
Deadmeat Chronicles: The Kitchen Incident

Feb 14th, 2013
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  1. >You are walking through your home like the rich bitch you are!
  2. >Ok, so you inherited a large part of your money but so what!
  3. >You are not going to feel guilty for how you were born.
  4. >”I’m sorry cunt! I don’t fucking recall giving a fuck how much it costs!”
  5. >”Get a goddamn crew over here to start sound proofing my house today unless you want to spend your life in soup lines trying not to fucking starve!”
  6. >You cut off your cell phone.
  7. >Fucking assholes!
  8. >All of goddamn humanity are fucking assholes always wanting you to support them.
  9. >You wish you could lock them all away and let them rot, they all suck.
  10. >The only things that you actually like are fluffies.
  11. >They don’t give a shit.
  12. >You could be dirt poor or own the moon, they will love you equally.
  13. >They don’t care about your money, they only care about you.
  14. >That is why you set up the shelters.
  15. >They are the only thing worth anything now a days needs to be taken care of.
  16. >They should not be killed and tortured like everyone else wants to do.
  17. >Poster fucking children for abortion!
  18. >”hewp mommeh!”
  19. >What was that?
  20. >You go wondering through your house trying to find the sound.
  21. >It sounds like Princess Princess.
  22. >”Wet pwincess Pwincees go bad fwuffy!”
  23. >”Nuu!”
  24. >What the fuck is going on?
  25. >Oh shit! Is she being mounted?
  26. >You start to run.
  27. >She is too valuable to just let any fluffy breed with her!
  28. >You start to her soft squeaks, “Yoo bad fwuffy! Wet Pwincess Pwincess go Siw Wiwwam Huthermo!”
  29. >”Nuu! Yoo nuu go in der! Bad pwace!”
  30. >You turn the corner and see that maroon unicorn with all the scars holding Princess Princess down.
  31. >She is struggling with her hooves trying to go through a door into the kitchen.
  32. >There is a small group of fluffies hanging away from the door shaking in fear and looking at Sir William Reginald.
  33. >”What is going on here!? Why are you holding Princess Princess Sir William Reginald!?”
  34. >Your light brown alicorn with the dark pink mane whips her head around and looks at you.
  35. >”Yay! Mommeh! Pwincess Pwincess hewd get owies! Gud smawty twy to hewp buh bad fwuffy nuu wet Pwincess Pwincess go!”
  36. >”Deadmeat nu wet fwen get owchies! Fwuffies get biggest owchies!”
  37. >He is pushing her back down even though you’re here!
  38. >You start walking to them, ”Ok little mister! Do I have to…”
  39. >You get to the door and stop.
  40. >You see the kitchen.
  41. >The smell of shit and blood are now pungent.
  42. >It is a horror show.
  43. >The ceiling fan slowly spins, the severed back end of a fluffy hangs off one of the blades.
  44. >The garbage disposal is whirling, blood randomly sprays up.
  45. >One of the stools has fallen over and a dead fluffy is under it with its head crushed a line of shit behind it.
  46. >A fluffy is under the counter, a carving knife sticking through its back nailing it to the floor.
  47. >Its lifeless eyes stare out into nothing and a pool of blood is around it.
  48. >Water in the sink is flowing over into the disposal side, a pair of fluffy hooves is sticking up slowly drifting.
  49. >You see a leg lying on the floor with a trail of blood going away from it.
  50. >The trail ends at a fluffy with its head twisted around.
  51. >There is a huge red splat on one of the walls with bits of meat and fluff underneath it.
  52. >A fluffy is under one of the table legs with its guts ripped open and the leg pinning it to the floor.
  53. >A frying pan is on the floor with the handle all the way in a fluffy’s mouth impaling it.
  54. >A dead fluffy hangs with its head wedged into the pan rack.
  55. >Broken shards of a plate have impaled a fluffy.
  56. >He has huge gashes all over his body and a look of horror on his face.
  57. >There is a pot of boiling water on the stove with a unicorn horn sticking out of the top.
  58. >The bodies, blood and shit are spread everywhere.
  59. >You look back down at your struggling alicorn being held by the maroon unicorn.
  60. >You lean down and grab her and pull her away.
  61. >The unicorn looks at you and steps back.
  62. >Why is he puffing his cheeks?
  63. >”Mommeh! Smawty nee hewp hewd mommeh! Wet Pwincess Pwincess go! Smawty come hewp fwuffies!”
  64. >She wriggles in your arms.
  65. >You turn her around and hug her, “It is ok baby, mommy is here.”
  66. >”You can’t help those fluffies now.”
  67. >She stops squirming, “Bye bye bawks….?”
  68. >”Yes honey, they will have to be taken away.”
  69. >Your prize alicorn fluffy starts bawling on your shoulder.
  70. >”Stay way!” You see the maroon unicorn shake his hoof at the other fluffies.
  71. >You put two and two together.
  72. >The fluffies started a chain reaction that was causing their deaths.
  73. >The maroon one had to see it and kept the other fluffies out.
  74. >Did he stop these fluffies to save them?
  75. >”Sir William Reginald…. Did you see what happened?”
  76. >The maroon unicorn looks back into the kitchen at the dead fluffies.
  77. >He has a confused look on his face, ”Deadmeat see wha happen… Deadmeat still dunno wha Deadmeat saw…”
  78. >He looks back at Princess Princess and sees her crying on your shoulder.
  79. >He looks at the other fluffies to see they aren’t heading into the kitchen.
  80. >He turns and walks away.
  81. >Did he just make sure the fluffies were safe? That’s odd…
  82. >You yell after him, “You are a very good fluffy Sir William Reginald, mommy will make sure you get a treat for this!”
  83. >He keeps walking away saying nothing.
  84. >Strange, it looks like he flicked his tail at you when he went around a corner.
  85. >He is a strange fluffy, but you know all fluffies want to love so he is probably upset at the scene.
  86. >Poor guy has probably never seen anything horrible as this.
  87. >You keep small child fences at all doors for just an occasion.
  88. >You pull it back and set down Princess Princess.
  89. >She waddles off crying, “Why meanie Siw Wiwwam Fredtiut keep Pwincess Pwincess fwom hewping hewd…”
  90. >You pull out your cell phone again, time for the peons to clean up.
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