

Nov 24th, 2015
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  1. Aug 11 04:06:45 * CemetecMC has quit ()
  2. Aug 11 04:08:51 * CemetecMC ( has joined
  3. Aug 11 04:08:53 <CemetecMC> Server connected!
  4. Aug 11 04:09:10 * Brickster gives channel operator status to CemetecMC
  5. Aug 11 04:30:53 * Disconnected (Connection reset by peer)
  6. **** ENDING LOGGING AT Tue Aug 11 04:30:53 2015
  8. **** BEGIN LOGGING AT Tue Aug 11 04:31:34 2015
  10. Aug 11 04:31:34 * Now talking on #cemetech-mc
  11. Aug 11 04:31:34 * Topic for #cemetech-mc is: Cemetech NOPE Server | | Dynmap: | Concerns? NOPE | CITWTTF
  12. Aug 11 04:31:34 * Topic for #cemetech-mc set by comic! (Sat Jul 04 23:22:08 2015)
  13. Aug 11 04:31:35 * Disconnected (Connection reset by peer)
  14. **** ENDING LOGGING AT Tue Aug 11 04:31:35 2015
  16. **** BEGIN LOGGING AT Tue Aug 11 04:31:46 2015
  18. Aug 11 04:31:46 * Now talking on #cemetech-mc
  19. Aug 11 04:31:46 * Topic for #cemetech-mc is: Cemetech NOPE Server | | Dynmap: | Concerns? NOPE | CITWTTF
  20. Aug 11 04:31:46 * Topic for #cemetech-mc set by comic! (Sat Jul 04 23:22:08 2015)
  21. Aug 11 06:04:48 * FroznFire has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
  22. Aug 11 06:04:48 * notipa has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
  23. Aug 11 08:33:59 * KermM has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
  24. Aug 11 08:38:15 * KermM ( has joined
  25. Aug 11 08:52:58 <KermM> Nuuu, the MArudok
  26. Aug 11 10:09:15 * Unicorn| ( has joined
  27. Aug 11 10:18:30 * Crawdad ( has joined
  28. Aug 11 10:59:46 <CemetecMC> (M) *KermM has entered the room.
  29. Aug 11 11:06:55 <Unicorn|> hey KermM
  30. Aug 11 11:07:06 <KermM> Yo
  31. Aug 11 11:10:15 * Crawdad has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
  32. Aug 11 11:14:01 * Crawdad ( has joined
  33. Aug 11 11:14:05 <CemetecMC> (M) [KermM] Hey :)
  34. Aug 11 11:25:28 <CemetecMC> (M) *KermM has left the room.
  35. Aug 11 12:48:06 * tifreak ( has joined
  36. Aug 11 12:54:00 * bb010g ( has joined
  37. Aug 11 13:15:07 <Elementa> notipa blames c0mic
  38. Aug 11 13:21:32 <comic> \o/
  39. Aug 11 13:21:41 <Unicorn|> %blame someone
  40. Aug 11 13:21:54 <Unicorn|> no?
  41. Aug 11 13:22:10 <Unicorn|> ~blame someone
  42. Aug 11 13:22:24 <Unicorn|> %kicklist
  43. Aug 11 13:22:26 <CVBot>
  44. Aug 11 13:48:44 <CemetecMC> (M) *KermMartian has entered the room.
  45. Aug 11 14:22:10 <CemetecMC> (M) *KermMartian has left the room.
  46. Aug 11 14:22:34 <comic> JOIN LIVE LEAVE
  47. Aug 11 14:24:43 <CemetecMC> (M) *KermM has entered the room.
  48. Aug 11 14:27:15 <KermM> KERM KERM KERM
  49. Aug 11 14:28:20 <KermM> Elementa, did you post that world config in a topic somewhere? Or just on Skype?
  50. Aug 11 14:46:47 <CemetecMC> KermM was kicked (You have been kicked for idling more than 20 minutes.)
  51. Aug 11 14:46:48 <CemetecMC> (M) *KermM has left the room.
  52. Aug 11 14:47:35 <CemetecMC> (M) *KermM has entered the room.
  53. Aug 11 15:09:07 <Elementa> Kerm, you didn't die before leaving
  54. Aug 11 15:09:11 <Elementa> BLASPHEMY
  55. Aug 11 15:09:23 <CemetecMC> (M) [KermM] Sorry to disappoint :)
  56. Aug 11 15:09:36 <Elementa> and the world config for that custom preset for 1.9?
  57. Aug 11 15:09:40 <Elementa> it's in the topic
  58. Aug 11 15:09:53 <KermM> Thanks!
  59. Aug 11 15:12:39 <CemetecMC> (M) *KermM has left the room.
  60. Aug 11 15:17:57 <CemetecMC> (M) *KermMartian has entered the room.
  61. Aug 11 15:18:29 <Elementa> don't forget to die
  62. Aug 11 15:20:03 <KermM> kk
  63. Aug 11 15:21:30 <CemetecMC> (M) [KermMartian] Can someone translate into English for me, please?
  64. Aug 11 15:21:53 <CemetecMC> (M) [KermMartian] What does "DON'T DROP THAT DUNDUNDUN AYYY" mean?
  65. Aug 11 15:22:01 <CemetecMC> (M) [KermMartian] I can't parse it.
  66. Aug 11 15:23:32 * Unicorn| wonders too
  67. Aug 11 15:24:02 <Elementa> uhhh what
  68. Aug 11 15:26:38 <Elementa> If you can't parse it, try parse34ing it
  69. Aug 11 15:50:02 <CemetecMC> (M) [KermMartian] So AVerschelde and HyDraBlitzz both raided JamesV's chests
  70. Aug 11 15:50:04 <CemetecMC> (M) [KermMartian] Not cool.
  71. Aug 11 15:50:23 <CemetecMC> (M) *KermMartian has left the room.
  72. Aug 11 15:53:07 * bb010g has quit (Connection closed for inactivity)
  73. Aug 11 15:58:20 <comic> KermM: :|
  74. Aug 11 15:58:32 <comic> DON"T DROP THAT DUNDUNDUN AYY
  75. Aug 11 15:58:42 <comic> Oh
  76. Aug 11 15:58:44 <comic> Not the source video
  77. Aug 11 15:58:46 <comic> It's a song
  78. Aug 11 15:59:13 <KermM> Oh. :|
  79. Aug 11 15:59:17 <comic> :|
  80. Aug 11 15:59:24 <comic> I'd link it
  81. Aug 11 15:59:31 <comic> But... not PG
  82. Aug 11 16:13:23 <Elementa> BANHAMMAH
  83. Aug 11 16:14:16 <Elementa> I knew Averschelde was trouble when he walked in.
  84. Aug 11 16:14:46 <KermM> I already banned AVerschelde for other theft and/or griefing, I forget where.
  85. Aug 11 16:15:21 <Elementa> for messing up the area by spawn?
  86. Aug 11 16:15:23 <KermM> Oh, wasn't it that griefing in the green pasture right under spawn?
  87. Aug 11 16:15:26 <KermM> ~ninja'd
  88. Aug 11 16:15:26 <CVBot> Someone typed faster to express the same sentiment.
  89. Aug 11 16:17:57 <comic> I have a sentiment
  90. Aug 11 16:17:59 <comic> I love me <3
  91. Aug 11 16:20:55 <tifreak> .p
  92. Aug 11 16:20:55 <CemetecMC> Nobody is minecrafting right now.
  93. Aug 11 17:45:06 * Unicorn| has quit (Connection closed for inactivity)
  94. Aug 11 17:54:22 * Unicorn| ( has joined
  95. Aug 11 17:54:32 <Unicorn|> .p
  96. Aug 11 17:54:32 <CemetecMC> Nobody is minecrafting right now.
  97. Aug 11 21:05:38 * notipaPri has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
  98. Aug 11 21:27:53 * notipa ( has joined
  99. Aug 11 21:27:55 * notipa is now known as notipaPri
  100. Aug 11 23:45:07 * Unicorn| has quit (Connection closed for inactivity)
  101. Aug 12 00:50:00 * Crawdad has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
  102. Aug 12 04:06:46 * CemetecMC has quit ()
  103. Aug 12 04:08:52 * CemetecMC ( has joined
  104. Aug 12 04:08:54 <CemetecMC> Server connected!
  105. Aug 12 04:09:04 * Brickster gives channel operator status to CemetecMC
  106. Aug 12 10:29:57 * Crawdad ( has joined
  107. Aug 12 12:17:23 <CemetecMC> (M) *Kilomiz has entered the room.
  108. Aug 12 12:19:05 <CemetecMC> (M) *Kilomiz has left the room.
  109. Aug 12 16:30:47 * Cr33per83 (~Hitechcom@ has joined
  110. Aug 12 16:31:13 <Cr33per83> Karma is changed with [username]++
  111. Aug 12 16:31:19 <Cr33per83> whoops wrong channel
  112. Aug 12 16:35:33 <CemetecMC> (M) *HyDraBlitzz has entered the room.
  113. Aug 12 16:36:19 <Cr33per83> Hi
  114. Aug 12 16:36:22 <CemetecMC> (M) [HyDraBlitzz] hi
  115. Aug 12 16:36:31 <CemetecMC> (M) [HyDraBlitzz] why hasn't nikita been on?
  116. Aug 12 16:36:46 <Cr33per83> I would get on MC but I need to be downstairs for dinner in a minute
  117. Aug 12 16:36:56 <CemetecMC> (M) [HyDraBlitzz] oh
  118. Aug 12 16:37:05 <CemetecMC> (M) [HyDraBlitzz] I just finished dinner
  119. Aug 12 16:38:37 <CemetecMC> (M) [HyDraBlitzz] bbl
  120. Aug 12 16:38:39 <CemetecMC> (M) *HyDraBlitzz has left the room.
  121. Aug 12 16:45:37 <Cr33per83> Be back after dinner
  122. Aug 12 17:15:14 * Unicorn| ( has joined
  123. Aug 12 17:15:57 <Unicorn|> .p
  124. Aug 12 17:15:58 <CemetecMC> Nobody is minecrafting right now.
  125. Aug 12 18:01:28 * Cr33per83 has quit (Quit: )
  126. Aug 12 21:05:07 * Unicorn| has quit (Connection closed for inactivity)
  127. **** ENDING LOGGING AT Thu Aug 13 00:30:54 2015
  129. **** BEGIN LOGGING AT Thu Aug 13 00:34:51 2015
  131. Aug 13 00:34:51 * Now talking on #cemetech-mc
  132. Aug 13 00:34:51 * Topic for #cemetech-mc is: Cemetech NOPE Server | | Dynmap: | Concerns? NOPE | CITWTTF
  133. Aug 13 00:34:51 * Topic for #cemetech-mc set by comic! (Sat Jul 04 23:22:08 2015)
  134. Aug 13 00:33:48 <CemetecMC> (M) *Marudok has entered the room.
  135. Aug 13 01:25:51 <CemetecMC> (M) *Marudok has left the room.
  136. Aug 13 01:26:04 <CemetecMC> (M) *Marudok has entered the room.
  137. Aug 13 01:27:07 <CemetecMC> (M) *Marudok has left the room.
  138. Aug 13 01:33:00 * Crawdad has quit (Quit: HydraIRC -> <- Po-ta-to, boil em, mash em, stick em in a stew.)
  139. Aug 13 04:06:45 * CemetecMC has quit ()
  140. Aug 13 04:08:52 * CemetecMC ( has joined
  141. Aug 13 04:08:54 <CemetecMC> Server connected!
  142. Aug 13 04:09:06 * Melisma gives channel operator status to CemetecMC
  143. Aug 13 07:18:16 <CemetecMC> (M) *Ivoah has entered the room.
  144. Aug 13 07:23:53 <CemetecMC> (M) *Ivoah has left the room.
  145. Aug 13 09:20:06 * add ( has joined
  146. Aug 13 11:02:04 * Unicorn| ( has joined
  147. Aug 13 13:50:03 <CemetecMC> (M) *Kilomiz has entered the room.
  148. Aug 13 13:53:35 <KermM> Hey! :)
  149. Aug 13 13:55:11 <CemetecMC> (M) *HyDraBlitzz has entered the room.
  150. Aug 13 13:55:19 <CemetecMC> (M) [HyDraBlitzz] hi
  151. Aug 13 13:56:28 <CemetecMC> (M) *HyDraBlitzz has left the room.
  152. Aug 13 13:56:46 <CemetecMC> (M) Kilomiz was slain by Spider
  153. Aug 13 13:57:36 <KermM> Whatcha working on, Kilo?
  154. Aug 13 13:59:36 <CemetecMC> (M) *Supernatural_guy has entered the room.
  155. Aug 13 13:59:41 <CemetecMC> (M) [Supernatural_guy] HI
  156. Aug 13 14:00:34 <CemetecMC> (M) *Kilomiz has left the room.
  157. Aug 13 14:01:52 <comic> Doesn't want to talk aboot it
  158. Aug 13 14:02:01 <CemetecMC> (M) [Supernatural_guy] Yes
  159. Aug 13 14:02:14 <CemetecMC> (M) [Supernatural_guy] Thia servre sux
  160. Aug 13 14:02:21 <CemetecMC> (M) [Supernatural_guy] that was me cuz
  161. Aug 13 14:02:34 <CemetecMC> (M) [Supernatural_guy] hes a pile of shpoivuj h m,]lKOi;l67uyht]hn]jykm,]p..
  162. Aug 13 14:02:41 <CemetecMC> (M) [Supernatural_guy] dammit
  163. Aug 13 14:04:49 <CemetecMC> (M) *Supernatural_guy has left the room.
  164. Aug 13 14:05:48 <KermM> Haha wat
  165. Aug 13 15:41:38 <notipaPri> what.
  166. Aug 13 15:42:26 <notipaPri> also kilomiz did a successful JOIN DIE LEAVE
  167. Aug 13 16:12:26 <comic> What indeed
  168. Aug 13 16:12:42 <comic> Did he just call himself a pile of "shpoivuj h m,]lKOi;l67uyht]hn]jykm,]p.."?
  169. Aug 13 17:28:41 * Rivereye ( has joined
  170. Aug 13 18:06:11 * Rivereye has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
  171. Aug 13 19:19:36 * FroznFire (~FroznFire@2605:e000:1417:213:c16d:66f5:2435:f331) has joined
  172. Aug 13 19:20:07 * CVSoft ( has joined
  173. Aug 13 19:21:15 * CVSoft is now known as notipa
  174. Aug 13 21:45:05 * Unicorn| has quit (Connection closed for inactivity)
  175. Aug 13 22:36:19 <Elementa> I dream of the day I will finally grow up to be a great, big, strong and mature adu-- pile of shpoivuj h m,]lKOi;l67uyht]hn]jykm,]p..
  176. Aug 13 22:36:52 <Elementa> Face, meet keyboard. Keyboard, meet face.
  177. Aug 14 00:17:30 <add> lulz
  178. Aug 14 00:30:19 <CemetecMC> (M) *Marudok has entered the room.
  179. Aug 14 01:30:30 <CemetecMC> (M) [Marudok] ~map
  180. Aug 14 01:30:31 <CVBot>
  181. Aug 14 01:50:35 <CemetecMC> (M) *Marudok has left the room.
  182. Aug 14 04:06:46 * CemetecMC has quit ()
  183. Aug 14 04:08:52 * CemetecMC ( has joined
  184. Aug 14 04:08:54 <CemetecMC> Server connected!
  185. Aug 14 04:09:07 * Melisma gives channel operator status to CemetecMC
  186. Aug 14 04:59:08 <CemetecMC> (M) *lennartVH01 has entered the room.
  187. Aug 14 04:59:39 <CemetecMC> (M) *lennartVH01 has left the room.
  188. Aug 14 08:44:58 * FroznFire has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
  189. Aug 14 08:44:59 * notipa has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
  190. Aug 14 08:50:23 * FroznFire (~FroznFire@2605:e000:1417:213:9df0:2480:4cc0:a8f1) has joined
  191. Aug 14 08:51:07 * CVSoft (~CVSoft@2605:e000:1417:213:9df0:2480:4cc0:a8f1) has joined
  192. Aug 14 08:51:07 * CVSoft is now known as notipa
  193. Aug 14 09:34:55 <KermM> .p
  194. Aug 14 09:34:55 <CemetecMC> Nobody is minecrafting right now.
  195. Aug 14 10:52:04 * notipa has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
  196. Aug 14 10:52:05 * FroznFire has quit (Write error: Connection reset by peer)
  197. Aug 14 11:30:02 * Unicorn| ( has joined
  198. Aug 14 11:46:01 * FroznFire (~FroznFire@2605:e000:1417:213:a8da:d981:eeb3:48c9) has joined
  199. Aug 14 11:46:45 * CVSoft (~CVSoft@2605:e000:1417:213:a8da:d981:eeb3:48c9) has joined
  200. Aug 14 11:48:50 * CVSoft is now known as notipa
  201. Aug 14 12:03:10 * notipa has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
  202. Aug 14 12:05:44 * Frozen49 (~FroznFire@2605:e000:1417:213:d019:7234:c69d:919b) has joined
  203. Aug 14 12:06:37 * notipa ( has joined
  204. Aug 14 12:08:42 * FroznFire has quit (Ping timeout: 506 seconds)
  205. Aug 14 12:08:43 * Frozen49 is now known as FroznFire
  206. Aug 14 12:44:09 * tifreak_ ( has joined
  207. Aug 14 14:42:43 * Crawdad ( has joined
  208. Aug 14 14:53:36 * tifreak_ has quit (Quit: ~ Trillian Astra - ~)
  209. Aug 14 15:59:57 <CemetecMC> (M) *rabidrabbet_ has entered the room.
  210. Aug 14 16:00:27 <CemetecMC> (M) *rabidrabbet_ has left the room.
  211. Aug 14 16:19:21 <KermM> Hellogoodbye.
  212. Aug 14 16:22:38 <Unicorn|> hello. I am here to leave
  213. Aug 14 16:24:58 * Cr33per83 ( has joined
  214. Aug 14 16:41:14 <Elementa> JOIN LIVE LEAVE
  215. Aug 14 16:46:57 <Cr33per83> ...
  216. Aug 14 16:47:21 <Cr33per83> Thanks for enlightening us with that wisdom.
  217. Aug 14 16:47:29 <Cr33per83> Who was it this time?
  218. Aug 14 16:54:00 * comic has kicked Unicorn| from #cemetech-mc ("hello. I am here to leave" THEN LEAVE. <3 plz comeback tho)
  219. Aug 14 16:54:25 <comic> I forgot I can't tab complete him
  220. Aug 14 16:54:27 <comic> When he's gone
  221. Aug 14 16:54:32 <notipa> heh?
  222. Aug 14 16:54:37 * Unicorn| ( has joined
  223. Aug 14 16:54:38 <comic> I invited him back
  224. Aug 14 16:54:41 <comic> Yey
  225. Aug 14 16:54:43 <Unicorn|> Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  226. Aug 14 16:54:45 <comic> You came back :)
  227. Aug 14 16:54:59 <Unicorn|> yeees I did
  228. Aug 14 16:55:05 <comic> With avengence?
  229. Aug 14 16:55:29 <Cr33per83> Why
  230. Aug 14 16:55:42 <Cr33per83> Why'd you do that comic?
  231. Aug 14 16:55:49 <comic> Unicorn| :: hello. I am here to leave
  232. Aug 14 16:55:51 <comic> ^
  233. Aug 14 16:55:59 <comic> I know what he was referring to
  234. Aug 14 16:56:12 <comic> The "Join > Leave" but I wanted to take it out of context
  235. Aug 14 16:56:22 <Cr33per83> XD
  236. Aug 14 16:56:48 <Cr33per83> lol comic
  237. Aug 14 17:05:37 * Cr33per83 explodes
  238. Aug 14 17:08:29 <Unicorn|> ARG
  239. Aug 14 17:08:40 * Unicorn| /invites comic to a channel.
  240. Aug 14 17:09:44 * Cr33per83 has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
  241. Aug 14 17:11:03 * Cr33per83 ( has joined
  242. Aug 14 17:14:07 <KermM> comic, you don't actually think that "avengence" is a single word, right?
  243. Aug 14 17:14:53 <Cr33per83> Great, that means I missed something.
  244. Aug 14 17:14:59 <Cr33per83> What did I miss?
  245. Aug 14 17:15:39 <comic> You didn't miss anything
  246. Aug 14 17:15:52 <comic> It's a word I used before you left :)
  247. Aug 14 17:15:58 <Cr33per83> Oh
  248. Aug 14 17:16:05 <comic> Hm, I thought it was a word.
  249. Aug 14 17:16:43 <Cr33per83> I must've missed that message
  250. Aug 14 17:17:23 <Cr33per83> Now I see it though
  251. Aug 14 17:20:42 <KermM> comic, I'm sorry. :( Now you know!
  252. Aug 14 17:20:54 * KermM hands comic an egg corn
  253. Aug 14 17:22:27 <comic> Like, Avenge is a word. Vengeance is a word.
  254. Aug 14 17:22:36 <comic> Why not the sibling of the two?
  255. Aug 14 17:22:53 <comic> I guess that'd be like having Theiy're as a word, huh?
  256. Aug 14 17:24:08 * Elementa raises hand
  257. Aug 14 17:24:15 <Elementa> Is... mayonaise a word?
  258. Aug 14 17:25:02 <notipa> mayonnaise?
  259. Aug 14 17:33:27 * Cr33per83 has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
  260. Aug 14 17:37:46 <comic> Mayornaise
  261. Aug 14 18:21:42 * Frozen49 ( has joined
  262. Aug 14 18:25:33 * FroznFire has quit (Ping timeout: 506 seconds)
  263. Aug 14 18:25:33 * Frozen49 is now known as FroznFire
  264. Aug 14 18:50:03 <Unicorn|> catsup
  265. Aug 14 18:58:30 <comic> Dogsdown
  266. Aug 14 18:59:33 <Unicorn|> bottomsup
  267. Aug 14 19:01:18 <comic> Topsup
  268. Aug 14 19:01:22 <comic> ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  269. Aug 14 19:01:27 <comic> Wait
  270. Aug 14 19:01:29 <comic> FUUUU
  271. Aug 14 19:01:36 <comic> Topsdown :(
  272. Aug 14 19:10:49 <KermM> (If you know what I mean)
  273. Aug 14 19:12:00 <comic> Oh, I know :D
  274. Aug 14 21:16:19 <CemetecMC> (M) *Supernatural_guy has entered the room.
  275. Aug 14 21:16:22 <CemetecMC> (M) *Supernatural_guy has left the room.
  276. Aug 14 21:35:05 * Unicorn| has quit (Connection closed for inactivity)
  277. Aug 14 22:21:15 * Elementa chants JOIN LIVE LEAVE
  278. Aug 15 01:28:37 * tifreak has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
  279. Aug 15 01:36:47 * tifreak ( has joined
  280. Aug 15 02:04:03 * Crawdad has quit (Quit: HydraIRC -> <- Now with extra fish!)
  281. Aug 15 03:16:29 * FroznFire has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
  282. Aug 15 03:16:29 * notipa has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
  283. Aug 15 03:20:24 * notipa (~CVSoft@2605:e000:1417:213:6d49:324a:9c7e:7897) has joined
  284. Aug 15 03:20:36 * FroznFire (~FroznFire@2605:e000:1417:213:6d49:324a:9c7e:7897) has joined
  285. Aug 15 04:06:47 * CemetecMC has quit ()
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