
Error Statstics plugin 1.2.4

Dec 19th, 2016
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  1. [19:07:50] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] Enabling Statistics v1.2.4
  2. [19:07:50] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] +------ [ Fetching Patches ] ------+
  3. [19:07:50] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | All patch files are up to date |
  4. [19:07:50] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] +----------------------------------+
  5. [19:07:50] [Server thread/WARN]: Mon Dec 19 19:07:50 CET 2016 WARN: Establishing SSL connection without server's identity verification is not recommended. According to MySQL 5.5.45+, 5.6.26+ and 5.7.6+ requirements SSL connection must be established by default if explicit option isn't set. For compliance with existing applications not using SSL the verifyServerCertificate property is set to 'false'. You need either to explicitly disable SSL by setting useSSL=false, or set useSSL=true and provide truststore for server certificate verification.
  6. [19:07:51] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] Current version: 0, latest version: 14
  7. [19:07:51] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] +-------] Database Patcher [-------+
  8. [19:07:51] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | Applying patch 1 / 14 |
  9. [19:07:51] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] +-------------- [ Statistics ] --------------+
  10. [19:07:51] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | The plugin 'Statistics' has caused an error.
  11. [19:07:51] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | Please, create a new ticket with this error at
  12. [19:07:51] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] |
  13. [19:07:51] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] |
  14. [19:07:51] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | Bukkit : git-Spigot-aad97c4-4602331 (MC: 1.11)
  15. [19:07:51] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | Plugin : Statistics v1.2.4
  16. [19:07:51] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | Version : 1.2.4
  17. [19:07:51] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | Error : com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLSyntaxErrorException
  18. [19:07:51] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | Table 'stats.stats_settings' doesn't exist
  19. [19:07:51] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] +--------------------------------------------+
  20. [19:07:51] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | The stack trace of the error follows:
  21. [19:07:51] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] |
  22. [19:07:51] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLSyntaxErrorException
  23. [19:07:51] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
  24. [19:07:51] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Source)
  25. [19:07:51] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Source)
  26. [19:07:51] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Unknown Source)
  27. [19:07:51] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | at com.mysql.jdbc.Util.handleNewInstance(
  28. [19:07:51] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | at com.mysql.jdbc.Util.getInstance(
  29. [19:07:51] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | at com.mysql.jdbc.SQLError.createSQLException(
  30. [19:07:51] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.checkErrorPacket(
  31. [19:07:51] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.checkErrorPacket(
  32. [19:07:51] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.sendCommand(
  33. [19:07:51] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.sqlQueryDirect(
  34. [19:07:51] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | at com.mysql.jdbc.ConnectionImpl.execSQL(
  35. [19:07:51] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | at com.mysql.jdbc.ConnectionImpl.execSQL(
  36. [19:07:51] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | at com.mysql.jdbc.StatementImpl.executeQuery(
  37. [19:07:51] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | at com.wolvencraft.yasp.db.Database.executeQuery(
  38. [19:07:51] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | at com.wolvencraft.yasp.db.Query.executeQuery(
  39. [19:07:51] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | at com.wolvencraft.yasp.db.Query.access$000(
  40. [19:07:51] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | at com.wolvencraft.yasp.db.Query$DatabaseQuery.selectAll(
  41. [19:07:51] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | at com.wolvencraft.yasp.db.Query$DatabaseQuery.exists(
  42. [19:07:51] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | at com.wolvencraft.yasp.db.Database.executePatch(
  43. [19:07:51] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | at com.wolvencraft.yasp.db.Database.patchDatabase(
  44. [19:07:51] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | at com.wolvencraft.yasp.db.Database.<init>(
  45. [19:07:51] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | at com.wolvencraft.yasp.Statistics.onEnable(
  46. [19:07:51] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | at
  47. [19:07:51] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | at
  48. [19:07:51] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(
  49. [19:07:51] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_11_R1.CraftServer.enablePlugin(
  50. [19:07:51] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_11_R1.CraftServer.enablePlugins(
  51. [19:07:51] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | at net.minecraft.server.v1_11_R1.MinecraftServer.t(
  52. [19:07:51] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | at net.minecraft.server.v1_11_R1.MinecraftServer.l(
  53. [19:07:51] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | at net.minecraft.server.v1_11_R1.MinecraftServer.a(
  54. [19:07:51] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | at net.minecraft.server.v1_11_R1.DedicatedServer.init(
  55. [19:07:51] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | at
  56. [19:07:51] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | at Source)
  57. [19:07:51] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | Multiple errors might have occurred, only
  58. [19:07:51] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | one stack trace is shown.
  59. [19:07:51] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] +--------------------------------------------+
  60. [19:07:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] Connection is still present. Malformed query detected.
  61. [19:07:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] +-------------- [ Statistics ] --------------+
  62. [19:07:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | The plugin 'Statistics' has caused an error.
  63. [19:07:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | Please, create a new ticket with this error at
  64. [19:07:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] |
  65. [19:07:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] |
  66. [19:07:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | Bukkit : git-Spigot-aad97c4-4602331 (MC: 1.11)
  67. [19:07:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | Plugin : Statistics v1.2.4
  68. [19:07:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | Version : 1.2.4
  69. [19:07:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | Error : com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLSyntaxErrorException
  70. [19:07:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | Table 'stats.stats_settings' doesn't exist
  71. [19:07:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] +--------------------------------------------+
  72. [19:07:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | The stack trace of the error follows:
  73. [19:07:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] |
  74. [19:07:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLSyntaxErrorException
  75. [19:07:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
  76. [19:07:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Source)
  77. [19:07:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Source)
  78. [19:07:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Unknown Source)
  79. [19:07:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | at com.mysql.jdbc.Util.handleNewInstance(
  80. [19:07:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | at com.mysql.jdbc.Util.getInstance(
  81. [19:07:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | at com.mysql.jdbc.SQLError.createSQLException(
  82. [19:07:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.checkErrorPacket(
  83. [19:07:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.checkErrorPacket(
  84. [19:07:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.sendCommand(
  85. [19:07:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.sqlQueryDirect(
  86. [19:07:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | at com.mysql.jdbc.ConnectionImpl.execSQL(
  87. [19:07:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | at com.mysql.jdbc.StatementImpl.executeUpdateInternal(
  88. [19:07:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | at com.mysql.jdbc.StatementImpl.executeLargeUpdate(
  89. [19:07:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | at com.mysql.jdbc.StatementImpl.executeUpdate(
  90. [19:07:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | at com.wolvencraft.yasp.db.Database.executeUpdate(
  91. [19:07:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | at com.wolvencraft.yasp.db.Query.executeUpdate(
  92. [19:07:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | at com.wolvencraft.yasp.db.Query.access$100(
  93. [19:07:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | at com.wolvencraft.yasp.db.Query$DatabaseQuery.insert(
  94. [19:07:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | at com.wolvencraft.yasp.db.Database.executePatch(
  95. [19:07:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | at com.wolvencraft.yasp.db.Database.patchDatabase(
  96. [19:07:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | at com.wolvencraft.yasp.db.Database.<init>(
  97. [19:07:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | at com.wolvencraft.yasp.Statistics.onEnable(
  98. [19:07:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | at
  99. [19:07:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | at
  100. [19:07:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(
  101. [19:07:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_11_R1.CraftServer.enablePlugin(
  102. [19:07:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_11_R1.CraftServer.enablePlugins(
  103. [19:07:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | at net.minecraft.server.v1_11_R1.MinecraftServer.t(
  104. [19:07:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | at net.minecraft.server.v1_11_R1.MinecraftServer.l(
  105. [19:07:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | at net.minecraft.server.v1_11_R1.MinecraftServer.a(
  106. [19:07:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | at net.minecraft.server.v1_11_R1.DedicatedServer.init(
  107. [19:07:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | at
  108. [19:07:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | at Source)
  109. [19:07:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | Multiple errors might have occurred, only
  110. [19:07:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | one stack trace is shown.
  111. [19:07:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] +--------------------------------------------+
  112. [19:07:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] Connection is still present. Malformed query detected.
  113. [19:07:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] +-------------- [ Statistics ] --------------+
  114. [19:07:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | The plugin 'Statistics' has caused an error.
  115. [19:07:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | Please, create a new ticket with this error at
  116. [19:07:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] |
  117. [19:07:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] |
  118. [19:07:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | Bukkit : git-Spigot-aad97c4-4602331 (MC: 1.11)
  119. [19:07:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | Plugin : Statistics v1.2.4
  120. [19:07:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | Version : 1.2.4
  121. [19:07:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | Error : com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLSyntaxErrorException
  122. [19:07:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | Table 'stats.stats_settings' doesn't exist
  123. [19:07:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] +--------------------------------------------+
  124. [19:07:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | The stack trace of the error follows:
  125. [19:07:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] |
  126. [19:07:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLSyntaxErrorException
  127. [19:07:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
  128. [19:07:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Source)
  129. [19:07:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Source)
  130. [19:07:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Unknown Source)
  131. [19:07:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | at com.mysql.jdbc.Util.handleNewInstance(
  132. [19:07:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | at com.mysql.jdbc.Util.getInstance(
  133. [19:07:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | at com.mysql.jdbc.SQLError.createSQLException(
  134. [19:07:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.checkErrorPacket(
  135. [19:07:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.checkErrorPacket(
  136. [19:07:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.sendCommand(
  137. [19:07:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.sqlQueryDirect(
  138. [19:07:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | at com.mysql.jdbc.ConnectionImpl.execSQL(
  139. [19:07:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | at com.mysql.jdbc.StatementImpl.executeUpdateInternal(
  140. [19:07:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | at com.mysql.jdbc.StatementImpl.executeLargeUpdate(
  141. [19:07:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | at com.mysql.jdbc.StatementImpl.executeUpdate(
  142. [19:07:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | at com.wolvencraft.yasp.db.Database.executeUpdate(
  143. [19:07:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | at com.wolvencraft.yasp.db.Query.executeUpdate(
  144. [19:07:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | at com.wolvencraft.yasp.db.Query.access$100(
  145. [19:07:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | at com.wolvencraft.yasp.db.Query$DatabaseQuery.update(
  146. [19:07:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | at com.wolvencraft.yasp.db.Database.executePatch(
  147. [19:07:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | at com.wolvencraft.yasp.db.Database.patchDatabase(
  148. [19:07:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | at com.wolvencraft.yasp.db.Database.<init>(
  149. [19:07:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | at com.wolvencraft.yasp.Statistics.onEnable(
  150. [19:07:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | at
  151. [19:07:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | at
  152. [19:07:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(
  153. [19:07:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_11_R1.CraftServer.enablePlugin(
  154. [19:07:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_11_R1.CraftServer.enablePlugins(
  155. [19:07:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | at net.minecraft.server.v1_11_R1.MinecraftServer.t(
  156. [19:07:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | at net.minecraft.server.v1_11_R1.MinecraftServer.l(
  157. [19:07:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | at net.minecraft.server.v1_11_R1.MinecraftServer.a(
  158. [19:07:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | at net.minecraft.server.v1_11_R1.DedicatedServer.init(
  159. [19:07:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | at
  160. [19:07:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | at Source)
  161. [19:07:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | Multiple errors might have occurred, only
  162. [19:07:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] | one stack trace is shown.
  163. [19:07:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] +--------------------------------------------+
  164. [19:07:52] [Server thread/INFO]: [Statistics] Connection is still present. Malformed query detected.
  165. [19:07:52] [Server thread/ERROR]: [Statistics] Cannot establish a database connection!
  166. [19:07:52] [Server thread/ERROR]: [Statistics] Is the plugin set up correctly?
  167. [19:07:52] [Server thread/WARN]: An error occured while executing database patch: 1.yaspx.sql
  168. [19:07:52] [Server thread/WARN]: at com.wolvencraft.yasp.db.Database.executePatch(
  169. [19:07:52] [Server thread/WARN]: at com.wolvencraft.yasp.db.Database.patchDatabase(
  170. [19:07:52] [Server thread/WARN]: at com.wolvencraft.yasp.db.Database.<init>(
  171. [19:07:52] [Server thread/WARN]: at com.wolvencraft.yasp.Statistics.onEnable(
  172. [19:07:52] [Server thread/WARN]: at
  173. [19:07:52] [Server thread/WARN]: at
  174. [19:07:52] [Server thread/WARN]: at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(
  175. [19:07:52] [Server thread/WARN]: at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_11_R1.CraftServer.enablePlugin(
  176. [19:07:52] [Server thread/WARN]: at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_11_R1.CraftServer.enablePlugins(
  177. [19:07:52] [Server thread/WARN]: at net.minecraft.server.v1_11_R1.MinecraftServer.t(
  178. [19:07:52] [Server thread/WARN]: at net.minecraft.server.v1_11_R1.MinecraftServer.l(
  179. [19:07:52] [Server thread/WARN]: at net.minecraft.server.v1_11_R1.MinecraftServer.a(
  180. [19:07:52] [Server thread/WARN]: at net.minecraft.server.v1_11_R1.DedicatedServer.init(
  181. [19:07:52] [Server thread/WARN]: at
  182. [19:07:52] [Server thread/WARN]: at Source)
  183. [19:07:52] [Server thread/WARN]: Caused by: Error executing: SET storage_engine=InnoDB
  184. . Cause: java.sql.SQLException: Unknown system variable 'storage_engine'
  185. [19:07:52] [Server thread/WARN]: at com.wolvencraft.yasp.db.ScriptRunner.runScript(
  186. [19:07:52] [Server thread/WARN]: at com.wolvencraft.yasp.db.Database.executePatch(
  187. [19:07:52] [Server thread/WARN]: ... 14 more
  188. [19:07:52] [Server thread/WARN]: Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: Unknown system variable 'storage_engine'
  189. [19:07:52] [Server thread/WARN]: at com.mysql.jdbc.SQLError.createSQLException(
  190. [19:07:52] [Server thread/WARN]: at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.checkErrorPacket(
  191. [19:07:52] [Server thread/WARN]: at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.checkErrorPacket(
  192. [19:07:52] [Server thread/WARN]: at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.sendCommand(
  193. [19:07:52] [Server thread/WARN]: at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.sqlQueryDirect(
  194. [19:07:52] [Server thread/WARN]: at com.mysql.jdbc.ConnectionImpl.execSQL(
  195. [19:07:52] [Server thread/WARN]: at com.mysql.jdbc.ConnectionImpl.execSQL(
  196. [19:07:52] [Server thread/WARN]: at com.mysql.jdbc.StatementImpl.executeInternal(
  197. [19:07:52] [Server thread/WARN]: at com.mysql.jdbc.StatementImpl.execute(
  198. [19:07:52] [Server thread/WARN]: at com.wolvencraft.yasp.db.ScriptRunner.executeStatement(
  199. [19:07:52] [Server thread/WARN]: at com.wolvencraft.yasp.db.ScriptRunner.handleLine(
  200. [19:07:52] [Server thread/WARN]: at com.wolvencraft.yasp.db.ScriptRunner.runScript(
  201. [19:07:52] [Server thread/WARN]: ... 15 more
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