
Anon x Gloom Wing pt. 5

Feb 27th, 2013
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  1. >Day ‘It runs in the family’ in Equestria.
  2. >After you and Gloom Wing had your fill of doughnuts, you decided to take a walk through the castle gardens while she told you about her parents.
  3. >Crazy is, in fact, genetic.
  4. >”My mom, Ambrosia, is an bat pony. She has a gorgeous red mane and black coat. I think she’ll really like you! Though, uhm, she’s kind of...”
  5. “...Kind of what?”
  6. >”Well... embarrassing. I hate to say that about my mom but... it’s true.”
  7. >Grinning, you nudge Gloom Wing.
  8. “Wow, really? Am I going to hear all of your dirty secrets?”
  9. >Gloom Wing lets out a loud, long sigh, her ears drooping in defeat.
  10. >”Most likely... ugh, anyway, my dad, Umbrage, is an unicorn. He has gold eyes like me, a gray mane, and white coat.”
  11. >You scratch at your chin, lost in thought for a moment.
  12. “Sounds like a scientist, or something.”
  13. >Gloom Wing turns and gives you a surprised look.
  14. >”How did you guess?”
  15. >Reaching down you ruffle her mane lightly and letting out a laugh.
  16. “Well, the description reminded me of a character from a famous movie back home, is all. So just a lucky guess.”
  17. >Gloom Wing nods, satisfied with your answer, before sitting down, letting out a deep breathe.
  18. >”Anon, I’m nervous about introducing you to my parents.”
  19. >Stopping, you sit down and fold your legs underneath you. Reaching over, you grab Gloom Wing, pulling her into a hug.
  20. “Gloomie... I promise, it will be fine. It’s not like they don’t know I’m human.”
  21. >Gloom Wing suddenly stiffens, her wings shooting out and whacking you in the face as they spread in her newfound panic.
  22. >You take a deep breath, ignore the stinging feeling on your cheek, and breathe out.
  23. “Gloomie, they know you’re not dating a pony, right?”
  24. >She slowly starts turning her head towards you, offering a nervous smile and shifty eyes.
  25. >”I may have... forgot... to mention that tiny, itty-bitty detail...”
  26. >You let out a loud groan and flop onto your back, rubbing your eyes with your hands.
  27. “Really? They don’t know their daughter is more or less dating an alien? I’m sure this could be worse, but I’m not sure how.”
  28. >A hoof slides across your chest as Gloom Wing gets up on your chest and stomach, laying comfortably on top of you. She rests her head over her hooves and looks down at you, a small, hopeful smile tugging on her lips. Her wings fold to her sides and she lets out a relaxing sigh.
  29. >”You said it would be fine Anon, and I believe you... but, you’re right. My parents are probably going to be a bit... uhm... apprehensive?”
  30. >Spreading your fingers, you eye her from between them, a smile growing on your face.
  31. “Since when were you so calm, Gloomie? I thought you’d be panicking more than this.”
  32. >She lets out a giggle and blows you a raspberry, blushing lightly before wrapping her wings over your sides and cuddling into you.
  33. >”You said everything would be fine and I believe you, even if I am a bit nervous about the whole... different species thing.”
  34. >You drape an arm over her, hugging her, before nodding.
  35. “Yeah, that will probably be the hardest part to deal with, but we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it. For now, let’s go to the gate and wait for them, I guess.”
  36. >Gloom Wing nods and slides off your chest, allowing you to get up yourself. With a grunt, you return to your feet and walk with Gloom Wing to the entrance.
  37. >As you approach, you hear the guards addressing someone out front, and you know it’s already time to meet the parents.
  38. >With a sigh, you reach down and run your fingers through her mane and offer her a smile. With that you swallow the lump in your throat and go to meet them.
  39. >Gloom Wing runs ahead of you to greet her parents. Hearing the portcullis raise, you resign yourself to the upcoming shit storm.
  40. >The sound of hooves pulls you from your musing and you get your first look at Gloom Wing’s parents.
  41. >Ambrosia’s mane color is not the only gorgeous thing about her. She walks with a natural grace, her black coat shining in the starlight with her deep scarlet mane framing her face in bouncy curls.
  42. >You’d think she was a obsidian statue if she wasn't licking her hoof and rubbing it over Gloom Wing’s mane, trying to tame it.
  43. >Walking to the side of the two squabbling mares must be her father. His steps are animated and full of energy, a grin plastered onto his face.
  44. >He walks steadily towards you, an excited expression on his face and his eyes wide open, as if entranced.
  45. >You’re positive that he is the pony version of a mad scientist.
  46. >Swallowing your nervousness, you smile and approach the trio.
  47. “Hello, you must be Umbrage and Ambrosia. I’m Anon, Gloomie’s boyfriend. It’s a pleasure to meet you both.”
  48. >Umbrage stops and looks you over slowly, his face not so much as twitching. Right as you were getting ready to turn and run you feel two legs wrap around you.
  49. >”Ooh! You’re Anon, then? I’m so happy my little baby Gloomie got herself a nice coltfriend to take care of her!”
  50. >Your mouth drops. She just hugged you without even batting an eyelash. You’re an alien!
  51. >Umbrage continues to slowly look you over, examining you with hungry eyes. A shiver runs down your spine, you’ve never felt so... exposed!
  52. >Ambrosia looks between you and her husband a few times, opening her mouth then closing it, instead just shaking her head.
  53. >”We should be off; we’ve made reservations at a restaurant and I’d prefer not to be late.”
  54. >Your eyebrows raise. Doesn’t anyone else notice how Umbrage is looking at you?
  55. >Umbrage barely narrows his eyes at you before turning and walking back towards the gate, Ambrosia following close behind. Gloom Wing stands by you, the same shocked expression on her face.
  56. >”...Did they just?”
  57. “I guess?”
  58. >Ambrosia looks over her shoulder and raises a hoof, giggling into it before beckoning both of you.
  59. >”Well, come on you two! You can’t keep Gloomie to yourself tonight, Anon! I want to catch up with my little girl!”
  60. >Snapping your mouth shut, you turn to Gloom Wing, giving her an incredulous look. She simply shrugs her wings, shakes her head, and trots off to catch up to her parents.
  61. >Without another choice, you follow them down into Canterlot.
  62. >As you all walk to your destination, you see Umbrage occasionally shooting you strange looks while Gloom Wing and Ambrosia chat among themselves.
  63. >You tried to pay attention to what they were talking about, but you could feel Umbrage’s gaze on you the entire time.
  64. >It’s time to start a conversation. Him just ogling you is too weird.
  65. “So, Umrage. What do you do? I work as a part of the royal guard, myself.”
  66. >He turns to you and clears his throat, a large grin on his face.
  67. >”I’m a zoologist. I study unique and exotic... beings”
  68. >Giving you a large, hopeful grin he begins to lean in.
  69. >”And by the way, I have never seen anything like you...”
  70. >Nope. This is too weird. Taking a step closer to Gloom Wing, you give him a forced smile.
  71. “Ah, well, I imagine. As far as I know I’m the only human in all of Equestria.”
  72. >Umbrage stumbles and then gives you a wide-eyed stare, his face fluctuating between sympathy and intrigue.
  73. >”You’re endangered?! I’m so sorry to hear that.”
  74. >You let out a long sigh, running a hand through your hair, you nod.
  75. “Yeah, I suppose you could say that... What about your wife, Ambrosia?”
  76. >Umbrage belts out a laugh, shaking his head, turning his gaze to his wife and smiling proudly.
  77. >”Would you believe that she’s a diplomat? She travels all over the world for the good of Equestria. She’s talked with the minotaur tribes, the griffon thanes, and even the zebra empire.”
  78. >You give a low whistle, impressed. Turning your head, you give Ambrosia another look and your attention. She’s lifting up one of Gloomie’s wings and examining the underside.
  79. >Gloom Wing, for her part, is fidgeting, trying to keep her wings steady and blushing madly, looking at you pleadingly.
  80. >”You’ve been washing under them, right dear? You don’t want something on your wings. Why, think of what your c0ltfriend would think when you’re being intimate!”
  81. >You see Gloom Wing’s eyes widen as she’s staring at you, the blood draining from her face.
  82. >Quickly, you bite down on your lip and hold back the laugh, your eyes closing and shoulders shaking. Tonight is going to be a good night.
  83. >Her wings snap down on Ambrosia, causing the mare to yelp as Gloom Wing whips both of them around, away from you.
  84. >A pair of bat wings ward both you and Umbrage away as they are having their little ‘mother daughter’ talk.
  85. >Calming yourself, you turn back to Umbrage, wiping your eyes and clear your throat.
  86. >He gives you a crooked smile and then sighs, bringing a hoof up and rubbing between his eyes.
  87. >”Not all cultures are as... reserved... as ours about certain things. I’m sure you understand, with her being a diplomat for so long.”
  88. “Of course. So, is that why you are both so calm about Gloomie dating me?”
  89. >Umbrage lets out a sigh and turns back to watch his wife and daughter quietly squabble.
  90. >”You make my daughter happy. That’s all I really need. We’ve both been around enough to not be so scared of different ponies.”
  91. >You nod at him, clearing your throat once more. A smile covers your face as you wait for the little huddle between Gloom Wing and Ambrosia to break.
  92. “That’s actually... really nice to hear. Gloomie is one of the only people who decided to become my friend, even though I’m an alien here. She really is a good filly”
  93. >Umbrage gives you a small smile and nods, turning his eyes back to his family as they break apart, Gloom Wing looking relieved, while her mother looked downtrodden.
  94. >Ambrosia flaps her wings and floats up to your chest and hugs you over your shoulders, her eyes holding unshed tears.
  95. >”I didn’t know you were all alone and without a family Anonymous! But it’s okay, I’m sure you and my little Gloomie can have lots of foals once you’re married.”
  96. >Over the sound of her sympathetic sniffles on your shoulder, you can hear Gloom Wing choking in the background.
  98. >You are Gloom Wing and it’s happening!
  99. >Your parents were really nice. They were tolerant, generous, and loved you wholeheartedly.
  100. >Sadly, they are also embarrassing to an amazing degree.
  101. >Oh yes, it was astounding really. Now, after only been dating Anon for a few days, your mom went and blurted out the two big ‘no-no’s’
  102. >Marriage and foals.
  103. >You never should have told your mom about Anon’s situation, but you didn’t have a choice.
  104. >When you had told her that you and Anon have yet to be “intimate,” she didn’t get relaxed. No, she got indignant! “What, is my Gloomie not good enough for him? I’m going to give him a piece of my mind...”
  105. >To stop her from embarrassing you even more, you told her why he wasn’t making advances, about how he was torn from his world without a way home, and what it was like there.
  106. >At the end of your quick story she was all teary-eyed and promised to be nice to him.
  107. >Then she trotted up to him, gave him a hug, and caused your heart to seize.
  108. >She flutters down from Anon’s chest and looks up at him, smiling and wipes a tear from her eye with a hoof.
  109. >”Let’s get to our reservations. I think we’ve spent enough time in the middle of the street. I’m sorry again Anon, you must be so lonely.”
  110. >Anon just stares at her with a mix of shock, thanks, embarrassment, and disbelief.
  111. >It would be really funny if it wasn’t a mirror of your face.
  112. >You quickly look to your dad, who is trying his best to blend into the stone around him. He notices your look and gives you a sheepish grin. You just continually flick your eyes towards Mom.
  113. >He gets the hint and walks to Mom, throwing a foreleg over her and kissing her gently.
  114. >”Hey, me and Ambrosia here are going to go ahead and make sure we get our table! You two can catch up in just a little bit, right? Come on dear, let’s go.”
  115. >Dad more or less drags Mom away, who is waving back towards you and Anon before turning to you and giving you a wink.
  116. >Judging by the sound of rushing air from beside you, Anon saw the wink too.
  117. >As your mom and dad disappear behind a street corner, you turn and look up to Anon.
  118. >You can already feel your blush rushing to your face. It doesn’t help that your stomach is doing flips right now.
  119. >Damn it Mom.
  120. “Uhh... hehehe... s-sorry about my mom. I told you she is kind of embarrassing.”
  121. >Anon takes a deep breath and nods, bringing a hand up to rub his eyes.
  122. >”I know, I just thought she’d only embarass you, not me too.”
  123. >Your wings twitch in agitation and you glare up at Anon.
  124. “H-hey! That’s not fair!”
  125. >Anon lets out a small chuckle and reaches down, scratching at your ear gently.
  126. >”You’re right... it’s just being reminded that I’m the only human here so bluntly...”
  127. >He lets out a sigh before giving you a small smile and brushing off his shoulders.
  128. >”Still, I’m not mad at them, or you. It just hurt, but it’s not their fault or yours.”
  129. >Your heart feels like it’s being squeezed.
  130. >Tightening your wings against your side, you take a deep breath then get on your hind hooves, wrapping your forelegs around his midsection.
  131. “I’m sorry Anon, but... I’ll always be here for you, I promise.”
  132. >Anon smiles and kneels down, wrapping his arms back around you. His body relaxes against yours, the tension leaving his body.
  133. >”Thanks, Gloomie... really.”
  134. >Leaning back, you tilt your head back to look him in the eye, offering the most sincere smile you can, squeezing him the best you can with your forelegs.
  135. “Well, we should go catch up.”
  136. >Smiling, he nods and begins to lift you off the ground, tucking you against his chest and walking off.
  137. >”You’re right. Let’s go and enjoy a night out together.”
  138. >You laugh and press back into Anon, feeling quite cozy in his arms. You decide to close your eyes and rest your head on him, listening to his heartbeat.
  139. >After a few minutes, you feel Anon stop and jostle you lightly.
  140. >”Hey Gloomie, I think we’re here.”
  141. >Opening your eyes you nod, and flick your wings once or twice, waking from your doze before hopping out of his arms to the ground.
  142. >You turn and give Anon a small smile before he walks into the restaurant by your side.
  143. >As both of you enter, a stallion wearing a fine suit and standing behind a podium looks up and smiles before approaching you, keeping perfect composure even in front of Anonymous.
  144. >”Ah, we were expecting you both. Come, I’ll lead you both to your table. The rest of your party is here and has already ordered an appetizer.”
  145. >Following the host through the building, you are quickly brought to your table and seated. Two tall glasses sit in the middle, sitting beside a pitcher filled with ice water. The other two are already with your mom and dad.
  146. >”Gloomie, Anon! Good timing, our appetizer should be arriving soon. Umbrage ordered something he thinks we can all eat, since you’re not a pony, Anon.”
  147. >You wince, shifting your eyes to the side and looking at him. He lets out a small sigh and nods, smiling.
  148. >”That sounds fine, thank you.”
  149. >You decide to lead the conversation. If you let Mom take the reigns you know it will only end in disaster.
  150. “So Mom, how have your travels been? Pick up any good souvenirs?”
  151. >Ambrosia turns to you, rolling her eyes and nodding before taking a sip of her drink.
  152. >”Oh, I just got back from the griffon kingdoms. We’ve been in and out of there far more often than normal, though. They always have something rustling their feathers.”
  153. >Anon nods and leans forward slightly, curiosity on his face.
  154. >”Really? What’s causing so much trouble over there?”
  155. >Ambrosia sighs loudly and leans back in her seat, a tired look gracing her face as she drones out her answer.
  156. >“A griffon is causing trouble by raiding anything he or she can. Stealing indiscriminately from ponies, griffons or otherwise, and he or she is doing it well. No pony’s even seen him or her, just a few black feathers left behind.”
  157. “Not even a single witness?”
  158. >Anon nods at you and brings a hand to his chin, lost in thought.
  159. >”Yeah, that’s hard to swallow...”
  160. >Ambrosia sighs and nods, tapping a hoof on her table repeatedly.
  161. >”We’re lucky to know that much. The only reason we do is that Umbrage here was with me and could identify the feathers as a griffon’s.”
  162. >Umbrage nods and levitates the glass of water to his lips, taking a long drink.
  163. >”It really is troublesome. I’ve been looking at his thefts and they are moving, getting closer to Equestria. He’s moving through ‘thoroughly hunted’ territory like an animal.”
  164. >Ambrosia nods and looks off to the side of the table, a small smile pulling her lips up.
  165. >”Enough talk about that, though. It looks like the food is starting to arrive. Let’s eat.”
  166. >You’re starving, so you’re not going to argue. The appetizers arrive and you all place your orders. The waiter jots them down quickly and trots off, leaving you to enjoy the appetizer.
  167. >By the time you finish the appetizers, the food is already being brought out. Your dad just ordered a simple salad, while you and your mom both got a mixed fruit parfait. Anon got a big plate of spaghetti, a ghost of a smile tugging on his lips as he eats it.
  168. >Ambrosia finishes a mouthful of food and puts down her fork, looking over at you, a glisten in her eye.
  169. >”Oh Gloomie, I nearly forgot. When you left so quickly, you forgot to take Mr. Batsy.”
  170. >Anon looks up from his meal, tilting his head curiously.
  171. >”Mr. Batsy? I didn’t know Gloomie had a pet.”
  172. >Your mom giggles and waves a hoof at Anon.
  173. >”Oh it’s not a pet, it’s her stuffed animal. She’s always slept with it cuddled close, ever since she was a filly.”
  174. >You would have interrupted, but you were too busy choking on your embarrassment.
  175. >Pouding your hoof on your chest, you dislodge the food and can breath again. You can feel yourself blushing, the heat in your cheeks making it obvious. Just when you thought you were in the clear...
  176. >You turn to face Anonymous, who is giving you a large smirk, his eyes sparkling with mirth.
  177. >”Really? That’s adorable! I can’t believe she would forget something like that.”
  178. >Revenge would come. Oh yes, he may be cute and nice but comeuppance is fair play. Umbrage jumps in at this point, oblivious to your misery.
  179. >”Oh yes, that’s what I thought, so I brought it along so we could give it back to her!”
  180. >With that, his horn glows a pale white and with a quick flash, Mr. Batsy rests on the table staring at you with his big button eyes. You swallow the urge to grab him and squeak.
  181. “I’m not a filly anymore! I don’t need Batsy to cuddle anymore.”
  182. >You have Anon for that now.
  183. >Anon laughs and smiles widely, reaching over rubbing the top of your head gently.
  184. >”Mr. Batsy huh, Gloomie?”
  185. >Looking over at your parents, you see that they are just thrilled with themselves for bringing you your old stuffed toy.
  186. >You sigh loudly, before you sullenly take Mr. Batsy and tuck him under your wing for safe keeping.
  187. >Truth be told, you did miss him, and even hard a hard time sleeping without him when you first arrived.
  188. >That doesn’t mean you’d ever admit it though.
  189. >After a few more minutes, you all finish your meals, and exit the restaurant, dad paying for it as you wait outside with Anon and Ambrosia.
  190. >Umbrage emerges a few moments later, trotting up to the group.
  191. >”Well that was nice. It was really great to meet you Anonymous. Be sure to take good care of my daughter. As for you, young lady, I expect the next set of letters to be from you, not from Stardust.”
  192. >You grin sheepishly and nod before nuzzling your dad
  193. “I promise, Dad. It was nice to see you too.”
  194. >as he steps back, Ambrosia rushes up to take his place, throwing her forelegs around you and crushing you in a hug.
  195. >”Oh Gloomie! Be sure to come visit before I go out on another diplomatic mission to some corner of this world. You’ll always be my little filly. I love you so much.”
  196. >You relent and nod, hugging her back tightly.
  197. “I’ll try mom, and I love you too.”
  198. >She squeezes you a bit more before letting go, a teary-eyed smile on her face.
  199. >”We have to go and catch the last train dear, so we can’t stay any longer. Like your father said, be sure to write.”
  200. >She then turned on Anonymous and wrapped her forelegs around his waist, giving him a squeeze.
  201. >”You make sure to take care of Gloomie; she’s my foal. You treat her right, Anonymous.”
  202. >Anon nods and smiles awkwardly, reaching down and patting your mother’s head.
  203. >”I will, Ambrosia. I promise.”
  204. >She nods, satisfied, and trots up next to Umbrage. With one last wave they both depart, leaving you and Anon standing outside the restaurant.
  205. >You let out a long sigh, the tightness in your chest finally releasing its death grip on your heart.
  206. >All things considered, they didn’t embarrass you too badly. You even got Mr. Batsy back!
  207. >You’ll count tonight as a victory.
  208. >”Hey Gloomie, let’s head back. We need to get some sleep since we both have guard duty tomorrow.”
  209. >Nodding, you turn and begin to trot towards the castle, Anonymous following beside you.
  210. “Well, that wasn’t too bad... I honestly thought it would be worse.”
  211. >Anonymous laughs and reaches down, ruffling your mane and offering you a grin.
  212. >”I thought they were very nice, if a bit weird, no offense. You even got your precious cuddle buddy Mr. Batsy back.”
  213. >A blush paints your face a bright scarlet, your wing tightening over Batsy, pressing him firmly into your side.
  214. “W-well, I don’t really need him now. I have you to cuddle with instead.”
  215. >Anonymous looks down, smiling widely before kneeling down and wrapping his arms around you, giving you a hug.
  216. >”Yes you do, Gloomie.”
  217. >Pressing yourself into Anonymous, you close your eyes and relax, the tension of the day flowing out of you with his embrace.
  218. >He picks you up again, cradling you against his chest, the comforting sound of his heartbeat lulling you to sleep as he carries you back to the castle.
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