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May 17th, 2013
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  1. 05-17 22:26:44.287: E/JSON(1047): {"tag":"recipes","success":1,"error":0,"recipes":[{"id":"51","category":"chicken and turkey","name":"Grilled Teriyaki Chicken","cooktime":"15 mins","preptime":"60 mins","image":"grilled_teriyaki_chicken","ndata":"140 Calories; 1g Fat; 28g Protein; 1g Carbohydrate; trace Dietary Fiber; 1g Net Carbs","summary":"They said to bring the marinade to a boil and then let it cool before adding it to the chicken.","ingredients":"1\/3 Cup water <br\/>\r\n1\/4 Cup dry sherry <br\/>\r\n1\/4 Cup soy sauce <br\/>\r\n2 Cloves garlic, minced <br\/>\r\n1\/4-1\/2 Teaspoon ground ginger <br\/>\r\n3 Boneless chicken breasts<br\/>","directions":"Mix all but the chicken in a 2 cup measuring cup. <br\/><br\/>\r\nPlace the chicken in a large zipper bag and add the marinade mixture. <br\/><br\/>\r\nPlace the bag in a shallow pan and marinate in the refrigerator at least 2 hours, turning the bag over occasionally. <br\/><br\/>\r\nDrain and discard the marinade. <br\/><br\/>\r\nGrill the chicken on indoor or outdoor grill just until the chicken is no longer pink in the center. <br\/><br\/>\r\nBe careful not to overcook it.<br\/><br\/>","serves":"3 serves"},{"id":"52","category":"chicken and turkey","name":"Homestyle Chicken Packets","cooktime":"20-24 mins","preptime":"30 mins","image":"homestyle_chicken_packets","ndata":"261 Calories; 13g Fat; 29g Protein; 6g Carbohydrate; 2g Dietary Fiber; 4g Net Carbs","summary":"This recipe is a keeper. It was delicious and could easily be customized.","ingredients":"4 Sheets heavy duty foil, 12 x 18\" <br\/>\r\n4 Boneless chicken breasts <br\/>\r\n1\/2 Pound mushrooms, sliced <br\/>\r\n2 Medium zucchini, sliced about 1\/4-1\/2\" thick, 14 ounces <br\/>\r\n2-3 Green onions, cut in 1\" pieces, optional <br\/>\r\nSalt and pepper <br\/>\r\nHerbs and spices, to taste <br\/>\r\n4-5 pats Butter<br\/>","directions":"Put 1 breast in the center of each piece of foil. <br\/><br\/>\r\nSeason both sides of the meat. <br\/><br\/>\r\nCover with the vegetables; season to taste. <br\/><br\/>\r\nPlace pats of butter on top of the vegetables. <br\/><br\/>\r\nFold up the foil to form packets, leaving room for circulation. <br\/><br\/>\r\nBake at 450?, 20-24 minutes. <br\/><br\/>","serves":"4 serves"}]}n
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