04] A/)-Orio.Ori~: I'm a diplomat! *She smiles, proudly.*
  71. [16.01.2016 00:18:10] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Me neither.
  72. [16.01.2016 00:18:13] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Hm.
  73. [16.01.2016 00:18:14] A/)-William.Foulke: *Shrugs* Knock yourself out.
  74. [16.01.2016 00:18:22] A/)-Orio.Ori~: I mean, you /can/ participate...
  75. [16.01.2016 00:18:26] Order|Gantai.: The Overwatch suspects that she still has ties to Nodtviet.
  76. [16.01.2016 00:18:28] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Don't leave me all alone here, buddo'.
  77. [16.01.2016 00:18:39] A/)-William.Foulke: Oh please, that man isn't an issue.
  78. [16.01.2016 00:18:54] 2016-01-16 00:21:34 SMT
  79. [16.01.2016 00:18:54] A/)-Orio.Ori~: You have no reason to trust me or Foulke, but we can assure you that Sapphire has nothing to do with the Core.
  80. [16.01.2016 00:18:54] 2016-01-16 00:21:35 SMT
  81. [16.01.2016 00:18:54] Order|Gantai.: Thus, Battlegroup Auxesia as an orginisation is a threat.
  82. [16.01.2016 00:19:06] 2016-01-16 00:21:46 SMT
  83. [16.01.2016 00:19:06] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Take that however you want it.
  84. [16.01.2016 00:19:14] 2016-01-16 00:21:54 SMT
  85. [16.01.2016 00:19:14] Order|Gantai.: Oh. I know, I know that completly.
  86. [16.01.2016 00:19:15] 2016-01-16 00:21:55 SMT
  87. [16.01.2016 00:19:15] A/)-William.Foulke: We're a threat because of a baseless suspiscion?
  88. [16.01.2016 00:19:17] 2016-01-16 00:21:57 SMT
  89. [16.01.2016 00:19:17] A/)-Orio.Ori~: You do?
  90. [16.01.2016 00:19:25] 2016-01-16 00:22:05 SMT
  91. [16.01.2016 00:19:25] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Wait- Foulke.
  92. [16.01.2016 00:19:31] 2016-01-16 00:22:11 SMT
  93. [16.01.2016 00:19:31] A/)-Orio.Ori~: She's talking about the Overwatch, not herself.
  94. [16.01.2016 00:19:37] 2016-01-16 00:22:17 SMT
  95. [16.01.2016 00:19:37] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Am I right?
  96. [16.01.2016 00:20:02] 2016-01-16 00:22:43 SMT
  97. [16.01.2016 00:20:02] Order|Gantai.: Eh. I'm also part of the Overwatch.
  98. [16.01.2016 00:20:07] Changing screen mode=full
  99. [16.01.2016 00:20:15] 2016-01-16 00:22:55 SMT
  100. [16.01.2016 00:20:15] A/)-Orio.Ori~: You're also an individual.
  101. [16.01.2016 00:20:42] 2016-01-16 00:23:22 SMT
  102. [16.01.2016 00:20:42] Order|Gantai.: That's true.
  103. [16.01.2016 00:20:48] 2016-01-16 00:23:28 SMT
  104. [16.01.2016 00:20:48] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Aren't you? *She takes off her helmet, puts on her glasses and grins.*
  105. [16.01.2016 00:20:50] 2016-01-16 00:23:30 SMT
  106. [16.01.2016 00:20:50] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Mhmm.
  107. [16.01.2016 00:21:06] 2016-01-16 00:23:46 SMT
  108. [16.01.2016 00:21:06] A/)-Orio.Ori~: So.
  109. [16.01.2016 00:21:11] 2016-01-16 00:23:51 SMT
  110. [16.01.2016 00:21:11] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Miss individual...
  111. [16.01.2016 00:21:16] 2016-01-16 00:23:56 SMT
  112. [16.01.2016 00:21:16] A/)-Orio.Ori~: What do /you/ think about this whole thing.
  113. [16.01.2016 00:21:21] 2016-01-16 00:24:01 SMT
  114. [16.01.2016 00:21:21] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Do /you/ consider us as a threat?
  115. [16.01.2016 00:21:33] 2016-01-16 00:24:13 SMT
  116. [16.01.2016 00:21:33] A/)-Orio.Ori~: I, personally, don't consider the Order as a whole as a threat. Or an enemy.
  117. [16.01.2016 00:21:43] 2016-01-16 00:24:23 SMT
  118. [16.01.2016 00:21:43] A/)-William.Foulke: *Leans back even more, almost lying down* That's a lot of reclining space, Jesus...
  119. [16.01.2016 00:21:45] 2016-01-16 00:24:26 SMT
  120. [16.01.2016 00:21:45] A/)-Orio.Ori~: You especially. At least, for the time being.
  121. [16.01.2016 00:22:19] 2016-01-16 00:24:59 SMT
  122. [16.01.2016 00:22:19] Order|Gantai.: Hmph. Considering how much I know Raven, I wouldn't say that she's playing through Auxesia to achieve third party goals.
  123. [16.01.2016 00:22:26] Changing screen mode=full
  124. [16.01.2016 00:22:41] 2016-01-16 00:25:21 SMT
  125. [16.01.2016 00:22:41] Death: Rannoch was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
  126. [16.01.2016 00:22:43] 2016-01-16 00:25:23 SMT
  127. [16.01.2016 00:22:43] Order|Gantai.: But neither I am confident that her cause is.. completly noble.
  128. [16.01.2016 00:22:56] 2016-01-16 00:25:36 SMT
  129. [16.01.2016 00:22:56] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Hmm...
  130. [16.01.2016 00:23:07] 2016-01-16 00:25:47 SMT
  131. [16.01.2016 00:23:07] A/)-Orio.Ori~: You... 'know' our Commander?
  132. [16.01.2016 00:23:15] 2016-01-16 00:25:55 SMT
  133. [16.01.2016 00:23:15] A/)-William.Foulke: Everyone seems to...
  134. [16.01.2016 00:23:23] 2016-01-16 00:26:03 SMT
  135. [16.01.2016 00:23:23] A/)-Orio.Ori~: I'm talking on a bigger scale.
  136. [16.01.2016 00:23:29] 2016-01-16 00:26:09 SMT
  137. [16.01.2016 00:23:29] A/)-Orio.Ori~: How much do you know about her?
  138. [16.01.2016 00:23:32] 2016-01-16 00:26:12 SMT
  139. [16.01.2016 00:23:32] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Friends?
  140. [16.01.2016 00:23:33] Changing screen mode=windowed
  141. [16.01.2016 00:24:02] 2016-01-16 00:26:42 SMT
  142. [16.01.2016 00:24:02] Order|Gantai.: Yeah.. pretty much- Well. Friends? Not quite, we were enemies that had a bond formed from mutal ideals and codes.
  143. [16.01.2016 00:24:13] Changing screen mode=full
  144. [16.01.2016 00:24:21] 2016-01-16 00:27:01 SMT
  145. [16.01.2016 00:24:21] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Hm.
  146. [16.01.2016 00:24:21] 2016-01-16 00:27:01 SMT
  147. [16.01.2016 00:24:21] Order|Gantai.: But, I made something that made her, probably, hate my guts.
  148. [16.01.2016 00:24:23] 2016-01-16 00:27:03 SMT
  149. [16.01.2016 00:24:24] 2016-01-16 00:27:04 SMT
  150. [16.01.2016 00:24:24] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Interesting.
  151. [16.01.2016 00:24:36] 2016-01-16 00:27:16 SMT
  152. [16.01.2016 00:24:58] 2016-01-16 00:27:38 SMT
  153. [16.01.2016 00:24:58] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Ehm..
  154. [16.01.2016 00:25:01] 2016-01-16 00:27:41 SMT
  155. [16.01.2016 00:25:02] 2016-01-16 00:27:43 SMT
  156. [16.01.2016 00:25:02] A/)-Orio.Ori~: If I may ask, what did you do?
  157. [16.01.2016 00:25:06] 2016-01-16 00:27:46 SMT
  158. [16.01.2016 00:25:06] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Betrayal?
  159. [16.01.2016 00:25:17] 2016-01-16 00:27:57 SMT
  160. [16.01.2016 00:25:17] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Switched sides?
  161. [16.01.2016 00:25:37] 2016-01-16 00:28:18 SMT
  162. [16.01.2016 00:25:37] Order|Gantai.: Nevertheless, we fought on the same side on certain occasions, even now. - Betrayal? Not at all.
  163. [16.01.2016 00:25:47] 2016-01-16 00:28:27 SMT
  164. [16.01.2016 00:25:47] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Huh.
  165. [16.01.2016 00:25:51] 2016-01-16 00:28:31 SMT
  166. [16.01.2016 00:25:51] Order|Gantai.: I wasn't her friend or ally to betray her.
  167. [16.01.2016 00:26:00] 2016-01-16 00:28:40 SMT
  168. [16.01.2016 00:26:00] A/)-Orio.Ori~: I see...
  169. [16.01.2016 00:26:02] 2016-01-16 00:28:42 SMT
  170. [16.01.2016 00:26:02] A/)-William.Foulke: Nomads. *Shrugs* They unite people.
  171. [16.01.2016 00:26:18] 2016-01-16 00:28:58 SMT
  172. [16.01.2016 00:26:18] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Yes, Foulke. Which is why I originally wanted to talk to you, miss.
  173. [16.01.2016 00:26:38] 2016-01-16 00:29:18 SMT
  174. [16.01.2016 00:26:38] A/)-Orio.Ori~: See- I don't see The Order - nor The Core - as enemies. I see both organisations as potential allies, but then again-
  175. [16.01.2016 00:26:43] 2016-01-16 00:29:23 SMT
  176. [16.01.2016 00:26:43] A/)-Orio.Ori~: -I do not know much.
  177. [16.01.2016 00:26:57] 2016-01-16 00:29:37 SMT
  178. [16.01.2016 00:26:57] A/)-Orio.Ori~: I wouldn't understand why we would initiate fighting between ourselves.
  179. [16.01.2016 00:27:04] 2016-01-16 00:29:44 SMT
  180. [16.01.2016 00:27:04] A/)-Orio.Ori~: We are - after all - shooting at the same things.
  181. [16.01.2016 00:27:09] 2016-01-16 00:29:49 SMT
  182. [16.01.2016 00:27:09] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Aliens. Maltese.
  183. [16.01.2016 00:27:13] 2016-01-16 00:29:53 SMT
  184. [16.01.2016 00:27:13] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Enemies.
  185. [16.01.2016 00:27:16] 2016-01-16 00:29:56 SMT
  186. [16.01.2016 00:27:16] Order|Gantai.: I don't know about that, Auxesia have sided with the Core against us, and have sided with us against the Core.
  187. [16.01.2016 00:27:29] 2016-01-16 00:30:10 SMT
  188. [16.01.2016 00:27:29] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Huh.
  189. [16.01.2016 00:27:31] 2016-01-16 00:30:11 SMT
  190. [16.01.2016 00:27:31] Death: Rannoch was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
  191. [16.01.2016 00:27:34] 2016-01-16 00:30:14 SMT
  192. [16.01.2016 00:27:34] A/)-Orio.Ori~: How odd.
  193. [16.01.2016 00:27:41] 2016-01-16 00:30:21 SMT
  194. [16.01.2016 00:27:41] A/)-Orio.Ori~: //THE DANK RPS
  195. [16.01.2016 00:27:58] 2016-01-16 00:30:38 SMT
  196. [16.01.2016 00:27:58] A/)-Orio.Ori~: I must've been absent on those occassions.
  197. [16.01.2016 00:28:01] 2016-01-16 00:30:41 SMT
  198. [16.01.2016 00:28:01] A/)-Adze: Glad to see you two made it.
  199. [16.01.2016 00:28:05] 2016-01-16 00:30:45 SMT
  200. [16.01.2016 00:28:05] A/)-Adze: Oh, hello Gantai.
  201. [16.01.2016 00:28:11] 2016-01-16 00:30:52 SMT
  202. [16.01.2016 00:28:11] Order|Gantai.: That's not how you solve diplomacy, the only way for Auxesia to rise ontop of this problem is to stay neutral in this matter.
  203. [16.01.2016 00:28:16] 2016-01-16 00:30:56 SMT
  204. [16.01.2016 00:28:16] Order|Gantai.: Kon'nichiwa.
  205. [16.01.2016 00:28:25] 2016-01-16 00:31:05 SMT
  206. [16.01.2016 00:28:25] Order|Gantai.: It happened a few times in the Omicrons.
  207. [16.01.2016 00:28:28] 2016-01-16 00:31:08 SMT
  208. [16.01.2016 00:28:28] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Yes, 'ello, Adze. Silent Warrior!
  209. [16.01.2016 00:28:31] 2016-01-16 00:31:11 SMT
  210. [16.01.2016 00:28:31] A/)-Orio.Ori~: And, look-
  211. [16.01.2016 00:28:32] 2016-01-16 00:31:12 SMT
  212. [16.01.2016 00:28:32] A/)-William.Foulke: That's obvious. *Looks at Orio* Why did we take sides before?
  213. [16.01.2016 00:28:43] 2016-01-16 00:31:23 SMT
  214. [16.01.2016 00:28:43] A/)-Orio.Ori~: I've no idea.
  215. [16.01.2016 00:28:59] 2016-01-16 00:31:39 SMT
  216. [16.01.2016 00:28:59] Death: Blake was put out of action by The.Artemis (Gun).
  217. [16.01.2016 00:28:59] 2016-01-16 00:31:40 SMT
  218. [16.01.2016 00:28:59] A/)-Orio.Ori~: I assume we considered the specific organisation an enemy at that point in time.
  219. [16.01.2016 00:29:05] 2016-01-16 00:31:45 SMT
  220. [16.01.2016 00:29:05] A/)-Orio.Ori~: And then an ally at /another/ point in time.
  221. [16.01.2016 00:29:17] 2016-01-16 00:31:58 SMT
  222. [16.01.2016 00:29:17] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Staying neutral helps nobody.
  223. [16.01.2016 00:29:29] 2016-01-16 00:32:10 SMT
  224. [16.01.2016 00:29:29] Order|Gantai.: Hmph. That doesn't solve it.
  225. [16.01.2016 00:29:39] 2016-01-16 00:32:19 SMT
  226. [16.01.2016 00:29:39] A/)-Orio.Ori~: From my point of view, our organisations should be at least partially united. But - again - what do I know?
  227. [16.01.2016 00:29:45] 2016-01-16 00:32:25 SMT
  228. [16.01.2016 00:29:45] Order|Gantai.: I see Raven's not decisive enough.
  229. [16.01.2016 00:29:55] 2016-01-16 00:32:35 SMT
  230. [16.01.2016 00:29:55] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Decisive. Hmm.
  231. [16.01.2016 00:30:13] 2016-01-16 00:32:53 SMT
  232. [16.01.2016 00:30:13] A/)-Orio.Ori~: She has a good eye for people, I can tell you that, at least.
  233. [16.01.2016 00:30:17] 2016-01-16 00:32:57 SMT
  234. [16.01.2016 00:30:17] A/)-Adze: The Keeper is plenty decisive.
  235. [16.01.2016 00:30:25] 2016-01-16 00:33:05 SMT
  236. [16.01.2016 00:30:25] Order|Gantai.: Agreed, we all have the same enemy. But lust for power and greed stands in the way.
  237. [16.01.2016 00:30:30] 2016-01-16 00:33:10 SMT
  238. [16.01.2016 00:30:30] A/)-William.Foulke: I have words on that topic... *Shrugs*
  239. [16.01.2016 00:30:35] 2016-01-16 00:33:15 SMT
  240. [16.01.2016 00:30:35] A/)-William.Foulke: But I'll save them.
  241. [16.01.2016 00:30:41] 2016-01-16 00:33:21 SMT
  242. [16.01.2016 00:30:41] A/)-Adze: So does blind hatred.
  243. [16.01.2016 00:30:42] 2016-01-16 00:33:22 SMT
  244. [16.01.2016 00:30:42] A/)-Orio.Ori~: For a later date, you will.
  245. [16.01.2016 00:30:49] 2016-01-16 00:33:29 SMT
  246. [16.01.2016 00:30:49] A/)-Orio.Ori~: I want to hear that, Foulke.
  247. [16.01.2016 00:30:51] 2016-01-16 00:33:31 SMT
  248. [16.01.2016 00:30:51] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Anyway-
  249. [16.01.2016 00:30:59] 2016-01-16 00:33:39 SMT
  250. [16.01.2016 00:30:59] A/)-Orio.Ori~: I'm sure that the Commander doesn't want to pick a side.
  251. [16.01.2016 00:31:12] 2016-01-16 00:33:53 SMT
  252. [16.01.2016 00:31:27] 2016-01-16 00:34:07 SMT
  253. [16.01.2016 00:31:27] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Both The Core and The Order have the same enemy.
  254. [16.01.2016 00:31:35] 2016-01-16 00:34:15 SMT
  255. [16.01.2016 00:31:35] Order|Gantai.: That'd be the right thing to do if she wants to ensure Auxesia doesn't get torn apart.
  256. [16.01.2016 00:31:49] 2016-01-16 00:34:29 SMT
  257. [16.01.2016 00:31:49] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Look at it from this point of view.
  258. [16.01.2016 00:32:09] 2016-01-16 00:34:49 SMT
  259. [16.01.2016 00:32:09] A/)-Orio.Ori~: I'm willing to believe that The Battlegroup considers The Core and The Order allies and enemies at the same time.
  260. [16.01.2016 00:32:20] 2016-01-16 00:35:00 SMT
  261. [16.01.2016 00:32:20] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Both Organisations have good things about them.
  262. [16.01.2016 00:32:25] 2016-01-16 00:35:05 SMT
  263. [16.01.2016 00:32:25] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Both have bad things about them.
  264. [16.01.2016 00:32:40] 2016-01-16 00:35:20 SMT
  265. [16.01.2016 00:32:40] A/)-Orio.Ori~: What's important is that they both have the same enemy they need to deal with.
  266. [16.01.2016 00:32:41] 2016-01-16 00:35:21 SMT
  267. [16.01.2016 00:32:41] A/)-William.Foulke: Not exactly what you want to say to a member of that rivalry.
  268. [16.01.2016 00:32:49] 2016-01-16 00:35:29 SMT
  269. [16.01.2016 00:32:49] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Leave it to me.
  270. [16.01.2016 00:32:55] 2016-01-16 00:35:35 SMT
  271. [16.01.2016 00:32:55] A/)-Orio.Ori~: She seems reasonable.
  272. [16.01.2016 00:32:57] 2016-01-16 00:35:37 SMT
  273. [16.01.2016 00:32:57] A/)-Adze: It is true though.
  274. [16.01.2016 00:32:58] 2016-01-16 00:35:39 SMT
  275. [16.01.2016 00:32:58] A/)-William.Foulke: You're okay at diplomacy, but just remember the cardinal rule of kissing ass.
  276. [16.01.2016 00:33:07] 2016-01-16 00:35:47 SMT
  277. [16.01.2016 00:33:07] A/)-Orio.Ori~: And-
  278. [16.01.2016 00:33:11] 2016-01-16 00:35:51 SMT
  279. [16.01.2016 00:33:11] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Foulke, shut up.
  280. [16.01.2016 00:33:15] 2016-01-16 00:35:55 SMT
  281. [16.01.2016 00:33:15] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Ehm.
  282. [16.01.2016 00:33:17] 2016-01-16 00:35:57 SMT
  283. [16.01.2016 00:33:17] A/)-Orio.Ori~: In a friendly way.
  284. [16.01.2016 00:33:21] 2016-01-16 00:36:01 SMT
  285. [16.01.2016 00:33:21] A/)-William.Foulke: *Glares*
  286. [16.01.2016 00:33:29] 2016-01-16 00:36:10 SMT
  287. [16.01.2016 00:33:29] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Sorry.
  288. [16.01.2016 00:33:31] 2016-01-16 00:36:11 SMT
  289. [16.01.2016 00:33:31] A/)-Orio.Ori~: You know.
  290. [16.01.2016 00:33:33] 2016-01-16 00:36:13 SMT
  291. [16.01.2016 00:33:33] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Anyway-
  292. [16.01.2016 00:34:02] 2016-01-16 00:36:42 SMT
  293. [16.01.2016 00:34:02] Order|Gantai.: Miss..? Eh. Whatever. Your analysis is correct, but it's uncomplete.
  294. [16.01.2016 00:34:02] 2016-01-16 00:36:42 SMT
  295. [16.01.2016 00:34:02] A/)-Orio.Ori~: From my point of view our way is going to be tougher to take in the long run. But it may or may not also be more efficient.
  296. [16.01.2016 00:34:22] 2016-01-16 00:37:02 SMT
  297. [16.01.2016 00:34:37] 2016-01-16 00:37:17 SMT
  298. [16.01.2016 00:34:37] A/)-Orio.Ori~: I would enjoy seeing The Core and The Order getting tired of having The Battlegroup as an ally and enemy at the same time.
  299. [16.01.2016 00:34:51] 2016-01-16 00:37:31 SMT
  300. [16.01.2016 00:34:51] Order|Gantai.: Both the Order and the Core are ruthless, they won't accept getting backstabbed once and then forgive. You attack them once-
  301. [16.01.2016 00:34:53] 2016-01-16 00:37:33 SMT
  302. [16.01.2016 00:34:53] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Joining forces to try and shoot us out would make a lot of sense if you ask me.
  303. [16.01.2016 00:35:00] 2016-01-16 00:37:40 SMT
  304. [16.01.2016 00:35:00] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Oh, I know.
  305. [16.01.2016 00:35:04] 2016-01-16 00:37:44 SMT
  306. [16.01.2016 00:35:04] Order|Gantai.: you remain on the blacklist for good.
  307. [16.01.2016 00:35:14] 2016-01-16 00:37:54 SMT
  308. [16.01.2016 00:35:14] A/)-Orio.Ori~: *She nods, with a grin.*
  309. [16.01.2016 00:35:18] 2016-01-16 00:37:58 SMT
  310. [16.01.2016 00:35:18] A/)-Orio.Ori~: I know, I know.
  311. [16.01.2016 00:35:40] 2016-01-16 00:38:20 SMT
  312. [16.01.2016 00:35:40] Death: Help101boy was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
  313. [16.01.2016 00:35:40] 2016-01-16 00:38:20 SMT
  314. [16.01.2016 00:35:40] A/)-Orio.Ori~: I'm just willing to believe that The Core and The Order will see eachothers' positives instead of just looking at the-
  315. [16.01.2016 00:35:49] 2016-01-16 00:38:29 SMT
  316. [16.01.2016 00:35:49] A/)-Orio.Ori~: -negatives only if they ever try and work together against something.
  317. [16.01.2016 00:35:59] 2016-01-16 00:38:39 SMT
  318. [16.01.2016 00:35:59] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Whatever that thing is. They'll be more efficient together.
  319. [16.01.2016 00:36:15] 2016-01-16 00:38:55 SMT
  320. [16.01.2016 00:36:15] Order|Gantai.: *Laughs* Oh. Yeah, right.
  321. [16.01.2016 00:36:23] 2016-01-16 00:39:03 SMT
  322. [16.01.2016 00:36:23] A/)-William.Foulke: That's naive, Orio.
  323. [16.01.2016 00:36:28] 2016-01-16 00:39:08 SMT
  324. [16.01.2016 00:36:28] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Oh, I know.
  325. [16.01.2016 00:36:31] 2016-01-16 00:39:11 SMT
  326. [16.01.2016 00:36:31] A/)-Orio.Ori~: I'm not saying it will happen.
  327. [16.01.2016 00:36:41] 2016-01-16 00:39:21 SMT
  328. [16.01.2016 00:36:41] A/)-Orio.Ori~: I'm just looking at it differently.
  329. [16.01.2016 00:36:51] 2016-01-16 00:39:31 SMT
  330. [16.01.2016 00:36:51] 2016-01-16 00:39:32 SMT
  331. [16.01.2016 00:36:51] Order|Gantai.: We're talking about leaders who lust for power and unstoppable force.
  332. [16.01.2016 00:36:57] 2016-01-16 00:39:37 SMT
  333. [16.01.2016 00:36:57] A/)-Orio.Ori~: 'Leaders'.
  334. [16.01.2016 00:37:02] 2016-01-16 00:39:42 SMT
  335. [16.01.2016 00:37:02] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Are you talking about /your/ leader, too?
  336. [16.01.2016 00:37:06] 2016-01-16 00:39:46 SMT
  337. [16.01.2016 00:37:06] A/)-William.Foulke: It's safer to rely on the greed of men than their generosity.
  338. [16.01.2016 00:37:23] 2016-01-16 00:40:03 SMT
  339. [16.01.2016 00:37:23] Order|Gantai.: Tch. I think I went too far.
  340. [16.01.2016 00:37:27] 2016-01-16 00:40:07 SMT
  341. [16.01.2016 00:37:27] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Got her.
  342. [16.01.2016 00:37:35] 2016-01-16 00:40:15 SMT
  343. [16.01.2016 00:37:35] A/)-Orio.Ori~: What do you mean?
  344. [16.01.2016 00:37:38] 2016-01-16 00:40:18 SMT
  345. [16.01.2016 00:37:38] A/)-William.Foulke: Funny how the bird sings.
  346. [16.01.2016 00:37:48] 2016-01-16 00:40:28 SMT
  347. [16.01.2016 00:37:48] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Hm.
  348. [16.01.2016 00:37:51] 2016-01-16 00:40:32 SMT
  349. [16.01.2016 00:37:51] A/)-Orio.Ori~: We have another contact...
  350. [16.01.2016 00:37:59] 2016-01-16 00:40:39 SMT
  351. [16.01.2016 00:37:59] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Zoner. Eagle.
  352. [16.01.2016 00:38:01] 2016-01-16 00:40:41 SMT
  353. [16.01.2016 00:38:01] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Salutations!
  354. [16.01.2016 00:38:02] 2016-01-16 00:40:42 SMT
  355. [16.01.2016 00:38:02] A/)-William.Foulke: Scram, Zoner.
  356. [16.01.2016 00:38:06] 2016-01-16 00:40:46 SMT
  357. [16.01.2016 00:38:06] Order|Gantai.: Oh. It's that Zoner.
  358. [16.01.2016 00:38:10] 2016-01-16 00:40:51 SMT
  359. [16.01.2016 00:38:10] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Do you have anything to say?
  360. [16.01.2016 00:38:13] 2016-01-16 00:40:54 SMT
  361. [16.01.2016 00:38:13] A/)-Adze: You know them?
  362. [16.01.2016 00:38:27] 2016-01-16 00:41:07 SMT
  363. [16.01.2016 00:38:27] Order|Gantai.: iie.
  364. [16.01.2016 00:38:45] 2016-01-16 00:41:25 SMT
  365. [16.01.2016 00:38:45] Order|Gantai.: We should change our location.
  366. [16.01.2016 00:38:54] 2016-01-16 00:41:34 SMT
  367. [16.01.2016 00:38:54] A/)-Orio.Ori~: We should. Thank you for being reasonable.
  368. [16.01.2016 00:39:00] 2016-01-16 00:41:40 SMT
  369. [16.01.2016 00:39:00] Death: [-=XTF-=]Bone[R] was put out of action by [-=XTF=-]Chuba (Gun).
  370. [16.01.2016 00:39:01] 2016-01-16 00:41:41 SMT
  371. [16.01.2016 00:39:01] A/)-Orio.Ori~: It's hard to find people like you around these parts.
  372. [16.01.2016 00:39:24] 2016-01-16 00:42:04 SMT
  373. [16.01.2016 00:39:24] A/)-Orio.Ori~: You two, let's move.
  374. [16.01.2016 00:39:36] 2016-01-16 00:42:17 SMT
  375. [16.01.2016 00:39:36] A/)-William.Foulke: Bringing up the rear.
  376. [16.01.2016 00:39:48] 2016-01-16 00:42:28 SMT
  377. [16.01.2016 00:39:48] Order|Gantai.: Good. It's not following.
  378. [16.01.2016 00:40:00] 2016-01-16 00:42:40 SMT
  379. [16.01.2016 00:40:00] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Let's stay on the edge of the cloud.
  380. [16.01.2016 00:40:04] 2016-01-16 00:42:45 SMT
  381. [16.01.2016 00:40:04] A/)-Orio.Ori~: It's cover could be useful.
  382. [16.01.2016 00:40:12] 2016-01-16 00:42:52 SMT
  383. [16.01.2016 00:40:12] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Alright.
  384. [16.01.2016 00:40:25] 2016-01-16 00:43:05 SMT
  385. [16.01.2016 00:40:25] Order|Gantai.: So. Where were we?
  386. [16.01.2016 00:40:41] 2016-01-16 00:43:22 SMT
  387. [16.01.2016 00:40:41] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Please don't take it as anything but my personal curiosity.
  388. [16.01.2016 00:40:55] 2016-01-16 00:43:35 SMT
  389. [16.01.2016 00:40:55] A/)-Orio.Ori~: You said 'leaders'. Plural.
  390. [16.01.2016 00:41:01] 2016-01-16 00:43:42 SMT
  391. [16.01.2016 00:41:01] Order|Gantai.: Oh. Right..
  392. [16.01.2016 00:41:04] 2016-01-16 00:43:44 SMT
  393. [16.01.2016 00:41:04] A/)-Orio.Ori~: From what the Commander-
  394. [16.01.2016 00:41:08] 2016-01-16 00:43:48 SMT
  395. [16.01.2016 00:41:08] Order|Gantai.: It's back...
  396. [16.01.2016 00:41:16] 2016-01-16 00:43:56 SMT
  397. [16.01.2016 00:41:16] Order|Gantai.: Or not.
  398. [16.01.2016 00:41:16] 2016-01-16 00:43:57 SMT
  399. [16.01.2016 00:41:16] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Follow.
  400. [16.01.2016 00:41:33] 2016-01-16 00:44:13 SMT
  401. [16.01.2016 00:41:33] A/)-Orio.Ori~: The ice field over here could provide us greater cover.
  402. [16.01.2016 00:41:41] 2016-01-16 00:44:22 SMT
  403. [16.01.2016 00:41:41] A/)-Orio.Ori~: The Zoner might be searching for us.
  404. [16.01.2016 00:41:44] 2016-01-16 00:44:24 SMT
  405. [16.01.2016 00:41:44] A/)-Orio.Ori~: For whatever reason.
  406. [16.01.2016 00:42:07] 2016-01-16 00:44:47 SMT
  407. [16.01.2016 00:42:07] A/)-William.Foulke: *Sighs* Idiot tries again, and...
  408. [16.01.2016 00:42:15] 2016-01-16 00:44:55 SMT
  409. [16.01.2016 00:42:15] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Is he following?
  410. [16.01.2016 00:42:22] 2016-01-16 00:45:02 SMT
  411. [16.01.2016 00:42:22] A/)-Orio.Ori~: He's not following.
  412. [16.01.2016 00:42:22] 2016-01-16 00:45:02 SMT
  413. [16.01.2016 00:42:22] A/)-William.Foulke: Not for the moment.
  414. [16.01.2016 00:42:28] 2016-01-16 00:45:08 SMT
  415. [16.01.2016 00:42:28] A/)-Orio.Ori~: We can bring out the hostilities if he does.
  416. [16.01.2016 00:42:28] 2016-01-16 00:45:08 SMT
  417. [16.01.2016 00:42:28] A/)-Adze: Don't see him.
  418. [16.01.2016 00:42:36] 2016-01-16 00:45:16 SMT
  419. [16.01.2016 00:42:36] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Adze, do me a favor and be on the lookout.
  420. [16.01.2016 00:42:44] 2016-01-16 00:45:24 SMT
  421. [16.01.2016 00:42:44] A/)-Adze: Mm.
  422. [16.01.2016 00:42:45] 2016-01-16 00:45:25 SMT
  423. [16.01.2016 00:42:45] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Now, again.
  424. [16.01.2016 00:42:48] 2016-01-16 00:45:28 SMT
  425. [16.01.2016 00:42:48] Order|Gantai.: Right.
  426. [16.01.2016 00:42:59] 2016-01-16 00:45:39 SMT
  427. [16.01.2016 00:42:59] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Adze- stay in range. Don't go too far off.
  428. [16.01.2016 00:43:02] 2016-01-16 00:45:42 SMT
  429. [16.01.2016 00:43:02] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Now, miss.
  430. [16.01.2016 00:43:13] 2016-01-16 00:45:53 SMT
  431. [16.01.2016 00:43:13] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Are you having doubts about your own leader?
  432. [16.01.2016 00:43:34] 2016-01-16 00:46:14 SMT
  433. [16.01.2016 00:43:34] A/)-Orio.Ori~: From what the Commander told us, Mr. Nodtviet is very... powerhungry. Long-story-short, just that.
  434. [16.01.2016 00:43:53] 2016-01-16 00:46:33 SMT
  435. [16.01.2016 00:43:53] A/)-Adze: That is understating it.
  436. [16.01.2016 00:43:59] 2016-01-16 00:46:39 SMT
  437. [16.01.2016 00:43:59] A/)-William.Foulke: He's an ass... Hated sorting through his transmissions.
  438. [16.01.2016 00:44:11] 2016-01-16 00:46:51 SMT
  439. [16.01.2016 00:44:11] A/)-William.Foulke: Er... Whatever.
  440. [16.01.2016 00:44:11] 2016-01-16 00:46:51 SMT
  441. [16.01.2016 00:44:11] A/)-Orio.Ori~: I said 'long-story-short'.
  442. [16.01.2016 00:44:15] 2016-01-16 00:46:56 SMT
  443. [16.01.2016 00:44:15] A/)-Orio.Ori~: *She grins.*
  444. [16.01.2016 00:44:21] 2016-01-16 00:47:02 SMT
  445. [16.01.2016 00:44:21] A/)-Adze: Mm.
  446. [16.01.2016 00:44:29] 2016-01-16 00:47:10 SMT
  447. [16.01.2016 00:44:29] Order|Gantai.: Doubts? Hmm. Sort of. Admiral Golanski isn't really power-hungry, but he has a short vision.
  448. [16.01.2016 00:44:42] 2016-01-16 00:47:22 SMT
  449. [16.01.2016 00:44:42] A/)-Orio.Ori~: I see.
  450. [16.01.2016 00:44:45] 2016-01-16 00:47:25 SMT
  451. [16.01.2016 00:44:45] A/)-Adze: Ah.
  452. [16.01.2016 00:44:54] 2016-01-16 00:47:34 SMT
  453. [16.01.2016 00:44:54] A/)-Orio.Ori~: You see flaws in his leadership?
  454. [16.01.2016 00:45:06] 2016-01-16 00:47:46 SMT
  455. [16.01.2016 00:45:06] A/)-Orio.Ori~: That can prove troubling in the long run.
  456. [16.01.2016 00:45:06] 2016-01-16 00:47:46 SMT
  457. [16.01.2016 00:45:06] Order|Gantai.: Which, according to the standards to an Order's leader, doesn't qualify him to be a suitable leader.
  458. [16.01.2016 00:45:21] 2016-01-16 00:48:01 SMT
  459. [16.01.2016 00:45:21] A/)-Orio.Ori~: How unfortunate.
  460. [16.01.2016 00:45:22] 2016-01-16 00:48:02 SMT
  461. [16.01.2016 00:45:22] A/)-Adze: This is the primary problem with the Order, they are blinded by their goal to the point they can't see how to acheive it.
  462. [16.01.2016 00:45:27] 2016-01-16 00:48:07 SMT
  463. [16.01.2016 00:45:27] Order|Gantai.: In our line of duty, any mistake can escelate to a large problem.
  464. [16.01.2016 00:45:27] 2016-01-16 00:48:08 SMT
  465. [16.01.2016 00:45:27] A/)-Adze: It is good that she sees that.
  466. [16.01.2016 00:45:38] 2016-01-16 00:48:18 SMT
  467. [16.01.2016 00:45:38] A/)-Orio.Ori~: I wonder if we can use her to get a bit of info' on The Order. Hmm...
  468. [16.01.2016 00:45:48] 2016-01-16 00:48:29 SMT
  469. [16.01.2016 00:45:48] A/)-Orio.Ori~: *She nods.* Understandable.
  470. [16.01.2016 00:45:58] 2016-01-16 00:48:38 SMT
  471. [16.01.2016 00:45:58] Order|Gantai.: He's either way too ruthless or soft.
  472. [16.01.2016 00:46:03] 2016-01-16 00:48:43 SMT
  473. [16.01.2016 00:46:03] Death: [-=XTF-=]Bone[R] was put out of action by [-=XTF=-]Chuba (Gun).
  474. [16.01.2016 00:46:14] 2016-01-16 00:48:55 SMT
  475. [16.01.2016 00:46:14] A/)-William.Foulke: No organization is perfect.
  476. [16.01.2016 00:46:34] 2016-01-16 00:49:14 SMT
  477. [16.01.2016 00:46:34] A/)-Adze: True.
  478. [16.01.2016 00:46:54] 2016-01-16 00:49:34 SMT
  479. [16.01.2016 00:46:54] Order|Gantai.: Long-story-short, he can't see the full picture.
  480. [16.01.2016 00:46:55] 2016-01-16 00:49:35 SMT
  481. [16.01.2016 00:46:55] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Okay.
  482. [16.01.2016 00:46:59] 2016-01-16 00:49:39 SMT
  483. [16.01.2016 00:46:59] A/)-William.Foulke: Arbitrary would be an appropriate word?
  484. [16.01.2016 00:47:00] 2016-01-16 00:49:41 SMT
  485. [16.01.2016 00:47:00] A/)-Orio.Ori~: That's done, these rogues.
  486. [16.01.2016 00:47:05] 2016-01-16 00:49:45 SMT
  487. [16.01.2016 00:47:05] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Alright.
  488. [16.01.2016 00:47:08] 2016-01-16 00:49:48 SMT
  489. [16.01.2016 00:47:08] Order|Gantai.: Nor understand the situation to its full capacity.
  490. [16.01.2016 00:47:15] 2016-01-16 00:49:55 SMT
  491. [16.01.2016 00:47:15] A/)-Orio.Ori~: I ask you this.
  492. [16.01.2016 00:47:15] 2016-01-16 00:49:55 SMT
  493. [16.01.2016 00:47:15] Order|Gantai.: Eh. Correct.
  494. [16.01.2016 00:47:34] 2016-01-16 00:50:14 SMT
  495. [16.01.2016 00:47:37] 2016-01-16 00:50:18 SMT
  496. [16.01.2016 00:47:37] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Do you think that some sort of peace could come between the two Organisations if a change in leadership would occur?
  497. [16.01.2016 00:47:43] 2016-01-16 00:50:23 SMT
  498. [16.01.2016 00:47:43] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Talking about both.
  499. [16.01.2016 00:47:45] 2016-01-16 00:50:25 SMT
  500. [16.01.2016 00:47:45] A/)-William.Foulke: *Scoffs*
  501. [16.01.2016 00:47:54] 2016-01-16 00:50:34 SMT
  502. [16.01.2016 00:47:54] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Please answer truthfully.
  503. [16.01.2016 00:47:57] 2016-01-16 00:50:37 SMT
  504. [16.01.2016 00:47:57] Death: [-=XTF=-]9th-[R] suffered a self-inflicted catastrophic decompression.
  505. [16.01.2016 00:48:15] Changing screen mode=windowed
  506. [16.01.2016 00:48:36] 2016-01-16 00:51:17 SMT
  507. [16.01.2016 00:48:36] Order|Gantai.: Peace could happen with or without a chage in leadership. It highly depends on the situation and the approach.
  508. [16.01.2016 00:48:44] Changing screen mode=full
  509. [16.01.2016 00:49:00] 2016-01-16 00:51:40 SMT
  510. [16.01.2016 00:49:00] A/)-Orio.Ori~: I see.
  511. [16.01.2016 00:49:01] 2016-01-16 00:51:41 SMT
  512. [16.01.2016 00:49:01] Order|Gantai.: Shikashi, judging both of our leaders' merits, the odds of peace are higher with a change.
  513. [16.01.2016 00:49:34] 2016-01-16 00:52:15 SMT
  514. [16.01.2016 00:49:34] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Would /you/ be willing to negotiate an agreement with The Core if you were to be... in charge?
  515. [16.01.2016 00:49:45] 2016-01-16 00:52:26 SMT
  516. [16.01.2016 00:49:45] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Hypothetical scenario, improbably, yet I'm curious.
  517. [16.01.2016 00:49:47] 2016-01-16 00:52:27 SMT
  518. [16.01.2016 00:49:47] A/)-William.Foulke: Peace isn't the same as a ceasefire or armistice...
  519. [16.01.2016 00:50:07] 2016-01-16 00:52:47 SMT
  520. [16.01.2016 00:50:07] A/)-Orio.Ori~: I'm talking about genuine peace. For a long duration.
  521. [16.01.2016 00:50:11] 2016-01-16 00:52:51 SMT
  522. [16.01.2016 00:50:11] Order|Gantai.: Oh. Sorry, you lost me. We're talking about the Order and the Core?
  523. [16.01.2016 00:50:35] 2016-01-16 00:53:15 SMT
  524. [16.01.2016 00:50:35] Order|Gantai.: Or The Order and your respected party?
  525. [16.01.2016 00:50:45] 2016-01-16 00:53:25 SMT
  526. [16.01.2016 00:50:45] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Basically, I'm wondering if you - as the leader of The Order - would negotiate a peace treaty with The Core.
  527. [16.01.2016 00:50:57] 2016-01-16 00:53:37 SMT
  528. [16.01.2016 00:50:57] Order|Gantai.: Currently, it's futile.
  529. [16.01.2016 00:51:05] 2016-01-16 00:53:45 SMT
  530. [16.01.2016 00:51:05] A/)-Orio.Ori~: *She nods.* - It is.
  531. [16.01.2016 00:51:33] 2016-01-16 00:54:13 SMT
  532. [16.01.2016 00:51:33] A/)-Orio.Ori~: I'm only asking if /you/ would wish for some long-lasting peace between the Organisations.
  533. [16.01.2016 00:51:42] 2016-01-16 00:54:22 SMT
  534. [16.01.2016 00:51:42] A/)-William.Foulke: *Grumbles irritatedly*
  535. [16.01.2016 00:51:42] 2016-01-16 00:54:22 SMT
  536. [16.01.2016 00:51:42] Order|Gantai.: Even with a change of leadership, It highly doubt that peace would occur.
  537. [16.01.2016 00:51:48] 2016-01-16 00:54:28 SMT
  538. [16.01.2016 00:51:48] A/)-Orio.Ori~: And if you'd be willing to negotiate one. With Nodtviet or whoever else.
  539. [16.01.2016 00:51:53] 2016-01-16 00:54:34 SMT
  540. [16.01.2016 00:51:53] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Oh? Why is that?
  541. [16.01.2016 00:52:05] 2016-01-16 00:54:45 SMT
  542. [16.01.2016 00:52:05] Order|Gantai.: Hmmm... I don't know.
  543. [16.01.2016 00:52:24] 2016-01-16 00:55:04 SMT
  544. [16.01.2016 00:52:24] Order|Gantai.: There are many positives to it, yet so man negatives.
  545. [16.01.2016 00:52:33] 2016-01-16 00:55:13 SMT
  546. [16.01.2016 00:52:33] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Negatives? Elaborate.
  547. [16.01.2016 00:53:24] 2016-01-16 00:56:04 SMT
  548. [16.01.2016 00:53:24] Order|Gantai.: Manipulation. Deception. Each of those two orginisations will use the other to achieve its purpose and goal. And eventually-
  549. [16.01.2016 00:53:24] 2016-01-16 00:56:04 SMT
  550. [16.01.2016 00:53:24] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Foulke. You seem rather frustrated.
  551. [16.01.2016 00:53:35] 2016-01-16 00:56:15 SMT
  552. [16.01.2016 00:53:35] Order|Gantai.: One will anhilate the other.
  553. [16.01.2016 00:53:36] 2016-01-16 00:56:16 SMT
  554. [16.01.2016 00:53:36] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Talk to me.
  555. [16.01.2016 00:53:49] 2016-01-16 00:56:29 SMT
  556. [16.01.2016 00:53:49] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Huh. I understand.
  557. [16.01.2016 00:53:49] 2016-01-16 00:56:30 SMT
  558. [16.01.2016 00:53:49] A/)-William.Foulke: About what? It's nothing you need concern yourself with.
  559. [16.01.2016 00:54:08] 2016-01-16 00:56:48 SMT
  560. [16.01.2016 00:54:08] A/)-Adze: Care to talk to me about it then?
  561. [16.01.2016 00:54:08] 2016-01-16 00:56:49 SMT
  562. [16.01.2016 00:54:08] A/)-Orio.Ori~: With peace, they will eventually become 'one' organisation... either The Core or The Order.
  563. [16.01.2016 00:54:15] 2016-01-16 00:56:55 SMT
  564. [16.01.2016 00:54:15] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Huh.
  565. [16.01.2016 00:54:21] 2016-01-16 00:57:01 SMT
  566. [16.01.2016 00:54:21] Death: [-=XTF-=]Bone[R] was put out of action by /Z/-"Misery" (Missile/Torpedo).
  567. [16.01.2016 00:54:23] 2016-01-16 00:57:03 SMT
  568. [16.01.2016 00:54:23] A/)-William.Foulke: It's nothing that'll impact the mission.
  569. [16.01.2016 00:54:33] 2016-01-16 00:57:13 SMT
  570. [16.01.2016 00:54:33] Order|Gantai.: Eh. No.
  571. [16.01.2016 00:54:34] 2016-01-16 00:57:14 SMT
  572. [16.01.2016 00:54:34] A/)-Orio.Ori~: *She nods, approvingly.* - Impressive way of thinking.
  573. [16.01.2016 00:54:38] 2016-01-16 00:57:18 SMT
  574. [16.01.2016 00:54:38] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Hm?
  575. [16.01.2016 00:54:39] 2016-01-16 00:57:19 SMT
  576. [16.01.2016 00:54:39] A/)-Orio.Ori~: No?
  577. [16.01.2016 00:54:43] A player who was killed in a PvP fight is not allowed to re-engage using any of his/her characters within 2 hours.
  578. [16.01.2016 00:54:43] Characters of a player who was killed in a PvP fight must not return into the same system for 2 hours. Check the server rules on the forums for the exceptions to this.
  579. [16.01.2016 00:54:47] 2016-01-16 00:57:27 SMT
  580. [16.01.2016 00:54:47] Death: /Z/-"Misery" suffered a self-inflicted catastrophic decompression.
  581. [16.01.2016 00:54:54] 2016-01-16 00:57:35 SMT
  582. [16.01.2016 00:54:54] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Are you /sure/ you're fine?
  583. [16.01.2016 00:55:05] 2016-01-16 00:57:45 SMT
  584. [16.01.2016 00:55:05] A/)-William.Foulke: Violence begets violence, and peace is just the intermission between wars.
  585. [16.01.2016 00:55:11] 2016-01-16 00:57:51 SMT
  586. [16.01.2016 00:55:11] A/)-William.Foulke: I'm. Fine.
  587. [16.01.2016 00:55:14] 2016-01-16 00:57:54 SMT
  588. [16.01.2016 00:55:14] Order|Gantai.: There's a huge difference between the Core and the Order's goals and ideals.
  589. [16.01.2016 00:55:18] 2016-01-16 00:57:58 SMT
  590. [16.01.2016 00:55:18] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Alright- fine! Gee'!
  591. [16.01.2016 00:55:32] 2016-01-16 00:58:12 SMT
  592. [16.01.2016 00:55:32] Order|Gantai.: They both want to fend of the Noamds, sure. But the methods differ.
  593. [16.01.2016 00:55:44] 2016-01-16 00:58:24 SMT
  594. [16.01.2016 00:55:44] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Many Core soldiers don't know what the Order's fighting for. And vice-versa.
  595. [16.01.2016 00:55:53] 2016-01-16 00:58:34 SMT
  596. [16.01.2016 00:55:53] A/)-Orio.Ori~: It all depends on the people once the peace arrives.
  597. [16.01.2016 00:56:11] 2016-01-16 00:58:51 SMT
  598. [16.01.2016 00:56:11] A/)-Orio.Ori~: With peace, both Organisations will learn more about eachother. No doubt of that.
  599. [16.01.2016 00:56:17] 2016-01-16 00:58:58 SMT
  600. [16.01.2016 00:56:17] A/)-Orio.Ori~: They need to 'trust' eachother to keep the peace.
  601. [16.01.2016 00:56:23] 2016-01-16 00:59:03 SMT
  602. [16.01.2016 00:56:23] Order|Gantai.: Gotcha.
  603. [16.01.2016 00:56:28] 2016-01-16 00:59:08 SMT
  604. [16.01.2016 00:56:28] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Again, this is all but a hypothetical scenario.
  605. [16.01.2016 00:56:30] 2016-01-16 00:59:10 SMT
  606. [16.01.2016 00:56:30] Order|Gantai.: But there's a large risk accompanying it.
  607. [16.01.2016 00:56:35] 2016-01-16 00:59:15 SMT
  608. [16.01.2016 00:56:35] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Indeed.
  609. [16.01.2016 00:56:55] 2016-01-16 00:59:35 SMT
  610. [16.01.2016 00:56:55] A/)-William.Foulke: Soldiers will continue to be the victims of their commanders. This proposed 'peace' is meaningless.
  611. [16.01.2016 00:56:58] 2016-01-16 00:59:38 SMT
  612. [16.01.2016 00:56:58] Order|Gantai.: If it fails, and neither parts accept eachother. Both orginisations will fall.
  613. [16.01.2016 00:57:04] 2016-01-16 00:59:44 SMT
  614. [16.01.2016 00:57:04] A/)-Orio.Ori~: As I said, it all depends on the people. Unless the soldiers on both sides are completely brain-washed and cannot think-
  615. [16.01.2016 00:57:07] 2016-01-16 00:59:47 SMT
  616. [16.01.2016 00:57:07] Order|Gantai.: And eventually, humanity will remain defenseless.
  617. [16.01.2016 00:57:20] 2016-01-16 01:00:00 SMT
  618. [16.01.2016 00:57:20] A/)-Orio.Ori~: -for themselves, the majority will pick one side over the other. Depending on the goals they wish to follow.
  619. [16.01.2016 00:57:44] 2016-01-16 01:00:25 SMT
  620. [16.01.2016 00:57:44] A/)-Orio.Ori~: When that happens, the 'weaker' organisation falls and the one the people sided with 'wins'. Either The Core, or The Order.
  621. [16.01.2016 00:57:54] 2016-01-16 01:00:34 SMT
  622. [16.01.2016 00:57:54] A/)-William.Foulke: These groups will never have lasting peace.
  623. [16.01.2016 00:57:59] 2016-01-16 01:00:39 SMT
  624. [16.01.2016 00:57:59] A/)-Adze: Do you think that is true, really? Or just of organizations like the Core and Order?
  625. [16.01.2016 00:58:10] 2016-01-16 01:00:50 SMT
  626. [16.01.2016 00:58:10] A/)-Adze: They might. Stranger things have happened.
  627. [16.01.2016 00:58:11] 2016-01-16 01:00:51 SMT
  628. [16.01.2016 00:58:11] A/)-William.Foulke: Look at history for the answer, Adze.
  629. [16.01.2016 00:58:19] 2016-01-16 01:00:59 SMT
  630. [16.01.2016 00:58:19] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Hm.
  631. [16.01.2016 00:58:29] 2016-01-16 01:01:09 SMT
  632. [16.01.2016 00:58:29] A/)-William.Foulke: It's always been the same for every war, every battle...
  633. [16.01.2016 00:58:32] 2016-01-16 01:01:12 SMT
  634. [16.01.2016 00:58:32] A/)-Orio.Ori~: However, you do make a point.
  635. [16.01.2016 00:58:41] 2016-01-16 01:01:21 SMT
  636. [16.01.2016 00:58:41] Order|Gantai.: Still, there will be internal conflict occuring. Not everyone will be satisfied with the results, causing more rebellions from
  637. [16.01.2016 00:58:58] 2016-01-16 01:01:38 SMT
  638. [16.01.2016 00:58:58] A/)-Adze: Every war and battle before has been fought between humans. This time we have the K'Hara to contend with.
  639. [16.01.2016 00:58:58] 2016-01-16 01:01:38 SMT
  640. [16.01.2016 00:58:58] A/)-Orio.Ori~: *She nods.* - True. Very true indeed.
  641. [16.01.2016 00:59:13] 2016-01-16 01:01:53 SMT
  642. [16.01.2016 00:59:13] Order|Gantai.: the inside that will destroy the victorious party.
  643. [16.01.2016 00:59:28] 2016-01-16 01:02:08 SMT
  644. [16.01.2016 00:59:28] Order|Gantai.: We -don't- want a civil war.
  645. [16.01.2016 00:59:32] 2016-01-16 01:02:12 SMT
  646. [16.01.2016 00:59:32] A/)-William.Foulke: The enemy's changed, yet I doubt that changes the way the boots on the ground are used.
  647. [16.01.2016 00:59:34] 2016-01-16 01:02:14 SMT
  648. [16.01.2016 00:59:34] A/)-Orio.Ori~: How... hmm.
  649. [16.01.2016 00:59:40] 2016-01-16 01:02:20 SMT
  650. [16.01.2016 00:59:40] A/)-Orio.Ori~: You think so far up ahead.
  651. [16.01.2016 00:59:51] 2016-01-16 01:02:31 SMT
  652. [16.01.2016 00:59:51] A/)-Orio.Ori~: I imagine this 'Admiral Golanski' cannot do this? Think far into the future?
  653. [16.01.2016 01:00:04] 2016-01-16 01:02:44 SMT
  654. [16.01.2016 01:00:04] A/)-Adze: But we want that to be changed. Do you feel like it is that way here, in Auxesia?
  655. [16.01.2016 01:00:12] 2016-01-16 01:02:52 SMT
  656. [16.01.2016 01:00:12] A/)-William.Foulke: Soldiers like you and me will continue to die for pointless reasons, and even if we survive, we will never be the same...
  657. [16.01.2016 01:00:29] 2016-01-16 01:03:09 SMT
  658. [16.01.2016 01:00:29] A/)-William.Foulke: I fear it may happen in any organization.
  659. [16.01.2016 01:00:39] 2016-01-16 01:03:19 SMT
  660. [16.01.2016 01:00:39] Order|Gantai.: He probably can. But he blocked this vision with other matters.
  661. [16.01.2016 01:00:45] 2016-01-16 01:03:25 SMT
  662. [16.01.2016 01:00:45] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Foulke. As long as you survive doing something you believe in - dying for that same thing, you lived a good life.
  663. [16.01.2016 01:00:53] 2016-01-16 01:03:34 SMT
  664. [16.01.2016 01:00:53] A/)-Orio.Ori~: How unfortunate.
  665. [16.01.2016 01:00:56] 2016-01-16 01:03:36 SMT
  666. [16.01.2016 01:00:56] A/)-Adze: I won't let that happen. Care too much about our members. The Keeper does too.
  667. [16.01.2016 01:01:06] 2016-01-16 01:03:46 SMT
  668. [16.01.2016 01:01:06] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Now to come to a conclusion.
  669. [16.01.2016 01:01:07] 2016-01-16 01:03:47 SMT
  670. [16.01.2016 01:01:07] A/)-William.Foulke: You'll drop dead if you try fighting with all those ideals swimming in your head, Ori.
  671. [16.01.2016 01:01:13] 2016-01-16 01:03:53 SMT
  672. [16.01.2016 01:01:13] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Yes, this is all but a hypothetical scenario.
  673. [16.01.2016 01:01:25] 2016-01-16 01:04:05 SMT
  674. [16.01.2016 01:01:25] A/)-Orio.Ori~: The organisations may never come to a true peace with eachother.
  675. [16.01.2016 01:01:30] 2016-01-16 01:04:10 SMT
  676. [16.01.2016 01:01:30] Death: [ALG]-Lena+Atzenbruck was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
  677. [16.01.2016 01:01:34] 2016-01-16 01:04:14 SMT
  678. [16.01.2016 01:01:34] A/)-Orio.Ori~: And that is troubling.
  679. [16.01.2016 01:01:39] 2016-01-16 01:04:20 SMT
  680. [16.01.2016 01:01:39] A/)-William.Foulke: Only thing you should ever fight for is what you actually hold dear.
  681. [16.01.2016 01:01:42] 2016-01-16 01:04:22 SMT
  682. [16.01.2016 01:01:42] A/)-Orio.Ori~: We need all the power we can get to deal with The Nomads.
  683. [16.01.2016 01:01:55] 2016-01-16 01:04:35 SMT
  684. [16.01.2016 01:01:55] A/)-Orio.Ori~: I am doing that right now.
  685. [16.01.2016 01:02:00] 2016-01-16 01:04:40 SMT
  686. [16.01.2016 01:02:00] Order|Gantai.: Hmm.. I see it better this way, if you ask me.
  687. [16.01.2016 01:02:09] 2016-01-16 01:04:49 SMT
  688. [16.01.2016 01:02:09] A/)-Adze: Problem is, humanity is what I hold dear.
  689. [16.01.2016 01:02:16] 2016-01-16 01:04:56 SMT
  690. [16.01.2016 01:02:16] Death: Oracle|Prophet was put out of action by [RHA]Fimbulwinter (Gun).
  691. [16.01.2016 01:02:21] 2016-01-16 01:05:01 SMT
  692. [16.01.2016 01:02:21] A/)-Orio.Ori~: If I die in the next few days, at least I'll die knowing that I fought for something I believed in. Peace.
  693. [16.01.2016 01:02:29] 2016-01-16 01:05:09 SMT
  694. [16.01.2016 01:02:29] A/)-Orio.Ori~: I want to kick the Nomads out. As simple as that.
  695. [16.01.2016 01:02:40] 2016-01-16 01:05:20 SMT
  696. [16.01.2016 01:02:40] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Humanity will never stop warring with itself. I know that.
  697. [16.01.2016 01:02:47] 2016-01-16 01:05:27 SMT
  698. [16.01.2016 01:02:47] A/)-Adze: Heh, I'd rather see them saved from themselves.
  699. [16.01.2016 01:02:48] 2016-01-16 01:05:28 SMT
  700. [16.01.2016 01:02:48] A/)-Orio.Ori~: I only want to end at least /one/ war. At least help with it.
  701. [16.01.2016 01:02:51] 2016-01-16 01:05:31 SMT
  702. [16.01.2016 01:02:51] A/)-Adze: It might.
  703. [16.01.2016 01:02:55] 2016-01-16 01:05:36 SMT
  704. [16.01.2016 01:02:55] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Hm.
  705. [16.01.2016 01:02:57] 2016-01-16 01:05:37 SMT
  706. [16.01.2016 01:02:57] Order|Gantai.: If the organisations are divided, then they can both focus on different regions and matters.
  707. [16.01.2016 01:03:08] 2016-01-16 01:05:48 SMT
  708. [16.01.2016 01:03:08] A/)-Adze: If the Keeper was here she would tell you anything is posible.
  709. [16.01.2016 01:03:11] 2016-01-16 01:05:51 SMT
  710. [16.01.2016 01:03:11] A/)-Orio.Ori~: That is... that is true.
  711. [16.01.2016 01:03:18] 2016-01-16 01:05:58 SMT
  712. [16.01.2016 01:03:18] A/)-William.Foulke: The Core and Order will never stop killing each other. Men and women will continue to die for reasons they don't understand.
  713. [16.01.2016 01:03:28] 2016-01-16 01:06:08 SMT
  714. [16.01.2016 01:03:28] Order|Gantai.: Conflict between them is destined to happen.
  715. [16.01.2016 01:03:49] 2016-01-16 01:06:29 SMT
  716. [16.01.2016 01:03:49] A/)-Orio.Ori~: I guess that holds a gallon of truth, indeed.
  717. [16.01.2016 01:03:49] 2016-01-16 01:06:29 SMT
  718. [16.01.2016 01:03:49] A/)-Adze: That doesn't mean it is futile to try and change that.
  719. [16.01.2016 01:03:50] 2016-01-16 01:06:30 SMT
  720. [16.01.2016 01:03:50] Order|Gantai.: Nevertheless, what would the Houses' governments reaction to this merge of force, or even peace be?
  721. [16.01.2016 01:04:04] 2016-01-16 01:06:44 SMT
  722. [16.01.2016 01:04:04] A/)-Orio.Ori~: It doesn't have to be public.
  723. [16.01.2016 01:04:12] 2016-01-16 01:06:52 SMT
  724. [16.01.2016 01:04:12] A/)-Orio.Ori~: The Omicrons are far from the eyes of the houses.
  725. [16.01.2016 01:04:16] 2016-01-16 01:06:56 SMT
  726. [16.01.2016 01:04:16] A/)-William.Foulke: Humans love violence, sickening as it is.
  727. [16.01.2016 01:04:25] 2016-01-16 01:07:05 SMT
  728. [16.01.2016 01:04:25] A/)-Adze: Do you?
  729. [16.01.2016 01:04:31] 2016-01-16 01:07:12 SMT
  730. [16.01.2016 01:04:31] A/)-Adze: I don't.
  731. [16.01.2016 01:04:36] 2016-01-16 01:07:16 SMT
  732. [16.01.2016 01:04:36] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Me neither.
  733. [16.01.2016 01:04:44] 2016-01-16 01:07:24 SMT
  734. [16.01.2016 01:04:44] A/)-Orio.Ori~: In any event... here is my question.
  735. [16.01.2016 01:04:51] 2016-01-16 01:07:31 SMT
  736. [16.01.2016 01:04:51] Order|Gantai.: True. But the Core deals on a large-scale with foreign intelligence agencies.
  737. [16.01.2016 01:04:53] 2016-01-16 01:07:33 SMT
  738. [16.01.2016 01:04:53] A/)-Orio.Ori~: The question I've been wanting to ask you for some time.
  739. [16.01.2016 01:05:04] 2016-01-16 01:07:44 SMT
  740. [16.01.2016 01:05:04] Death: Kruger|KMS-Genthin was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
  741. [16.01.2016 01:05:06] 2016-01-16 01:07:46 SMT
  742. [16.01.2016 01:05:06] Order|Gantai.: Whether it is the Intelligence Service, the Buro, or even the LSF.
  743. [16.01.2016 01:05:26] 2016-01-16 01:08:06 SMT
  744. [16.01.2016 01:05:26] A/)-Orio.Ori~: I suppose.
  745. [16.01.2016 01:05:36] 2016-01-16 01:08:16 SMT
  746. [16.01.2016 01:05:36] A/)-Adze: Many in both the Order and the Core would probably say the same.
  747. [16.01.2016 01:05:41] 2016-01-16 01:08:21 SMT
  748. [16.01.2016 01:05:41] A/)-William.Foulke: I try to avoid having to get violence involved.
  749. [16.01.2016 01:05:52] 2016-01-16 01:08:32 SMT
  750. [16.01.2016 01:05:52] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Yet... hmpf.
  751. [16.01.2016 01:06:08] A/)-Orio.Ori~: I sometimes feel like I'm too uninformed to talk about these sorts of things.
  752. [16.01.2016 01:06:16] 2016-01-16 01:08:56 SMT
  753. [16.01.2016 01:06:16] Order|Gantai.: I have found a compromise to this solution, however.
  754. [16.01.2016 01:06:22] 2016-01-16 01:09:02 SMT
  755. [16.01.2016 01:06:22] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Hmm?
  756. [16.01.2016 01:06:23] 2016-01-16 01:09:04 SMT
  757. [16.01.2016 01:06:28] A/)-Orio.Ori~: I'll ask my question after this.
  758. [16.01.2016 01:06:29] 2016-01-16 01:09:09 SMT
  759. [16.01.2016 01:06:29] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Go on.
  760. [16.01.2016 01:06:33] 2016-01-16 01:09:13 SMT
  761. [16.01.2016 01:06:39] 2016-01-16 01:09:19 SMT
  762. [16.01.2016 01:06:39] Order|Gantai.: Indirect coordination.
  763. [16.01.2016 01:06:51] 2016-01-16 01:09:32 SMT
  764. [16.01.2016 01:06:51] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Between whom?
  765. [16.01.2016 01:06:52] Changing screen mode=windowed
  766. [16.01.2016 01:07:03] 2016-01-16 01:09:44 SMT
  767. [16.01.2016 01:07:03] Order|Gantai.: The Core and the Order.
  768. [16.01.2016 01:07:09] 2016-01-16 01:09:50 SMT
  769. [16.01.2016 01:07:09] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Huh?
  770. [16.01.2016 01:07:25] 2016-01-16 01:10:05 SMT
  771. [16.01.2016 01:07:25] A/)-Orio.Ori~: How would this 'indirect coordination' be achieved?
  772. [16.01.2016 01:07:25] 2016-01-16 01:10:05 SMT
  773. [16.01.2016 01:07:25] Order|Gantai.: This does not solve the state of war between them. But it makes their work more effective.
  774. [16.01.2016 01:07:35] 2016-01-16 01:10:15 SMT
  775. [16.01.2016 01:07:35] Order|Gantai.: Let me explain it to you, then.
  776. [16.01.2016 01:07:43] 2016-01-16 01:10:23 SMT
  777. [16.01.2016 01:07:43] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Please do so.
  778. [16.01.2016 01:08:01] 2016-01-16 01:10:41 SMT
  779. [16.01.2016 01:08:33] Order|Gantai.: Person A, or group A from The Order forms a secret bond with Person B or group B from the Core. This has to be strictly made
  780. [16.01.2016 01:08:37] 2016-01-16 01:11:18 SMT
  781. [16.01.2016 01:08:37] A/)-William.Foulke: These talks won't amount to anything if the two don't see any real reason to not shoot each other for the time being.
  782. [16.01.2016 01:08:57] 2016-01-16 01:11:38 SMT
  783. [16.01.2016 01:08:57] A/)-William.Foulke: A benefit of some kind.
  784. [16.01.2016 01:09:00] 2016-01-16 01:11:41 SMT
  785. [16.01.2016 01:09:00] Order|Gantai.: for high ranked personnel. Both groups feed intel to eachother in a manner of coordination.
  786. [16.01.2016 01:09:05] 2016-01-16 01:11:45 SMT
  787. [16.01.2016 01:09:05] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Foulke, I'm still trying to get her to soften up on us and give us information.
  788. [16.01.2016 01:09:24] 2016-01-16 01:12:04 SMT
  789. [16.01.2016 01:09:24] A/)-Orio.Ori~: All this chatter is purely to achieve that.
  790. [16.01.2016 01:09:46] 2016-01-16 01:12:26 SMT
  791. [16.01.2016 01:09:46] A/)-Orio.Ori~: I suppose that could prove to be highly efficient
  792. [16.01.2016 01:09:49] 2016-01-16 01:12:29 SMT
  793. [16.01.2016 01:09:49] A/)-Orio.Ori~: ,
  794. [16.01.2016 01:09:50] 2016-01-16 01:12:30 SMT
  795. [16.01.2016 01:09:50] A/)-William.Foulke: I can't stand this idle talk of wishing...
  796. [16.01.2016 01:09:54] 2016-01-16 01:12:34 SMT
  797. [16.01.2016 01:09:54] A/)-Orio.Ori~: however, there is one problem.
  798. [16.01.2016 01:09:57] 2016-01-16 01:12:37 SMT
  799. [16.01.2016 01:09:57] Order|Gantai.: For example, Nomad or Outcast activity spotted in 2 seperate regions in the Omicrons. To avoid both orginisations having
  800. [16.01.2016 01:10:06] 2016-01-16 01:12:47 SMT
  801. [16.01.2016 01:10:06] A/)-Adze: Why are you so adverse to it?
  802. [16.01.2016 01:10:10] 2016-01-16 01:12:50 SMT
  803. [16.01.2016 01:10:10] A/)-Orio.Ori~: I am sorry, Foulke. But for now, /please/ deal with it.
  804. [16.01.2016 01:10:33] 2016-01-16 01:13:13 SMT
  805. [16.01.2016 01:10:33] Order|Gantai.: conflict upon responding there. Both of those Groups, A and B, communicate and coordinate with eachother and determine which
  806. [16.01.2016 01:10:44] A/)-William.Foulke: Why am I so adverse? Because it just... /reeks/ of bullshit to me.
  807. [16.01.2016 01:11:00] 2016-01-16 01:13:40 SMT
  808. [16.01.2016 01:11:00] Order|Gantai.: orginisation responds where. But, of course, this depends on how persuasive this group could be towards their overlord superior.
  809. [16.01.2016 01:11:10] 2016-01-16 01:13:50 SMT
  810. [16.01.2016 01:11:10] A/)-Adze: Mm.
  811. [16.01.2016 01:11:21] 2016-01-16 01:14:01 SMT
  812. [16.01.2016 01:11:21] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Think about something nice while I deal with this, then. I apologise that this is hurting you oh-so-much, but this could-
  813. [16.01.2016 01:11:22] 2016-01-16 01:14:02 SMT
  814. [16.01.2016 01:11:22] Order|Gantai.: This is a simplified example, I hope you get the point though.
  815. [16.01.2016 01:11:23] 2016-01-16 01:14:03 SMT
  816. [16.01.2016 01:11:23] A/)-Orio.Ori~: -aid us.
  817. [16.01.2016 01:11:34] 2016-01-16 01:14:14 SMT
  818. [16.01.2016 01:11:37] 2016-01-16 01:14:17 SMT
  819. [16.01.2016 01:11:37] A/)-Orio.Ori~: I do, I do.
  820. [16.01.2016 01:11:39] 2016-01-16 01:14:19 SMT
  821. [16.01.2016 01:11:39] A/)-Orio.Ori~: However.
  822. [16.01.2016 01:11:43] 2016-01-16 01:14:23 SMT
  823. [16.01.2016 01:11:43] A/)-Orio.Ori~: As I was saying.
  824. [16.01.2016 01:11:49] 2016-01-16 01:14:29 SMT
  825. [16.01.2016 01:11:49] A/)-Orio.Ori~: There is one problem: The leaders.
  826. [16.01.2016 01:11:51] 2016-01-16 01:14:31 SMT
  827. [16.01.2016 01:11:51] A/)-William.Foulke: Nice... that's a funny one.
  828. [16.01.2016 01:12:03] 2016-01-16 01:14:43 SMT
  829. [16.01.2016 01:12:03] A/)-Orio.Ori~: I am /sure/ they would find out about this... indirect coordination.
  830. [16.01.2016 01:12:26] 2016-01-16 01:15:06 SMT
  831. [16.01.2016 01:12:26] Death: LWB|Nikolas.Kunder was put out of action by Stinker666 (Gun).
  832. [16.01.2016 01:12:33] 2016-01-16 01:15:13 SMT
  833. [16.01.2016 01:12:33] A/)-William.Foulke: Oh, /lovely/...
  834. [16.01.2016 01:12:33] 2016-01-16 01:15:14 SMT
  835. [16.01.2016 01:12:33] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Unless the leaders themselves are willing to cooperate discretely, we cannot wish for this to be an actual solution.
  836. [16.01.2016 01:12:41] 2016-01-16 01:15:21 SMT
  837. [16.01.2016 01:12:41] A/)-Adze: From what I've seen we will reach a unite or die point with the war with the K'Hara. So it doesn't seem that useless to me.
  838. [16.01.2016 01:12:43] 2016-01-16 01:15:23 SMT
  839. [16.01.2016 01:12:43] Order|Gantai.: Hmph. Correct, it's gamble.
  840. [16.01.2016 01:12:53] 2016-01-16 01:15:33 SMT
  841. [16.01.2016 01:12:53] Order|Gantai.: Oh. Splendid, outcasts.
  842. [16.01.2016 01:12:55] 2016-01-16 01:15:35 SMT
  843. [16.01.2016 01:12:55] 72nd|MNS-Santa.Maria: Alvarez: Hello, pilots.
  844. [16.01.2016 01:12:59] 2016-01-16 01:15:40 SMT
  845. [16.01.2016 01:12:59] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Salutations.
  846. [16.01.2016 01:13:12] 2016-01-16 01:15:52 SMT
  847. [16.01.2016 01:13:12] A/)-Adze: Storta.
  848. [16.01.2016 01:13:14] 2016-01-16 01:15:55 SMT
  849. [16.01.2016 01:13:14] A/)-William.Foulke: *Mumbles under his breath* Maybe dying would be better...
  850. [16.01.2016 01:13:22] 2016-01-16 01:16:02 SMT
  851. [16.01.2016 01:13:22] 72nd|MNS-Santa.Maria: Alvarez: What's Order doing this far from the Omicrons?
  852. [16.01.2016 01:13:23] 2016-01-16 01:16:03 SMT
  853. [16.01.2016 01:13:23] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Excuse me?
  854. [16.01.2016 01:13:23] 2016-01-16 01:16:03 SMT
  855. [16.01.2016 01:13:23] A/)-Adze: What was that?
  856. [16.01.2016 01:13:29] 2016-01-16 01:16:09 SMT
  857. [16.01.2016 01:13:29] A/)-William.Foulke: Nothing. Nothing.
  858. [16.01.2016 01:13:31] 2016-01-16 01:16:12 SMT
  859. [16.01.2016 01:13:31] Order|Gantai.: Odd jobs
  860. [16.01.2016 01:13:36] 2016-01-16 01:16:16 SMT
  861. [16.01.2016 01:13:36] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Right...
  862. [16.01.2016 01:14:15] 2016-01-16 01:16:55 SMT
  863. [16.01.2016 01:14:15] 72nd|MNS-Santa.Maria: Alvarez: Ah, understood.
  864. [16.01.2016 01:14:34] 2016-01-16 01:17:14 SMT
  865. [16.01.2016 01:14:34] A/)-Orio.Ori~: I'm guessing my question can wait, for now.
  866. [16.01.2016 01:14:39] 2016-01-16 01:17:20 SMT
  867. [16.01.2016 01:14:39] A/)-William.Foulke: Better yet... what's a goddamn destroyer doing away from Malta?
  868. [16.01.2016 01:14:43] 2016-01-16 01:17:23 SMT
  869. [16.01.2016 01:14:43] A/)-Orio.Ori~: I wonder if she's softened up enough...
  870. [16.01.2016 01:15:01] If you find your ship in Bastille please check the Sanction sub-forum on
  871. [16.01.2016 01:15:10] 2016-01-16 01:17:50 SMT
  872. [16.01.2016 01:15:10] 72nd|MNS-Santa.Maria: Alvarez: Organizing and planning.
  873. [16.01.2016 01:15:27] 2016-01-16 01:18:07 SMT
  874. [16.01.2016 01:15:27] Order|Gantai.: Yeah.. right.
  875. [16.01.2016 01:15:27] 2016-01-16 01:18:07 SMT
  876. [16.01.2016 01:15:27] A/)-Adze: Oh? For what?
  877. [16.01.2016 01:15:30] 2016-01-16 01:18:10 SMT
  878. [16.01.2016 01:16:06] 72nd|MNS-Santa.Maria: Alvarez: Well, at the moment, nothing. Our cause suffered a large setback recently.
  879. [16.01.2016 01:16:27] 2016-01-16 01:19:08 SMT
  880. [16.01.2016 01:16:27] A/)-William.Foulke: Ain't that sad.
  881. [16.01.2016 01:16:35] 2016-01-16 01:19:16 SMT
  882. [16.01.2016 01:16:35] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Your cause. Who's? The Maltese's as a whole?
  883. [16.01.2016 01:16:46] 2016-01-16 01:19:26 SMT
  884. [16.01.2016 01:16:46] Order|Gantai.: What.
  885. [16.01.2016 01:17:06] 2016-01-16 01:19:46 SMT
  886. [16.01.2016 01:17:06] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Just asking. I'm curious about this large setback.
  887. [16.01.2016 01:17:07] 2016-01-16 01:19:48 SMT
  888. [16.01.2016 01:17:07] Order|Gantai.: You aren't with you Maltese Exiles, are you?
  889. [16.01.2016 01:17:32] 2016-01-16 01:20:12 SMT
  890. [16.01.2016 01:17:39] 72nd|MNS-Santa.Maria: Alvarez: Maltese Exiles? No, we may cooperate with them, but we are not of their ranks.
  891. [16.01.2016 01:18:11] 2016-01-16 01:20:51 SMT
  892. [16.01.2016 01:18:11] Order|Gantai.: And you are?
  893. [16.01.2016 01:19:07] 2016-01-16 01:21:47 SMT
  894. [16.01.2016 01:19:07] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Eh. This is more of a major setback in our conversation.
  895. [16.01.2016 01:19:14] 2016-01-16 01:21:54 SMT
  896. [16.01.2016 01:19:14] Order|Gantai.: Agreed.
  897. [16.01.2016 01:19:21] 2016-01-16 01:22:01 SMT
  898. [16.01.2016 01:19:21] Order|Gantai.: Shall we change locations?
  899. [16.01.2016 01:19:21] 2016-01-16 01:22:01 SMT
  900. [16.01.2016 01:19:21] 72nd|MNS-Santa.Maria: Alvarez: The 72nd Fleet of Malta. Senor Santiago could explain it better...
  901. [16.01.2016 01:19:30] 2016-01-16 01:22:11 SMT
  902. [16.01.2016 01:19:30] Order|Gantai.: Oh. It talked.
  903. [16.01.2016 01:19:36] 2016-01-16 01:22:17 SMT
  904. [16.01.2016 01:19:36] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Finally it did again.
  905. [16.01.2016 01:19:48] 2016-01-16 01:22:28 SMT
  906. [16.01.2016 01:19:48] Order|Gantai.: Santiago? 72nd? Elaborate.
  907. [16.01.2016 01:19:55] 2016-01-16 01:22:35 SMT
  908. [16.01.2016 01:19:55] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Please do.
  909. [16.01.2016 01:20:40] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Well, he's not.
  910. [16.01.2016 01:20:48] Changing screen mode=full
  911. [16.01.2016 01:20:52] 2016-01-16 01:23:32 SMT
  912. [16.01.2016 01:20:52] 72nd|MNS-Santa.Maria: Alvarez: As I said, Santiago could explain it better. I'm merely an organizer for the ships and crews.
  913. [16.01.2016 01:21:05] 2016-01-16 01:23:45 SMT
  914. [16.01.2016 01:21:05] Order|Gantai.: And where's this Santiago person?
  915. [16.01.2016 01:21:08] 2016-01-16 01:23:49 SMT
  916. [16.01.2016 01:21:08] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Guess so.
  917. [16.01.2016 01:21:21] 2016-01-16 01:24:01 SMT
  918. [16.01.2016 01:21:21] 72nd|MNS-Santa.Maria: Alvarez: He's... We don't know.
  919. [16.01.2016 01:21:35] 2016-01-16 01:24:15 SMT
  920. [16.01.2016 01:21:35] A/)-William.Foulke: Isn't that lovely...
  921. [16.01.2016 01:21:38] 2016-01-16 01:24:19 SMT
  922. [16.01.2016 01:21:38] Order|Gantai.: Oh. Great.
  923. [16.01.2016 01:21:44] 2016-01-16 01:24:24 SMT
  924. [16.01.2016 01:21:44] Order|Gantai.: Not that I care, really.
  925. [16.01.2016 01:22:03] 2016-01-16 01:24:43 SMT
  926. [16.01.2016 01:22:03] 72nd|MNS-Santa.Maria: Alvarez: We suspect somewhere near Hamburg, but the Aurora's transponder stopped responding.
  927. [16.01.2016 01:22:05] 2016-01-16 01:24:45 SMT
  928. [16.01.2016 01:22:05] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Is there any reason we should continue this conversation?
  929. [16.01.2016 01:22:07] 2016-01-16 01:24:47 SMT
  930. [16.01.2016 01:22:07] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Foulke? Adze?
  931. [16.01.2016 01:22:09] 2016-01-16 01:24:49 SMT
  932. [16.01.2016 01:22:09] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Gantai?
  933. [16.01.2016 01:22:15] 2016-01-16 01:24:55 SMT
  934. [16.01.2016 01:22:15] Order|Gantai.: Let's move.
  935. [16.01.2016 01:22:20] 2016-01-16 01:25:00 SMT
  936. [16.01.2016 01:22:20] A/)-Orio.Ori~: We have a few more things we need to talk about, yes.
  937. [16.01.2016 01:22:20] 2016-01-16 01:25:00 SMT
  938. [16.01.2016 01:22:20] A/)-William.Foulke: You're the mouthpiece here, not me.
  939. [16.01.2016 01:22:30] 2016-01-16 01:25:11 SMT
  940. [16.01.2016 01:22:30] A/)-Orio.Ori~: We'll look up this Santiago at a later date.
  941. [16.01.2016 01:22:32] 2016-01-16 01:25:12 SMT
  942. [16.01.2016 01:22:32] A/)-Adze: Lets go then.
  943. [16.01.2016 01:22:42] 2016-01-16 01:25:22 SMT
  944. [16.01.2016 01:22:42] 72nd|MNS-Santa.Maria: Alvarez: Very well. Farewell pilots, and go with honor.
  945. [16.01.2016 01:22:42] 2016-01-16 01:25:22 SMT
  946. [16.01.2016 01:22:42] Order|Gantai.: Good luck with finding Santiago, scum.
  947. [16.01.2016 01:23:08] 2016-01-16 01:25:48 SMT
  948. [16.01.2016 01:23:08] A/)-Orio.Ori~: This looks good.
  949. [16.01.2016 01:23:21] 2016-01-16 01:26:01 SMT
  950. [16.01.2016 01:23:21] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Alright.
  951. [16.01.2016 01:23:24] 2016-01-16 01:26:05 SMT
  952. [16.01.2016 01:23:24] Order|Gantai.: Right. So... What was your question?
  953. [16.01.2016 01:23:26] 2016-01-16 01:26:06 SMT
  954. [16.01.2016 01:23:26] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Again, we're-
  955. [16.01.2016 01:23:37] 2016-01-16 01:26:18 SMT
  956. [16.01.2016 01:23:37] Order|Gantai.: What a bother...
  957. [16.01.2016 01:23:48] 2016-01-16 01:26:28 SMT
  958. [16.01.2016 01:23:48] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Is there something you want?
  959. [16.01.2016 01:23:57] 2016-01-16 01:26:37 SMT
  960. [16.01.2016 01:23:57] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Passing by, hopefully.
  961. [16.01.2016 01:23:57] 2016-01-16 01:26:37 SMT
  962. [16.01.2016 01:24:19] 2016-01-16 01:26:59 SMT
  963. [16.01.2016 01:24:19] A/)-William.Foulke: God, I need a minute.
  964. [16.01.2016 01:24:30] 2016-01-16 01:27:10 SMT
  965. [16.01.2016 01:24:30] A/)-Orio.Ori~: What's wrong?
  966. [16.01.2016 01:24:37] 2016-01-16 01:27:18 SMT
  967. [16.01.2016 01:24:37] A/)-William.Foulke: Nothing just... just continue.
  968. [16.01.2016 01:24:47] 2016-01-16 01:27:27 SMT
  969. [16.01.2016 01:24:47] Order|Gantai.: *Sighs*
  970. [16.01.2016 01:24:47] 2016-01-16 01:27:28 SMT
  971. [16.01.2016 01:24:47] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Fine. We'll talk about it later, once I'm done.
  972. [16.01.2016 01:24:56] 2016-01-16 01:27:36 SMT
  973. [16.01.2016 01:24:56] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Bothersome.
  974. [16.01.2016 01:25:03] 2016-01-16 01:27:43 SMT
  975. [16.01.2016 01:25:03] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Back to my question.
  976. [16.01.2016 01:25:15] 2016-01-16 01:27:55 SMT
  977. [16.01.2016 01:25:35] A/)-Orio.Ori~: What do you think about our organisation, Gantai? You, as an individual.
  978. [16.01.2016 01:25:52] 2016-01-16 01:28:32 SMT
  979. [16.01.2016 01:26:26] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Now, just the two of us.
  980. [16.01.2016 01:26:37] 2016-01-16 01:29:17 SMT
  981. [16.01.2016 01:26:37] Order|Gantai.: Hmm. Auxesia..
  982. [16.01.2016 01:26:48] 2016-01-16 01:29:28 SMT
  983. [16.01.2016 01:27:03] Order|Gantai.: Promising. Yet subject to get lost.
  984. [16.01.2016 01:27:14] 2016-01-16 01:29:54 SMT
  985. [16.01.2016 01:27:14] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Hm.
  986. [16.01.2016 01:27:30] 2016-01-16 01:30:10 SMT
  987. [16.01.2016 01:27:33] Order|Gantai.: You have a competent leader, but she can.. lose her way.
  988. [16.01.2016 01:27:55] 2016-01-16 01:30:35 SMT
  989. [16.01.2016 01:27:55] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Huh...
  990. [16.01.2016 01:28:08] 2016-01-16 01:30:48 SMT
  991. [16.01.2016 01:28:08] Order|Gantai.: Were in the Core?
  992. [16.01.2016 01:28:11] 2016-01-16 01:30:51 SMT
  993. [16.01.2016 01:28:11] A/)-Orio.Ori~: In my eyes, she's a great leader.
  994. [16.01.2016 01:28:14] 2016-01-16 01:30:54 SMT
  995. [16.01.2016 01:28:14] A/)-Orio.Ori~: No, I have not.
  996. [16.01.2016 01:28:15] 2016-01-16 01:30:55 SMT
  997. [16.01.2016 01:28:17] 2016-01-16 01:30:57 SMT
  998. [16.01.2016 01:28:17] Order|Gantai.: Then you probably won't know.
  999. [16.01.2016 01:28:26] 2016-01-16 01:31:06 SMT
  1000. [16.01.2016 01:28:26] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Unfortunately..
  1001. [16.01.2016 01:28:37] 2016-01-16 01:31:17 SMT
  1002. [16.01.2016 01:28:37] Order|Gantai.: Raven was affiliated with some nomadic activity.
  1003. [16.01.2016 01:28:48] 2016-01-16 01:31:28 SMT
  1004. [16.01.2016 01:28:48] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Was she?
  1005. [16.01.2016 01:29:21] 2016-01-16 01:32:02 SMT
  1006. [16.01.2016 01:29:21] Order|Gantai.: Eh. It's a long story, sort of.
  1007. [16.01.2016 01:29:34] 2016-01-16 01:32:14 SMT
  1008. [16.01.2016 01:29:34] Order|Gantai.: Back in the day, you could say I saved her life more or less.
  1009. [16.01.2016 01:29:43] 2016-01-16 01:32:23 SMT
  1010. [16.01.2016 01:29:43] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Hmpf. I do wonder...
  1011. [16.01.2016 01:29:45] 2016-01-16 01:32:25 SMT
  1012. [16.01.2016 01:29:45] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Stop right there.
  1013. [16.01.2016 01:29:47] 2016-01-16 01:32:27 SMT
  1014. [16.01.2016 01:29:47] Order|Gantai.: And then used her, but whatever.
  1015. [16.01.2016 01:29:53] 2016-01-16 01:32:33 SMT
  1016. [16.01.2016 01:29:53] A/)-Orio.Ori~: 'Used'...
  1017. [16.01.2016 01:29:55] 2016-01-16 01:32:36 SMT
  1018. [16.01.2016 01:29:55] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Sounds... bad.
  1019. [16.01.2016 01:30:06] 2016-01-16 01:32:46 SMT
  1020. [16.01.2016 01:30:06] Order|Gantai.: Let me finish first.
  1021. [16.01.2016 01:30:29] 2016-01-16 01:33:09 SMT
  1022. [16.01.2016 01:30:29] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Alright, fine.
  1023. [16.01.2016 01:30:31] 2016-01-16 01:33:11 SMT
  1024. [16.01.2016 01:30:31] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Go ahead.
  1025. [16.01.2016 01:30:48] 2016-01-16 01:33:28 SMT
  1026. [16.01.2016 01:30:48] Order|Gantai.: I found the Eidolon's Wraith floating in space with no sign of activity onboard. Turns out, once I boarded it with my marines-
  1027. [16.01.2016 01:30:56] 2016-01-16 01:33:36 SMT
  1028. [16.01.2016 01:30:56] Order|Gantai.: that most of the crew was dead.
  1029. [16.01.2016 01:30:59] Changing screen mode=full
  1030. [16.01.2016 01:31:23] 2016-01-16 01:34:03 SMT
  1031. [16.01.2016 01:31:23] A/)-Orio.Ori~: I've... she told us that The Eidolon suffered that.
  1032. [16.01.2016 01:31:29] 2016-01-16 01:34:10 SMT
  1033. [16.01.2016 01:31:29] A/)-Orio.Ori~: But... nothing after this.
  1034. [16.01.2016 01:31:40] 2016-01-16 01:34:20 SMT
  1035. [16.01.2016 01:31:40] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Anything more to say about it?
  1036. [16.01.2016 01:31:56] 2016-01-16 01:34:37 SMT
  1037. [16.01.2016 01:31:56] Order|Gantai.: And Raven- I found her on a chair with a dead incubi laying on top of her.
  1038. [16.01.2016 01:32:07] 2016-01-16 01:34:47 SMT
  1039. [16.01.2016 01:32:07] Order|Gantai.: Uncouncious, of cours.
  1040. [16.01.2016 01:32:17] 2016-01-16 01:34:57 SMT
  1041. [16.01.2016 01:32:31] A/)-Orio.Ori~: *Shivering, she grips the controls tighter.* God... an incubi...?
  1042. [16.01.2016 01:33:02] Changing screen mode=full
  1043. [16.01.2016 01:33:04] 2016-01-16 01:35:45 SMT
  1044. [16.01.2016 01:33:04] Order|Gantai.: Eh. I was surprised by the scene, as well.
  1045. [16.01.2016 01:33:30] 2016-01-16 01:36:10 SMT
  1046. [16.01.2016 01:33:30] A/)-Orio.Ori~: How...
  1047. [16.01.2016 01:33:34] 2016-01-16 01:36:14 SMT
  1048. [16.01.2016 01:33:34] Order|Gantai.: Eventually, we evacuated her with whatever was left alive from the crew back to Mu for interrogation.
  1049. [16.01.2016 01:33:34] 2016-01-16 01:36:14 SMT
  1050. [16.01.2016 01:33:34] A/)-Orio.Ori~: How frightening.
  1051. [16.01.2016 01:33:46] 2016-01-16 01:36:26 SMT
  1052. [16.01.2016 01:33:46] A/)-Orio.Ori~: As expected.
  1053. [16.01.2016 01:34:13] 2016-01-16 01:36:53 SMT
  1054. [16.01.2016 01:34:13] A/)-Orio.Ori~: How... /rough/, was this interogation?
  1055. [16.01.2016 01:34:37] 2016-01-16 01:37:17 SMT
  1056. [16.01.2016 01:34:37] Order|Gantai.: I wasn't the one doing it, not completely I guess.
  1057. [16.01.2016 01:34:48] 2016-01-16 01:37:28 SMT
  1058. [16.01.2016 01:34:48] A/)-Orio.Ori~: You mentioned 'using' her, too.
  1059. [16.01.2016 01:34:51] 2016-01-16 01:37:31 SMT
  1060. [16.01.2016 01:34:51] Order|Gantai.: Needles, injections, liquids and that sort of things.
  1061. [16.01.2016 01:34:54] 2016-01-16 01:37:34 SMT
  1062. [16.01.2016 01:34:54] A/)-Orio.Ori~: What?
  1063. [16.01.2016 01:34:57] 2016-01-16 01:37:38 SMT
  1064. [16.01.2016 01:34:57] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Why would...?
  1065. [16.01.2016 01:35:08] 2016-01-16 01:37:49 SMT
  1066. [16.01.2016 01:35:08] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Why would you do such a thing?
  1067. [16.01.2016 01:35:18] Don't use F1 or disconnect when interacting with other players.
  1068. [16.01.2016 01:35:28] 2016-01-16 01:38:08 SMT
  1069. [16.01.2016 01:35:28] Order|Gantai.: She wouldn't let us know what happened. There was only one way of doing it.
  1070. [16.01.2016 01:35:35] 2016-01-16 01:38:15 SMT
  1071. [16.01.2016 01:35:35] Order|Gantai.: Nevertheless, she had to atone for her sin.
  1072. [16.01.2016 01:35:41] 2016-01-16 01:38:21 SMT
  1073. [16.01.2016 01:35:41] A/)-Orio.Ori~: 'Sin'..?
  1074. [16.01.2016 01:35:46] 2016-01-16 01:38:26 SMT
  1075. [16.01.2016 01:35:46] A/)-Orio.Ori~: What did she even do?
  1076. [16.01.2016 01:36:02] 2016-01-16 01:38:42 SMT
  1077. [16.01.2016 01:36:02] Order|Gantai.: Huh?! What did she do? Are you dumb?
  1078. [16.01.2016 01:36:05] 2016-01-16 01:38:45 SMT
  1079. [16.01.2016 01:36:05] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Besides - who wouldn't be ashamed at a loss of their whole crew?
  1080. [16.01.2016 01:36:26] 2016-01-16 01:39:06 SMT
  1081. [16.01.2016 01:36:26] Order|Gantai.: Her reckless actions resulted in the death of most of her crew.
  1082. [16.01.2016 01:36:29] 2016-01-16 01:39:10 SMT
  1083. [16.01.2016 01:36:29] A/)-Orio.Ori~: No. I am certainly not lacking intelligence. I'm lacking information.
  1084. [16.01.2016 01:36:36] 2016-01-16 01:39:16 SMT
  1085. [16.01.2016 01:36:36] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Reckless? What did she do, then?
  1086. [16.01.2016 01:37:09] 2016-01-16 01:39:49 SMT
  1087. [16.01.2016 01:37:09] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Well...
  1088. [16.01.2016 01:37:17] 2016-01-16 01:39:57 SMT
  1089. [16.01.2016 01:37:17] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Yes, the incubi.
  1090. [16.01.2016 01:37:25] 2016-01-16 01:40:06 SMT
  1091. [16.01.2016 01:37:25] Order|Gantai.: Yes.
  1092. [16.01.2016 01:37:36] 2016-01-16 01:40:16 SMT
  1093. [16.01.2016 01:37:36] A/)-Orio.Ori~: I could understand why you'd call letting a vessel on-board reckless.
  1094. [16.01.2016 01:37:48] 2016-01-16 01:40:28 SMT
  1095. [16.01.2016 01:37:48] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Then again, it's easy to be decieved by them.
  1096. [16.01.2016 01:38:04] 2016-01-16 01:40:44 SMT
  1097. [16.01.2016 01:38:04] Order|Gantai.: Let's say, metaphorically, that she acquiried the incubi for research purposes. How did it result in this massacre?
  1098. [16.01.2016 01:38:10] 2016-01-16 01:40:50 SMT
  1099. [16.01.2016 01:38:10] Order|Gantai.: It's all Raven's responsibility.
  1100. [16.01.2016 01:38:13] 2016-01-16 01:40:54 SMT
  1101. [16.01.2016 01:38:13] A/)-Orio.Ori~: So you never found out?
  1102. [16.01.2016 01:38:18] 2016-01-16 01:40:58 SMT
  1103. [16.01.2016 01:38:18] Order|Gantai.: No.
  1104. [16.01.2016 01:38:20] 2016-01-16 01:41:00 SMT
  1105. [16.01.2016 01:38:20] A/)-Orio.Ori~: You tortured her for nothing?
  1106. [16.01.2016 01:38:38] 2016-01-16 01:41:18 SMT
  1107. [16.01.2016 01:38:38] A/)-Orio.Ori~: At least you've found out that she has strong willpower. I /suppose/.
  1108. [16.01.2016 01:38:51] 2016-01-16 01:41:31 SMT
  1109. [16.01.2016 01:38:51] Order|Gantai.: Eh. True.
  1110. [16.01.2016 01:39:05] 2016-01-16 01:41:45 SMT
  1111. [16.01.2016 01:39:05] Order|Gantai.: In the end, I decieded to use her against the Core.
  1112. [16.01.2016 01:39:13] 2016-01-16 01:41:53 SMT
  1113. [16.01.2016 01:39:13] A/)-Orio.Ori~: That's...
  1114. [16.01.2016 01:39:23] 2016-01-16 01:42:03 SMT
  1115. [16.01.2016 01:39:23] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Excuse me for saying, but that's just... disgusting.
  1116. [16.01.2016 01:39:39] 2016-01-16 01:42:19 SMT
  1117. [16.01.2016 01:39:39] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Shooting her own comrades against her will, I'm guessing?
  1118. [16.01.2016 01:39:42] 2016-01-16 01:42:22 SMT
  1119. [16.01.2016 01:39:42] Order|Gantai.: I attatched a collar on her neck that I controlled remotely.
  1120. [16.01.2016 01:39:44] 2016-01-16 01:42:24 SMT
  1121. [16.01.2016 01:39:44] Order|Gantai.: True.
  1122. [16.01.2016 01:40:00] 2016-01-16 01:42:40 SMT
  1123. [16.01.2016 01:40:00] Order|Gantai.: You have to be dirty in this kind of business.
  1124. [16.01.2016 01:40:14] 2016-01-16 01:42:55 SMT
  1125. [16.01.2016 01:40:14] Order|Gantai.: I can't say I don't regret it now. But, whatever.
  1126. [16.01.2016 01:40:15] 2016-01-16 01:42:56 SMT
  1127. [16.01.2016 01:40:15] A/)-Orio.Ori~: *Looking away for a brief moment, she adjusts the grip on the controls.* Just... disgusting. Urgh...
  1128. [16.01.2016 01:40:34] 2016-01-16 01:43:15 SMT
  1129. [16.01.2016 01:40:34] A/)-Orio.Ori~: I suppose.
  1130. [16.01.2016 01:40:43] 2016-01-16 01:43:23 SMT
  1131. [16.01.2016 01:40:43] Order|Gantai.: Tch. You don't even know the meaning of digust *she mumbles*
  1132. [16.01.2016 01:41:13] 2016-01-16 01:43:53 SMT
  1133. [16.01.2016 01:41:13] Order|Gantai.: Anyway.
  1134. [16.01.2016 01:41:22] 2016-01-16 01:44:02 SMT
  1135. [16.01.2016 01:41:22] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Look.
  1136. [16.01.2016 01:41:36] 2016-01-16 01:44:16 SMT
  1137. [16.01.2016 01:41:36] A/)-Orio.Ori~: You seem reasonable enough to me.
  1138. [16.01.2016 01:41:56] 2016-01-16 01:44:36 SMT
  1139. [16.01.2016 01:41:56] A/)-Orio.Ori~: I'm going to ask something of you.
  1140. [16.01.2016 01:42:25] 2016-01-16 01:45:05 SMT
  1141. [16.01.2016 01:42:25] Order|Gantai.: Hai?
  1142. [16.01.2016 01:42:32] 2016-01-16 01:45:12 SMT
  1143. [16.01.2016 01:42:32] A/)-Orio.Ori~: After some further negotiations - prefferably with Raven nearby - would you be willing to come to an... agreement?
  1144. [16.01.2016 01:42:50] 2016-01-16 01:45:30 SMT
  1145. [16.01.2016 01:42:50] Order|Gantai.: What sort?
  1146. [16.01.2016 01:43:17] 2016-01-16 01:45:57 SMT
  1147. [16.01.2016 01:43:17] A/)-Orio.Ori~: We talked about peace before, yes?
  1148. [16.01.2016 01:43:21] 2016-01-16 01:46:01 SMT
  1149. [16.01.2016 01:43:21] Order|Gantai.: Eh.
  1150. [16.01.2016 01:43:29] 2016-01-16 01:46:09 SMT
  1151. [16.01.2016 01:43:32] 2016-01-16 01:46:12 SMT
  1152. [16.01.2016 01:43:32] A/)-Orio.Ori~: I am wondering if /you/ - the individual in front of me - would be willing to cooperate with us.
  1153. [16.01.2016 01:43:38] 2016-01-16 01:46:18 SMT
  1154. [16.01.2016 01:43:38] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Of course, after some more negotiations.
  1155. [16.01.2016 01:43:46] 2016-01-16 01:46:27 SMT
  1156. [16.01.2016 01:43:46] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Sapphire needs to be present and all of that.
  1157. [16.01.2016 01:44:07] 2016-01-16 01:46:47 SMT
  1158. [16.01.2016 01:44:07] A/)-Orio.Ori~: But-
  1159. [16.01.2016 01:44:10] 2016-01-16 01:46:50 SMT
  1160. [16.01.2016 01:44:10] A/)-Orio.Ori~: As it stands now-
  1161. [16.01.2016 01:44:16] 2016-01-16 01:46:57 SMT
  1162. [16.01.2016 01:44:16] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Would you consider it?
  1163. [16.01.2016 01:44:40] 2016-01-16 01:47:20 SMT
  1164. [16.01.2016 01:44:40] Order|Gantai.: Hmph. Eh.
  1165. [16.01.2016 01:45:06] 2016-01-16 01:47:46 SMT
  1166. [16.01.2016 01:45:06] A/)-Orio.Ori~: You've talked about The Order considering us targets.
  1167. [16.01.2016 01:45:15] 2016-01-16 01:47:56 SMT
  1168. [16.01.2016 01:45:15] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Do /you/ consider us as simple targets?
  1169. [16.01.2016 01:45:34] 2016-01-16 01:48:14 SMT
  1170. [16.01.2016 01:45:34] A/)-Orio.Ori~: You'd need to come under some further 'convincing', I'm guessing.
  1171. [16.01.2016 01:45:39] 2016-01-16 01:48:19 SMT
  1172. [16.01.2016 01:45:39] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Which is why the Commander needs to be present.
  1173. [16.01.2016 01:45:54] 2016-01-16 01:48:34 SMT
  1174. [16.01.2016 01:45:54] A/)-Orio.Ori~: I'm just trying to figure out your thoughts. Current thoughts.
  1175. [16.01.2016 01:45:54] 2016-01-16 01:48:35 SMT
  1176. [16.01.2016 01:45:54] Order|Gantai.: I cannot yet determine your status as of yet.
  1177. [16.01.2016 01:46:00] 2016-01-16 01:48:41 SMT
  1178. [16.01.2016 01:46:00] Order|Gantai.: But-
  1179. [16.01.2016 01:46:03] 2016-01-16 01:48:44 SMT
  1180. [16.01.2016 01:46:03] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Understandable.
  1181. [16.01.2016 01:46:04] 2016-01-16 01:48:45 SMT
  1182. [16.01.2016 01:46:04] A/)-Orio.Ori~: But?
  1183. [16.01.2016 01:46:34] 2016-01-16 01:49:14 SMT
  1184. [16.01.2016 01:46:34] Order|Gantai.: Hmm. I believe in your goal and cause.
  1185. [16.01.2016 01:46:46] 2016-01-16 01:49:26 SMT
  1186. [16.01.2016 01:46:46] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Humbling.
  1187. [16.01.2016 01:47:00] 2016-01-16 01:49:40 SMT
  1188. [16.01.2016 01:47:00] Order|Gantai.: But I have my own fears, especially about Raven.
  1189. [16.01.2016 01:47:09] 2016-01-16 01:49:49 SMT
  1190. [16.01.2016 01:47:09] A/)-Orio.Ori~: *She nods.* - I perfectly understand that.
  1191. [16.01.2016 01:47:28] 2016-01-16 01:50:08 SMT
  1192. [16.01.2016 01:47:28] A/)-Orio.Ori~: I only wish our conversation proved to be useful. At the very least, in the long run.
  1193. [16.01.2016 01:47:34] 2016-01-16 01:50:14 SMT
  1194. [16.01.2016 01:47:34] Order|Gantai.: As I see Auxesia currently, it could be far more effective than both the Order and the Core.
  1195. [16.01.2016 01:47:47] 2016-01-16 01:50:27 SMT
  1196. [16.01.2016 01:47:47] A/)-Orio.Ori~: How... hmm.
  1197. [16.01.2016 01:47:55] 2016-01-16 01:50:36 SMT
  1198. [16.01.2016 01:47:55] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Yet - again - you doubt the one in charge?
  1199. [16.01.2016 01:48:26] 2016-01-16 01:51:07 SMT
  1200. [16.01.2016 01:48:26] Order|Gantai.: I fear for her to lose her way again, which would most probably endanger you.
  1201. [16.01.2016 01:48:42] 2016-01-16 01:51:22 SMT
  1202. [16.01.2016 01:48:42] Death: Asor was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
  1203. [16.01.2016 01:48:52] 2016-01-16 01:51:32 SMT
  1204. [16.01.2016 01:48:52] Death: Malilo was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
  1205. [16.01.2016 01:48:58] 2016-01-16 01:51:38 SMT
  1206. [16.01.2016 01:48:58] Order|Gantai.: They way she's handling Auxesia is perfectly fine. Maintaining a foothold in almost every region, and neutral-standings with
  1207. [16.01.2016 01:49:01] 2016-01-16 01:51:41 SMT
  1208. [16.01.2016 01:49:01] A/)-Orio.Ori~: I know what I fight for. I've only discovered Sapphires' ways to be... the way I'd like to do it.
  1209. [16.01.2016 01:49:11] 2016-01-16 01:51:51 SMT
  1210. [16.01.2016 01:49:11] Order|Gantai.: most orginisations and houses, I suppose that's correct.
  1211. [16.01.2016 01:49:27] 2016-01-16 01:52:07 SMT
  1212. [16.01.2016 01:49:27] A/)-Orio.Ori~: If things go how they shouldn't, I will notice it.
  1213. [16.01.2016 01:49:34] 2016-01-16 01:52:14 SMT
  1214. [16.01.2016 01:49:34] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Don't think I am that close-minded.
  1215. [16.01.2016 01:50:00] 2016-01-16 01:52:40 SMT
  1216. [16.01.2016 01:50:00] A/)-Orio.Ori~: I admire the Commander, yes, but anyone can lose their admirers with a single stray step.
  1217. [16.01.2016 01:50:15] 2016-01-16 01:52:55 SMT
  1218. [16.01.2016 01:50:15] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Either way, I am glad to know what you think about our organisation.
  1219. [16.01.2016 01:50:37] 2016-01-16 01:53:17 SMT
  1220. [16.01.2016 01:50:37] A/)-Orio.Ori~: I do hope we'll be able to do further negotiating in the future. I wish for all of this to be worth it.
  1221. [16.01.2016 01:51:07] 2016-01-16 01:53:48 SMT
  1222. [16.01.2016 01:51:07] Order|Gantai.: Eh. Hopefully.
  1223. [16.01.2016 01:51:12] 2016-01-16 01:53:53 SMT
  1224. [16.01.2016 01:51:12] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Hopefully.
  1225. [16.01.2016 01:51:13] 2016-01-16 01:53:54 SMT
  1226. [16.01.2016 01:51:13] Order|Gantai.: Both of us get the bigger picture.
  1227. [16.01.2016 01:52:01] 2016-01-16 01:54:42 SMT
  1228. [16.01.2016 01:52:01] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Fortunately so, you do. I personally think you and the Commander could do many things more efficiently if you were to work-
  1229. [16.01.2016 01:52:04] 2016-01-16 01:54:45 SMT
  1230. [16.01.2016 01:52:04] A/)-Orio.Ori~: -together.
  1231. [16.01.2016 01:52:16] 2016-01-16 01:54:57 SMT
  1232. [16.01.2016 01:52:16] A/)-Orio.Ori~: But that's just my personal opinion.
  1233. [16.01.2016 01:52:35] 2016-01-16 01:55:15 SMT
  1234. [16.01.2016 01:52:35] Order|Gantai.: I don't know. Raven probably hits my living guts after what I did.
  1235. [16.01.2016 01:52:52] 2016-01-16 01:55:33 SMT
  1236. [16.01.2016 01:52:52] A/)-Orio.Ori~: As you've said, she looks at the bigger picture.
  1237. [16.01.2016 01:53:03] 2016-01-16 01:55:43 SMT
  1238. [16.01.2016 01:53:03] Order|Gantai.: Hopefully.
  1239. [16.01.2016 01:53:17] 2016-01-16 01:55:57 SMT
  1240. [16.01.2016 01:53:17] A/)-Orio.Ori~: I'm sure that whatever you did could be shelved for the... greater good.
  1241. [16.01.2016 01:53:33] 2016-01-16 01:56:13 SMT
  1242. [16.01.2016 01:53:33] Death: Asor was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
  1243. [16.01.2016 01:53:33] 2016-01-16 01:56:13 SMT
  1244. [16.01.2016 01:53:33] Order|Gantai.: Eh *she nods*
  1245. [16.01.2016 01:53:48] 2016-01-16 01:56:28 SMT
  1246. [16.01.2016 01:53:48] Order|Gantai.: Now, I believe it's- Oh. Allow me to ask.
  1247. [16.01.2016 01:53:53] 2016-01-16 01:56:33 SMT
  1248. [16.01.2016 01:53:53] A/)-Orio.Ori~: *Taking off her glasses, putting her helmet back on.* - I believe-
  1249. [16.01.2016 01:53:54] 2016-01-16 01:56:35 SMT
  1250. [16.01.2016 01:53:54] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Hmm?
  1251. [16.01.2016 01:54:15] 2016-01-16 01:56:55 SMT
  1252. [16.01.2016 01:54:15] Order|Gantai.: How is Christopher Stone faring?
  1253. [16.01.2016 01:54:23] 2016-01-16 01:57:04 SMT
  1254. [16.01.2016 01:54:23] Order|Gantai.: He's in Auxesia, am I correct?
  1255. [16.01.2016 01:54:54] 2016-01-16 01:57:35 SMT
  1256. [16.01.2016 01:54:54] A/)-Orio.Ori~: *She nods.* - I do believe that he's currently... 'ill'. Supposedly, his immune system is terrible.
  1257. [16.01.2016 01:55:02] 2016-01-16 01:57:42 SMT
  1258. [16.01.2016 01:55:02] A/)-Orio.Ori~: That's the only reason I am here now.
  1259. [16.01.2016 01:55:10] 2016-01-16 01:57:51 SMT
  1260. [16.01.2016 01:55:10] A/)-Orio.Ori~: I am a support soldier.
  1261. [16.01.2016 01:55:21] 2016-01-16 01:58:01 SMT
  1262. [16.01.2016 01:55:21] A/)-Orio.Ori~: I'm keeping his spot occupied.
  1263. [16.01.2016 01:55:28] 2016-01-16 01:58:08 SMT
  1264. [16.01.2016 01:55:28] Death: Malilo was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
  1265. [16.01.2016 01:55:39] 2016-01-16 01:58:19 SMT
  1266. [16.01.2016 01:55:39] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Why are you asking? Is he someone you know personally?
  1267. [16.01.2016 01:56:01] 2016-01-16 01:58:41 SMT
  1268. [16.01.2016 01:56:01] Order|Gantai.: We are acquainted in a certain way.
  1269. [16.01.2016 01:56:19] 2016-01-16 01:58:59 SMT
  1270. [16.01.2016 01:56:19] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Hmm.
  1271. [16.01.2016 01:56:21] 2016-01-16 01:59:01 SMT
  1272. [16.01.2016 01:56:21] A/)-Orio.Ori~: I suppose.
  1273. [16.01.2016 01:56:32] 2016-01-16 01:59:12 SMT
  1274. [16.01.2016 01:56:32] Order|Gantai.: Souka.
  1275. [16.01.2016 01:56:36] 2016-01-16 01:59:17 SMT
  1276. [16.01.2016 01:56:36] Order|Gantai.: Anyway, anything else?
  1277. [16.01.2016 01:56:51] 2016-01-16 01:59:32 SMT
  1278. [16.01.2016 01:56:51] A/)-Orio.Ori~: As soon as he's availible he'll be the one flying instead of me, I'm guessing.
  1279. [16.01.2016 01:56:56] 2016-01-16 01:59:36 SMT
  1280. [16.01.2016 01:56:56] A/)-Orio.Ori~: And, no.
  1281. [16.01.2016 01:57:04] 2016-01-16 01:59:44 SMT
  1282. [16.01.2016 01:57:04] A/)-Orio.Ori~: I think this is everything we can talk about for tonight.
  1283. [16.01.2016 01:57:11] 2016-01-16 01:59:51 SMT
  1284. [16.01.2016 01:57:11] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Hopefully we'll meet again - soon.
  1285. [16.01.2016 01:57:20] 2016-01-16 02:00:00 SMT
  1286. [16.01.2016 01:57:20] A/)-Orio.Ori~: You've been a pleasure to talk to.
  1287. [16.01.2016 01:57:27] 2016-01-16 02:00:07 SMT
  1288. [16.01.2016 01:57:27] Order|Gantai.: I see. - Eh. We'll keep in.. touch.
  1289. [16.01.2016 01:57:37] 2016-01-16 02:00:18 SMT
  1290. [16.01.2016 01:57:37] Order|Gantai.: Likewise, Orio-san.
  1291. [16.01.2016 01:57:55] 2016-01-16 02:00:35 SMT
  1292. [16.01.2016 01:57:55] Order|Gantai.: I shall take my leave then.
  1293. [16.01.2016 01:57:57] 2016-01-16 02:00:37 SMT
  1294. [16.01.2016 01:57:57] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Good luck with your... mission. I will return to my comrades.
  1295. [16.01.2016 01:58:06] 2016-01-16 02:00:47 SMT
  1296. [16.01.2016 01:58:06] A/)-Orio.Ori~: Sayonara.
  1297. [16.01.2016 01:58:07] 2016-01-16 02:00:47 SMT
  1298. [16.01.2016 01:58:07] Order|Gantai.: Eh. Sayonara.
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