
TSW: Son of the Patriot.

Jan 21st, 2016
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  1. IcePickLobotomy Date: April 18th, 1988.
  2. IcePickLobotomy Location: Gen. Granger US Military Academy, Virginna.
  3. IcePickLobotomy JohnHunter: The bell rings twice, and you oppenent doesn't hesitate as he lunges forward, jabbing out with a gloved hand to the jeers and cheers of the fellow students outside the ring.
  4. JohnHunter guards the jab, but takes the opening to make a swing for the exposed kidney
  5. IcePickLobotomy Your oppent pulls back, your blow glancing off his side as he twists away from the blow. You hardly notice as someone turns on the boom-box ( as your oppent cedes the initative by stepping back.
  6. JohnHunter waits in anticipation, the voice of his Dad echoing in his head, something about not striking unless necessary
  7. IcePickLobotomy Your father's advice pays well, and you weather a flurry of blows before seeing a opening in his guard.
  8. JohnHunter catches an opening in his defenses and lances a fist directly for it
  9. IcePickLobotomy Your oppent "wuffs" in response and staggers back, gasping for air. The ref hasn't called the match yet.
  10. JohnHunter drives forward, throwing consecutive normal punches in an attempt to keep his opponent from regaining composure
  11. IcePickLobotomy He staggers under your blows as you batter through his defenses. Then he lashes out and slams into your solar-plexes driving the air from your lungs painfully and forcing you back. You see him his fist fly into view and you see a starburst. You stagger back wiht the taste of blood in your mouth.
  12. JohnHunter throws his guard up, ignoring what could possibly be a broken tooth or maybe just a busted lip.
  13. JohnHunter watches. Waiting to strike.
  14. IcePickLobotomy He has the same idea, he pants heavily and gives a few testing strikes.
  15. JohnHunter feigns fatigue, lowering his guard in attempt to bait out an opening
  16. IcePickLobotomy He takes it, going in for the kill.
  17. JohnHunter ducks to the side, attempting to dodge the blow, and lashes out with an uppercut
  18. IcePickLobotomy It's a solid impact, lifting your openent a few inches into the air before he comes down hard on the padding. The bell clangs singaling a end to the match.
  19. JohnHunter reaches down to his opponent, offering him a lift off the ground
  20. JohnHunter "Good fight. You nearly had me."
  21. IcePickLobotomy Your oppent, a fellow cadet by the name of max, rubs his jaw before accepting the offer. "Yeah, was good. Christ, that was a hell ofa hit there."
  22. IcePickLobotomy *opponent
  23. IcePickLobotomy *Max
  24. JohnHunter "Nothing like some good old fashioned muscle to get the job done"
  25. IcePickLobotomy "More than muscles." He steps out of the ring and offers you a bottle of water.
  26. JohnHunter "Well, a little aim never hurt either" he responds, accepting the water
  27. IcePickLobotomy "No, never did. Say John-" He's cut off as one of the drill Sargents bardges into the room. Everyone turns to attention and salutes immediatly.
  28. IcePickLobotomy *barges
  29. IcePickLobotomy "Cadet Hunter." He fixes you with a steely glare. "Shower and dress blues. Report to the Major's desk in 15. Gogogo you waste of meat!"
  30. JohnHunter "Sir!"
  31. JohnHunter works with precision and speed to clean and groom himself, attempting once more to break his personal record for least time spent getting dressed
  32. IcePickLobotomy JohnHunter: You manage to beat it by 5 secounds, and the drill seargent says nothing when you come out of your dorm, so you can assume nothing is out of place. A brisk walk bring you the Major O'Harris, the head of the academy. He opens the door and snaps off a cirsp salute.
  33. JohnHunter returns the salute in kind
  34. JohnHunter stands at attention, hand held firmly to his forehead in salute to nobody in particular
  35. IcePickLobotomy "Dismissed Seargent." The Major motions for you tome come inside. "Close the door cadet." Standing next to him is a woman wearing a dark-blue dress uniform. She's pretty, with glasses and short-cut hair. You don't recognize the service-branch patch, but the captain's bars and nametag that reads "A. Walker." says the rest.
  36. JohnHunter tilts his head in a respectful nod towards the lady and stands at attention, awaiting instruction from Major O'harris
  37. IcePickLobotomy "Cadet Hunter." He leafs through your record. "Admitted in 1984. Maintained a 3.8 gpa. Several commendations from the staff. Noted for as being exceptional motivated with a strong moral center, and a quote "Intrinsic grasp of duty and honor beyond his years." Well liked by your peers and the staff alike." He puts it down and looks you dead in the eyes. "Do you agree with this assessment Cadet?"
  38. JohnHunter "I do, sir"
  39. IcePickLobotomy He nods. "And do you have anything you wish to add to this?"
  40. JohnHunter "Nothing I can think of, sir"
  41. IcePickLobotomy "Very well." he stands up. "Captain Walker of METI is going to speak with you." he motions to the woman. "I understand you have sensitive materials to go over Captain. You can borrow my office for the time being."
  42. IcePickLobotomy "Thank you Major." she says as he steps out of the room. "At ease cadet."
  43. JohnHunter relaxes, but just barely
  44. IcePickLobotomy "I am Captain Walker, the Multinational Experimental Technology Institute, Tactical Operations Section. I'm here to make you a offer."
  45. JohnHunter stands unresponsive
  46. IcePickLobotomy "You have been requested to join METI." She hands you a letter. It's signed by the President and basically outlines that everything Walker will tell you is true, that this is a voluntary assignment, but one that is critical for the security and safety of the United States and the world as a whole. "Understand that I can't tell you the specifics unless you join, but this will most likely be...
  47. IcePickLobotomy ...the most important thing you will ever do in your life. If you have any questions before you decide please ask."
  48. JohnHunter "What would I be doing, specifics aside?"
  49. IcePickLobotomy "You will be piloting experimental equipment under adverse conditions."
  50. JohnHunter "And how will being a pilot help protect my country?"
  51. IcePickLobotomy "Classified I'm afrai, but I can assure you that you will be directly contributing the safety of the United States."
  52. JohnHunter "Will I be serving in the country, or outside of it?"
  53. IcePickLobotomy "Outside of it. You'll be placed under METI's chain of command for the duration of your work, but we are a multinational group. I myself was a naval officer before I transferred to METI on loan, and then joined in full later on."
  54. JohnHunter "Just to be clear, I will be still be serving the US, but outside of US control?"
  55. IcePickLobotomy "Correct. The US is a primary contributing member of METI."
  56. JohnHunter "Will I die?"
  57. IcePickLobotomy "No, METI has no intention of killing the pilots."
  58. JohnHunter "Then it would be my honor to do this, if it is in the best intentions of the US"
  59. IcePickLobotomy "It's in the best intention of humanity." She passes you a contract and a pen to sign.
  60. JohnHunter signs readily
  61. IcePickLobotomy She passes you a docket. "Welcome to the OUTRIDER project pilot. ( "Read this, and then I will also answer any questions you have."
  62. IcePickLobotomy "That are withing my authority to answer." She looks around before taking a seat on the major's chair with a small sigh.
  63. JohnHunter "So I am one of a select few, who through nature or nurture, have the ability to pilot what amounts to a 50 foot robot?"
  64. IcePickLobotomy "Yes. I assure you, this is not a joke."
  65. JohnHunter "Is this the reason that there is so little interest in serving internationally?" (in reference to military service)
  66. IcePickLobotomy "Not really, that's a separate and far more political question. But no, that's more related to the EF's relations with the US and the expense of reconstruction then METI."
  67. JohnHunter "I can say this is definitely the weirdest thing that I have ever heard of."
  68. IcePickLobotomy "I'd like to say you get used to it." She gives you a sympathetic look and sighs tiredly. "I really do."
  69. JohnHunter "My dad always told me duty to nation before self. If this is the best way to do it, no matter how far fetched it seems, I'm in."
  70. JohnHunter "Who will I report to?"
  71. IcePickLobotomy JohnHunter: You notice the bags under her eyes covered up in make up, and the slump in her shoulders. She's exhausted, the sort of thing you've seen and felt in the multi-day field exercises.
  72. IcePickLobotomy "Me. I'll be in charge of the pilots. My commander has overall tactical command."
  73. JohnHunter snaps to
  74. IcePickLobotomy "At ease Pilot." She sounds amused. "Now there's something I've not said in a long time."
  75. JohnHunter relaxes a bit
  76. JohnHunter with what could be considered anticipation, John asks "When do we begin:
  77. JohnHunter "
  78. IcePickLobotomy "You'll be arriving on the 22nd. From there we have a familiarization course set yp for you and the other pilots."
  79. JohnHunter "Understood. Do you need anything else from me, Ma'am?"
  80. IcePickLobotomy "No, you'll be receiving travel arrangements shortly." She stands up and gives you a crisp salute. "Thank you Pilot. You're dismissed."
  81. JohnHunter snaps to once more, then departs
  82. IcePickLobotomy -----------------------
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