
Arc Flash Ch1

Nov 4th, 2012
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  1. Arc Flash
  2. Chapter 1
  5. >Fuck the turn around.
  6. >Fuck night shift.
  7. >Fuck the refinery.
  8. >You swipe your badge and walk through the iron gate.
  9. >Fuck seven tens.
  10. >Stepping on the bus, you sit down on the first seat with your lunchbox.
  11. >Fuck the fin fans.
  12. >After waiting another minute for latecomers, the bus driver starts up towards the contractor yard, where your break room sits.
  13. >Fuck all this prefab bullshit.
  14. >In your brief minutes of transit, you go through your work for the night.
  16. >The damn planners can't seem to figure out their shit.
  17. >But when their bad measurements caused you to weld up a valve piece three inches too long?
  18. >Your fault. Or, at least, your job to fix it.
  19. >Why'd you take this job again?
  20. >Oh right, that fat paycheck.
  21. >Seven tens were alright on Thursdays.
  22. >So tonight you're back in the shop. Again.
  23. >Welding two-inch diameter pipe to a 90 that's bolted to a valve. Again.
  24. >Fuck everything.
  25. -
  26. >Safety meeting's same useless bullshit.
  27. >Some guy on the east coast nicked his knuckle with a grinder, so lets all learn about grinder safety again.
  28. >Normally you'd silently curse all this too but...
  29. >It's amazing what coffee does to your mood.
  30. >Whatever. Proper PPE, visual awareness, fill out the safety reports.
  31. >Yadda yadda.
  32. >With that time sink over, you can finally get to work.
  33. >Quicker you start, quicker you can be done.
  34. >Yeah, so you can haul that damn pipe up three stories again.
  35. >Cause it was so much fun the first time...
  37. >Gloves? Check.
  38. >Welding leads? Check.
  39. >Welding hood? Check.
  40. >Pipe's still where you left it, fitted up an everything.
  41. >Your fitter may be a dick, but he fits like a boss.
  42. >You even managed to tack it and line it up yesterday morning
  43. >Alright, the stupid 'safety' form is filled out.
  44. >Time to start welding and... where the fuck's the firewatch?
  45. >Dammit, there's no time for the slacker to be sitting around.
  46. >Fuck it, the extinguisher's here. You can handle it.
  47. >With that, you start up the welding machine.
  48. >What with this being an improvised shop made from a tarp, they gave you one of the diesel-powered trailer machines.
  49. >Not that they remembered that diesel-powered machines produce smoke. You had to solve that one on your own. By cutting a hole in the tarp wall.
  50. >Lower the hood, make a spark.
  51. >And we're flying.
  52. >You don't usually like to brag, but when it came to metalworking, you'd certainly found something that came natural.
  54. >Keep an eye on that bead, nice and smooth. Looking good.
  55. >Suddenly off in the distance, you hear the alarms going off, echoing into the night.
  56. >Four cycles following by the automated message.
  57. >“Emergency...In...The...Alkey...Block”
  58. >You grimace. The alkey unit? You don't envy those poor sons of bitches.
  59. >You've since stopped your welding, listening to the looping alarm.
  60. >Even in the contractor yard, there's an evacuation area, where the supervisors will be looking for you.
  61. >Fuck it. You're already doing hot work without a firewatch.
  62. >The planners' screw up already put you days behind. Let them yell at you later.
  63. >You drop the hood and lower a new welding rod. You're about to make a spark, but the room lights up on its own.
  64. >For a moment, it's brighter than welding would be. Too bright for your eyes to stay completely open, even with the welding hood on.
  65. >As soon as you go to look for the source, however, everything goes dark again.
  67. >“Yes, it worked”, an excited voice exclaims. Sounds female.
  68. >You don't recognize the voice, but it doesn't sound like the safety bitch. You're curious about what 'worked', and why it had to be so bright, but you're more relieved you didn't get busted yet.
  69. “Can I help you?” You ask, with a hand on your hood, preparing to lift it up.
  70. >That hand is quickly drawn to your ear as screams emit from the once ecstatic voice
  71. “What the hell?” you exclaim, wincing from the sudden change in volume.
  72. >The voice dies down enough for you to remove your hands and you repeat your question
  73. >“Returnreturnreturnreturnreturn” the voice screams over and over.
  74. >Not caught of guard again, you lift up your hood.
  75. >You manage to make out a purple scrunched up face before everything is flooded by the brightest light you've ever seen.
  76. >A feeling of weightlessness covers you. Naturally, you freak out, gripping the table to try and keep yourself from moving.
  77. >Your hood drops down again, but once again it doesn't help at all against the intense brightness.
  78. >Gravity suddenly decides to pull you towards the otherwordly purple being, but not as fast as the pipe wrench behind you.
  79. >With a loud, thwack, it impacts your hardhat, giving it a nice crack. To say nothing about the lessened impact on your skull.
  80. >Consciousness leaves you quickly, the last thing to fade is the sound of the echoing alarm.
  82. --
  84. >”What'da suppos' it is?”
  85. >”I donno, but look. Its got a hardhat like we use in the weather factory. That means it's smart, right?”
  86. >”I believe you mean sentient, Rainbow Dash. And yes, it probably isn't a monster. You simply must learn to keep your emotions in check, my student.”
  87. >”Sorry, Princess. I guess all of our safety precautions went to my head.”
  88. >”Its hardhat looks pretty broken. Wonder what caused that?”
  89. >”Take yer pick. Looks lahk when Twah poofed back she ended up bringing a whole room with 'er”
  90. >”Um...Oops?...Hey, I wonder why the left front leg is shaped like that”
  91. >”Twilight, I believe-”
  92. >”Oh cool! It just moved”
  94. >As unconsciousness fades away, you can hear voices talking.
  95. >The ringing in your ears slowly dulls down, but as soon as you'd be able to make out what they're saying, they all seemed to go quiet.
  96. >Groaning, you stretch your back as your mind fully wakes up.
  97. >You're lying down, face up. Everything is rather dark, you should probably open your eyes.
  98. >Oh wait, they are open. Why is everything still as dark as the blackest nigh-
  99. >Welding hood. Right.
  100. >You tense your right arm. Everything seems to be working.
  101. >Your arm moves up and you knock the welding hood, and the hardhat it's attached to, off your head.
  102. >Oh look, it's your forgotten variable. The sun.
  103. >In your temporary blindness, you mange to sit forwards and rub your eyes a bit.
  104. >Slowly, the brightness loses its sting and you're able to open your eyes fully this time.
  106. >All you can see is a pair of magenta eyes mounted in a light-blue face.
  107. “The fuck?” you blink, leaning back slightly.
  108. >“Hah, I knew you were sin-ti-in.” The smug voice exclaims.
  109. >By now you've managed to get a better look at the speaker.
  110. >It looks like the bastard child of a horse and a blueberry marshmallow.
  111. >Maybe some skittles in the mix for that mane.
  112. “You wanna back up a bit?” You reply, still leaning back.
  113. >”Oh, right, sorry”, the creature back up a few steps.
  114. >It also adapts what appears to be a slight apologetic expression. How is it doing that?
  115. >You shake your head slightly to see if you can make the hallucination go away.
  116. >You don't have any luck, but you do manage to catch a glimpse at three more horsemallows
  118. >The far left equine is colored orange. Strangely enough seems to be wearing a cowboy hat.
  119. >The one centered is closer to a full-sized horse. Still a bit small, and still marshmallow-y shaped.
  120. >It's wearing a crown and- hang on, is that a horn? What the fuck.
  121. >The third to the right is colored purple. About the same size as the orange and blue ones.
  122. >Purple also has a horn, but it's smaller. No crown ether. Guess size matters.
  123. >You focus back to blueberry, which has since taken to the air and is currently hovering a few feet up.
  124. >With wings.
  125. >Tiny wings.
  126. >On a tiny horse
  128. “This must be what a sugar overdose is like.” you grumble to yourself.
  129. “Ok, I think I'm ready for this to be over. How to I exit this lucid nightmare?”
  130. >While the remaining two stare, the white and purple equines share what you assume is a worried glance.
  131. >The purple one finally breaks the silence.
  132. >”This...isn't how I'd imagined first contact would go...” it said. Sounds like a chick. Human female, that is, not another farm animal.
  133. “First contact? So that it, then? I've been abducted by alien candy horses?”
  134. >”Ahem”, White speaks up, looking you dead in the eye. “We do prefer the term 'pony', if you wouldn't mind.”
  135. >”And-” Her expression softens a bit. ”My apologies, we did not intend to bring you here.”
  136. “How do you 'accidentally' pull someone from another world?” You ask, raising an eyebrow. “I doubt it's as simple hitting the wrong button.”
  137. >The large one smiles gently before replying. “My student here, Twilight Sparkle-,” She gestures to Purple, “has quite a surprising amount of talent.”
  138. >The small one, Twilight, beams at the complement. “But she still has a lot to learn about control.”
  140. >”So what are you, anyway?” The blue one asks, as she zips into your face again.
  141. >The causes you to jump back, and you fall onto your elbows.
  142. >Now, of course, is the best time for you to realize something is wrong with your left arm.
  143. >Something so wrong, in fact, that you have to abandon holding yourself up to grab it with your right.
  144. >Well, at least you know you're not imagining all this. Holy fuck that hurts.
  145. >Apparently getting the message from your grunts of pain, the larger one steps forward.
  146. >You respond be shuffling back. No way are you letting her fuck you up more.
  147. >”Please, let me look at your arm. I can help”
  148. >Your rearward motion is halted by a wall behind you.
  149. >As such, you change your tactics to just glaring.
  151. >The horsepony thing sighs, before looking up to you again.
  152. >”I...can imagine your reluctance. Perhaps we should start from the beginning.”
  153. >She lies down in the grass, bringing herself down to your level. Her Easter-themed hair continues to flow, despite the lack of a breeze.
  154. >Twilight and Orange follow suit and sit down, each with a look of caution. As if they might startle you away.
  155. >Blueberry continues flying, though for once makes no attempt to get closer.
  156. >”My name is Princess Celestia” The bigger one begins. Not that you couldn't tell her status from her accessories.
  157. >”And you are currently in the land of Equestria. I rule this country, alongside my sister.”
  158. “Wouldn't that make you both queens?” Just where you wanted to be, a gayer England.
  159. >”Perhaps”, Celestia smiles at the comment. “But that makes us sound old. Our subjects have no problems with our titles, why should we?”
  160. >”Moving on, the three surrounding me are my student, Twilight Sparkle,” again with a nod to Purple, “Applejack”, another nod to the one previously labeled Orange, ironically.
  161. >”And Rainbow Dash,” she concludes with a glance to Blueberry above. You manage to choke down a laugh at the rather fitting name.
  163. >”Ya'll al'ight?” Applejack asks. You take a breath and nod before responding
  164. “Fine, fine. I'm Anonymous, or Anon for short. I'm a welder working for Toptier construction. I was right in the middle of a weld when whatever you did happened.”
  165. >Whatever it was... “Actually, I don't suppose you'd like to go more in-depth with that?”
  166. >Twilight's eyes light up with your question, and she clears her throat.
  167. >”Oh, it's actually very simple. We concentrated enough magical power to open a portal and tuned it to a set frequency that we had picked previously, and the-”
  168. >Her rather extensive essay of a response is cut off by Rainbow tapping her on the head.
  169. >”Twilight, I hate to interrupt you, but could we get this with a little less egghead?” Twilight responds with a roll of the eyes.
  170. “Hang on, 'magical power'?” You ask with a half-smile. “What are we, children? How about a real answer?”
  171. >”We could certainly lie to you, if you would prefer” Celestia steps in, wearing what you assume by now to be her signature smile
  172. >”But no, your arrival was the work of magic. An exceptionally large amount, to be exact.”
  173. >You stare into her eyes, looking for any hint of a joke. All you get back is the impression that she actually believes what she just said.
  174. >”Of course, I can demonstrate, if you'd like. If you will allow me, I can heal your arm.”
  175. >Without the threat of her advancing, you have some time to think. Of how agonizing the pain in your arm is.
  176. >Your sleeve is covering it, but you can still see it bent outward slightly.
  178. >”Anonymous?” the princess grabs your attention again. “Aside from this injury during transit, we have caused no further harm to you. Even while you lied unconscious on the ground. What reason could I have to bring harm now?”
  179. >You're again looking into her eyes. Her smile has since dropped. It almost seems as if she's pleading. Begging you to let her help you.
  180. >In retrospect, that sounds fishy as fuck, but your arm really does hurt like hell.
  181. >And even if all they said to you is false. Even if you're not in another dimension, teleported through space and time via magical sugar pony power.
  182. >You've never seen a talking horse-shaped creature before.
  183. >If you're on Earth, you're still a long-ass way from home. If you can't trust the only sentient beings you've met with since you woke up, you're in a world of trouble.
  184. >No matter what.
  185. >For better or for worse, you'll at least know where you stand after this.
  186. “Alright. Show me.”
  187. >Celestia adopts her gentle smile once more, and slowly rises.
  188. >With all the grace expected of a monarch, she approaches you again.
  190. >Sanding mere feet away from you, she kneels down to get a better look.
  191. >You present your left arm, pulling back the sleeve of your coveralls to show the fracture, just below your elbow.
  192. >Celestia lowers her head until her long horn is just inches away, and it starts glowing.
  193. >Like actual fuck-your-light-source-I-got-my-own glowing.
  194. >An invisible force holds the weight of your arm up as a similar white tint engulfs it.
  195. >”I will not lie. This process is, while usually quick, rather painful” Celestia warns, looking up at you again. “Take a deep breath when you are ready”.
  196. >You glance over to the other three, each showing a worried look, although for who, you're not sure.
  197. >Well, now or never.
  198. >You breathe in as instructed, and wait for whatever to come.
  199. >The pressure on your arm suddenly constricts, and you can feel the bones inside shift.
  200. >That feeling produced being absolute pain. You grunt, grinding your teeth together in an attempt to endure it.
  202. >A few pops later, and your arm goes numb. Another flash of light from your arm, and then it subsides.
  203. >Celestia raises her head and backs up a few steps, signifying the end of the procedure.
  204. >You squeeze your left hand a bit, and the feeling comes back quickly. Your arm is a bit sore, but nothing else.
  205. >Whatever the fuck she did, it worked. So magic. Actual magic. You know what? Fuck it. Go, magical sugar pony power.
  206. >As you move arm around, you still feel it protesting. No where near as bad as before, but you'll think twice before putting weight on it.
  207. >”Don't strain your arm too much,” the white unicorn says, as if reading your mind. “Bones are solid and simple to heal through magic. But flesh is... complicated. While I fixed the fracture, you are left with a sprain.”
  208. >You nod and climb to your feet, making sure to use your right hand for support.
  209. “Alright. Fine. You got magical super powers or something.” You animate the final words with a wave of your good arm.
  210. >This earns a small laugh from the princess. “I assume your species is weaker with magic then?”
  211. “That would be one way to put it”, you respond, rubbing your once broken arm.
  212. “So, this is an alien planet, eh?” Surrounding you are rolling, grassy hills. A near-perfect blue sky sits above,
  213. “Gotta say, it's not much different than home.”
  215. >”Really?” Twilight asks, having at some point pulled out a scroll and is writing in it using a levitated quill.
  216. >Both the scroll and the quill are glowing faintly purple. The unicorn's horn is doing the same. Maybe that's the trick?
  217. “Grass is a bit greener, sky is a bit bluer. More multicolored equines.” That is to say, greater than zero.
  218. “But yeah. Add some humans in the mix and you could confuse it with Earth.
  219. >You follow the landscape as you turn around, the hills changing in size, and a hedge maze in the distance.
  220. >On a closer scale, you also see what you had bumped into before, as well as some other familiar equipment.
  221. >Directly in front of you is the work table you'd been using, on its side.
  222. >The welding machine sits upright behind it. The switch is on and the display is fully lit, but it is not running.
  223. >Guess a diesel engine can't make a cross-dimensional trip without stalling. Who knew?
  224. >Scattered around are a multitude of metalworking and pipe-working tools.
  225. >There's even some of the tarp that the improvised shop had been built out of, ripped and held down by a pipe wrench
  227. “Holy Shiiit...”, you exclaim, setting a hand on the table's edge. “Just how much power was in that escape rope of yours?”
  228. >”Well...” Twilight responds. “It wasn't supposed to take everything with me. I may have...panicked slightly.”
  229. >”Slightly?” Rainbow Dash's voice kicks in.”I think this qualifies for more than 'slightly'.”
  230. >”I know, I'm sorry. It's just that we went over so many 'worst scenarios' and set up so many backup plans and still had no idea what to expect. I wasn't sure what an alien life form would look like, but I didn't think it'd be something as cold and soulless as that mask...”
  231. >You glance back to the others, and spot the item in question lying on the ground.
  232. “You mean this thing?” You ask as you pick up the welding hood. You hold it up to the sky to change the lighting. Maybe in the dark, it could be scary, in an 'attack of the killer robots' sort of way.
  233. >“Whut is thaht thing, anyway?” Applejack joins in. “Ah can't imagine why yew'd wear someth'n ya'll can't see threw.”
  234. “It's a welding hood. Blocks bright light”. As you continue to examine the hood, you find a large crack along the hardhat connected “Aw damn, where'd this come from?”
  235. >”I imagine that may be related to why you arrived unconscious. As Applejack had observed earlier, there are quite a large number of heavy objects lying around. One of them likely stuck you as the return portal opened.”
  236. >You glance back at Celestia. “I, again, apologize for the events that happened today, Anonymous. I hope you can forgive us.”
  238. >You lightly toss the hood onto the ground and slowly work your left arm, easing into the soreness.
  239. “Well, I suppose aside from a slight sprain, nothing too bad happened. So, no harm done, I guess.”
  240. >Thankfully, none of the equipment seems broken. Your foreman wouldn't be to happy if-
  241. >Oh shit
  242. “Hey, uh, Celestia? You can get me home, right?”
  243. >Celestia regains her ever-present expression. “Of course. Your return will be our top priority.”
  244. “Great!” That's certainly a relief. Hopefully you won't get into too much shit for missing work. “When can I leave?”
  245. >”Unfortunately, as I mentioned before, traveling through dimensions takes a very large amount of magic. I would expect us to have everything in place within a week.”
  246. >A week? Shit. Well, it is better than being stuck here forever. Might as well take what you can get.
  247. “That'll have to do, I guess. Thanks for the help.”
  248. >Celestia nods to you. “In any case, it seems to be about lunch time.”
  249. >”I dun know about all y'all, but Ahm starvin', myself.” Applejack announces, as she starts off towards the maze.
  250. >”Same here. Ooh, I wonder what the special menu is today?” Rainbow follows, still flying high.
  251. >The princess gently laughs at the two's excitement before turning to you.
  252. >”Anonymous, you are welcome to join us if you want. All things considered, you will be treated as a royal guest during your stay here.
  254. >A royal guest? That certainly sounds nice. Maybe a few days of relaxation'll do you good after so many weeks of straight work.
  255. >You did just eat, though. Or you think you did. It was night when you were last on your planet. But a timezone change alone could cause jetlag, never mind changing dimensions.
  256. “I appreciate it, but you managed to catch me right after breakfast.” You say, with a wave of your right hand. “I think I'll stick around here and make sure nothing's broken.
  257. >Celestia nods again, before noticing Twilight examining a crescent wrench. The mare is focused on the figuring out the worm gear that changes the size.
  258. >”Twilight?” Celestia effectively snaps the purple pony's attention away.
  259. >”Huh? Oh, yes, Princess Celestia?”
  260. >”Would you like to join us for lunch?”
  261. >”Um..”Twilight starts, sheepishly. “I kinda had a large snack before we started. Would it be alright if I stayed here and studied Anonymous? There's so much I can learn.”
  262. >”That's fine. Of course, as long as our guest doesn't mind?” Celestia glances up to you and you shrug. Answering questions shouldn't be too hard, right?
  263. >The two step closer and share what you assume is the pony version of a hug. Celestia whispers in her ear, still loud enough for you to hear.
  264. >”Be sure to examine his bone structure, especially in his arms. It's quite fascinating.” She follows up with a glance and smirk towards you.
  265. >This might be a bit worse than you thought.
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