
[Cancelled] (FR) A Test of Faith - Part 1

Sep 15th, 2013
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  1. >Wake up.
  2. >Darkness is all around you.
  3. >You feel long wet grass on the palm of your hands, as you lie down.
  4. >Slowly coming to your feet, you find yourself standing in the middle of a dark forest.
  5. "Hello?"
  6. >Walking through the forest would be pointless.
  7. >You can't see the stars to get your bearings, and you aren't sure how far away you are from your parish.
  8. >You are Anon.
  9. >Resident priest of a small church in a small town.
  10. "Is anyone there?"
  11. >You hear something move in the darkness.
  12. >Attempting to focus your eyes on the noise, you see a form emerging from the darkness.
  13. "Hello? I'm Fr. Anon. Do you know which way I have to go into town?"
  14. >The form comes closer, appearing to be some form of horse.
  15. >Upon closer inspection, a zebra.
  16. "Oh. Ok. I had to admit you had me nervous."
  17. >"I did not mean to give a scare. But, what sort of creature has such hair?"
  18. >Did that zebra just talk?
  19. >Is God testing you?
  20. >Zebras don't talk.
  21. "I'm... sorry? Did you just talk?"
  22. >"Of course I am an animal that can talk. I have a good feeling we should walk."
  23. >This zebra talks.
  24. >You must be dreaming.
  25. >Conversing with the zebra is truly otherworldly.
  26. >Everything she says is in the form of rhyme.
  27. >She slowly leads you out of the forest, and you see a small town on the horizon.
  28. >It doesn't look like home, but if this is a dream, you can hardily assume anything.
  29. >The sun begins to slowly rise over the horizon as you enter the foreign town.
  30. >Everything seems to be just a few sizes too small for humans.
  31. "What a curious place..."
  32. >You sit on a bench in, what appears to be, the center of town.
  33. >Several more horse creatures begin to venture out of the buildings in town.
  34. >The correct term is probably equestrian.
  35. >What a weird dream.
  36. "Hey! Could somebody help me?"
  37. >One of the ponies turn to look at you.
  38. >They stop in the middle of their tracks, and stare at you.
  39. >Slowly, more of the creatures stop to stare at you.
  40. "Uh. Hi. I'm Father Anon... Could someone show me to the leader? Or maybe the church?"
  41. >The ponies whisper among themselves.
  42. >"What is that thing?"
  43. >"It can talk."
  44. >"Maybe we should go get Twilight."
  45. >You stand up slowly.
  46. >They admire your height in awe.
  47. >An orange pony with blonde hair begins to slowly trot up to you.
  48. >"Hiya, my name is Applejack. I've never seen a creature like you before... Kinda like a monkey."
  49. >A small groan escapes your lips.
  50. "I can assure you that the human race has zero relation to monkeys."
  51. >She looks you over.
  52. >"Hmm. Funny. Whelp. I'm gonna take you to mah friend Twilight. I think she may be able to help ya out."
  53. "Thank you Applejack. God bless you."
  54. >She looks at you funny.
  55. >"Uh huh. I've never heard that before. Just follow me, we'll be there in a jiffy."
  56. >Many more stares find your way as you follow the small horse towards a large tree.
  57. >When will this weird dream end?
  58. >Applejack knocks on the door of the large tree.
  59. >A purple horse answers the door, and looks up wide eyed at you.
  60. "Hi. I'm father Anon."
  61. >"Hi... my name is... Twilight Sparkle."
  62. "I'm... trying to find my way home. Where am I?"
  63. >She looks at you inquisitively.
  64. >"This is Ponyville, in the country of Equestria."
  65. "Equestria... I've never heard of that country on Earth."
  66. >She examines you carefully.
  67. "You... do know what Earth is... right?"
  68. >She shakes her head.
  69. >This doesn't feel like a dream anymore.
  70. >This is beginning to feel like a nightmare. God help you.
  71. >"I have a feeling that we should take you to the ruler of Equestria."
  72. "Why would you do that? Doesn't that seem to be a bit extreme?"
  73. >"Well, we've never had something like this happen before, and I am a student of the princess."
  74. "Princess?"
  75. >"Princess Celestia. The goddess of the sun."
  76. >Oh no.
  77. >These ponies are heathens.
  78. >God help them.
  79. "Do you think she may know how I can get to Earth?"
  80. >"If anyone will know... it's her."
  81. "Fair enough."
  82. >You will have to tolerate their practices of worship for now.
  83. >Getting back home is the first priority.
  84. "Take me to meet this... Celestia."
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