
Anima System Briefing

Apr 24th, 2013
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  2. THE GAME:
  3. Alright, it works like this. You have a d100. You roll it. 1-3 is a fumble, BUT 90-100 explodes on the first die, 91-100 on the second, 92-100 on the third, and so on. Once you have your die roll, you add it to your relevant ability score and compare it with either a target number set by the GM or an opponent's roll. Resistance rolls can't explode. Sometimes you make a characteristic check, in which case you either roll a d10 and try to get under your Characteristic (Lower is better) or you add your characteristic (Higher is better) depending on which "Edition" you're playing.
  5. Magic works like so: You have a pool of zeon, say 200 zeon. You can harness a certain amount per turn, say 25. If you want to cast a spell that costs up to 25 zeon, you can do it in a single turn...but if you want to cast a spell that costs MORE, you're going to have to take multiple turns to cast it. You can also pump zeon into a spell to make it more powerful, so a 50 zeon spell can be cast at 60 or more zeon for added effect. Once the cost is paid for, you roll Magic Projection to see if you hit.
  6. Psychic powers work like this: You have access to a psychic power you want to use. First, you make a potential roll to see if you can harness that much power. Fuck up, and you'll lose PP (A resource you can spend to boost effect) or, if you're out of PP, Fatigue (A resource you can spend to boost physical actions.) Be wary! lose too much Fatigue and you start taking penalties, or even pass out! Assuming you can make the difficulty with your potential, you then roll Psychic Projection to see if you can actually Control the power and direct it to your target.
  7. Ki techniques works like magic, except that you use Ki points rather than Zeon, which we won't get into right now.
  8. Summoning and Invoking are similar to magic in that they all utilize Zeon as a resource. For summoning, you roll one of four skills (Summon, Control, Bind, Banish) based on what you want to do. Don't fuck up-the concequences can be dire!
  9. BE WARNED, HERO: In the world of Gaia, magic (Or anything mistaken for it) is feared by the people, and seen as blasphemous and heretical by the church, who can and WILL send their own "divinely powered" Inquisition after your scalp. Or the templars of Tol Rauko will find you and lock you up. Or the Black Sun will find you and decide you'd make a good employee, willing or no. This applies to mutants and non-human intelligent creatures as well, which have been all but wiped out. Note, however, that increasing your physical abilities to superhuman limits may be accepted, as everyone wants to believe in the potential of the human spirit. So long as you're not doing something rediculous, they'll argue that you're just talented AND well-trained.
  12. RACES: WHile Anima: Beyond Fantasy does have the stats for magical races as player characters, they are presented in the GM section, and only to be used under extremely unique circumstances. Instead, if you REALLY don't want to play a "pure" human, you can play a Nephilim, a soul of a supernatural creature that reincarnated into a human body after the genocide of its people. We won't be using Nephilim rules to build this character, I'm going to keep it simple.
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