
PMS 26

Jul 21st, 2010
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  1. <Halifax> [It is STILL the dead of night... Everyone is exhausted from surviving the snow which had lasted until earlier in the night... And then the ungodly howling of some snow creature that you just want to forget about... Everyone is tired... Really tired...]
  2. * HungryWolves howl at the moon...
  3. <[Rut]Allison> Ugh...
  4. * Ellisa shakes her self occassionally to keep awake.
  5. <Ellisa> Aww.. cmon.. dammit!.. I ain't kickin' the bucket in this cold..
  6. * [Rut]Allison can barely keep her eyes open. She prods the roof of the lean-to, as she has been for most of the night. She's snuggled up with the others tightly. If the night's cold had taught her one thing, it was that modesty had little place in these extreme conditions.
  7. <Ellisa> Ya a bit close ain't ya Allison?...
  8. <[Rut]Allison> Haa... this isn't my idea of a vacation, either. Quit moving so much...
  9. <Ellisa> Quiet you.
  10. <[Rut]Allison> --?
  11. * [Rut]Allison looks around.
  12. <[Rut]Allison> That howl just now... it wasn't the stormy winds, that's for sure.
  13. <Ellisa> ...something's here....
  14. * Ellisa pulls out her frozen red rust.
  15. <Ellisa> Keep an eye out...
  16. * HungryWolves howl in the distance from every direction...
  17. * Ellisa nudges Allison.
  18. <Ellisa> Hey.
  19. <[Rut]Allison> ...W-what? I wasn't asleep.
  20. <Ellisa> Stay awake unless you want to die in your sleep. We got company.
  21. <[Rut]Allison> I wasn't snoring, either. That was just a deep breathing technique passed on to me by a Tibetan-- ...
  22. * [Rut]Allison listens.
  23. <[Rut]Allison> ... You're right.
  24. * [Rut]Allison tightens her grip on the stick. She holds it out into the fire. The fingertips of her other hand graze the hem of her boot... Ellisa probably knows, by now: that's where she keeps (one of) her flintlocks.
  25. * Ellisa pays no attention to it as she mas more important matter to attend to like keeping Little Dani alive and warm.
  26. * Ellisa slaps herself a few times before turning to Allison.
  27. <Ellisa> Gonna go check things out, you coming?
  28. <[Rut]Allison> Hmm... shouldn't someone stay at camp? Tend the fire, make sure no little ones get spirited away in the dark of night, hm?
  29. <Ellisa> They're already here.
  30. <Ellisa> If anything they'll be looking for the one with the most noise.
  31. * [Rut]Allison sighs.
  32. <[Rut]Allison> Oh, Ellisa, if you wanted someone to hold your hand, you should have just said so~
  33. * [Rut]Allison stands, dusting some snow from her pants.
  34. * Ellisa cocks an eyebrow at Allison but doesn't pay much to it.
  35. <Ellisa> I'll be glad to hold your hands and make out or whatever but please.. lets get this shit dealt with.
  36. <[Rut]Allison> Oh, boo. You're so boring, sometimes.
  37. * [Rut]Allison draws and checks her elaborately-decorated pistol -- specially loaded to keep the charge in place, of course.
  38. * Ellisa grabs a branch and makes a torch out of it from the nearby campfire(if any) and peers around.
  39. <Ellisa> Brrr!!.. cold cold cold..
  40. * [Rut]Allison does the same.
  41. <Ellisa> Something isn't... right heree...
  42. <[Rut]Allison> What a waste of time. I could be by the fire-- wait.
  43. * [Rut]Allison 's eyes narrow. A rabbit? No, nothing that small made a noise like that. And there were more of them.
  44. <Ellisa> ..H-hey.. cmon.. you lookin' over there's tellin' me somethin' I should know here...
  45. <[Rut]Allison> Shh...
  46. * [Rut]Allison tries to confirm what she saw. Watching Ellisa squirm a just a bit was an added bonus.
  47. * HungryWolves howl much louder now....
  48. <Halifax> [A blurry shape runs across your vision... That's the best it can be described as... Like a unfocused patch of fog... But moving...]
  49. * Ellisa shivers just a bit, not sure if its from the cold or.. those things.
  50. * [Rut]Allison immediately stops moving, save for her hand, which she slowly raises to brandish at the... thing.
  51. <[Rut]Allison> [=-= the hand holding her gun, I mean.]
  52. * Ellisa backs to Allison's back.
  53. <Halifax> [The fog condenses, slowly swirling into the recognizable shape of a large wolf... frothing at the mouth... The growl it emits is audible... It seems unreal as you can see through it.]
  54. <Ellisa> Can't risk getting ambushed.
  55. * Ellisa looks around, sword ready. Steadfast.
  56. * FrozenWolfPhantom stands a distance away from the prey. The rest of the pack circles closer...
  57. <Ellisa> So... wolves this time....
  58. * Ellisa grits her teeth.
  59. * [Rut]Allison takes aim without making any sudden movements. She tries to size her target up, looking to put her lead where it'd hurt the most.
  60. <Ellisa> Hah.. I thought they were ghosts or something...
  61. * [Rut]Allison refrains from making the snide remark in the back of her head. Her danger instincts kick in.
  62. <[Rut]Allison> Careful, Ellisa... they're not normal.
  63. <Ellisa> Are
  64. * Ellisa dashes torwards it and cuts through the one standing near them.
  65. <Ellisa> ... the hell?
  66. * FrozenWolfPhantom rushes forward teeth bared. It jumps at Allison teeth bared.
  67. * [Rut]Allison can't make out any clear anatomical weak points; the wolf isn't even real! She removes the bullet from her gun, instead double-packing it with powder. The tempered steel ought to hold up.
  68. <[Rut]Allison> --Ahh, shit!
  69. <Ellisa> Hey! What did I tell you about not getting ambushed!
  70. * [Rut]Allison fumbles with the powder, dropping an explosive wad. She reflexively ducks to retrieve it, and, catching the monster out of the corner of her eye, kicks off the ground to roll out of the way.
  71. <[Rut]Allison> Gyaah!
  72. <Ellisa> ...not bad...
  73. * [Rut]Allison lands belly up on the ground.
  74. <[Rut]Allison> . o O ( I almost died! )
  75. * [Rut]Allison stands up coolly.
  76. <[Rut]Allison> ... Hmph. Not as quick as he looks, now, is he?
  77. * FrozenWolfPhantom is a bit dazed as it reforms. The others close in.
  78. <Ellisa> Ok... so they're not real wolves... this should be even more fun.
  79. * [Rut]Allison readies her weapon, overpacking it with powder. OK, let's try this again...
  80. * [Rut]Allison whistles as if trying to call a dog.
  81. <[Rut]Allison> Oy, Fido. You forgot your bone.
  82. * [Rut]Allison keeps the gun behind her back...
  83. <Ellisa> that really gonna work?
  84. * [Rut]Allison waits for the right moment before dropping low, unleashing a blast at the monster's neck, point-blank.
  85. * FrozenWolfPhantom vaporizes into... well vapor. And doesn't reform...
  86. <FrozenWolfPhantom> [QUICK SAVE...]
  91. <FrozenWolfPhantom> [On the last episode of PIRATES... Well not really. QUICK SAVE LOAD. And everyone is surround by wispy, white, wolf shapes. And that's terrible...]
  92. <Alataecia> they CAN die after all...
  93. <Ellisa> ...How are you holdin' Allison?
  94. * [Rut]Allison gets back upright. One down...
  95. <[Rut]Allison> Not so tough after all...
  96. * [Rut]Allison over-loads the pistol with gunpowder again.
  97. * Ellisa dashes and cuts down one of the wolves before it attacks back.
  98. <Ellisa> ...somehow.. yours cut them.. but mine can't?... dammit
  99. <[Rut]Allison> Not quite. Mundane steel won't hurt these beasties.
  100. <[Rut]Allison> Got anything else?
  101. <[par]Evone> "I dunt suppose wood wuld be useful?"
  102. <Ellisa> ...this old flintlock pistole...
  103. <[Rut]Allison> I'd hate to make you look -too- useless... Oh, Evone. That'll work.
  104. <Ellisa> Ah.. good to see you here. Make yourself useful unlike me and help us out get rid of these wolvfes.
  105. <[Rut]Allison> That torch'll do you better than a sword.
  106. <Ellisa> ..gah.. shut up!
  107. * [par]Evone holds out the wooden cludgel to Ellisa, "We can both be useful, ye do the swingin'."
  108. * FrozenWolfPhantom moves in and catches a girl off guard...
  109. <Ellisa> !!!
  110. * Ellisa gets gnawed on the arm..
  111. * FrozenWolfPhantom sinks it's fangs into the girl. It leaves behind frost bite, without actually tearing skin. It's just really cold.
  112. * [par]Evone tries to beat it off her
  113. * [Rut]Allison runs up to the one that bit Ellisa before it moves again and goes for another blast!
  114. <Ellisa> ..god damn wolves.
  115. * Ellisa shakes it off.
  116. * FrozenWolfPhantom disappears into mist and reforms a ways away.
  117. * [par]Evone frowns and wonders how she might manage an indirect attack on something surrounding her
  118. <[par]Evone> "I ain't too good at makin' stands..."
  119. <[Rut]Allison> Psh... missed.
  120. * [Rut]Allison reloads.
  121. * Ellisa grabs a hot stick, and leaves her sword near the fire to heat for the time being.
  122. <Ellisa> Evone?.. Allison?
  123. * [Rut]Allison is waiting for her next chance. When it charges...
  124. <[Rut]Allison> ...What?
  125. * FrozenWolfPhantom charges... Along with four others in it's pack...
  126. <[Rut]Allison> N-not good...
  127. * [Rut]Allison had planned to wait until they attacked one of the others, again... but this many...
  128. * Ellisa braces herself for another attack.
  129. <[par]Evone> "Ah shite, I'm not waiting here to die."
  130. * [par]Evone tries to avoid the attack and run for it
  131. <Ellisa> Hey!. where are you going!?
  132. <FrozenWolfPhantom> [Evone escapes to... Well nowhere, since the girls were surrounded. She does a good job of hiding behind a small bush though...]
  133. * Ellisa swings at one... whoa..
  134. * [Rut]Allison reaches into her pouch. Too many of them for a gun. But if fire or heat worked...
  135. * [Rut]Allison throws a pellet at the group. It explodes in a violent flash!
  136. <Ellisa> ...what.
  137. <Ellisa> ...why didn't you use that earlier?
  138. * [Rut]Allison looks at Ellisa's stick.
  139. <[Rut]Allison> ...That's my line~
  140. <Ellisa> ...I'm so gonna wrangle you dry after this....
  141. * Ellisa grits her teeth.
  142. <[Rut]Allison> Now, now. Let me see that arm of yours.
  143. <Ellisa> It's quite fine.. just... really.. cold.
  144. * Ellisa arms is near frozen to the touch, at least the afflicted arm is.
  145. <[Rut]Allison> ... This is...
  146. * [Rut]Allison , for once, actually looks somewhat concerned.
  147. <[Rut]Allison> ... I'll heat some water. Go wait by the fire.
  148. * Ellisa does as she says.. she's too tired to banter now.. the cold is getting to her.
  149. * [Rut]Allison gets a pot from the supplies. She fills it with snow and lets it melt over the fire.
  150. <[Rut]Allison> ... Alright, this should be hot enough. Soak it in this. It'll burn, but don't take it out.
  151. <Ellisa> ...lets get the hell out of here once the sun rises.
  152. <[Rut]Allison> No argument there.
  153. * Ellisa holds out her affecting arm awaiting aid.
  154. * [Rut]Allison places the pot before Ellisa.
  155. <[Rut]Allison> ... Oy, Evone. They're circling around your bush. Don't move, really.
  156. * [Rut]Allison has enough energy to be sarcastic, apparently.
  157. <Ellisa> Do I have to do it myself or are you gonna stay there and look like an idiot?
  158. <[Rut]Allison> Just keep it submerged. You -can- do that much, I hope.
  159. * Ellisa dips it in... she lets out a low growl but eventually gets use to it.
  160. <FrozenWolfPhantom> [End Session.]
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