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Apr 20th, 2011
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  1. 04/20/2011 03:04:21 AM INFO Init... Initializing SQLite database at: C:\Users\HTPC\Documents\CustomApps\XBMC.MyLibrary\res\ArchivedFiles.db
  2. 04/20/2011 03:04:21 AM INFO Init... Initializing SQLite database at: C:\Users\HTPC\Documents\CustomApps\XBMC.MyLibrary\res\QueuedMetaDataChanges.db
  3. 04/20/2011 03:04:21 AM INFO Init... Initializing SQLite database at: C:\Users\HTPC\Documents\CustomApps\XBMC.MyLibrary\res\scraper.db
  4. 04/20/2011 03:04:21 AM DEBUG Init... Logging level is set to: 5
  5. 04/20/2011 03:04:21 AM DEBUG Init... Logs will be deleted after 30 days.
  6. 04/20/2011 03:04:21 AM INFO Init... JSON-RPC config: XBMCName=localhost, timeout=60 seconds, method=Raw, port=9090
  7. 04/20/2011 03:04:21 AM DEBUG Init... XBMC Thumbnail dir = C:\Users\HTPC\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\userdata\Thumbnails
  8. 04/20/2011 03:04:21 AM INFO Init... XBMC SQLite VideoDBPath = C:\Users\HTPC\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\userdata\Database\MyVideos34.db
  9. 04/20/2011 03:04:21 AM INFO Init... Skipping MySQL config because SQLite is already enabled.
  10. 04/20/2011 03:04:21 AM DEBUG Init... XBMCRestart enabled = false
  11. 04/20/2011 03:04:21 AM DEBUG Init... Library scan wait minutes = 2.0
  12. 04/20/2011 03:04:21 AM DEBUG Init... IP Change is disabled
  13. 04/20/2011 03:04:21 AM DEBUG Init... Streaming Dropbox = D:\Video\XBMC\MyLibrary
  14. 04/20/2011 03:04:21 AM DEBUG Init... Download Dropbox = D:\Video\XBMC\MyLibraryDownload
  15. 04/20/2011 03:04:21 AM DEBUG Init... Found TheTVDB Api Key: XXXXXXXXXX7A1FFE
  16. 04/20/2011 03:04:21 AM DEBUG Init... Manual Archiving is enabled with an HoursThreshold of 0.0 hours
  17. 04/20/2011 03:04:21 AM DEBUG Init... VideoCleanUp has an HoursThreshold of 8.0 hours
  18. 04/20/2011 03:04:21 AM DEBUG Init... VideoCleanUp has an ConsecutiveThreshold of 5 consecutive missing times.
  19. 04/20/2011 03:04:21 AM DEBUG Init... PreScrapeMusicVids enabled = false
  20. 04/20/2011 03:04:21 AM DEBUG Init... JDownloader host = http://localhost:10025
  21. 04/20/2011 03:04:21 AM DEBUG Init... ComSkipDownloadedVideos = false
  22. 04/20/2011 03:04:21 AM INFO Init... Found source DailyShow with path of plugin://
  23. 04/20/2011 03:04:21 AM INFO Init... Next Subfolder: name=DailyShow/Full Episodes, recursive=false, type=episodes, max_series=-1, max_videos=5, movie_set=, prefix=, suffix=, download=false, compression=, multi_part=false
  24. 04/20/2011 03:04:21 AM INFO Init... Added Global Exclude, type=contains, value=/No videos available
  25. 04/20/2011 03:04:21 AM INFO Init... Added Global Exclude, type=regexp, value=/clip[s]?(/|$)
  26. 04/20/2011 03:04:21 AM INFO Init... Added Global Exclude, type=contains, value=Dragon Ball Z
  27. 04/20/2011 03:04:21 AM DEBUG Init... Found verification line: Rip done!
  28. 04/20/2011 03:04:21 AM DEBUG Init... Found verification line: HandBrake has exited.
  29. 04/20/2011 03:04:21 AM DEBUG Init... Added compression definition named "Handbrake" with encode_to = .mkv, command = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Handbrake\HandBrakeCLI.exe" -i "[FILE_PATH_NO_EXT].mpg" -t 1 -c 1 -o "[FILE_PATH_NO_EXT].mkv" -f mkv --detelecine --decomb --deinterlace -w 720 --loose-anamorphic -e x264 -q 21 -a 1 -E faac -6 dpl2 -R Auto -B 160 -D 0.0 -x b-adapt=2:rc-lookahead=50:ref=2 --verbose=2
  30. 04/20/2011 03:04:21 AM INFO Init Testing connectivity to JSON-RPC interface...
  31. 04/20/2011 03:04:21 AM DEBUG Init Connecting to JSON-RPC at localhost:9090 and sending command: {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "JSONRPC.Ping", "id": "1"}
  32. 04/20/2011 03:04:21 AM DEBUG Init Reading response from XBMC
  33. 04/20/2011 03:04:22 AM DEBUG Init No more data received in the last 90 milliseconds, closing JSON-RPC socket.
  34. 04/20/2011 03:04:22 AM INFO Init JSON-RPC connected = true
  35. 04/20/2011 03:04:22 AM INFO Find:Subfolder Searching for subfolder: DailyShow/Full Episodes
  36. 04/20/2011 03:04:22 AM DEBUG Find:Subfolder Now looking in:DailyShow (plugin://
  37. 04/20/2011 03:04:22 AM DEBUG Find:Subfolder Connecting to JSON-RPC at localhost:9090 and sending command: {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "Files.GetDirectory", "params": {"recursive":false, "directory":"plugin://"}, "id": "1"}
  38. 04/20/2011 03:04:22 AM DEBUG Find:Subfolder Reading response from XBMC
  39. 04/20/2011 03:04:22 AM DEBUG Find:Subfolder No more data received in the last 87 milliseconds, closing JSON-RPC socket.
  40. 04/20/2011 03:04:22 AM DEBUG Find:Subfolder Exact match = false for regular match. Checked if Subfolder: "DailyShow/Full Episodes" = "DailyShow"
  41. 04/20/2011 03:04:22 AM DEBUG Find:Subfolder Exact match = true for regular match. Checked if Subfolder: "DailyShow/Full Episodes" = "DailyShow/Full Episodes"
  42. 04/20/2011 03:04:22 AM DEBUG Find:Subfolder Added directory to list: DailyShow/Full Episodes
  43. 04/20/2011 03:04:22 AM DEBUG Find:Subfolder Exact match = true for regular match. Checked if Subfolder: "DailyShow/Full Episodes" = "DailyShow/Full Episodes"
  44. 04/20/2011 03:04:22 AM DEBUG Find:Subfolder Ending search because exact match was found and subfolders are not requested.
  45. 04/20/2011 03:04:22 AM NOTICE Found! DailyShow's subfolder "DailyShow/Full Episodes" maps to source: plugin:// (DailyShow/Full Episodes)
  46. 04/20/2011 03:04:22 AM INFO Search:DailyShow Found 0 videos that are already archived in dropbox from source "DailyShow"
  47. 04/20/2011 03:04:22 AM NOTICE Search:DailyShow Finding all matching videos under subfolder: DailyShow/Full Episodes
  48. 04/20/2011 03:04:22 AM DEBUG Search:DailyShow Now looking in:DailyShow/Full Episodes (plugin://
  49. 04/20/2011 03:04:22 AM DEBUG Search:DailyShow Connecting to JSON-RPC at localhost:9090 and sending command: {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "Files.GetDirectory", "params": {"recursive":false, "directory":"plugin://"}, "id": "1"}
  50. 04/20/2011 03:04:22 AM DEBUG Search:DailyShow Reading response from XBMC
  51. 04/20/2011 03:04:23 AM DEBUG Search:DailyShow No more data received in the last 57 milliseconds, closing JSON-RPC socket.
  52. 04/20/2011 03:04:23 AM DEBUG Search:DailyShow Exact match = true for regular match. Checked if Subfolder: "DailyShow/Full Episodes" = "DailyShow/Full Episodes"
  53. 04/20/2011 03:04:23 AM DEBUG Search:DailyShow Exclude ? false "DailyShow/Full Episodes/April 14, 2011 - Ricky Gervais" does not contain "/No videos available"
  54. 04/20/2011 03:04:23 AM DEBUG Search:DailyShow Exclude ? false "DailyShow/Full Episodes/April 14, 2011 - Ricky Gervais" does not contain "Dragon Ball Z"
  55. 04/20/2011 03:04:23 AM DEBUG Search:DailyShow Exclude ? false "DailyShow/Full Episodes/April 14, 2011 - Ricky Gervais" does not match regexp "/clip[s]?(/|$)"
  56. 04/20/2011 03:04:23 AM DEBUG Search:DailyShow Exclude ? false "DailyShow/Full Episodes/April 13, 2011 - Tracy Morgan" does not contain "/No videos available"
  57. 04/20/2011 03:04:23 AM DEBUG Search:DailyShow Exclude ? false "DailyShow/Full Episodes/April 13, 2011 - Tracy Morgan" does not contain "Dragon Ball Z"
  58. 04/20/2011 03:04:23 AM DEBUG Search:DailyShow Exclude ? false "DailyShow/Full Episodes/April 13, 2011 - Tracy Morgan" does not match regexp "/clip[s]?(/|$)"
  59. 04/20/2011 03:04:23 AM DEBUG Search:DailyShow Exclude ? false "DailyShow/Full Episodes/April 12, 2011 - Governor Deval Patrick" does not contain "/No videos available"
  60. 04/20/2011 03:04:23 AM DEBUG Search:DailyShow Exclude ? false "DailyShow/Full Episodes/April 12, 2011 - Governor Deval Patrick" does not contain "Dragon Ball Z"
  61. 04/20/2011 03:04:23 AM DEBUG Search:DailyShow Exclude ? false "DailyShow/Full Episodes/April 12, 2011 - Governor Deval Patrick" does not match regexp "/clip[s]?(/|$)"
  62. 04/20/2011 03:04:23 AM DEBUG Search:DailyShow Exclude ? false "DailyShow/Full Episodes/April 11, 2011 - Foo Fighters" does not contain "/No videos available"
  63. 04/20/2011 03:04:23 AM DEBUG Search:DailyShow Exclude ? false "DailyShow/Full Episodes/April 11, 2011 - Foo Fighters" does not contain "Dragon Ball Z"
  64. 04/20/2011 03:04:23 AM DEBUG Search:DailyShow Exclude ? false "DailyShow/Full Episodes/April 11, 2011 - Foo Fighters" does not match regexp "/clip[s]?(/|$)"
  65. 04/20/2011 03:04:23 AM DEBUG Archiving Next: DailyShow/Full Episodes/April 14, 2011 - Ricky Gervais
  66. 04/20/2011 03:04:23 AM DEBUG Search:DailyShow Exclude ? false "DailyShow/Full Episodes/April 07, 2011 - Jamie Oliver" does not contain "/No videos available"
  67. 04/20/2011 03:04:23 AM DEBUG Search:DailyShow Exclude ? false "DailyShow/Full Episodes/April 07, 2011 - Jamie Oliver" does not contain "Dragon Ball Z"
  68. 04/20/2011 03:04:23 AM DEBUG Search:DailyShow Exclude ? false "DailyShow/Full Episodes/April 07, 2011 - Jamie Oliver" does not match regexp "/clip[s]?(/|$)"
  69. 04/20/2011 03:04:23 AM DEBUG Search:DailyShow Exclude ? false "DailyShow/Full Episodes/April 06, 2011 - Mike Huckabee" does not contain "/No videos available"
  70. 04/20/2011 03:04:23 AM DEBUG Search:DailyShow Exclude ? false "DailyShow/Full Episodes/April 06, 2011 - Mike Huckabee" does not contain "Dragon Ball Z"
  71. 04/20/2011 03:04:23 AM DEBUG Search:DailyShow Exclude ? false "DailyShow/Full Episodes/April 06, 2011 - Mike Huckabee" does not match regexp "/clip[s]?(/|$)"
  72. 04/20/2011 03:04:23 AM DEBUG Search:DailyShow Exclude ? false "DailyShow/Full Episodes/April 05, 2011 - Colin Quinn" does not contain "/No videos available"
  73. 04/20/2011 03:04:23 AM DEBUG Search:DailyShow Exclude ? false "DailyShow/Full Episodes/April 05, 2011 - Colin Quinn" does not contain "Dragon Ball Z"
  74. 04/20/2011 03:04:23 AM DEBUG Search:DailyShow Exclude ? false "DailyShow/Full Episodes/April 05, 2011 - Colin Quinn" does not match regexp "/clip[s]?(/|$)"
  75. 04/20/2011 03:04:23 AM DEBUG Search:DailyShow Exclude ? false "DailyShow/Full Episodes/April 04, 2011 - Billy Crystal" does not contain "/No videos available"
  76. 04/20/2011 03:04:23 AM DEBUG Search:DailyShow Exclude ? false "DailyShow/Full Episodes/April 04, 2011 - Billy Crystal" does not contain "Dragon Ball Z"
  77. 04/20/2011 03:04:23 AM DEBUG Search:DailyShow Exclude ? false "DailyShow/Full Episodes/April 04, 2011 - Billy Crystal" does not match regexp "/clip[s]?(/|$)"
  78. 04/20/2011 03:04:23 AM DEBUG Search:DailyShow Exclude ? false "DailyShow/Full Episodes/March 31, 2011 - Norm Macdonald" does not contain "/No videos available"
  79. 04/20/2011 03:04:23 AM DEBUG Search:DailyShow Exclude ? false "DailyShow/Full Episodes/March 31, 2011 - Norm Macdonald" does not contain "Dragon Ball Z"
  80. 04/20/2011 03:04:23 AM DEBUG Search:DailyShow Exclude ? false "DailyShow/Full Episodes/March 31, 2011 - Norm Macdonald" does not match regexp "/clip[s]?(/|$)"
  81. 04/20/2011 03:04:23 AM DEBUG Search:DailyShow Exclude ? false "DailyShow/Full Episodes/March 30, 2011 - Jake Gyllenhaal" does not contain "/No videos available"
  82. 04/20/2011 03:04:23 AM DEBUG Search:DailyShow Exclude ? false "DailyShow/Full Episodes/March 30, 2011 - Jake Gyllenhaal" does not contain "Dragon Ball Z"
  83. 04/20/2011 03:04:23 AM DEBUG Search:DailyShow Exclude ? false "DailyShow/Full Episodes/March 30, 2011 - Jake Gyllenhaal" does not match regexp "/clip[s]?(/|$)"
  84. 04/20/2011 03:04:23 AM DEBUG Search:DailyShow Exclude ? false "DailyShow/Full Episodes/March 29, 2011 - Miguel Nicolelis" does not contain "/No videos available"
  85. 04/20/2011 03:04:23 AM DEBUG Search:DailyShow Exclude ? false "DailyShow/Full Episodes/March 29, 2011 - Miguel Nicolelis" does not contain "Dragon Ball Z"
  86. 04/20/2011 03:04:23 AM DEBUG Search:DailyShow Exclude ? false "DailyShow/Full Episodes/March 29, 2011 - Miguel Nicolelis" does not match regexp "/clip[s]?(/|$)"
  87. 04/20/2011 03:04:23 AM DEBUG Search:DailyShow Exclude ? false "DailyShow/Full Episodes/March 28, 2011 - Dr. Mansour O. El-Kikhia" does not contain "/No videos available"
  88. 04/20/2011 03:04:23 AM DEBUG Search:DailyShow Exclude ? false "DailyShow/Full Episodes/March 28, 2011 - Dr. Mansour O. El-Kikhia" does not contain "Dragon Ball Z"
  89. 04/20/2011 03:04:23 AM DEBUG Search:DailyShow Exclude ? false "DailyShow/Full Episodes/March 28, 2011 - Dr. Mansour O. El-Kikhia" does not match regexp "/clip[s]?(/|$)"
  90. 04/20/2011 03:04:23 AM DEBUG Search:DailyShow Exclude ? false "DailyShow/Full Episodes/March 24, 2011 - Bret Baier" does not contain "/No videos available"
  91. 04/20/2011 03:04:23 AM DEBUG Search:DailyShow Exclude ? false "DailyShow/Full Episodes/March 24, 2011 - Bret Baier" does not contain "Dragon Ball Z"
  92. 04/20/2011 03:04:23 AM DEBUG Search:DailyShow Exclude ? false "DailyShow/Full Episodes/March 24, 2011 - Bret Baier" does not match regexp "/clip[s]?(/|$)"
  93. 04/20/2011 03:04:23 AM DEBUG Search:DailyShow Exclude ? false "DailyShow/Full Episodes/March 23, 2011 - Richard Lewis" does not contain "/No videos available"
  94. 04/20/2011 03:04:23 AM DEBUG Search:DailyShow Exclude ? false "DailyShow/Full Episodes/March 23, 2011 - Richard Lewis" does not contain "Dragon Ball Z"
  95. 04/20/2011 03:04:23 AM DEBUG Search:DailyShow Exclude ? false "DailyShow/Full Episodes/March 23, 2011 - Richard Lewis" does not match regexp "/clip[s]?(/|$)"
  96. 04/20/2011 03:04:23 AM DEBUG Search:DailyShow Exclude ? false "DailyShow/Full Episodes/March 22, 2011 - T.J. English" does not contain "/No videos available"
  97. 04/20/2011 03:04:23 AM DEBUG Search:DailyShow Exclude ? false "DailyShow/Full Episodes/March 22, 2011 - T.J. English" does not contain "Dragon Ball Z"
  98. 04/20/2011 03:04:23 AM DEBUG Search:DailyShow Exclude ? false "DailyShow/Full Episodes/March 22, 2011 - T.J. English" does not match regexp "/clip[s]?(/|$)"
  99. 04/20/2011 03:04:23 AM DEBUG Search:DailyShow Exclude ? false "DailyShow/Full Episodes/March 21, 2011 - Sarah Vowell" does not contain "/No videos available"
  100. 04/20/2011 03:04:23 AM DEBUG Search:DailyShow Exclude ? false "DailyShow/Full Episodes/March 21, 2011 - Sarah Vowell" does not contain "Dragon Ball Z"
  101. 04/20/2011 03:04:23 AM DEBUG Archiving Attempting default parsing of TV Show...
  102. 04/20/2011 03:04:23 AM DEBUG Search:DailyShow Exclude ? false "DailyShow/Full Episodes/March 21, 2011 - Sarah Vowell" does not match regexp "/clip[s]?(/|$)"
  103. 04/20/2011 03:04:23 AM DEBUG Archiving Found series "April 14, 2011", and title "Ricky Gervais", from file label "April 14, 2011 - Ricky Gervais". Will use this info to look up on the
  104. 04/20/2011 03:04:23 AM NOTICE Search:DailyShow Done retrieving files from JSON-RPC for subfolder: DailyShow/Full Episodes
  105. 04/20/2011 03:04:23 AM INFO Search:DailyShow There are 15 files that stil need to be archived, waiting for archiving to finish before proceeding to next subfolder.
  106. 04/20/2011 03:04:23 AM DEBUG TVDB Checking if this video has already been looked up on TVDB based on original path of: DailyShow/Full Episodes/April 14, 2011 - Ricky Gervais
  107. 04/20/2011 03:04:23 AM WARNING Search:DailyShow No video found in the database using SQL: SELECT original_path, dropbox_location, video_type, title, series, artist, episode_number, season_number, year, is_tvdb_lookup FROM ArchivedFiles WHERE original_path = 'DailyShow-zXz-Full Episodes-zXz-April 14, 2011 - Ricky Gervais'
  108. 04/20/2011 03:04:23 AM INFO TVDB This video has not been succesfully looked up on the TVDB before, will attempt lookup now.
  109. 04/20/2011 03:04:23 AM DEBUG TVDB Attempting to get series IDs (max of 3) based on seriesname of 'April 14, 2011', url =
  110. 04/20/2011 03:04:23 AM DEBUG Search:DailyShow Using XML from cached file: "C:\Users\HTPC\Documents\CustomApps\XBMC.MyLibrary\XMLCache\" for URL:
  111. 04/20/2011 03:04:23 AM WARNING TVDB Ending lookup. No series could be found by querying TheTVDB: Will try to archive this video again later.
  112. 04/20/2011 03:04:23 AM INFO Archiving Archiving as a special (Season zero) episode since TVDB lookup failed....
  113. 04/20/2011 03:04:23 AM INFO Archiving Creating base TV Shows directory at: D:\Video\XBMC\MyLibrary\TV Shows
  114. 04/20/2011 03:04:23 AM DEBUG Archiving Creating series directory at D:\Video\XBMC\MyLibrary\TV Shows\April.14.2011
  115. 04/20/2011 03:04:23 AM DEBUG Archiving Creating season directory at D:\Video\XBMC\MyLibrary\TV Shows\April.14.2011\Season.0
  116. 04/20/2011 03:04:23 AM ERROR Archiving General error in archiving thread for subfolder named DailyShow/Full Episodes: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Parameter 'directory' is not a directory
  117. java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Parameter 'directory' is not a directory
  118. at
  119. at
  120. at utilities.Archiver.getNextSpecialEpisiodeNumber(
  121. at utilities.Archiver.archiveVideo(
  122. at
  123. at Source)
  125. 04/20/2011 03:04:24 AM NOTICE Search:DailyShow Archiving has finished for DailyShow/Full Episodes.
  126. 04/20/2011 03:04:24 AM ERROR Search:DailyShow Archiver has finished but the queue was not emptied, unexpected. Some videos may not be archived!
  127. 04/20/2011 03:04:24 AM ERROR Search:DailyShow Since no files were successfully archived in this subfolder, assuming an error occured. This will prevent the dropbox from being cleaned for files from this source
  128. 04/20/2011 03:04:24 AM NOTICE Skip-Clean Skipping cleaning dropbox for videos from "DailyShow" because there were error(s) while getting File list for its Subfolders from JSON-RPC interface/PlayOn
  129. 04/20/2011 03:04:24 AM NOTICE No videos were successfully archived, skipping XBMC Library scan.
  130. 04/20/2011 03:04:24 AM INFO Download:Check Will check status for 0 incomplete downloads.
  131. 04/20/2011 03:04:24 AM NOTICE Clean Up Cleaning up dropbox...
  132. 04/20/2011 03:04:24 AM ERROR Clean Up Cannot continue, general error occurred: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Parameter 'directory' is not a directory
  133. java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Parameter 'directory' is not a directory
  134. at
  135. at
  136. at mylibrary.importer.dropboxCleanUp(
  137. at mylibrary.importer.main(
  139. 04/20/2011 03:04:24 AM NOTICE Summary:---Overa ----------------------Archiving Summary for ---Overall-------------------------
  140. 04/20/2011 03:04:24 AM NOTICE Summary:---Overa TV Success: 0, TV Fail: 0
  141. 04/20/2011 03:04:24 AM NOTICE Summary:---Overa Movie Success: 0, Movie Fail: 0
  142. 04/20/2011 03:04:24 AM NOTICE Summary:---Overa Music Video Success: 0, Music Video Fail: 0
  143. 04/20/2011 03:04:24 AM NOTICE Summary:---Overa New videos archived: 0, existing videos updated: 0
  144. 04/20/2011 03:04:24 AM NOTICE Summary:---Overa Overall: Success: 0, Skip: 0, Fail: 0
  145. 04/20/2011 03:04:24 AM NOTICE Ending Done... Total processing time: 0 minute(s), 2 second(s)
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