

Jun 11th, 2014
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  1. name Regis
  3. long_desc With a sharp beak and a watchful eye, a fierce black and white magpie is here.
  5. short_desc a fierce black and white magpie
  7. extended_desc Sleek of body and fairly large in size for a bird, this magpie is clad in glossy black feathers. Distinctive markings of white splash his wings and the underside of his tail, and the white patch at the back of his neck makes it seem almost like he wears a regal, snowy mantle. The bird has fierce, beady red eyes and a strong white beak which fades to black toward its sharply-pointed end.
  9. enter_message A flash of feathers announces the swooping arrival of a fierce black and white magpie.
  11. leave_message A fierce black and white magpie heads off $dir.
  13. death_message A sad mess of feathers marks the final resting place of a fierce black and white magpie.
  17. *As discussed, if the homing pigeon power could still be applied, that'd be grand.
  18. *Can we have him be wearable? I'd love him to be wearable.
  19. *The mount/fly are stupid because I would only ever use them in a dumb comedy situation anyway. Hopefully these can be given custom messages!
  21. Mount: Eleanor pats the top of her head, and a fierce black and white magpie flutters up to perch there.
  22. Dismount: A fierce black and white magpie hops down from his perch atop Eleanor's head.
  24. Fly: Eleanor points dramatically skyward, and with a grating squawk and a powerful flap of his wings, a fierce black and white magpie hooks his claws in and flies off with her.
  25. Land (Is there a message for this??): Eleanor descends from above, a madly flapping magpie firmly attached to her head.
  30. -Greeted (by anyone who isn't me): EMOTE tilts his head, eyeing $(name$) with a beady red glare.
  31. -Greeted (by me): EMOTE gives a tuneful warble in response.
  32. -Told "Follow $(name$)" by me - follow that person
  33. -Given a thing: EMOTE folds his claws securely around $(thing$).
  34. -say to regis "Give it here, Regis" (by me): Mob gives me whatever it's holding.
  35. -say to regis "Give it here, Regis" (by anyone who's not me): EMOTE gives voice to a loud, grating squawk.
  36. -attacked (random): EMOTE flaps abruptly upward, before swooping down viciously on $(name$) with a shrill and piercing cry.
  37. -attacked (random): EMOTE reacts with a loud, agitated squawk, fluttering out of reach and fixing $(name$) with a reproachful glare.
  38. -attacked (random): EMOTE squawks loudly and launches up into the air, swooping overhead. From above and at great speed, something white and messy splats down onto $(name$). Before long, a fierce black and white magpie lands again and ruffles his feathers indignantly.
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