
The Adventures of Fatcord (Complete)

Mar 9th, 2013
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  1. The adventures of Fatcord
  3. "God damn Discord! What happened?!" You ask as Discord sits on the couch eating a bucket of vanilla fudge nut ice cream and drinking chocolate milk
  4. >"It’s just a couple of pounds at best; I don't see why you're over reacting." He replies tossing away the spoon before dunking his head into the bucket and slurping disgustingly
  5. "Man, I haven't seen anyone that delusional about themselves since Rainbow went out with Soarin to prove she wasn't a carpet muncher." You say walking over "C'mon Fatcord, we gotta get you in shape."
  6. >"Oh what’s the point." He groans as the tub falls and spills ice cream over his fat as fuck belly, "Celestia broke up with me, I'm no longer the god of chaos, and even Luna is now more important than me."
  7. "What about Chrysalis? I think she liked you in a tsundere kinda way."
  8. >"I can’t talk to her like this." He says exposing his flabby belly and triple chin
  9. "Well get your fat ass off the couch, and come with me to get you fitted for some super stretch sweat pants, cause we are hitting up the track." You say as Discord wobbles his fat self off the couch.
  10. >"I guess." He sighs
  12. >Discord stands nervously as a couple of tailors scan him over getting his measurements.
  13. “So what can you do for my fat friend?” You ask patting his flab
  14. >”We can whip up something, but it’ll cost you quite a bit in materials and some more for the time you want us to have it ready by.” He says as you look up at Discord who gives you a big grin
  15. >”I kinda spent all my money on that ice cream.” He smiles as you sigh
  16. “Fine, but you owe me something big for that.” You say pulling out some bits
  18. >With Discord fitted, dressed, and ready, the both of you head over to the track to begin his training.
  19. “All right,” You say sitting down on the ground, “Let’s start with some sit-ups and then we can move on to a brisk jog.”
  20. >He groans as he rolls over and onto his back, “HNNGH!!” He strains trying to pick up his massive body, “HNNGHH! C’MON! GAH!!” He yells before tossing himself onto the ground, “Its no use..*pant* *pant* I cant do it..”
  21. “Already?” You say going over to his feet and holding them down, “You can’t give up, ya gotta keep on going man. Only 9 more to go.”
  22. >He sobs in displeasure before placing his arms around the back of head and trying to lift himself up again.
  24. >With the sit-ups done, you and Discord stand by a white line across the ground on a dirt path.
  25. “All right, this track is a mile long, now I honestly don’t think you can jog the whole thing, but you can briskly walk it.” You say jogging in place, “Ready, set, go.”
  26. >Discord and you begin the slow “speed” walk, his folds of fat bounce in a rhythm with each step he takes.
  27. >4 feet. 8 feet. 12 feet! Just as you’re getting excited he may just reach the 20 feet mark, he falls forward hacking and wheezing.
  28. “Dude! C’mon man really?!”
  29. >”Its *wheeze* the cold air, *hack* its burning my throat.”
  30. >A breeze of nice cool air kisses you as you look up at the cloudy gray sky, a sudden rainbow streak darts over head and lands before you and the downed Discord. Rainbow Dash takes in the scene and starts to snicker looking over at Discord.
  31. >”What’s wrong with you?” She asks as he suddenly gets composed and talks normally
  32. >”Oh Rainbow Dash, do be a good pony and clear the sky for me, I’m exercising to get in shape, and I’m having trouble doing so, since you seem to be have been shirking your duties again.”
  33. >”Tsk yeah I’ll clear the weather for you,” She says rolling her eyes sarcastically “When pigs fly, besides we were scheduled to have a cold front come in today.” She says slightly irritated
  34. >”Well seeing as how I just saw YOU flying not to long ago, I believe you’re now honor bound to clear the skies for me.”
  35. >Rainbow looks at him confused before it sinks in, “Oh that’s it!” She stomps before darting forward and knocking him to the floor, the speed at which she came in, coupled with his large armor of fat, combined to form the world’s only living trampoline, and jettisons her smack into a tree, knocking her out instantly.
  36. >Dusting himself off, he jogs in place smiling, “That was actually kinda fun, what next?” He smiles as you face palm.
  38. >Focusing on sit-ups, and push-ups and any –ups you could remember, you spent the past couple of days at home helping Discord work his long forgotten muscles until the cold front blew over.
  39. >Today, you and him head over to Twilights for some dieting books, going in, Twilight walks over and smiles. “What can I do for you Anon?” She asks
  40. “Needed some diet books for Farcord here.” You say pointing back at him,
  41. >”I’m trying to regain my fabulous figure.” He replies nonchalantly
  42. >”Sure, I have just the thing over here.” She says walking over to a section of books, Discord sits himself on a wooden chair and grabs a nearby magazine,
  43. >Over with Twilight, she browses the books as you look over at her in secret admirer admiration.
  44. >Picking out a book with her mouth, she motions it over to you, and you pick it up,
  45. “Listen Twilight, um if you’re not doing anything..”
  46. >Discord flips through the magazine completely oblivious to the chair wobbling underneath his weight, finally giving in; it collapses into itself, and sends Discord down the hall as a 600 pound wrecking ball of death and cellulite.
  47. “so I was thinking maybe we could..” You say glancing to the side “HOLY CRAP!” You yell
  48. >Discord misses you by inches and slams right into Twilight, crushing her in-between his massive belly and her thick hard books.
  50. >In the hospital, Twilight lies in bed wrapped in a full body cast, as you look at Discord in anger.
  51. >”What? Its not my fault she bought lousy chairs.”
  53. >With the skies clear, weather sunny and warm, you and Discord hit up a popular river for some swim training.
  54. “Swim bitch!” You yell as Discord treads water as gracefully as 2 retards performing a ballet.
  55. >”Anonymous! Seriously I’m drowning!” He gurgles as you watch your Spartan training at work, some ponies look on in concern, but you told them not to interfere.
  56. “Use some of that fat ass for buoyancy!” You shout as Pinkie Pie walks beside you
  57. >”Hey Anonymous.” Pinkie says as you turn to see Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Rarity come walking up. “What are you doing here?”
  58. “Just making Discord go through the motions of swim training, it’s better than forcing him to run.” You shrug as Fluttershy looks over
  59. >” he gonna meet you here?” She asks as you look at her,
  60. “What? No he’s right..” You stop when you see nothing but calm water and no sign of the fat fuck anywhere. “Oh my god! If he fucking bailed!” You yell as a dark brown bulge surfaces
  61. >”OH MY GOSH DISCORD DROWNED!!” Pinkie yells as all of you and any nearby ponies rush into the water to help him
  62. >Swimming and dog paddling, Pinkie is the first to reach him, pulling him up..
  63. “What the fuck!? That’s a tree stump!” You yell
  64. >”Canon ball!” Discord yells from the top of you as you look up to see a small black dot that gets progressively bigger with each second.
  65. >Paddling for your life, you do your best to reach the shore; Discord plummets into the water, sending an explosion of water in all directions.
  66. >After it died down, you look on at the aftermath, ponies lodged into trees with their back legs kicking in small spasm, some groaning defeated over rocks that were hundreds of feet away, and somewhere in the world, Rarity ended up on a mountain top.
  67. >Again all eyes are on Discord as he smiles and points to the empty river "You have to admit, that was THE best cannon ball you've ever seen."
  69. >Throwing yourself onto the couch, you toss your arms into the air.
  70. “That’s it, I give up.” You whine “This is hopeless.” You moan as Discord stands behind the couch,
  71. >”You can’t just give up now! After all you told me about sticking it out.”
  72. “We’ve been at this for months, and you haven’t lost a single damn pound.”
  73. >”I don’t know, it’s not like I’m not dieting or anything.”
  74. >Getting off the couch, you mull it over, “Maybe we need to change the diet.” He speaks out,
  75. “To what?”
  76. >”Well who’s the most healthy pony you know, all we gotta do, is find out what they eat, and just mimic that.” He suggests as you consider it.
  77. “I got it.”
  79. >A bucket of apples gets loaded onto a cart packed with even more buckets of Apples as Applejack closes and secures it.
  80. >”Well, I dun eat anythin fancy like dem diets Rarity eats, jus dah simple stuff like apples an water. Real secret to my weight is all dah days I bust my rump here on dah farm.”
  81. “Well that’s BORING, “ Discord wails “You sure there isn’t a secret apple or something you eat to stay thin?” He asks looking around.
  82. >”No sir, just hard work, and eatin right.” She proudly declares before looking over at you, “By the way, Twi is out of the hospital, she’s healed up right nice.”
  83. “Oh really?” You ask in surprise “That’s good I..”
  84. >As the two of you chat it up, Discord stolls around looking for the “secret apple” and stumbles across a zap apple tree, “Hmm.”
  85. >Plucking the gray apple, it surges electricity around his hand and he smiles deviously, biting into it, it shocks him violently before exploding and sending him flying back and onto the cart.
  86. >Pushing it over the hill and becoming a high speed cart of death.
  87. >”Oh my!” Applejack yells running at her fullest to catch the cart, you see her run as fast as she possibly can, and actually cut off the cart from crashing into her barn. Letting out a sigh of relief, the cart explodes for no reason.
  89. >”Yes!” Discords cheers “I got all of you!” He laughs as his body morphs into its original slim shape “Oh I’ve missed you.” He says cuddling his abs
  90. “Did..did you just..what the fuck man!?”
  91. >”Terribly sorry Anonymous, but I don’t gain and loose weight like most of you do, when Celestia broke up with me and after I was humiliated by your friends, my chaos magic had nowhere to go as my spirit was broken. As a result, I gained lots of pent up magic weight, which to you, it looked liked it was cause I was snacking on fatty foods, but really that has no effect on my body.” He smiles before teleporting besides you.
  92. >”You see, the only way I lose weight is to spread my chaos around, and bring misfortune on others. Naturally you wouldn’t agree to that, so when you offered to help me. It gave me an opportunity to loose my weight without you, or anyp0ny else being none the wiser, and chalking the misfortune up to a series of bad coincidences.”
  93. “You horrible bastard.” You whisper “That’s fucked up!”
  94. >”Oh don’t be so dramatic, I AM grateful, and the girls are all fine, just a little worse for wear.” He chuckles as a lightly charcoaled Applejack comes walking up annoyed, “Well, thanks for everything Anon, I will send you my thank you as soon as I can. SO LONG EVERYP0NY!” He yells before teleporting away,
  96. >Several months later, sitting in your living room, a knock on the door gets you up, opening it, Twilight comes trotting in.
  97. “Twilight?”
  98. >”Twilight, Applejack, Fluttershy, I can be whoever you want.” She says before transforming to reveal a changeling, with a wink, it transforms back into Twilight “And you can do whatever you want to me.”
  99. >With a smile, you take the changeling upstairs for a night of calorie burning fun, outside the window, Discord looks on snickering as the two of you go upstairs. “Just wait until he finds out that’s a MALE changeling.”
  102. Big Mac, Blue Balls
  103. >Day love struck in Equestria
  104. >Walking over to Sweet Apple Acres, you clutch the flowers in your hands with anticipation drenching over you. Oh wait, that’s just sweat.
  105. >Reaching the front door, you ring the doorbell, waiting a few minutes, the door swings open, and your greeted by Big Mac.
  106. “Hey Big Mac, umm is Applejack home?” You ask as he looks at the flowers in your hands and raises an eye brow
  107. >”Sure Anon, let me tell her yer here.” He says with his booming voice, practically slamming the door, you wait for the smokin hot southern belle to come down.
  108. >A few minutes pass and nothing, a few more minutes pass, and still nothing, all right, its 10 minutes now and she still hasn’t come out.
  109. >Angry and upset, you give it one last go and knock firmly, a minute later, and the door swings open, revealing Big Mac.
  110. “What’s taking her so long?”
  111. >”Oh shoot, I dun told granny ta tell ya, guess she fergot, Applejack wont be back till Saturday, she’s visitin her cousin over at Appleloosa. Sorry Anon.”
  112. >With a disappointed sigh, you put on your best “I’m all right” face
  113. “Well thanks for letting me know, I’ll uhh, I’ll see her when she gets back.”
  115. >As Big Mac
  116. >Watching Anon become a small invisible dot, you head back inside and go to the kitchen, the backdoor swings open as Applejack comes trotting all sweaty and covered in dirt.
  117. >”Whoo, that was sum day.” She sighs sitting herself at the table “I can’t wait tah see my cousin’s on Saturday, I could use a break from working the fields.” She laughs as you sit next to her
  118. “I’ll miss ya, but I’ll let ya know if anyp0ny comes lookin fer ya, ANY p0ny.” You smile mischievously
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