
Providence vs Rapture

Nov 21st, 2015
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  1. [19:39] <Strategist14> Icon returns, duct tape in hand
  2. [19:40] <Providence> "uhhh.... thanks"
  3. [19:40] <Strategist14> "No prob, bro. What are you thinking?"
  4. [19:40] * Providence proceeds to tape the arms to his sides
  5. [19:40] <Strategist14> He tosses it to you
  6. [19:40] <Strategist14> "Uh..."
  7. [19:40] <Strategist14> "Wait."
  8. [19:40] <Providence> "..."
  9. [19:40] <Strategist14> A slow grin spreads across his face
  10. [19:40] <Providence> "yeah?"
  11. [19:41] <Strategist14> "You... hah, you're nuts."
  12. [19:41] <Providence> "ow.... and thanks"
  13. [19:42] * Providence finishes taping and uses his power on them. ordering both to fold around him
  14. [19:42] <Strategist14> Icon chortles
  15. [19:44] * Providence grins
  16. [19:45] <Strategist14> "Alright, wider it is"
  17. [19:45] <Providence> "alright..... im... uhh... going to, regret this, right?"
  18. [19:45] * Providence tests how natural the arms feel
  19. [19:45] <Strategist14> "Almost definitely!"
  20. [19:45] <Strategist14> It's a pretty awkward system, but you think you could get used to it with enough practice
  21. [19:45] <Providence> "nothing to lose anyways..."
  22. [19:46] <Providence> "yeah. so.... wish me luck?" *extends all four hands for a highfive x4 combo*
  23. [19:46] <Strategist14> "With the groom acting for you, yeah. Shouldn't be much risk at all."
  24. [19:46] <Strategist14> Icon grins and sprouts two extra arms of his own to match yours
  25. [19:46] <Strategist14> Only two of them make contact
  26. [19:47] * Providence chuckles
  27. [19:48] <Strategist14> "Good luck, bro."
  28. [19:48] <Strategist14> The blinking arrow flashes
  29. [19:48] <Providence> "see you later icon"
  30. [19:48] <Strategist14> "Only if I let ya."
  31. [19:48] * Providence exits the building with his "bodyguard"
  32. [19:49] <Strategist14> The arrow continues to direct you through the city
  33. [19:49] * Providence tries to remain calm
  34. [19:50] * Providence walks as natural as possible as he follows the arrow
  35. [19:50] <Strategist14> After travelling for a bit, you see an additional product of Icon's power, a bright red flashing circle
  36. [19:50] * Providence takes out the phone and calls icon
  37. [19:50] <Strategist14> "Hey hey!"
  38. [19:50] <Strategist14> "Miss me already?"
  39. [19:51] <Providence> "heh.... you dork. so... camera is working?"
  40. [19:52] <Strategist14> "Camera working."
  41. [19:53] <Providence> "good. what's the circle?"
  42. [19:53] <Strategist14> "That'd be Rapture."
  43. [19:53] <Strategist14> "Should be on the side of a building or something, yeah?"
  44. [19:54] <Providence> "yeah"
  45. [19:54] <Strategist14> "She's either inside or on the other side, then."
  46. [19:54] <Strategist14> "Keep following the arrows."
  47. [19:56] <Providence> "al...alright"
  48. [19:56] * Providence follows the arrows taking the knife from the mannequin's arm and stuffing it in his pocket
  49. [19:57] <Strategist14> As it would seem, the answer was "on the other side"
  50. [19:57] <Strategist14> Standing in the street, you see a stunning woman in a sparkling white dress
  51. [19:58] <Strategist14> Several people are keeping their distance, simply watching her as she strides down the street
  52. [19:59] * Providence exits the building and heads down the street
  53. [19:59] * Providence thinks "alright.... this is going to go really bad right?"
  54. [19:59] <Strategist14> Rapture is currently walking away from you, shining in the evening light.
  55. [19:59] * Providence approaches one of the masses of people and listens in
  56. [20:00] <Strategist14> They aren't so much talking as much as they just stopped whatever they were doing to take a look
  57. [20:01] <Providence> (internal monologue) "they are watching. they are fucking watching and they know, get out of there, please get out of there"
  58. [20:01] * Providence gulps and approaches rapture
  59. [20:01] <Strategist14> She fails to notice, as she is currently walking away from you
  60. [20:02] <Providence> "...E-EXCUSE ME... MISS?"
  61. [20:02] <Strategist14> "Oh, yes?"
  62. [20:02] == Strategist14 has changed nick to Rapture
  63. [20:02] * Rapture turns around with a warm smile
  64. [20:03] <Providence> "would... would you mi-mind answering some... some questions for an... i-interview?"
  65. [20:03] <Rapture> "Of course!"
  66. [20:03] <Rapture> "Is there any special occasion?"
  67. [20:04] <Providence> "n-nothing special"
  68. [20:05] <Rapture> "That's perfectly alright!"
  69. [20:05] <Providence> "if... if you aren't too busy of-of course"
  70. [20:05] <Providence> "perfect"
  71. [20:06] <Rapture> "Never too busy! Is there anywhere in particular you'd like to do this?"
  72. [20:07] <Providence> "a-any quiet place you know?"
  73. [20:08] * Providence starts picking up the pace of the conversation, taking a deep breath
  74. [20:08] <Rapture> "Well, we could head to the Vanguard base. I'm sure my teammates would be interested in speaking as well, if you'd like."
  75. [20:08] <Providence> "a cafe or something.... to that effect"
  76. [20:08] <Rapture> "That works as well."
  77. [20:09] <Rapture> "Lead the way, Mister... ?"
  78. [20:09] <Providence> "i'll.... have time for those interviews later, our... report is going to be.... interesting"
  79. [20:09] <Providence> "sure i guess, let me make a call"
  80. [20:09] * Providence calls icon again
  81. [20:09] <Rapture> "Certainly! Take your time."
  82. [20:09] * Rapture steps a respectful distance away
  83. [20:10] <Rapture> Icon: "Yo!"
  84. [20:10] <Providence> "hello? uhhh, yeah. richard? i got the interview"
  85. [20:11] <Rapture> Icon: "Rad. Just make sure your dude's immune, yeah?"
  86. [20:11] <Providence> "sure sure"
  87. [20:12] <Rapture> Icon: "Good luck, broseph."
  88. [20:12] <Providence> "ill see you tonight for editing this thing ok?"
  89. [20:12] <Rapture> Icon: "You betcha!"
  90. [20:12] <Providence> "oh. any good cafes in the area? im not from the city, dont know why they make me go interview the capes.... dont have the personality for it"
  91. [20:13] * Providence raises his index in rapture's direction "just a sec please"
  92. [20:14] <Rapture> Icon: "Place is called Grand. Just 'Grand'. I've added it to your minimap. Ask for the coffee, it's to die for."
  93. [20:15] <Rapture> A green arrow appears on the ground, directing you to your left.
  94. [20:16] <Providence> "thanks richard"
  95. [20:16] * Providence ends the call
  96. [20:16] * Rapture smiles again
  97. [20:16] <Providence> "so... ever heard of grand?"
  98. [20:17] <Rapture> "I think so."
  99. [20:17] <Rapture> "There?"
  100. [20:17] <Providence> "i.... hope you like coffee"
  101. [20:17] * Providence begins walking in direction of the cafe
  102. [20:17] * Rapture follows
  103. [20:17] <Providence> "lets not waste your time" *smiles*
  104. [20:18] <Rapture> You can definitely hear the crowd of observers muttering amongst themselves now
  105. [20:18] * Providence is sweating
  106. [20:19] <Rapture> Now that you're up close, you can see Rapture's costume isn't just sparkling, it is literally emitting a small shower of sparks with her every move
  107. [20:19] * Providence sweats even though it cant be seen over his weird illusion based costume
  108. [20:19] * Providence touches one of the sparks
  109. [20:20] <Rapture> You don't feel anything. Seems like they're mostly decorative.
  110. [20:20] * Providence puts his phone on the recording option thingy
  111. [20:20] <Providence> "so..... miss rapture?"
  112. [20:20] <Rapture> "Mmhmm?"
  113. [20:23] <Providence> ((give me a moment, irl stuff))
  114. [20:23] <Rapture> ((kk))
  115. [20:27] <Providence> "alright so.... miss rapture, would you mind sharing the story of h-how you got into the vanguard?""
  116. [20:28] * Rapture smiles
  117. [20:28] <Rapture> "Of course."
  118. [20:28] <Providence> "great, we can... edit anything that you... dont want on paper"
  119. [20:28] <Rapture> "I appreciate it, but I'm sure there won't be any problem."
  120. [20:29] <Rapture> "The group was first started by my good friends, Skylark and Firewall. At the time, I didn't even have my power yet."
  121. [20:29] <Providence> "how... does that work?.... what role did you serve in the group?"
  122. [20:30] <Rapture> "I like to think I act as the face of the group. Someone the public can readily identify, someone with an iconic ability."
  123. [20:30] <Rapture> "There aren't many powers that make you think of heroes more than making people happy, after all."
  124. [20:31] <Providence> "so... tell me more about this... power of yours"
  125. [20:32] * Providence enters the cafe
  126. [20:32] <Rapture> "Of course. I'm designated-"
  127. [20:33] * Rapture cuts off as they enter
  128. [20:33] <Rapture> "Perhaps we should wait until we're situated before continuing?"
  129. [20:33] <Providence> "...of course" *smile*
  130. [20:35] <Rapture> The two of you are directed to a small booth in the corner. Rapture's bright outfit draws a fair amount of attention, but you get the feeling most people who spend time here are used to high-end customers
  131. [20:36] * Rapture orders a small coffee and a salad
  132. [20:36] * Providence sits down
  133. [20:36] <Providence> "uhhh... vanilla cappuchino"
  134. [20:37] <Rapture> The server nods and hurries off
  135. [20:37] * Rapture sits opposite you
  136. [20:37] <Rapture> "Now then. What was the question?"
  137. [20:37] <Providence> "alright.... it was... about your power, tell us more about it"
  138. [20:38] <Rapture> "Ah, yes. I'm officially designated as a Striker 4, which means my ability works when I come into physical contact with someone."
  139. [20:38] <Rapture> "For me, this causes a feeling of calmness and happiness."
  140. [20:38] <Providence> "what about those sparks"
  141. [20:39] <Rapture> "The... ? Oh, right. Those are just a part of my costume. I think they look nice, personally."
  142. [20:40] <Providence> "in my opinion, they DO look nice"
  143. [20:40] * Rapture smiles some more
  144. [20:40] <Providence> "gives the.... whole... bride thing a lot more... you know, it looks better"
  145. [20:41] <Rapture> "That was the theme I was going for, yes. Not everybody picks up on it right away."
  146. [20:41] <Providence> "oh c'mon, with the... whole... like, giant white dress?"
  147. [20:41] <Rapture> "You'd be surprised the sort of things people can miss."
  148. [20:42] * Providence uses one of his extra arms to pick up the knife from his pocket, still holding it close enough so the illussion doesn't clip
  149. [20:42] <Providence> "yeah... i think i get it"
  150. [20:43] <Rapture> "The outfit was designed by a Tinker named Lucerne. He's another close friend of mine."
  151. [20:44] <Providence> "interesting fact, i guess she... specializes in... lights and things like that?"
  152. [20:44] <Providence> "so.... face of the group... charming personality and quite popular i must say, what is it like on the insides of the group? it... cant be all like... sweet, right?""
  153. [20:45] <Rapture> "Hmm? I'm not sure I understand."
  154. [20:45] <Providence> "tell us about how the group... dinamic is"
  155. [20:46] <Rapture> "Certainly."
  156. [20:46] * Providence thinks "tinker made oufit.... probably is sturdier than it looks"
  157. [20:47] <Rapture> "Skylark is the leader, of course. He's one of the nicest men I've ever met. When you think "team leader" you'd expect someone gruff and fierce, but he acts more like a child than the rest of us."
  158. [20:47] * Rapture laughs lightly
  159. [20:47] * Providence nods and smiles
  160. [20:48] <Rapture> "Firewall's been absent for a bit now, but he used to be that sort of way. Very protective of his friends."
  161. [20:49] * Providence mentally signals for his mannequin to enter the cafe and go to the bathroom
  162. [20:49] <Rapture> Your mannequin does so
  163. [20:49] <Rapture> "Morrigan and Koan, our most recent members, aren't quite as well known to the public eye."
  164. [20:50] <Rapture> "Their powers work better behind the scenes, if that makes sense."
  165. [20:50] <Providence> "koan? h-haven't heard that name before"
  166. [20:50] <Providence> "thinkers, if im... not wrong?"
  167. [20:50] <Rapture> "Morrigan is a thinker."
  168. [20:50] * Providence checks the bathroom with the mannequin
  169. [20:50] <Rapture> The bathroom is empty
  170. [20:50] <Rapture> "Koan is actually a Stranger."
  171. [20:51] <Providence> "oh?"
  172. [20:51] <Rapture> "That's right. He's still waiting for a chance to really shine, but one big fight and I'm sure he'd be thrust right into the spotlight."
  173. [20:51] <Providence> Mannequin: break the mirror
  174. [20:53] <Rapture> The mirror shatters. In the corner of your eye, you notice a few employees honing in on the source
  175. [20:53] * Rapture pauses for a moment upon hearing the sound, but then focuses her attention back to you
  176. [20:53] <Providence> "im sure he will"
  177. [20:53] <Providence> "huh?..."
  178. [20:54] <Providence> "...what's going on?"
  179. [20:54] <Rapture> A server steps into the restroom
  180. [20:54] <Rapture> "Accidentss happen. I'm sure it's nothing."
  181. [20:54] <Providence> mannequin: look hurt on the ground
  182. [20:55] <Rapture> The server reaches down to help the mannequin to its feet
  183. [20:55] <Rapture> Server: "Is everything alright sir?"
  184. [20:56] <Providence> MANNEQUIN: cover face and look confused
  185. [20:56] <Rapture> "I really do think Koan has the potential to be quite a powerful hero, given some experience in the field."
  186. [20:57] <Rapture> The server steps outside and gestures for some other employees to come help
  187. [20:57] <Providence> "interesting"
  188. [20:58] <Rapture> "Mhmm. And that's the whole team. They're all very nice people."
  189. [20:58] <Providence> "so.... hmmm... tell us more about yourself, t-tell us about rapture. why that name?"
  190. [20:58] <Providence> "they sound that way"
  191. [20:58] <Rapture> "Well..."
  192. [20:58] <Providence> MANNEQUIN: pretend handsign being sorry
  193. [20:59] <Rapture> "Have you ever heard the phrase of being 'enrapt'? Or 'rapt attention'?"
  194. [20:59] <Providence> "not quite"
  195. [21:00] <Providence> "absorved in something?"
  196. [21:00] <Rapture> One server grabs a dustpan and broom, while two others fuss over the mannequin, asking if he's hurt
  197. [21:00] <Rapture> "Close. They come from the word rapture, which just means happiness."
  198. [21:01] <Providence> MANNEQUIN: fake handsign "no"
  199. [21:01] <Rapture> "That's what I do, and that's all I want to do."
  200. [21:02] <Rapture> The servers ask what exactly happened?
  201. [21:02] <Providence> "that's an interesting goal"
  202. [21:02] <Rapture> "That's really what being a hero boils down to, isn't it? Making people safe and happy?"
  203. [21:02] <Providence> Mannequin: handsign little guy slipping
  204. [21:03] <Providence> "of course"
  205. [21:03] <Rapture> "I mean, not using my power on everyone. But helping other people find happiness for themselves."
  206. [21:03] <Providence> "is there anything you dont... like about your job?"
  207. [21:04] <Rapture> "Oh, I adore my work. Working alongside my friends is just amazing."
  208. [21:04] <Rapture> "Though I do quite a bit of volunteering as well. Visiting childrens' hospitals especially."
  209. [21:05] <Providence> "i see, being in the spotlight too?"
  210. [21:05] <Providence> MANNEQUIN: apologize with handsigns
  211. [21:05] <Rapture> "That's just a part of being the team's voice."
  212. [21:05] <Rapture> Most of the servers slowly filter away as they realize they have jobs other than gawking at accidents
  213. [21:06] <Rapture> One stays to clean the floor, and another offers the mannequin a free meal as compensation
  214. [21:07] <Rapture> "I did a bit of modelling before turning to the cape life, but it just can't compare."
  215. [21:07] <Providence> MANNEQUIN: politely turn down the meal, handsign for a coffee
  216. [21:07] <Rapture> The server hurries off to grab some
  217. [21:08] <Rapture> Finally free from the distraction, your server finally arrives with your drinks and Rapture's salad
  218. [21:08] * Rapture smiles warmly at the server. "Thank you."
  219. [21:08] <Providence> "thanks
  220. [21:09] * Providence takes a sip of coffee
  221. [21:09] <Providence> MANNEQUIN: head out from the bathroom scratch your head in confusion
  222. [21:10] <Providence> "i see"
  223. [21:10] <Providence> "so.... what's your most... memorable fight?"
  224. [21:10] <Rapture> "Hmm..."
  225. [21:11] <Rapture> "Interesting one. I don't think I've been asked to remember anything that wasn't recent before."
  226. [21:11] <Providence> "gotta get the best stuff"
  227. [21:12] <Rapture> "Hah, understandable."
  228. [21:12] <Rapture> "Can I have a moment to think? Maybe we could come back to that one?"
  229. [21:12] <Providence> "sure"
  230. [21:13] <Providence> "how about an embarassing moment?.... makes capes... feel more human... you know?"
  231. [21:13] <Rapture> "Ah, well. Back to the recent events, eh?"
  232. [21:13] * Rapture gives you a conspiratorial wink
  233. [21:13] <Providence> "easier to think about" *smiles*
  234. [21:14] <Rapture> "My last big fight. The plan was for me to take on a Brute named Damocles while my teammates focused on some other villains he was working with. Up to that point, he'd proven to be immune to injuries, but I was *so sure* my power would work."
  235. [21:14] <Rapture> "It... didn't."
  236. [21:15] <Providence> "ouchies"
  237. [21:15] <Providence> "who is this damocles guy?"
  238. [21:15] <Rapture> "I ended up taking a brief trip to the hospital, but that worked out too. Made some new friends in there."
  239. [21:15] <Rapture> "Damocles, as I said, is a Brute. He's immune to injuries, and apparently some powers as well."
  240. [21:16] <Providence> MANNEQUIN: calmly walk towards rapture from behind
  241. [21:16] <Rapture> "So far he's been acting as a mercenary bodyguard for some other villains."
  242. [21:16] <Providence> "is he in jail now, haven't watched the news these days"
  243. [21:16] <Rapture> "He's free."
  244. [21:16] <Rapture> "For now."
  245. [21:16] * Rapture stops smiling
  246. [21:17] <Providence> "im confident you'll get him"
  247. [21:17] <Rapture> "I was confident the first time, too. It's all a matter of surprise. Now that I know he's immune, things will be different."
  248. [21:18] <Rapture> "Especially since Morrigan, our Thinker, has been gathering information."
  249. [21:18] <Providence> "oh good!"
  250. [21:19] * Rapture starts smiling again
  251. [21:19] <Providence> MANNEQUIN: take the piece of mirror from the joint and stab rapture in the neck
  252. [21:19] <Rapture> "Can't fool-"
  253. [21:19] * Rapture is neckstabbed
  254. [21:19] <Providence> "so... how do you feel about your power not working?"
  255. [21:20] * Providence looks
  256. [21:20] * Rapture swings a fist around at the mannequin
  257. [21:20] * Providence looks panicked and scrambles away from his mannequin
  258. [21:20] <Rapture> ((And here's where things get tricky))
  259. [21:20] * Providence hides beneath the table
  260. [21:21] <Providence> ((oh fuck))
  262. [21:21] <Rapture> === BEGIN COMBAT ===
  264. [21:22] * Rapture punches the mannequin
  265. [21:22] <Rapture> ((Your choice. Dodge or withstand?))
  266. [21:22] <Providence> MANNEQUIN: attempt to dodge
  267. [21:22] <Rapture> ((Roll Athletic))
  268. [21:22] * Providence screams
  269. [21:23] <Providence> ((how to roll athletic? do i use MY stats?))
  270. [21:23] <Rapture> ((Sure, let's go with that, for a humanoid creation))
  271. [21:23] <Providence> "HEEEELP!!!"
  272. [21:23] <Rapture> ((Probably shoulda statted this thing up first))
  273. [21:23] <Providence> ((yeah. so... d20 or what?))
  274. [21:24] <Rapture> ((d6))
  275. [21:24] <Rapture> Several restaurant-goers look to the commotion, and the servers rush out to see what's happening
  276. [21:24] <Providence> roll 1d6+4
  277. [21:24] <`DICE> Providence rolled 1d6+4 [ 1d6=3 ]{7}
  278. [21:25] <Rapture> Roll 1d6+2+3
  279. [21:25] <`DICE> Rapture rolled 1d6+2+3 [ 1d6=2 ]{7}
  280. [21:25] <Rapture> Rapture hits, just barely
  281. [21:26] <Rapture> Her fist flashes a bright light for just a moment
  282. [21:26] <Providence> ((gig is up))
  283. [21:26] <Rapture> ((And now we roll for wounds))
  284. [21:26] <Rapture> Roll 1d4 for target
  285. [21:26] <`DICE> Rapture rolled 1d4 for target [ 1d4=2 ]{2}
  286. [21:27] <Rapture> Torso
  287. [21:27] <Rapture> ((Wait that was s'posed to be a d6 but whatever))
  288. [21:27] <Rapture> Roll 1d4 for wound type
  289. [21:27] <`DICE> Rapture rolled 1d4 for wound type [ 1d4=1 ]{1}
  290. [21:28] <Rapture> Mannequin receives a moderate "Demolished" wound
  291. [21:28] <Providence> "HELP. PLEASE HELP! RAPTURE, ARE YOU OK?"
  292. [21:28] <Rapture> ((Mannequin has -1 to the lowest two stats from Brawn, Athletics, and Guts))
  293. [21:29] <Rapture> ((Pain doesn't apply because not human))
  294. [21:29] <Providence> MANNEQUIN: look calm, sit down against the table
  295. [21:29] <Rapture> "I'm quite alright, I think."
  296. [21:29] <Providence> "HOW ARE YOU EVEN ALIVE"
  297. [21:29] * Rapture glares at the mannequin
  298. [21:29] <Rapture> "Can I HELP you?"
  299. [21:30] <Providence> "OH GOD... PLEASE TELL ME YOU ARE OK"
  300. [21:30] <Providence> MANNEQUIN: stab again
  301. [21:30] <Rapture> "I'm alright."
  302. [21:30] * Rapture punches again before the mannequin can make another attack
  303. [21:30] <Rapture> ((She has a skill that lets her do that))
  304. [21:31] <Rapture> ((Dodge or withstand?))
  305. [21:31] <Providence> dodge
  306. [21:32] <Rapture> Roll 1d6+2+3 to punch
  307. [21:32] <`DICE> Rapture rolled 1d6+2+3 to punch [ 1d6=4 ]{9}
  308. [21:32] <Providence> ((wait. i also have +2 to dodge, apart from athletics. should i roll 1d6+6? -1 from the punch?))
  309. [21:32] <Rapture> ((Alright, gimme a sec to open your sheet and figure out what's happening))
  310. [21:33] <Rapture> ((Because you very well might))
  311. [21:33] <Providence> ((
  312. [21:33] <`DICE> Title: Maker | By: roodrimus123[NORMAL User!] | On: Oct 3rd, 2015 | Syntax: None | Size: 3.58 KB | Views: 79 | Expires: Never
  313. [21:33] <Rapture> ((Okay so))
  314. [21:33] <Rapture> ((Two points in Dodge doesn't mean +2 to dodges))
  315. [21:34] <Rapture> ((Means +1 to dodges, and if you fail you can reroll to try and reduce damage by 1 step))
  316. [21:34] <Providence> ((hmmm.... so... how was i supposed to roll this?"
  317. [21:34] <Rapture> ((Actually also no, that's +1 to ranged dodges only))
  318. [21:35] <Rapture> ((d6, plus Athletics score))
  319. [21:35] <Providence> ((1d6+3 then?))
  320. [21:35] <Rapture> ((+4. The penalty only applies to whichever two of those stats are the lowest already))
  321. [21:35] <Providence> roll 1d6+4
  322. [21:35] <`DICE> Providence rolled 1d6+4 [ 1d6=1 ]{5}
  323. [21:36] <Rapture> Rapture lands another blow
  324. [21:36] <Rapture> Roll 1d6 for target
  325. [21:36] <`DICE> Rapture rolled 1d6 for target [ 1d6=6 ]{6}
  326. [21:36] <Rapture> Headshot
  327. [21:36] <Rapture> Roll 1d4 damage type
  328. [21:36] <`DICE> Rapture rolled 1d4 damage type [ 1d4=1 ]{1}
  329. [21:36] <Rapture> Demolished again
  330. [21:37] * Providence continues hyperventilating under the table
  331. [21:37] <Rapture> Make a Guts check. 4 or less means your wound slots get filled with Minor wounds
  332. [21:37] <Rapture> Which means a KO
  333. [21:38] <Providence> roll 1d6+2
  334. [21:38] <`DICE> Providence rolled 1d6+2 [ 1d6=3 ]{5}
  335. [21:39] <Rapture> The mannequin is also Confused. Requires a DC 5 Wits roll to choose your attack target. Failure means you swing at a random target
  336. [21:39] <Providence> roll 1d5+2 wits beforehand
  337. [21:39] <`DICE> Providence rolled 1d5+2 wits beforehand [ 1d5=3 ]{5}
  338. [21:40] <Rapture> ((1d6, but that works too))
  339. [21:40] <Rapture> You attack Rapture
  340. [21:40] <Providence> MANNEQUIN: just fucking try to stab again, do SOMETHING
  341. [21:40] <Providence> roll 1d6+4 stabbing
  342. [21:40] <`DICE> Providence rolled 1d6+4 stabbing [ 1d6=1 ]{5}
  343. [21:40] <Rapture> Roll 1d6+4 dodging
  344. [21:40] <`DICE> Rapture rolled 1d6+4 dodging [ 1d6=4 ]{8}
  345. [21:41] <Rapture> By this point, several people are screaming and running
  346. [21:41] * Rapture punches some more
  347. [21:41] <Rapture> Dodge or withstand?
  348. [21:41] <Providence> dodge
  349. [21:42] <Providence> roll 1d6+4 dodge
  350. [21:42] <`DICE> Providence rolled 1d6+4 dodge [ 1d6=4 ]{8}
  351. [21:42] <Rapture> Roll 1d6+2+3
  352. [21:42] <`DICE> Rapture rolled 1d6+2+3 [ 1d6=2 ]{7}
  353. [21:42] <Rapture> Rapture misses
  354. [21:43] <Providence> MANNEQUIN: head into the bathroom, throw the shard at rapture on the way there
  355. [21:44] <Rapture> Roll 1d6+4 dodge
  356. [21:44] <`DICE> Rapture rolled 1d6+4 dodge [ 1d6=2 ]{6}
  357. [21:44] <Rapture> ((Dexterity to hit a dodging enemy))
  358. [21:44] <Providence> roll 1d6+5
  359. [21:44] <`DICE> Providence rolled 1d6+5 [ 1d6=3 ]{8}
  360. [21:45] <Rapture> ((Roll a d6 for where you hit))
  361. [21:45] <Providence> roll 1d6 for bodypart
  362. [21:45] <`DICE> Providence rolled 1d6 for bodypart [ 1d6=1 ]{1}
  363. [21:45] <Rapture> Leg
  364. [21:45] <Rapture> ((Now a d4 for wound type))
  365. [21:46] <Providence> roll 1d4
  366. [21:46] <`DICE> Providence rolled 1d4 [ 1d4=4 ]{4}
  367. [21:46] <Rapture> "Pain" in her leg
  368. [21:47] <Rapture> ((Rapture suffers another minor wound every turn she tries to use her leg))
  369. [21:47] <Rapture> ((Or whenever her leg gets hit again))
  370. [21:47] * Rapture winces
  371. [21:47] <Rapture> "Well then."
  372. [21:48] <Providence> ((oh dang))
  373. [21:48] <Rapture> "A, ah, a bit of an interesting progression."
  374. [21:48] <Rapture> Roll 1d6+2 Guts to remain conscious
  375. [21:48] <`DICE> Rapture rolled 1d6+2 Guts to remain conscious [ 1d6=4 ]{6}
  376. [21:48] * Providence crawl out of the cafe, keep an eye on rapture on the way out
  377. [21:49] * Rapture slumps down in the booth
  378. [21:50] <Rapture> You make it out unimpeded
  379. [21:50] <Rapture> Meanwhile, several servers have converged on the mannequin
  380. [21:50] <Providence> MANNEQUIN: approach rapture, grab the glass from the leg stab rapture in the back
  381. [21:51] <Rapture> The mannequin is currently surrounded by angry-looking servers, as well as a man wearing an apron that looks worryingly costume-esque
  382. [21:51] <Providence> MANNEQUIN: dis-assemble
  383. [21:52] <Rapture> The mannequin falls apart, collapsing Icon's illusion in the process
  384. [21:53] <Providence> MANNEQUIN HEAD: roll your way out.
  385. [21:53] <Providence> MANNEQUIN LIMBS: climb onto people
  386. [21:54] <Rapture> The apron-man points at the head, which bursts into flames
  387. [21:55] <Providence> MANNEQUIN ARMS: crawl towards rapture
  388. [21:55] <Rapture> The servers are quick to put a stop to that
  389. [21:56] <Rapture> Followed by more fire
  390. [21:56] * Providence flee the scene
  391. [21:56] <Rapture> You successfully abscond
  392. [21:56] <Rapture> ((Continue in play-by-post?))
  393. [21:57] <Providence> ((sure))
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