
Die for some Pie

Nov 4th, 2013
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  1. >Day FUNeral in Equestria, be Anon and looking over the casket of your dear friend Pinkie Pie.
  2. >Holding three balloons in the colors of her cutie mark, you hold on to them and walk to the side.
  3. >Looking back, you see the line stretching past the door. It was no surprise the most friendly, and cheerful pony in Equestria would draw a crowd.
  4. >Sitting down by her, you wait patiently as pony, after pony shows up to pay their respect. Even Gilda showed up to say she was sorry. You assured her Pinkie would have accepted it.
  5. >With everyone but you, and the elements left, Twilight closes the casket, and dries her tears, "Are..are you sure you got this?"
  6. "Yeah. I'll wrap this all up on my own."
  7. >The girls say their final goodbyes before leaving for the door. With them gone, you pick yourself up, walk over to the side, and tie off the balloons onto the handle.
  8. >Sitting back down, you reach into your pocket, and pull out a jar of think sap. Unscrewing it, you take a deep breath, and look over at the coffin.
  9. "Cheers."
  10. >Knocking it back, you down every drop you can before you begin to cough, and gag violently.
  11. >Your body knew what to do with what your brain chose to ignore, and begins to try and purge itself of the toxic concoction.
  12. >Blinding pain, compressed lungs, and shivers. Those were all you felt as your body begin to fail, and sight slowly vanish.
  13. >Before you knew it, you were in total blackness. It was cold, it was barren, and it was dry.
  14. >The chilling winds cut into your bare flesh as you huddles up for what warmth you could find.
  15. "Pinkie! Pinkie!"
  16. >Your voice echos, and rings, but no voice calls out to you. With each passing second you feel your body become stiff as its color begins to fade.
  17. >Constantly you call out for Pinkie, but hear nothing. Before you know it, you can barely walk, and stagger forward.
  18. >Falling onto your knees, you hold on for dear afterlife as you feel a second end approaching.
  19. >Its then, a light can be seen in the distance.
  21. >It could have been anything, heaven, hell, or more of this purgatory you’ve been in. Still, it was better than staying in this frozen wasteland.
  22. >Forcing yourself up, you feel pain jolt through your body as the skin gets torn off by the frozen floor. Hot blood pours down your leg as you run, but you use any feeling you can to drive forward.
  23. >The light takes what feels like ages, but it begins to grow bigger. Final at the brightest hue, you rush into it. Instantly you can feel a calming warmth, everything from the soft ground, to the welcoming warm breeze.
  24. >Like a conscious blanket that comforted your naked, cold body, it wraps around you and brings your shiver to a halt.
  25. >Rubbing your hands together, you spread the warmth to any part you can as you look around. Its then you hear the sound of clinking rocks, not far off, you see Pinkie Pie stacking rocks.
  26. >Her mane is flat, and straight, her smile, gone, and she does not acknowledge you.
  27. “Pinkie!”
  28. >She looks over, opens her mouth as though to speak, but closes it for a moment. Smiling weakly, she looks down at the ground, “Hey Anon, welcome to the after party, get it?”
  29. >Maintaining looking away, she tries to wipe away her tears without you noticing, but fails. You rush over, hug her as tight as you could, and cry as well.
  30. “Oh Pinkie, I love you so much.”
  31. >Pinkie hugs you back, but is trembling while digging her hooves into your back. Breaking away, she sits while looking at her rock pillars. There were quite a few already, almost 100 lined up at different locations.
  32. “What is all this?”
  33. >”They were supposed to be tables, but the shape isn’t very stable.”
  34. “No, I mean, what is all this? Are we in heaven?”
  35. >She shrugs and fiddles with a rock, “I don’t know, I was expecting to at least see Grandma, but she isn’t here either.”
  37. >You sit by her, and honestly don’t know what to do. Even when she was sad or angry, she would always say something to you, but this was different.
  38. >It was like she didn’t want to talk to you. For days it goes on like this, Pinkie makes only the bare minimum effort of talking with you, and she neither smiles, nor sings.
  39. >You don’t know why, but you think she’s mad at you. Not wanting to spend eternity pretending there is no problem, you decide to confront her.
  40. “Pinkie, are you mad at me?”
  41. >She looks up at you hurt, like you had just insulted her with the deepest of cuts. Looking to the side, she picks up a rock and plays with it, “You know, when I got here, I thought I was being punished for something I did.”
  42. “Why? You’re like the least likely to go to hell, Rainbow on the other hand..”
  43. >It was small, but she did smile before being gloomy again, “Anon, I’m not as good a pony as you think. I’m selfish, greedy, and at times, a bit evil.”
  44. “Tsk.”
  45. >”You know I could see everything right?”
  46. “…”
  47. >”You did a great job making my funeral fun Anon, I’m happy you remembered what I wanted. But it’s what you did after everyp0ny was gone,”
  48. “Pinkie, I..”
  49. >”No, I have to say this, I’m not gonna pretend anymore.” Waiting a second, she continues, “When I saw you pull that jar out, I was screaming, yelling, praying that you would hear me, I was telling you to stop. But…but deep down, I was yelling something else. A voice that only I could hear was saying, “Please, let him drink it. Don’t let me be alone here anymore.””
  50. “…”
  51. >”I don’t know who I was trying to fool, my inner voice was right, I hate it here, and I hate these rocks. These rocks ARE my punishment, for not wanting to die alone.” She lays the rock down, and exhales as though a weight was lifted from her chest, “Haha, see? I told you I wasn’t a good pony, what kind of good pony wants her friends to die?”
  53. >Shaken, you take a moment to gather your thoughts, inhaling; you get up, walk over to her, and sit down.
  54. “When you died, I didn’t want to live anymore. I just wanted to see you again, and laugh with you like before. I don’t care if you wanted me dead, I mean, it’s not the most normal thing to hear from somebody, but this is coming from the guy who killed himself. Who gives a shit right? Neither of us are normal, but we’re still good people in other ways.”
  55. >”…So, you’re not mad at me for wanting you to die?”
  56. “Only if you’re not mad at me for killing myself.”
  57. >”I guess we’re both selfish huh?”
  58. “You a little more than me.”
  59. >Pinkie smiles, and looks back down at the ground.
  60. “There’s a smile.”
  61. >”Now that you’re here Anon, there’s a reason."
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