
Hooman Fwuffy

May 18th, 2012
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  1. >be a lone wolf traveling on your harley, helping people to get rid of fluffy pony problems
  2. >arrive in a town that has spotted an illegal herd of feral fluffy ponies
  3. >reports indicate that the feral fluffy pony herd actually tries to stay out of the way of the human settlement
  4. >but whenever wild animals decimate the herd or food gets scarce, they seek refuge in the town, scavenging for trash, or eating flower beds and raiding small gardens until their numbers become big enough again
  5. >the townfolk have enough of this
  6. >you are asked to help them get rid of the herd of feral fluffy ponies
  7. >search for the great herd, estimated to be at over 200 fluffy ponies, foals included
  8. >find their tracks quickly thanks to your expert wilderness skills
  9. >once you see them, you sneakily approach them with your always reliable fluffy pony mask disguise
  10. >as soon as the first of the fluffy ponies see you, they happily ask “fwuffy iz new fwend?”
  11. >you answer them back in their limited speech, saying that you are a new friend and you want to join them
  12. >but before you can actually finish, you hear a fluffy pony cry as loud as it can
  13. >it yells “Fwuffies! Wun! Meanie Hooman Munsta! Make Ouchies to Fwuffies! Wun!”
  14. >this comes from a blue and beige colored male earth pony
  15. >the herd instantly panics and screams about “Nuuu! Meanie Two-wegged Munstas Make Ouchies!” “No Wanna Ouchies!” “Smawty Fwend! Whad Fwuffies Do?”, before being ordered by that fluffy pony to go to the “safe pwace! huwwy!”
  16. >the fluffy ponies immediately run, respectively waddle to the direction the male earth fluffy pony is showing with one of its front legs
  17. >you just identified the 'smarty friend'
  18. >look around, wondering if some other people are also here
  19. >don't see any
  21. >the fluffy pony herd is meanwhile waddling away, but not at top speed, as there is a group of bloated pregnant fluffy dams with too stubby little legs that cannot touch the ground needing to be helped by attending mares, either pushing them or even rolling them together with the herd, with the foals fearfully crying and huddling the mares
  22. >a rear guard of fluffy ponies is nervously also watching for any signs of humans that the 'smarty friend' warned about
  23. >the fact that these fluffy ponies are ignoring you while attentively trying to spot any intruding humans gives you the assurance that your disguise is holding
  24. >they fearfully babble about “whew meanie munsta?” “gwassy hoof no wike hooman!” “cuty pie no wan ouchies!” “hewp momma fwuffies!”
  25. >while you stand around, searching for any other humans the 'smarty friend' claims to have seen, you are ordered by a male fluffy unicorn to “new fwend! hewp momma fwuffies! giwl fwuffies no can make momma fwuffies go fast! new fwuffy hewp!”
  26. >seeing no other human except yourself here at this place, you shrug with your shoulders and just gently bump a bloated pregnant dam like a ball, repeating this whenever the pregnant dam stops rolling or rolls slightly out of turn
  27. >she vomits and loses control over its bladder, crying fearfully that you are making her “new fwend make fwuffy go too fast! pwease no make go too fast!”
  28. >the pregnant bloated dam you rolled is the closest to the rest of the herd, with the other pregnant dams only slowly gaining up with the help of the attending mares
  29. >the 'smarty friend' stops, looks back, and then suddenly cries again “Nuuu! Meanie Hooman Munsta Fowwow Fwuffies!”
  30. >you and the fluffy ponies all turn your heads to see where the human is the 'smarty friend' is crying about
  31. >there really is no one here but you with your cunning disguise
  33. >you conclude that the 'smarty friend' is probably extremely retarded and is hallucinating
  34. >he might have eaten some mushrooms, you speculate
  35. >the 'smarty friend' just yells “Wook! Wook! Munsta Make Mummie Fwuffy Ouchie! Hewp Mummie Fwuffy!”
  36. >the male earth pony 'smarty friend' is pointing at you
  37. >you are shocked and surprised
  38. >touch your mask to see if it might perhaps be broken, or perhaps you suddenly lost it
  39. >everything's alright with that
  40. >the fluffy ponies are all watching at you
  41. >some then look behind you
  42. >”whew meanie munsta, smawty fwend?” they all ask him
  43. >he points at you again, and says “fwuffies no see? dat hooman! no iz fwuffy! hooman twy wook wike fwuffy! dey make ouchies to fwuffies!”
  44. >he waddles to you, puffing his cheek, and says “go 'way, hooman! fwuffies go 'way too. fwuffies no make oopsies ow take 'way hooman stuff. we good fwuffies. no wan ouchies fwom hoomans, and no give ouchies to hoomans. pwease go 'way. fwuffies behave. no one get ouchies. dad good fo fwuffies an hooman”
  45. >you don't believe it
  46. >there is a fluffy pony who saw through your disguise
  47. >the 'smarty friend' is actually smart enough to see that you're a human, wearing only a fluffy pony mask as a disguise
  48. >the rest of the herd is confused, looking for a human they can't see
  49. >some other fluffy ponies come near the 'smarty friend'
  50. >recognize one of them as the unicorn from before
  51. >'big heawt. whew meanie hoomans? spawkwy no see meanie hooman”, “witwwe-wingie no see meanie hooman”, “huwpwe am scawwed. whew munsta?” “twinku bewwy no wan wun. eggies make ouchies when wun” they ask him
  53. >the 'smarty friend' just points at you the whole time and asks again to the herd 'why no see? dat hooman! you no see hooman twy wook wike fwuffy? hooman pewhaps twy make ouchies to fwuffies. fwuffies must make hooman go 'way! fwuffies bewieve big heawt, wight?”
  54. >”dat no hooman, big heawt. dat new fwuffy. iz new fwend”, the fluffy ponies babble
  55. >except for the 'smarty friend', your disguise is absolutely secure against the herd
  56. >the 'smarty friend' facehooves itself with its stubby marshmallow legs
  57. >”you fwuffies awe stupid fwuffies! dad why big heawt am smawty fwend”, it angrily chirps at them
  58. >”big heawt am smawty fwend. big heawt say fwuffies make hooman twy wook wike fwuffy go 'way. make fake fwuffy go 'way!” it orders to the herd, trying to make the situation clear to them
  59. >the fluffy ponies are all insecure
  60. >”why big heawt say new fwend iz hooman?” “am hungwy” “wan nummies!” “why weggies no wun?” “fwuffies make poopies now?” “fwuffy make peepee now?” they randomly babble at him
  61. >you feel sorry for the 'smarty friend'
  62. >he is the one-eyed king of a horde of blind idiots
  63. >the 'smarty friend' shakes its head after realizing that nofluffy in the herd is believing him
  64. >he then thinks very hard
  65. >while he is thinking, the fluffy pony herd is now restarting their activity they did before their 'smarty friend' made them all run
  66. >they chase each another, run around, swallow some grass, feed their young, hug, play hide in front and close your eyes, empty their bowel contents on the spot, give special hugs, blow raspberries or do all the other stuff fluffy ponies do when in a big herd
  67. >some fluffy ponies also ask you if you want to play with them or give huggies
  68. >you agree, while keeping an eye on the 'smarty friend'
  70. >he also seems to watch you as attentively as is possible for fluffy ponies
  71. >the fluffy ponies all enjoy your presence
  72. >when they play hide and seek, you pretend that you don't see them when they just close their eyes, which makes you the favorite to pick in this game
  73. >when having to chase them, you make extremely slow movements so that they can all get away from you
  74. >you pat them on the head, rub their bellies, and let yourself get hugged at your legs with their filth-caked bodies
  75. >it's quite fortunate that you only use cheap workshoes and pants
  76. >you grab two foals gently and lift them up under your armpits
  77. >they first cry in fear, but then are overjoyed when seeing all the other fluffy ponies being below them
  78. >of course, you do hold them tightly so that they can't fall off
  79. >you are quickly the favorite of the feral fluffy pony herd, be they pregnant dams, small foals, or young mares and stallions
  80. >they ask you why you are that big, from where you are from, if there are other big fluffy ponies like you, if you are hungry and so on
  81. >after a few minutes of really hard thinking, which prooves that the 'smarty friend' must be some kind of unique mutation, he seems to have gotten an idea
  82. >he calls for the attention of the entire herd
  83. >the 'smarty friend' has to try getting their attentions several time, but after a while finally manages it
  84. >he starts with ”dat... fwuffy”, pointing at you, while rolling its eyes
  85. >”no can stay wid fwuffies. no can pway wid fwuffys. too big. fak-eh... fwuffy now go 'way.” he proclaims
  87. >the fluffy ponies all look saddened, some cry and ask “why new fwend no can stay?” “fwuffies hewp fwuffies.” “meanie mustas make fwuffies get big ouchies, no can move.” “big heawt no do dis. no iz good fwuffy when make new fwend go way”
  88. >the 'smarty friend' tries to stomp with his marshmallow-like hooves to show that he really means it
  89. >”you aww stupid fwuffies! big heawt say fake fwuffy.... new fwend go 'way. big heawt am smawty fwend. smawty fwend say sumthin', an fwuffies do wha smawty fwend says. dat awways so!” he commands
  90. >but the fluffy ponies just beg him to let you stay, some even openly defy him by blowing raspberries at him in a spiteful manner
  91. >the 'smarty friend' seems to be visibly upset at the insubordination of the herd
  92. >in anger, he 'runs' to you at maximum waddling speed, and bucks your legs with all his might, the force equaling to a human prodding somebody else
  93. >immediately after that, the 'smarty friend''s expression changes to a face of dread, and he turns around as quickly as fluffy ponies can, shaking visibly and preparing to evade your counter-attack
  94. >you just look down to him
  95. >the 'smarty friend' knows that fluffy ponies have no chance against humans
  96. >“p-p-pwease n-n-no make ouchies to-to-to big-big heawt” he pleads
  97. >you then fake a scream of pain, and hope around as if your leg hurts
  98. >the 'smarty friend' just looks confused
  99. >the rest of the herd cries in horror, shrieking “why big heawt give ouchies to new fwend?” “big heawt iz big meanie no iz good pone!” “no wike big heawt” “big heawt iz meanie pone” “meanie heawt make ouchies no wike”
  101. >immediately, some fluffy ponies gather around you to make the pain go away by hugging your legs
  102. >the 'smarty friend' just looks at you skeptically, mumbling “why hooman twy wook wike fwuffy? why hooman say ouchies if big heawt no can make ouchies to hooman?”
  103. >can't fool him in any way, you now fully recognize
  104. >you thank the fluffy ponies for the hugs, and whimper that the 'smarty friend' is a meanie fluffy pone, and that you don't know why he doesn't like you
  105. >the 'smarty friend' leaves you alone for the rest of the day, doing nothing but watching over you
  106. >your presence in the herd visibly upsets him, but since you have done nothing to harm any fluffy pony, he has to tolerate you
  107. >only his confidants hold to him, telling him to relax by playing hide and seek, eating something or giving some special hugs to some of his favorite mares
  108. >he tries to relief the stress from dealing with you by copulating, but his hamhooved actions from before do not make them too enthusiastic at pleasing him, which only makes him more upset
  109. >nightfall comes, and the fluffy ponies prepare to sleep by bundling together in a big pile of fluff
  110. >the 'smarty friend' orders the fluffy ponies to all “make poopies an peepee now. no make poopies an peepee if fwuffies sweep. no good when no smeww pwetty. no gud fo fwuffy babehs.”
  111. >some of the fluffy ponies seem to have constipation
  112. >“pwease make poopies, poopie pwace”, they beg their own butts
  113. >you tell them that you are going to help them
  114. >pack them and squeeze them lightly until their fecal matter and urine flows
  115. >they squeal and then complain about this method, but then thank you for helping them, and all hug you
  116. >seeing this, the mares then ask you to help “new good fwend. pwease make babehs make poopie an peepee now.”
  118. >you comply
  119. >then, the bloated pregnant fluffy ponies beg you to do that to them
  120. >soon, all fluffy ponies except for a few want you to squeeze them
  121. >you do so
  122. >the fluffy ponies all go happily to sleep
  123. >only you and the 'smarty friend' don't sleep
  124. >he cautiously approaches you and asks “why hooman do dis? you no make ouchies to fwuffies. pway and give huggies to fwuffies. why? whad hooman wan?”
  125. >you say nothing first
  126. >the 'smarty friend' concentrates on you, but the darkness does make him drowsy
  127. >”You know why I am here”, you tell him
  128. >”den hooman make ouchies to fwuffies when fwuffies go sweep?” he fears
  129. >”No! You will hurt the fluffy ponies”, you grimly prophesy
  130. >this statement greatly confuses the 'smarty friend'
  131. >”big heawt nevah make ouchies to fwends. big heawt am smawty fwend. big heawt wesponsibwe. big heawt know hooman no wike many fwuffies wid smawty fwend. hooman make ouchies to fwuffies. big heawt nevah make ouchies”, he defiantly returns
  132. >you take of your fluffy pony mask after all this hour and start cleaning it as well as eating something
  133. >the moment you take of your mask, the 'smarty friend' immediately yells to the fluffy ponies to wake up and see quickly
  134. >the sleeping fluffy ponies wake up, many shivering, but almost none unleashing any filth thanks to your squeezes
  135. >the 'smarty friend' commands the fluffy ponies to all look at you
  136. >you put your mask on without any hurry
  137. >the fluffy ponies all ask their 'smarty friend' why he woke them all up
  138. >he doesn't answer, and just grimmly watches you
  139. >the fluffy ponies all go to sleep, except the 'smarty friend', who by sheer willpower tries to stay awake, ready for the moment you will assault the herd
  141. >you continue cleaning the mask and eating again after the fluffy ponies area all snoozing
  142. >the 'smarty friend' doesn't try to wake up the herd this time, knowing that you can easily fool them again
  143. >quite commendable of that little fluffballs to stay awake so long
  144. >but he can't outlast you, since you can go up to 72 hours without sleep thanks to your extensive training
  145. >listen to your headphone radio and play some games on a handheld console
  146. >the 'smarty friend' is staggering, trying to desperatly keep his eyes open
  147. >the moment he falls down and starts dozing off, you gently poke him in the side to wake him up
  148. >he is confused at you helping him stay awake
  149. >this goes on for the night
  150. >the next morning dawns
  151. >success
  152. >the 'smarty friend''s body is shaking from the lack of sleep
  153. >the rest of the herd wakes up
  154. >they cheer up that it does only smell a little bad, and hug each another
  155. >now the 'smarty friend' tries to catch up on some sleep
  156. >the fluffy ponies all do their daily routine
  158. >most of the 'smarty friend's posse keeps watch for intruders and predators, while the rest of the fluffy ponies babble unintelligibly, blow raspberries, swallow grasses, just run around, play hide in front and close their eyes with you, hug each another, or make special hugs if the urge rises, empty their lower regions of fecal matter and urine, and whatever other stuff fluffy ponies do
  159. >the 'smarty friend' is sleeping soundly
  160. >now is the time, you decide
  161. >you innocently ask the fluffy ponies when the 'smarty friend' will give out the 'nummies'
  162. >the fluffy ponies are confused about “smawty fwend have nummies?” “fwuffy wan nummies” “get nummies fwom smawty fwend?”
  163. >pretend that the 'smarty friend' was munching on something very sweet that he didn't want to share, but you found some
  164. >as 'proof', you put some milled sugar on the ground
  165. >one of the fluffy ponies tentatively gives it a lick
  166. >the moment its tongue touches the sugar, it rolls happily on the ground, being in an overjoyed ecstasy
  167. >it stands up and immediately tries to get some more
  168. >you slightly push the little greedy fluffball away, and let others try it
  169. >the sugar is soon licked up completely away
  170. >many other fluffy ponies want to try what the others are getting, but there isn't enough of it at all
  171. >the fluffy ponies that already had some sugar ask for more
  172. >the other fluffy ponies that didn't get any also beg for it, because the others are begging for it
  173. >tell them that was all you had, and only 'smarty friend' has them
  175. >the fluffy ponies immediately wake up the 'smarty friend', who is very tired, and they say “fwuffies wan nummies!” “smawty fwend. pwease give nummies wike befowe” “wan tasty nummy pwease shawe” “whew nummies?”
  176. >the 'smarty friend' has of course no clue what they are talking about, and he tries to continue to sleep
  177. >the sugary rush in many of the fluffy ponies causes them to be irratic, and they immediately wake up the 'smarty friend' again, demanding to know where the 'nummies' are
  178. >because the 'smarty friend' doesn't know what the fluffy ponies are asking him about, and he wants to sleep, he tells them to leave him alone
  179. >they don't
  180. >he tries to walk away and find another place to sleep
  181. >like a little shoulder devil, you now suggest to the fluffy ponies that the 'smarty friend' is trying to keep all the good stuff for himself, and doesn't want to share at all, that he's going to eat it when nobody sees him
  182. >the fluffy ponies all follow their leader
  183. >he tries to sleep, but the constant pushing and waking up makes him get very annoyed
  184. >whenever it seems that the fluffy ponies might soon lose interest and forget about the sugar, you whip them up by telling them once more that the 'smarty friend' will keep all the 'nummies' for himself and that nofluffy will ever get the sweet-tasting 'nummy' again
  185. >the fluffy ponies all egg on the 'smarty friend' again and again
  186. >he can't sleep anymore after all that commotion
  187. >the fluffy ponies are all eagerly demanding 'nummies'
  188. >”no. fwuffies eat gwassies. nummies in bad pwace. many foxy-munstas an biwdy-mustas dewe”, most likely refering to some berries
  189. >you tell them that the 'smarty friend' is lying, citing it as a proof that that he wants to keep the 'nummies' for himself
  191. >the fluffy ponies are getting whipped up more and more by your suggestion
  192. >the 'smarty friend' realizes only slowly what is happening
  193. >all the fluffy ponies start puffing up their cheeks at him and demand that he gives out the 'nummies'
  194. >”Ow fwuffies make ouchies to meanie smawty fwend” you influence them to say
  195. >”ow fwuffies make ouchies to meanie smawty fwend”, they repeat
  196. >'make ouchies' is repeated again and again
  197. >the 'smarty friend' sees that he must keep the situation under control
  198. >he calls for his trusted confidants, who join him
  199. >they puff up their cheeks, and demand the herd to calm down
  200. >the situation is tense at the point of breaking
  201. >you escalate the situation by simply pushing a fluffy pony forward, who stumbles into another fluffy pony in front of it, who does the same to another fluffy pony, and this one is pushed forward into the face of one of the 'smarty friends' trusted retainers
  202. >fluffy pony civil war starts
  203. >the fluffy ponies nibble, push, stomp, slap with their tiny wings or ram their blunt horns into their opponents, mostly just attacking the fluff
  204. >foals inbetween get stomped by the fluffy ponies pushing each another, their cries for help being unheard
  206. >many fluffy ponies just stumble on their own legs, getting stomped down by everybody
  207. >the 'smarty friend' and his enforcers are outnumbered by more than 10:1
  208. >once a fluffy pony on the side of the 'smarty friend' is surrounded by all sides, the fluffy ponies just jump on its back, or pull all the legs and the tail in every direction, which causes immense pain to the fluffy pony being used as a impromptu tug-of-war rope
  209. >after a minute of constant pulling, the legs or the tail get torn off, and the fluffy pony, if not fortunate to having been killed before, slowly dies a miserable death, unless its weak skull gets stomped by a dozen tiny fluffy hooves
  210. >all the 'loyalists' are soon overwhelmed but for the 'smarty friend' himself
  211. >because of his increased intelligence, he knows to not attack the fluff
  212. >the 'smarty friend' kicks directly into the legs of its enemies to cripple them, and then stomps with its forelegs right into the eyes of the fluffy ponies lying down, blinding them, or even cracking their skulls
  213. >if a fluffy pony manages to bite his tail, he doesn't try to pull it off, but just bucks the offender right into its tiny face
  214. >the 'smarty friend' is a fluffified little death god, murdering fluffy ponies in a senseless bout of violence one by one
  215. >the rush of adrenaline because of the lack of sleep combined with the inherent clumsiness of its foes quickly let it mount a pile of fluffy corpses
  216. >soon, only few of the insurrecting fluffy ponies remain
  217. >they try to flee, but you simply block of their way, letting the enraged and now mindless 'smarty friend' massacre the last stragglers involved in the slaughter
  218. >the 'smarty friend' is ready to attack you, when a sense of self-preservation kicks in
  220. >the adrenaline rush now goes away, and the 'smarty friend' looks around what happened
  221. >it is a fluffy carnage
  222. >only the bloated pregnant dams that can't move on their own remain together with the 'smarty friend'
  223. >the foals lie crushed down
  224. >many mares are now partly mud
  225. >stallions are unable to move with crushed legs
  226. >those still alive can only moan
  227. >the 'smarty friend' cries and drops to the ground
  228. >”Nuuuuu! Why Dis Happen? Why Dis Happen?”, it cries out with all its might
  229. >the strain of the battle with the heightened adrenaline rush and the fluffy testosterone he received is too much for his body
  230. >his heart starts to slow down
  231. >all his muscles feel heavy to him
  232. >”you... you... make.. big... heawt... make... ouchies... to... fwends...” it sobs
  233. >nod
  234. >”big... heawt... ne-... ne-...vah... wan-... ted... to... to... be... fwuf-...fie... po... ne...” are the last words that come out from his mouth
  235. >his body stops moving forever
  237. >the bloated pregnant fluffy mares are all wondering what is happening
  238. >they have no idea what the big yelling that all the other fluffy ponies made was about, but they want to be a part of it
  239. >suddenly, something rustles the grass they are in
  240. >it is the face of a fox
  241. >the immobile balls of fluff shriek for help as loud as they can
  242. >no help arrives for them
  243. >only other predators, like crows, ravens, badgers, weasel, attracted by the smell of fluffy pony blood and the sheepish cries of the pregnant mares
  244. >soon, all corpses are assailed by predators, and the bloated fluffy ponies are eaten alive, the wild animals feasting upon the fluffy dams and the fluffy foals that were still gestating inside of them
  245. >you leave the place with but one thing
  246. >you look extremely cool with your shades and the toothpick in your mouth
  247. >traveling towards the sunset on your harley
  248. >behind you, a fine trail of ash is blown away by the draft from a small urn you have opened
  249. >it is the cremated remains of a great fluffy pony leader that the fluffy ponies were given, but didn't prove worthy of having
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