
experiment definition example

Oct 13th, 2017
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  1. //We're editing the science experiment that has id = insertScienceExperimentNameHere. and we're doing it before any other modifications. (FIRST)
  2. //The stock science experiment ids are:
  3. //crewReport,evaReport,mysteryGoo,surfaceSample,mobileMaterialsLab,
  4. //temperatureScan,barometerScan,seismicScan,gravityScan,atmosphereAnalysis,
  5. //and asteroidSample (that one is only used for when sampling an asteroid in different SOIs. The stock game only includes definitions for The Sun and Kerbin last I checked.
  6. @EXPERIMENT_DEFINITION[*]:HAS[#id[insertScienceExperimentNameHere]]:FIRST
  7. {
  8. yourPlanet = a science definition that will happen no matter what you're doing on or around the planet with name = yourPlanet. Should be overwritten by the following possibilities:
  9. yourPlanetSrfLanded = appears only when your ship is landed.
  10. yourPlanetSrfSplashed = appears only when your ship is landed in an ocean.
  11. yourPlanetInSpace = appears when your ship is in space around your planet. Overwritten by InSpaceHigh and InSpaceLow.
  12. yourPlanetInSpaceHigh = appears above the space altitude limit, defined with kopernicus or using the template's value.
  13. yourPlanetInSpaceLow = appears in low orbit, below the space altitude limit.
  14. yourPlanetFlying = for when you're in the atmosphere. Overwritten by FlyingHigh and FlyingLow
  15. yourPlanetFlyingHigh = above the flying altitude limit.
  17. yourSecondPlanet
  18. //you can have more than one planet defined here at a time, but you might want to separate them into different configs for clarity.
  19. }
  20. @EXPERIMENT_DEFINITION[*]:HAS[#id[anotherScienceExperimentName]]:FIRST
  21. {
  22. yourPlanet
  23. //etc...
  24. }
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