

Nov 17th, 2015
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  1. Ok this "poor me i'm the victim" crap stops here!
  3. This all started simply by removing Miigotu from the team for more then just submitting code hat crippled the dev branch but for undermining authority of higher up staff and disrespecting fellow team members which more then once came to me bitching about him and his ranting and raving about how he wanted things to be done. After his removal I had a few come to me requesting that I give him another chance to show he could be a team member ... hell I even had someone so absurdly request his re-addition to the team plus increase his access rights!
  5. I attempted publicly to work with him and try and see it in the best interest of the team by giving him another chance and asked him simply prove he can be a team player and either submit code of his own to correct the unicode mistake that he originally plus others contributed to causing or work off the existing code fix I was working on and help with that and all I got in return was snide remarks and threats via a private message sent to me on irc!
  7. Yes I removed the entire team's access rights to the repo as by this point I was unsure of what may transpire as a result of deciding finally to not bring back Miigotu that and the threats I received telling me there was nothing I could do to stop them from taking the project back from me was enough all together to warrent concern for the end-users if I left write access enabled for anyone but me.
  9. Further investigation into the repo and changes that have occured well I was gone revealed that someone had placed a donation request to be amended to every single posts our SickRageBOT was making on our issues tracker repo which I was never made aware of and never would I have allowed it if I was, as it was I closed down donations and they re-opened them but told me later that it was done fairly so that members could choose who to donate towards but clearly they were being pushed to Miigotu so if you donated to him I can assure you SR from my understanding never saw any of it.
  11. Then I get informed Mii and his followers have formed a new SR repo of there own but its far from there own as it has been made to mimic the look and feel of SR's official repos with one clear goal I would assume is to mislead the members to manually switch to there repoo address thus now making them a member of there new repo and team and placing the code the member is updating from and using under there control again all done without any knowledge of mine which is why I"ve placed warning annoucements everywhere!
  13. Now if your following me so far you can see what length and practices these people are going to for what I'm not really sure of cause if its about being a victim of a man gone mad as there claim is so forth then why wait till now to post about there tail of woe and why only after the fact I go and warn the members of there true intentions?
  15. Hell better yet why not explain to the members that your attempting to mislead and lie to and that you stole money from how that you claim what your doing now forming a new site and all is cause of me going crazy and axing the entire team yet here's a photo I think that shows you been planning this crap for awhile, your notice the date shows the repo/org was formed well before ANY member from the team was removed even before Miigotu was removed EVEN BEFORE I RETURNED! so care to eat them words and explain that one cause by all means I and I'm sure the members would love to read that!
  17. FYI
  18. Fake SR Repo created on Oct 13th 2015
  19. Team access removed on Nov 10th 2015
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