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Nov 27th, 2013
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  1. Procedurally-generated metroidvania design doc (the "Game")
  3. Gameplay focus is on the following aspects:
  4. 1) Exploring procedurally-generated environments
  5. 2) Finding powerups to unlock new areas of the map
  6. 3) Fighting monsters with a combination of melee and ranged weaponry
  7. 4) Ultimately defeating [a|some] boss[es]
  9. Survival should be difficult; the player has limited health resources and
  10. health pickups are uncommon -- mostly only dropped by bosses or found as
  11. one-time pickups.
  13. In the interests of making gameplay more chaotic (and thus harder to survive)
  14. without being unfair, a simple physics system comparable to Spelunky's will be
  15. implemented. This will support:
  16. * Basic ballistic trajectories for uncontrolled (stunned) entities
  17. * Gravitational attractors/deflectors
  18. * Inelastic tethers
  20. Most roguelike games need a source of variety to maintain interest in different
  21. games. Some examples:
  22. * Dungeons of Dredmor's build-your-own-class skill system
  23. * Binding of Isaac's gigantic list of possible powerups
  24. * Spelunky's chaotic physics and unforgiving damage system
  25. * Rogue Legacy's varied classes and grinding system
  26. * Angband's 500+-long list of monsters
  28. Common sources of variety to many roguelikes:
  29. * Themed regions
  30. * Procedurally-generated items (enchanted gear, etc.)
  31. * Large numbers of enemy types (even if only superficially differentiated)
  33. The Game will have the following sources of variety:
  34. 1) Varied powerup list, of which only a subset will be seen in any given game
  35. (See Item List, below). Adding variety this way is difficult (each item
  36. must be coded and the map generator must take items into account).
  37. 2) Varied monster list, with a large set of differing behaviors. See Monster
  38. List, below. Adding variety this way is somewhat difficult (each monster
  39. must be individually coded but is self-contained).
  40. 3) Scaling map generation by difficulty (so the same "room" will be different
  41. depending on when in the game it shows up, to make it easier/harder to
  42. navigate). For example, platforms may be smaller, spikes can be added,
  43. more or harder monsters can be placed. Adding variety this way is
  44. relatively easy.
  45. 4) Varied map regions (see Region List, below). Adding variety this way is
  46. straightforward but time-intensive: new graphics and rooms must be added.
  47. 5) Configurable game modes (see Challenge List, below). Adding variety this
  48. was is very easy (for most modes), but the scope for each challenge is
  49. limited and most will probably be played at most one time per player.
  50. 6) Setting up the possibility for sequence breaking (bypassing locks) through
  51. skilled play (see Advanced Techniques, below). Adding variety this way is
  52. difficult (the map generator must be intelligent enough to preclude the
  53. possibility of the player getting stuck) but is thematically important.
  56. Item List:
  57. At base, the player can run, jump, and make grounded and aerial melee attacks.
  58. * Bladed melee weapons, which deal more damage and give a spinning aerial
  59. attack to cover a better area of effect (also enable enemy bouncing; see
  60. Advanced Techniques). Can cut through some materials (e.g. vines).
  61. * Could be upgraded to deal more damage and cut through harder materials.
  62. * Electrically-charged blades ("taser blades"), which temporarily stun
  63. enemies. Stunned enemies can be used as platforms.
  64. * Could be upgraded to short out shielding used by enemies or as locks.
  65. * Unsharpened high-inertia blades (a.k.a. lead bars), less damage but knocks
  66. enemies around.
  67. * A.k.a. suit strength upgrade? Include an aerial slam attack?
  68. * Jump boots, enabling higher basic jumps.
  69. * Jump jets, enabling double jump.
  70. * Buddy pods. A variety of different pods can be found, only one of which can
  71. be active at a time. The pod follows the player around, hovering above
  72. their shoulder. Their activatable abilities consume ammo, which is
  73. replenished via pickups dropped by monsters. Should ammo be shared between
  74. pods?
  75. * Shield pod. Blocks ranged attacks that hit it and can be activated for a
  76. brief full-body shield effect. Possibly larger than other pods.
  77. * Possible upgrade: can be emplaced as a temporary platform / barricade?
  78. * Missile pod. Fires an explosive missile.
  79. * Teleport pod. When activated, pod holds current position; activate again
  80. to teleport to it.
  81. * Cloak pod. Makes the player invisible for a short period, which prevents
  82. enemies from reacting to them and makes them invisible to laser tripwires.
  83. * Point Defense pod. Toggle active/inactive; automatically attacks nearby
  84. enemies while active at the cost of some ammo (fires a laser?).
  85. * Scout pod. When activated, can fly around and scout the area / fit into
  86. small regions. Possibly an upgrade for the teleport pod (fly pod behind
  87. enemy then teleport to bypass/access weak point) or the missile
  88. pod (fly-by-wire missile launcher)? Alternately can attack with an area
  89. electric shock (c.f. taser blades) and disrupt circuits
  90. * Leash pod. When activated, flies forward and attaches to a monster; that
  91. monster is then leashed to the player. It cannot move on its own, but
  92. swings under the influence of the tether and gravity; colliding it with
  93. other monsters stuns them. Is this usable in a lock/key system?
  94. * Magnetically-charged boots which allow walking on metal walls/ceilings.
  95. Turns such surfaces into gravitational attractors.
  96. * Magnetically-coupled grappling hook, allows swinging from metal
  97. walls/ceilings. Uses a tether system.
  98. * Speed booster. Tap boost when running (with a cooldown between taps) to
  99. increase speed, up to four times. At max speed, player is invulnerable,
  100. breaks certain blocks, and can perform a powerful dash attack.
  101. * Jetpack, allowing limited flight (duration resets every time player lands)
  102. * Electroproofing, allows safe passage on/through charged surfaces (an
  103. environmental hazard)
  104. * Supercavitation bubble (or something more scientifically plausible), allows
  105. free movement through water.
  106. * Hazardous environment protection (heat, poison gas, radiation, etc.). Such
  107. environments deal damage and affect controls in various unpleasant ways.
  108. * Vertical grappling hook. Shoot it up, then retract to climb. Possibly an
  109. early version of the more generically-useful grappling hook? How to make
  110. this interesting?
  113. Monster List:
  114. Monsters should have simple behaviors, for ease of implementation, but ideally
  115. should require different tactics on the part of the player to be dealt with.
  116. * Wall-walkers (basic monsters that patrol the perimeter of the terrain)
  117. * Worms (I saw an image of a section of orange that would make a good worm-
  118. type image, with the skin of the section removed so it was just the little
  119. juice capsules)
  120. * Spiders
  121. * Rotating disc robots
  122. * Two pods connected by an (intangible) chain; one acts as a pivot and the
  123. other rotates about it, then they switch roles (c.f. digger bot in
  124. Super Metroid)
  125. * Fliers:
  126. * Hang on ceiling and swoop at the player when they pass below
  127. * Bats
  128. * Fly continuously in various patterns
  129. * Horizontal back-and-forth patrol (c.f. Metroid invincible monsters)
  130. * Bouncing sinusoidal patterns
  131. * Spawned monsters (small, weak monsters that are produced by monster
  132. spawners)
  133. * Fly up/down to level of play, then fly horizontally
  134. * Make repeated hops towards player (at higher difficulties, hops are
  135. irregularly-paced and irregularly-sized)
  136. * "Hazard" monsters:
  137. * Venus Flytraps that capture the player (or other monsters) when they step
  138. on a trigger (which may be more or less subtle depending on difficulty)
  139. * Pits full of fleas, that jump on the player and explode shortly
  140. thereafter, bouncing the player around
  141. * Monster spawners that continuously create other monsters (and may or may
  142. not be invulnerable themselves)
  143. * Land monsters, that may walk a small patrol, and perform one of a few
  144. behaviors when the player gets close:
  145. * Fire a projectile
  146. * Humanoid guards
  147. * Gun turrets
  148. * Homing missile turrets
  149. * Perform a melee attack
  150. * Scorpions
  151. * Jump into the air, perform an action (fire projectile, etc.), land.
  152. * "Hedgehogs" (painful to attack in melee, the idea being the player would
  153. rather avoid them)
  154. * Tigers (lunge at the player when they get close)
  157. Region List:
  158. Caves: rocky terrain, mossy walls, mushrooms
  159. Deep caves: like caves, but more red; fungus gets livelier and "glowier"
  160. (c.f. Phazon Mines in Metroid Prime), magma
  163. Challenge List:
  164. The goal here is to provide a variety of "play modes" that would give the
  165. player things to do beyond just playing the game over and over. Most of these
  166. would modify the "base rules" in some way, which would be:
  167. * Unlimited lives (but kicking the player back to savepoints on death)
  168. * "Standard" density/count of powerups
  169. * "Standard" difficulty span across the game
  170. Challenges:
  171. * Limited lives (up to only one life) with savestations acting to "suspend"
  172. the game instead of making a checkpoint
  173. * Preselected item lists specifically chosen to be hard and/or strange (e.g.
  174. starting the player with a jetpack but no offensive abilities, in a high-
  175. difficulty region)
  176. * Beat the game without collecting all the key powerups (making sequence
  177. breaking mandatory, in other words)
  178. * Heaven Or Hell: everything (including you) dies in one hit.
  179. * Speedrun mode: an advancing wall of death continuously forces you to
  180. progress (using a special linearized map generator)
  183. Advanced Techniques:
  184. * Secret shortcuts. Some terrain (indicated by subtle tile variations) is
  185. destructible and allows locks to be bypassed.
  186. * Walljumps. These should be roughly as difficult to perform as in Metroid
  187. Zero Mission.
  188. * Booster jump. After performing a max-boost attack, the player will briefly
  189. be in a special "landing pose". Jumping from this pose sends the player
  190. flying in a straight-line trajectory (c.f. Metroid shinespark).
  191. * Booster Short Charge. The boost level does not reset to 0 unless the player
  192. stops moving forward; thus by only holding forward when boost is pressed,
  193. the max-level charge can be achieved in a shorter distance.
  194. * Monster bouncing. Perform a melee attack (c.f. bladed melee upgrade, above)
  195. against certain invulnerable flying monsters and get bounced off of them.
  196. With proper timing this can be used to "jump" off of monsters without
  197. stunning them with the taser blades.
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