
Rarity and Applejack Snuggle Anon (MACRO)

Apr 3rd, 2014
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  1. Stuck between an apple and a soft place, that’s where you were.
  3. “Rarity, could’ja stop hoggin’ Anon?” Applejack whispered in a delicate, yet angered voice; and wiggled in closer to you.
  5. “Dear, I am not ‘hogging’ Anon; as you so profusely stated, I am merely holding as much of him as I can.” Rarity was glaring daggers at Applejack; you could cut the tension with a chainsaw. The bed sheets were purple, the wrinkles made by the squirming monster mares looked like waves at the beach; at least to you.
  7. “Ya’ll are, I want him too ya know!” She complained, intensely scrunching her muzzle.
  9. “We both have half of him, Applejack.” Rarity boldly claimed, inching her way closer to you. Being sandwiched in the middle of the two bickering pones was odd to say the least. Both massive mares felt extremely different. Applejack being the more physically inclined of the two pones; her orange chest felt like a firm mattress. On the other hand, Rarity’s white chest was more akin to a soft, cushiony bounce house. When it came to scent however, it was a stalemate. Rarity seemed to have the artificial aroma of freshly plucked roses, while Applejack had the strong natural scent of apples. On each side of your body, you could hear their soothing heartbeats. Every chest raising breath Rarity took, you were pushed slightly up against the tuft of Applejack. And with every affectionate heartbeat from Applejack, the side of your head was bumped into Rarity’s squishy chest.
  11. “Come on now Rarity, can’t we just take shifts?” Applejack begged, swiftly pulling her hooves away from Rarity’s.
  13. “Nuh uh uh~ you aren’t outwitting this pony, I shall not miss a second of snuggling small Anon.” The marshmallow mare proclaimed, wiggling closer to you with a tender smile.
  15. “Okay, but you should know I don’t like this one bit.”
  17. “And you think I do, how droll.”
  19. “That wasn’t what I said…” Applejack sighed, and rolled her eyes in frustration. "Hey, what in tarnation are you doin?" She watched Rarity claw most of the silk covering over to her side with a huff.
  21. "I think it'd be best if the more...classy pony kept the covers." Rarity continued to yank the blankets over to her side, which in turn; pulled you closer to her.
  23. "And I think it'd be best if the more trustworthy pony kept the bed!" The enormous apple pone laughed, pushing Rarity out of the bed with a great amount of disdain. Rarity hit the floor with an echoing thud, and sat up with an irritated expression on her face.
  25. "How rude, Applejack; why would you do something so mean spirited!?" Rarity shook her head in a daze.
  27. "Oh I'm the rude one, comin' from the blanket thief?" Applejack chuckled, tightly grabbing hold of you with a confident smirk. "Anon'll know the best cuddler is me!"
  29. "Surely you jest, an uncouth mare such as yourself cannot best me in the game of affection; tis' a fact." Slowly, Rarity began to dust herself off.
  31. "Sugarcube, you and I both know that Anon enjoys my company a lot more than yours." Applejack hugged you tight, squishing you into her orange breast. How you were sleeping through this, you have no idea.
  33. "Pffthaha, you honestly believe that? Clearly you have been hit on the head with one too many apples!" The tricky unicorn sprung up to her hooves in laughter. She strut back over to her side of the bed, each hoofstep causing the floorboards to creak and moan.
  35. "Shh, can't ya see lil Anon's sleepin?"
  37. "Yes I can see that, though I have no clue how he's still asleep with you suffocating him."
  39. "What's that supposed to mean?" Applejack raised her eyebrow in curiosity.
  41. "All I'm saying is, you're a bit rough around the edges; are you sure you haven't squashed Anon flat?" Rarity carefully crawled back into the bed with a cocky glimmer in her eye. As much as Rarity would love to be right, she was wrong. The pastel chest of Applejack was heaven for a sleepy you, being forced against the taut surface certainly soothed your aching bones no doubt.
  43. "Hush up Rarity, he's tryin to sleep with his favourite sleepin' buddy."
  45. "Favourite sleeping buddy? You're quite the preposterous pony this evening aren't you?"
  47. "He likes me more! See?" Applejack removed her hoof from her chest, to reveal you gleefully being spooned by the massive mare.
  49. "He only likes it because he hasn't had a classy cuddler before, dear; maybe if you weren't so set in your ways you'd see that." Rarity playfully poked her rowdy rival on the nose.
  51. "Okay, let's see if you can do a better job snugglin'!" The now angered Applejack scootched you over to the enormous dress horse.
  53. "La da da da~..." She began to preen you like a doll, delicately straightening your hair.
  55. "Rarity, he ain't a doll; he's...well I'm not sure what he is."
  57. "Shh, Applejack; I'm showing you how it's done!" Rarity fanned her hoof in Applejack's face. Resuming with the doll-work, Rarity ran her hoof down your back; mopping off any residue you may have acquired from Applejack.
  59. Unaccompanied by a warning, Rarity thrust you into her marshmallow chest. "See Applejack? You must do it with finesse and grace." She clutched you with a smile.
  61. "All of that magic usin' probably made you soft, yer probably killin' the little guy!" Even Applejack was wrong, Rarity's sweet and supple torso encompassed you in a warm prison; her tuft tickling the top of your head. The firm hoof of Rarity held you against her chest.
  63. An anxious expression came across Applejack's face, and she began to complain. "Give em' back, I need him to fall asleep!"
  65. "No darling, I think I'll keep him here." Rarity wiggled her head onto the pillow, closing her eyes.
  67. "C'mon, please?"
  69. "No." Yawned Rarity, settling in with you as her teddy bear.
  71. "Pretty please?" Applejack put on her best puppy dog face and made her lower lip quiver.
  73. "Fine, but on one condition."
  75. "Yes'm?"
  77. "We share him from now on, no more shenanigans; at least for tonight."
  79. "Alrighty."
  81. “Then let us get back to collective spooning.” Rarity kindly looked down at you, and lovingly pecked the top of your head with a warm smile.
  83. “That’d be fine.” Applejack nodded, as she gently caressed your forehead with her hefty hoof.
  84. Both of the massive mares looked at each other, and with little issue; pushed themselves as close to each other as possible without flattening you. Rarity and Applejack drifted off into a serene slumber, with you as their shared teddy bear.
  88. They both put aside all of their differences for that one night, just to snuggle little old you.
  89. Lucky duck.
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