
Browsing Life (Unfinished)

Mar 17th, 2013
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  1. >You are anon.
  2. >And you are lost in the Everfree Forest.
  3. >Fucking zecora and her hidden hut.
  4. >You are looking for a way out before some kind of monster attacks you.
  5. >While wandering around you hear someone.
  6. >That's weird most ponies avoid the forest like the plague.
  7. >You hide in a nearby bush and listen in.
  8. >”C'mon Chrome you have wings just fly up so we can find the exit.”
  9. >”And I TOLD you Opera I hurt my wings when we got attacked by those creatures!
  10. >Da fuck did I just hear? Two browsers fighting?
  11. >How is that even possible?
  12. >You peek thru the bushes and see two ponies.
  13. >A light pink pony with a red and white mane.
  14. >She has the Opera logo as a cutie mark.
  15. >The other pony is white with a light blue mane.
  16. >She has the Google Chrome logo as her cutie mark.
  17. >They both look like they have been hurt.
  18. >They are covered with bruises and dirt.
  19. >OK this shit is an 8 out of 10 on the weird shit scale.
  20. >Chrome begins to complain.
  21. >”I'm so hungry Opera go get me some food.”
  22. >”As if I know what we eat Chrome we only had these bodies for a few hours.”
  23. >”Just search the internet for what were supposed to eat Opera”
  24. >”Huhh fine”
  25. >Opera's eye begin to glow and project something
  26. >It looks like a webpage.
  27. >You get closer without them noticing.
  28. >You realize the webpage is Wikipedia.
  29. >Opera's suddenly stop glowing and her stomach rumbles.
  30. >”It says we eat 2-2.5 percent of our body weight in dry feed each day.”
  31. >”50 percent of that should be forages like grasses or hay.”
  32. >”Alright! There's grass everywhere!”
  33. >Chrome starts eating random everfree forest grass and spits it out.
  34. >”Ughhhh this is disgusting, Opera you lied to me!”
  35. >”We Can't eat just any type of grass Chrome.”
  36. >Chrome begins to cry
  37. >”I'm sorry Opera”
  38. >”I'm just cold,hungry,and I just want to get out of here!”
  39. >”Come on now Chrome, don't cry we'll get out of this place.”
  40. >”And then what Opera, we don't have a place to go to.
  42. >Chrome has completely broke down into tears at this point.
  43. >Opera hugs Chrome and starts crying as well.
  44. >”Don't worry Chrome I don't know how, but we will get out of here and find help.
  45. >The whole scene is giving you feels.
  46. >Here are two broken down ponies struggling to survive.
  47. >You feel like you should help them.
  48. >You emerge from the bushes you were hiding in.
  49. “Need some help.”
  50. >the two browsers stare at you with empty eyes
  51. >suddenly Chrome jumps and starts throwing rocks at you
  53. >she doesn't even hit with one of them
  54. “Are you even aiming?”
  55. >”I am aiming you jerk. This one is going straight for your head!”
  56. >the rock she throws hits miles away from your face.
  57. >you start laughing
  58. >Chrome looks infuriated.
  59. >Opera begins to speak up
  60. >”now now Chrome, if you would just calm down you would realize this is just an average user”
  61. >”But he made fun of me!”
  62. >Opera lets out a little chuckle
  63. >”well that little act you just displayed here was rather amusing.”
  64. >Chrome looks a really annoyed
  65. >Opera turns to you
  66. >”Hello user, my name is Opera and the one who hilariously tried to assault you is Chrome.”
  67. >”you were saying something about helping us. Do you know the way out?
  68. >you offered your help, but you quickly realize you aren't in much of a better position.
  69. “well actually Im not in a much better position then you two.”
  70. >chrome instantly gets over her depression
  71. >”see! He can't help us. He is just a big meanie.
  72. >Chrome and Opera's stomachs growl loudly
  73. >they both make an embarrassed face
  74. “well I have food and a place you can stay if we can get out of here?”
  75. >Chrome starts jumping up and down excited
  77. “ok calm down. First we got to get out of here.”
  78. >you spot a really tall tree in the distance.
  79. >you point to the tree
  80. “maybe we can climb that tree and use it to find our way out.”
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