

Nov 1st, 2014
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  1. n> Hey, mind hear a little Idea I had?
  2. <Vindex> Yes
  3. <TheMadman> I'd like your thoughts on it.
  4. <Vindex> Say
  5. <Vindex> Oh, mmnt, I'll move to pc
  6. <Vindex> To open pastebin
  7. <TheMadman> Ah, sorry. It is a little long to post here, chat log from a conversation I had with Way.
  8. <Vindex> so I'm at PC
  9. <TheMadman> Ah, thank you.
  10. <Vindex> reading it now...
  11. <Vindex> just finish some calculation I've started for botania
  12. <Vindex> ok, back to reading
  13. <Vindex> so basically backpack would convert food into LP?
  14. <TheMadman> Using you as a catalyst, yes.
  15. <Vindex> without you having to sit near altar
  16. <TheMadman> Right.
  17. <Vindex> but it would take danger of overdraining from the equation
  18. <TheMadman> But leave you in a constant state of low HP.
  19. <Vindex> so danger of zombie eating your brain
  20. <TheMadman> Right.
  21. <TheMadman> And it would take your chest armor slot, so you will have far less protection.
  22. <Vindex> I'm trying to imagine playing with this item and when I would move away from it
  23. <TheMadman> Hmm... Would you say that having it make 150 LP off a heart would be more fair?
  24. <Vindex> knife is 200, right?
  25. <TheMadman> Without any runes, yes.
  26. <TheMadman> And the altar holds 10,000 without any capacity.
  27. <Vindex> ok, I would use it in L1 definitively
  28. <Vindex> in L2 I usually try to find ways to sacrifice mobs
  29. <TheMadman> My thought is you make it around T1-2, use it until T3 when standing at the altar is far more efficient, then at t4 you have the feathered knife.
  30. <Vindex> well, personally I would think this is too easy
  31. <Vindex> this is like nearly no effort, just consuming food
  32. <TheMadman> But so is self sacrifice.
  33. <Vindex> given you have green grove at L2, food is no problem
  34. <TheMadman> But you would be spending more then your making that way.
  35. <Vindex> so you would have to balance it out by big farm fields
  36. <Vindex> if it would push player into that direction, I like it
  37. <Vindex> because for me placing farm fields and harvesting them is PITA, different than grinding over altar
  38. <Vindex> PITA is good
  39. <TheMadman> Hmm... Any thoughts on what might make it more balanced? Your stuck at one heart, have some de-buff like slowness or mining fatigue, less efficiency then the altar?
  40. <Vindex> ok, so with this item you can't idle
  41. <Vindex> once you idle, your food bar goes down and you stop regenerating
  42. <TheMadman> So you would need to keep eating.
  43. <Vindex> yes
  44. <TheMadman> *Or have a form of regneration, like potions or a beacon.
  45. <Vindex> but if you have beacon or potions, it would be waaay faster to be at the altar
  46. <TheMadman> Right...
  47. <TheMadman> So this would make a nice T1-2 so you can work around your base while still making LP.
  48. <Vindex> I'm thinking about how to make player do more
  49. <Vindex> I like farming implication
  50. <TheMadman> Considering bread would only give 2-3 hearts each, they would need a large field to keep up with demand.
  51. <Vindex> which BTW is easily counteracted early game by TC harvest golem, but balancing with mods is hard
  52. <Vindex> this is creepy...... but...
  53. <TheMadman> Right, but this would still keep BM in the mid-late game area where you have already made some infrastructure with other mods.
  54. <Vindex> I've just had an idea of player having to fuel the backpack by something. Like sharpening its teeth
  55. <TheMadman> Flint, or iron?
  56. <Vindex> harvest golem can be done without any infrastructure
  57. <Vindex> yeah
  58. <Vindex> not in big amounts
  59. <Vindex> but make player think about it and do something
  60. <TheMadman> Well, some infrastructure. You'd need a crucible, arcane work table, and research table.
  61. <Vindex> I'm trying to keep with basic underlying idea of being not resource intensive - so vary activitie
  62. <Vindex> s
  63. <Vindex> TC: some iron and wood
  64. <TheMadman> Hmm... Perhaps when you drain it the glass needs replaced?
  65. <Vindex> BM needs diamond to start
  66. <TheMadman> Well, a chance to need to be replaced.
  67. <Vindex> yeah, something like that... yes, chance is good
  68. <Vindex> how many times you would need to drain it, before you are at T2 and T3?
  69. <TheMadman> Roughly twice for T1 to T2, without the orb cost.
  70. <TheMadman> For T2-T3... About twelve.
  71. <TheMadman> That is if you let it fill to full each time.
  72. <Vindex> which you would probably do
  73. <Vindex> real PITA would be if the pack was one use only :)
  74. <Vindex> (depends on crafting costs of course)
  75. <TheMadman> Right, unless you could repair it. Or needed to replace the tanks.
  76. <Vindex> just making it use leather would be unpleasant enough
  77. <TheMadman> So.. Leather *6, glass block, blank slate * 2 sound good?
  78. <Vindex> yes
  79. <Vindex> so either you farm and have animals or you go hunting or you stay at the altar
  80. <TheMadman> Well, staying at the altar needs a farm as well.
  81. <Vindex> yes, but not animals
  82. <Vindex> and really, food costs are not that big...
  83. <TheMadman> Well, meat. Far better usage of crops, at the cost of time.
  84. <Vindex> it's pity I've used mandrakes at T2 and T3
  85. <Vindex> I don't have exact feeling how much grind it is without Witchery
  86. <TheMadman> And I can't give a good representation, because I'm not daff enough to just stand at the altar waiting for HP to regen.
  87. <Vindex> yeah, if I didn't have witchery, I would go looking for spawner
  88. <Vindex> or make a mob trap in the skies
  89. <TheMadman> Right, as that is sort of the progression Way has in mind. Mob trap or potions through T2.
  90. <Vindex> I'm actually bad test subject for this
  91. <TheMadman> That is the problem, isn't it? We need to balance around the best methods, and people rarely use them. Once I have melons I'm chugging potions to speed up progression.
  92. <Vindex> because I would make BM e.g. more resource intensive or add some other pain
  93. <Vindex> to force me do more different activities
  94. <Vindex> mining is one possibility only
  95. <Vindex> actually I like demon village idea very much
  96. <Vindex> personally I would require some form of it even in much earlier game
  97. <TheMadman> Right, understandable. That is why at T2 I'm always running about my base, building things, crafting, farming instead of sitting around to wait for regen.
  98. <Vindex> like AE2, which forces you to explore for meteorites
  99. <TheMadman> Well, thank you for your time. Glad to get another opinon on this matter, as I said earlier: We're welcome to ideas to make it less tedious while still being blood magic.
  100. <TheMadman> Problem always comes with finding those ideas.
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