
Ruined Parts

Dec 23rd, 2012
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  1. Ruined Parts
  3. Celestia breathed hard as she felt the sheer weight of him pressing upon her. Try as she might, her efforts at igniting her horn and calling down a defensive casting were fruitless. Her once-loyal unicorns had made sure of that with their dampening barrier.
  4. How long had it been? How long since she'd last known the touch of a stallion? How long had it been since she'd known fear?
  5. She couldn't remember in that moment. All she could think about, all she could smell and feel was his musk and the groping sensation of hooves around her hindquarters. A sharp pain rang out suddenly, starting between her legs and ringing out through her lower body and into the pit of her stomach. "The first of many," she thought sadly.
  6. He mounted her with force. Shoving himself deeper with every thrust; he made sure that it hurt. "This isn't even about pleasure," she thought, her mind desperate for a distraction as he continued to drive himself inside of her as hard as he could. "It's about pain. My pain."
  7. Her idea of their intent was affirmed more with every excruciating buck of his hips. But it wasn't long until he was done. He came loudly, gripping her tightly around her chest as he gave her his load of hot seed. He withdrew his dick, and smacked her across the back of her head with his hoof.
  8. "Next up." he said, suddenly disinterested.
  9. And one by one they all took their turn. Each shift, earth ponies held her down whilst the unicorns subjugated her magic.
  10. -----
  11. Without relent, the Royal Guard filled Celestia with their seed as she lay there, helpless and forlorn. Her tight, well-kempt marehood had already been torn wide open by the repeated intrusions and she was openly bleeding. But it did nothing to stop them.
  12. "Sister, where are you...?" she wondered silently as they continued to violate her.
  13. But after the sixth or seventh stallion had indulged himself in taking her body, she no longer bothered wishing for Luna to come and stop them. It no longer seemed worthwhile to think that someone would save her. She just wished for them to grow tired of her so that it could be over.
  14. The torture soon escalated. They began to beat her brutally as she received the next participant in line. Her body quickly began to ache fiercely from the abuse, and without her magic to regenerate the damaged tissue and mend broken bones, she wasn't sure how much longer her shell would survive.
  15. "Stop." a girlish voice called as the doors to the chamber creaked open.
  16. The rutting, the horrible beatings, it all came to a brisk halt. Celestia's relief was immeasurable. This nascent voice; it was, in that moment, her savior.
  17. "Everyone out. NOW." the voice called as the hum of magic grew deafening. She felt the beat of many hooves pounding swiftly away from her, and wondered at this new occurrence.
  18. "Princess, it's me. Twilight Sparkle."
  19. -----
  20. Celestia smiled serenely, for she knew her plight to be over. She tried to stand, slowly. As she clambered to her hooves, horn beginning to spark only barely as she recovered, she said, "Twilight... thank you so much for coming to my aid. I am eternally grateful to you-"
  21. "Shut up." Twilight's horn crackled as a weight, tremendous, slammed down upon Celestia. She was forced to the floor with a sickening crunch. "Now then. I hope the guards warmed you up for me, Princess."
  22. "Y... You... told them to do this to... me?" Celestia asked, voice wavering. Her bladder voided into the floor silently as her face contorted in pain.
  23. "Yes. But it's nothing compared to what I've planned. Do you remember? When I was a young filly, and my only dream was to come study with you? So I could grow up one day to be a sorceress?" Twilight asked calmly as she knelt down and stroked Celestia's mane. "Do you... remember the things you made me do? The things you forced upon me. The parts of you I was made to partake in, the very parts of you which are torn, bleeding, maybe ruined now. At least, I hope they are ruined. Because I won't ever close my eyes for the rest of my life without thinking of that. What you made me do with you when I was a little filly."
  24. The white alicorn nodded slowly as she closed her eyes. "I remember." she said softly.
  25. "Good." Twilight said with conviction as she stood and pulled her hoof away from Celestia's mane. "I'm glad you do. I hope you recall every single second of it while I ruin you. Same as you ruined me. Only this'll hurt much worse."
  26. Her horn came alight, a searing beacon in the dim room. As Celestia's insides began to superheat, she screamed. For the first time in as long as she could remember, she screamed.
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