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Star Citizen/CIG transcripts pt3, 21-03-2016

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Mar 21st, 2016
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  1. From Around the Verse: Episode 2.22
  2. Mar 10, 2016 @ 01:40
  4. Sandi: (inaudible due to opening music) ... has worked it out, the new criminal system, do you have a LASER WEAPON yet?
  6. Ben: I do not, um, I... it's a great system, it's... it's really COOL that we're not having, you know, ships getting randomly stolen, constantly... ah, but ah... (glances at notes), ah, ah but I cannot bring myself to be a bad guy in video games, I just... I... I... I... gen... generally feel morally bad when I... HA! Do that... so...
  8. S: Aw
  10. B: No laser weapon here
  12. S: Ben is our good guy ALL AROUND
  14. ...
  16. S: Ben what can we do in Star Citizen today?
  18. B: Well DOGFIGHTING, DOGFIGHTING and more DOGFIGHTING, it's uh... plenty of SPACE COMBAT with a little bit of GROUND COMBAT thrown in, um, we've kicked off ALPHA TWO POINT TWO for our, uh... MINI PEE EWE our persistent universe which lets people sample... the... kind of NUCLEUS of what Star Citizen will BECOME... um, you can crew muticrew ships together, you can fly missions together, there's FPS ground combat on the various stations... it's... it's... PRETTY COOL, uhm, we also have uh, DOGFIGHTING in ARENA COMMANDER and uh, you can explore our first PLANETSIDE location in ARCCORP
  20. S: It's not JUST dogfighting though is it?
  22. B: There's a lot more than (mumble mumble mumble)
  24. S: Yah, OK
  26. B: DOGFIGHTING is the BASIS and we're kind of... you know... building it around that
  28. S: I... I... eh, more recently just like to kind of goof off and fly around... other than dogfights
  30. B: Which is COOL! Cos it... you know... so many MMOs recently have been just... here, do this QUEST, do this QUEST... uhr, uhr, uhr... um... earn GOLD earn GOLD, you know... (looks at notes), the... the great example for me was ULTIMA ONLINE were I'd just log in and I'd be just... A FISHERMAN... or I would hang out with my friends or something and... you know Star Citizen kinda reaches for that... we... hss... GET IN THERE (thumbs up)
  32. S: I would like to be your local triple A person... heeeyeah... in case your ship breaks down and then I can be a mechanic that I always wanted to be
  34. B: I will... have to get you a CRUCIBLE
  36. S: There we go
  39. From 10 for the Chairman: Episode 75
  40. Jan 25, 2016 @ 18:30
  43. Q: What are the plans for Star Marine? I know we have FPS mechanics in 2.1, but I'm curious whether the stand alone module with Gold Horizon is still in the pipeline.
  45. A: So YES, it is still in the pipeline... I... I do actually, ah, kind of... um... just like to say something here cos I sort of get annoyed sometimes, when I sort of see this pop up in comments and stuff like OH STAR MARINE'S CANCELLED or... WHERE'S STAR MARINE!? I need all this, well... Star Marine was just a game mode for people to play... the FPS element of Star Citizen until we could combine everything together, FLYING, walking around... SHOOTING... doing all the rest of the stuff, altogether, well THAT is what is in 2.0 THAT is what is in 2.1 so... eh... you know, with SC alpha for 2.0... ONWARDS, ah, you have basically what... we were PLANNING to do from Star Citizen from the very very very beginning, I mean we didn't, you know, if you go back and look at the original pitch we didn't say 'hey we're doing STAR MARINE', we say 'we will have FPS and BOARDING', well you have FPS and you have boarding right now, and so REALLY what's happening is... there will NOT be features that will only be for STAR MARINE outside a... like a sort of COMPETITION MAP and SCORING, uh, that isn't gonna be in the game and so we're actually rolling out the FPS features so 2.2 will have some more, uh, features on the FPS side, and 2.3 will have some more and so on, so we've got what we consider the basic functionality, so you know 2.2 has... COVER and... some other things in it, and uh, will obviously have future, you know, there's things like VAULTING and uh, you know SLIDING and uh, different kinds of... STANCES that we have and theres... a lot more WEAPONS that we have... and they're all getting rolled out and we're HONING it and you guys are gonna be playing it in 2.2 and 2.3 and 2.4, and... then, uh, when we've got that basic set, we... together we will sort of... turn on the MAP for Star Marine...
  50. From 10 for the Chairman: Episode 75
  51. Jan 25, 2016 @ 17:45
  54. Q: We know there will be an Alpha 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3 but how many more +.1 iterations are currently planned before you reach another major milestone, presumably a Alpha 3.0?
  56. A: That is a good question, eh, so right now we don't really have an Alpha 3.0 planned out on our roadmap... it's... (gulp) all 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 ETC... through the year, I mean essentially going to 3.0 would... be... you know it's kinda HARD cos we're actually adding some pretty major stuff in... the... point one iterations... ahm, so I don't know, maybe... 3.0 is when you... go... between star system instead of just travel around one star system, ahm... but we haven't... determined that yet but we'll... we'll figure it out so ah, stay tuned for that one
  60. From 10 for the Chairman: Episode 57
  61. Mar 23, 2015 @ 04:00
  63. Q: Gold Horizon space stations have been presented as old, crumbling derelicts from a bygone age, filled with squatters and ne'er do wells. If we take over such a station, will we be able to repair it, clean it up, upgrade its equipment and possibly change our room modules?
  65. A: So long term on the space stations we're gonna have obviously more than one type of space station, they won't all be exactly the same kind of space station, ah, some will be... in better shape than other ones and we'll definitely allow the ability to, uhm, sort of REPAIR or FIX UP... stuff that you could potentially OWN... and then, at a further point down the road we'll also allow you to sort of add room modules and stuff, that's one of the things that we have on the ROADMAP for HANGARS for instance were you can have a basic HANGAR and then you can... add extra MODULES and... SPACE STATIONS will be kind of along those lines... so maybe not like... out of the box... uhm... you know FIRST ITERATION but it's definitely part of the ROADMAP on a longer term basis.
  68. Q: Can you provide us any additional information on how taxes in the game will work?
  70. A: Ok, soooo... uh, as far as the game goes, ehm, you know, the taxes will be fairly simple, uhm, the idea would be that they're sort of on... TRADE or CONSUMPTION so if you... LAND down on a planet you have to pay a, uh, a LANDING FEE and then... if you buy... you know, you... you... SELL STUFF, ehm, you basically will have to pay a SALES TAX or BUY STUFF you have to buy a... you know... there's... there's a VALUE ADDED TAX so, BASICALLY uhm, things... there'll be THINGS taxed on buying and SELLING and... and essentially landing is a kind of a tax, it's sort of a fee, uhm, and then ORGANISATIONS themselves will be able to have certain, ah... I don't know what you wanna call it... TAXATION or TIDING, ahhhhh, but... you know you can dictate so to be part of this GUILD you have to contribute ten percent of your income to us... or you have to contribute a thousand... UEC a month. Ah, so that'll be sort of set-able on the organisation side... ahm... you know and basically for... BELONGING to the organisation or the... things that the organisation PROVIDES you have to pay 'em, which I guess is kind of the same as if you were... part of... a COUNTRY and you pay your taxes so you have... ahm, you know, various things like... ARMED FORCES and ROADS and stuff like that. Ah, so, that's kind of the idea, I mean we're not, there won't be necessarily a tax on... INDIVIDUALS like... from... the UEE, there just will be UEE taxes on transactions essentially, ah, so hopefully that makes, ah, makes sense
  74. CIG Star Citizen from SXSW 2015
  75. Mar 13, 2015 @ 33:00
  77. Q: So between GDC and SxSW, VR is huge, everybody's talking about it obviously, in an earlier build of Arena Commander the Oculus was working and we could go in our ships and stuff, it was rough but it was still cool... now it doesn't seem to work, are you guys gonna be bringing that back into Arena Commander in the near future?
  79. Chris: Ah, yeah, no, so basically... I mean, ah... the... we... ah, there's a new, uhm, version of CryEngine which is probably the last one we're gonna integrate properly to the... to the game, which is 3.7 which is just, we had a (audio cuts) like they were just showing at GDC... so one of the reasons why we haven't bothered, uhm... fixing the old stuff is because... we're shifting to this new system, and it's already got it working, so it's more a matter of when we integrate it, so it's a little complicated for us because we're LIVE, so integrations of the new versions happen... in a separate stream, so Arena Commander that, like, the one point one, uhm, won't have 3.7 in... so 3.7's probably going to go... in... some... like... in something that'll get released probably round about... I would say that it would happen before the MULTICREW SHIP COMBAT, ahm, and then it will be there, and you know our plan is to support, you know, it's not just Oculus Rift, but we'll support, you know... pretty much MOST, ehm.. eh, you know... VR STUFF that makes sense, so if you know... the... Valve's stuff's there and it's good, then... we'll be supporting that, we... we're... you know, we... we believe in VR we think it's PRETTY AWESOME so, eh, it's just a matter of resources and uh, uh, you know even though we've got 300 people working on a game, it feels like we could have 600 people and it still wouldn't be enough
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