

Jan 8th, 2014
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MySQL 70.82 KB | None | 0 0
  1. -- phpMyAdmin SQL Dump
  2. -- version 4.0.5
  3. --
  4. --
  5. -- Host:
  6. -- Generation Time: Jan 08, 2014 at 06:45 AM
  7. -- Server version: 5.1.71
  8. -- PHP Version: 5.3.3
  11. SET time_zone = "+00:00";
  17. /*!40101 SET NAMES utf8 */;
  19. --
  20. -- Database: `cf`
  21. --
  23. -- --------------------------------------------------------
  25. --
  26. -- Table structure for table `text`
  27. --
  30.   `id` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
  31.   `lang` varchar(2) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'es',
  32.   `text` text NOT NULL,
  33.   PRIMARY KEY (`id`,`lang`)
  34. ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COMMENT='Textos multi-idioma';
  36. --
  37. -- Dumping data for table `text`
  38. --
  40. INSERT INTO `text` (`id`, `lang`, `text`) VALUES
  41. ('blog-coments-header', 'en', 'Comments'),
  42. ('blog-comments', 'en', 'Comments'),
  43. ('blog-comments_no_allowed', 'en', 'Comments are not allowed on this post'),
  44. ('blog-comments_no_comments', 'en', 'This post has no comments'),
  45. ('blog-main-header', 'en', 'Goteo Blog'),
  46. ('blog-no_comments', 'en', 'No comment'),
  47. ('blog-no_posts', 'en', 'No posts have been published'),
  48. ('blog-send_comment-button', 'en', 'Send'),
  49. ('blog-send_comment-header', 'en', 'Write a comment'),
  50. ('blog-side-last_comments', 'en', 'Latest comments'),
  51. ('blog-side-last_posts', 'en', 'Latest posts'),
  52. ('blog-side-tags', 'en', 'Categories'),
  53. ('community-menu-activity', 'en', 'Activity'),
  54. ('community-menu-main', 'en', 'Community'),
  55. ('community-menu-sharemates', 'en', 'Sharing'),
  56. ('contact-email-field', 'en', 'Email address'),
  57. ('contact-message-field', 'en', 'Message'),
  58. ('contact-send_message-button', 'en', 'Send'),
  59. ('contact-send_message-header', 'en', 'Send us a message'),
  60. ('contact-subject-field', 'en', 'Subject'),
  61. ('cost-type-lend', 'en', 'Loan'),
  62. ('cost-type-material', 'en', 'Material'),
  63. ('cost-type-structure', 'en', 'Infrastructure'),
  64. ('cost-type-task', 'en', 'Task'),
  65. ('costs-field-amount', 'en', 'Value'),
  66. ('costs-field-cost', 'en', 'Expense'),
  67. ('costs-field-dates', 'en', 'Dates'),
  68. ('costs-field-date_from', 'en', 'From'),
  69. ('costs-field-date_until', 'en', 'Until'),
  70. ('costs-field-description', 'en', 'Description'),
  71. ('costs-field-required_cost', 'en', 'This expense is'),
  72. ('costs-field-required_cost-no', 'en', 'Supplemental'),
  73. ('costs-field-required_cost-yes', 'en', 'Necessary'),
  74. ('costs-field-resoure', 'en', 'Other resources'),
  75. ('costs-field-schedule', 'en', 'Tasks schedule'),
  76. ('costs-field-type', 'en', 'Type'),
  77. ('costs-fields-main-title', 'en', 'Breakdown of expenses'),
  78. ('costs-fields-metter-title', 'en', 'View of expenses'),
  79. ('costs-fields-resources-title', 'en', 'Resource'),
  80. ('costs-main-header', 'en', 'Expenses'),
  81. ('criteria-owner-section-header', 'en', 'About project responsible/team'),
  82. ('criteria-project-section-header', 'en', 'About the project'),
  83. ('criteria-reward-section-header', 'en', 'About the rewards'),
  84. ('dashboard-header-main', 'en', 'My dashboard'),
  85. ('dashboard-investors-mail-fail', 'en', '    Message failed to %s: %s'),
  86. ('dashboard-investors-mail-nowho', 'en', 'No recipient was found'),
  87. ('dashboard-investors-mail-sended', 'en', 'Message sent correctly to %s: %s'),
  88. ('dashboard-investors-mail-sendto', 'en', 'Sent to %s of your backers:'),
  89. ('dashboard-investors-mail-text-required', 'en', 'Write the message'),
  90. ('dashboard-menu-activity', 'en', 'My activity'),
  91. ('dashboard-menu-activity-spread', 'en', 'Spread the word'),
  92. ('dashboard-menu-activity-summary', 'en', 'Summary'),
  93. ('dashboard-menu-activity-wall', 'en', 'My wall'),
  94. ('dashboard-menu-admin_board', 'en', 'Administration'),
  95. ('dashboard-menu-main', 'en', 'My panel'),
  96. ('dashboard-menu-profile', 'en', 'My profile'),
  97. ('dashboard-menu-profile-access', 'en', 'Account details'),
  98. ('dashboard-menu-profile-personal', 'en', 'Personal information'),
  99. ('dashboard-menu-profile-preferences', 'en', 'Preferences'),
  100. ('dashboard-menu-profile-profile', 'en', 'Edit profile'),
  101. ('dashboard-menu-profile-public', 'en', 'Public profile'),
  102. ('dashboard-menu-projects', 'en', 'My projects'),
  103. ('dashboard-menu-projects-contract', 'en', 'Contract'),
  104. ('dashboard-menu-projects-preview', 'en', 'Public page'),
  105. ('dashboard-menu-projects-rewards', 'en', 'Manage benefits'),
  106. ('dashboard-menu-projects-summary', 'en', 'Summary'),
  107. ('dashboard-menu-projects-supports', 'en', 'Collaborations'),
  108. ('dashboard-menu-projects-updates', 'en', 'News'),
  109. ('dashboard-menu-projects-widgets', 'en', 'Widget'),
  110. ('dashboard-menu-review_board', 'en', 'Review'),
  111. ('dashboard-menu-translates', 'en', 'My translations'),
  112. ('dashboard-menu-translate_board', 'en', 'Translation'),
  113. ('dashboard-password-recover-advice', 'en', 'You are recovering your password. Remember to put your user name in the "current password" field to change it.'),
  114. ('dashboard-project-blog-fail', 'en', 'Contact us'),
  115. ('dashboard-project-blog-inactive', 'en', 'Sorry, you can''t publish news on this project right now.'),
  116. ('dashboard-project-blog-wrongstatus', 'en', 'Sorry, you can''t publish news about this project yet...'),
  117. ('dashboard-project-delete_alert', 'en', 'Are you sure you want to permanently delete this project?'),
  118. ('dashboard-project-updates-deleted', 'en', 'Post removed'),
  119. ('dashboard-project-updates-delete_fail', 'en', 'Error while removing post'),
  120. ('dashboard-project-updates-fail', 'en', 'There was a problem saving the data'),
  121. ('dashboard-project-updates-inserted', 'en', 'New post added'),
  122. ('dashboard-project-updates-noblog', 'en', 'No blog was found for this project'),
  123. ('dashboard-project-updates-nopost', 'en', 'Post not found'),
  124. ('dashboard-project-updates-postcorrupt', 'en', 'There is a problem with the post. Please contact us.'),
  125. ('dashboard-project-updates-saved', 'en', 'Post updated correctly'),
  126. ('discover-banner-header', 'en', '    By category, location or benefit,<br /><span class="red">find the project</span> that you identify with the most.'),
  127. ('discover-group-all-header', 'en', 'Campaign in progress'),
  128. ('discover-group-archive-header', 'en', 'Filed'),
  129. ('discover-group-outdate-header', 'en', 'About to expire'),
  130. ('discover-group-popular-header', 'en', 'Most popular'),
  131. ('discover-group-recent-header', 'en', 'Recent'),
  132. ('discover-group-success-header', 'en', 'Successes'),
  133. ('discover-results-empty', 'en', 'We did not find any project that matches your search criteria'),
  134. ('discover-results-header', 'en', 'Search results'),
  135. ('discover-searcher-button', 'en', 'Search'),
  136. ('discover-searcher-bycategory-all', 'en', 'ALL'),
  137. ('discover-searcher-bycategory-header', 'en', 'By category:'),
  138. ('discover-searcher-bycontent-header', 'en', 'By content:'),
  139. ('discover-searcher-bylocation-all', 'en', 'ALL'),
  140. ('discover-searcher-bylocation-header', 'en', 'By location:'),
  141. ('discover-searcher-byreward-all', 'en', 'ALL'),
  142. ('discover-searcher-byreward-header', 'en', 'By benefit:'),
  143. ('discover-searcher-header', 'en', 'Find a project'),
  144. ('error-contact-email-empty', 'en', 'You didn''t add your email address'),
  145. ('error-contact-email-invalid', 'en', 'The email you entered is not valid.'),
  146. ('error-contact-message-empty', 'en', 'You haven''t written a message'),
  147. ('error-contact-subject-empty', 'en', 'You didn''t enter a subject'),
  148. ('error-image-name', 'en', 'Error in the file name'),
  149. ('error-image-size', 'en', 'Error with the file size'),
  150. ('error-image-size-too-large', 'en', 'The image is too big.'),
  151. ('error-image-tmp', 'en', 'Error while loading the file'),
  152. ('error-image-type', 'en', 'Only JPG, PNG, and GIF images are permitted'),
  153. ('error-image-type-not-allowed', 'en', 'Only .png, .jpg, and .gif images are allowed.'),
  154. ('error-register-email', 'en', 'The email field is required.'),
  155. ('error-register-email-confirm', 'en', 'The emails don''t match.'),
  156. ('error-register-email-exists', 'en', 'The email you entered is registered to an existing user.'),
  157. ('error-register-invalid-password', 'en', 'That password is not valid.'),
  158. ('error-register-password-confirm', 'en', 'The passwords don''t match.'),
  159. ('error-register-pasword', 'en', 'You can''t leave the password field empty.'),
  160. ('error-register-pasword-empty', 'en', 'You didn''t enter a password'),
  161. ('error-register-short-password', 'en', 'The password should have at least 8 characters.'),
  162. ('error-register-user-exists', 'en', 'That user name is already registered.'),
  163. ('error-register-userid', 'en', 'You have to enter a user name'),
  164. ('error-register-username', 'en', 'You have to enter a screen name.'),
  165. ('error-user-email-confirm', 'en', 'The email confirmation is not the same as the email.'),
  166. ('error-user-email-empty', 'en', 'You can''t leave the email field empty'),
  167. ('error-user-email-exists', 'en', 'There is already a registered user with that email address'),
  168. ('error-user-email-invalid', 'en', 'The email you entered is not valid.'),
  169. ('error-user-email-token-invalid', 'en', 'The code is incorrect'),
  170. ('error-user-password-confirm', 'en', 'The password confirmation is not the same as the password.'),
  171. ('error-user-password-empty', 'en', 'You didn''t enter a password'),
  172. ('error-user-password-invalid', 'en', 'The password is too short. It has to have at least 6 characters.'),
  173. ('error-user-wrong-password', 'en', 'The password is incorrect.'),
  174. ('explain-project-progress', 'en', 'This graph explains in a visual way the level of data that you have entered together with a basic evaluation completed by the system. To be able to submit the project, you have to reach at least 80%. The criteria that make the “temperature” rise have to do with the relevant information that you provide, the media, images and links that you enter, the degree of openness of the license you choose, the coherence of your estimate with respect to the work that needs to be carried out, etc. Don''t forget to take advantage of the tooltips on the right that will guide you through the process.'),
  175. ('faq-ask-question', 'en', 'Didn''t this solve your question? Send us a message.'),
  176. ('faq-investors-section-header', 'en', 'For co-financiers'),
  177. ('faq-main-section-header', 'en', 'An approach to Goteo'),
  178. ('faq-nodes-section-header', 'en', 'About local nodes'),
  179. ('faq-project-section-header', 'en', 'About the projects'),
  180. ('faq-sponsor-section-header', 'en', 'For promoters'),
  181. ('fatal-error-project', 'en', 'The project you''re looking for... <span class="red">does not exist :(</span>'),
  182. ('fatal-error-user', 'en', 'The user you''re looking for... <span class="red">does not exist :(</span>'),
  183. ('feed-blog-comment', 'en', 'Has written a <span class="green">Comment</span> at the post "%s" from the %s blog'),
  184. ('feed-head-community', 'en', 'Community'),
  185. ('feed-head-goteo', 'en', 'Goteo'),
  186. ('feed-head-projects', 'en', 'Projects'),
  187. ('feed-header', 'en', 'Recent activity'),
  188. ('feed-invest', 'en', 'Has contributed with %s to the %s project'),
  189. ('feed-messages-new_thread', 'en', 'Has opened a thread at %s of the project %s'),
  190. ('feed-messages-response', 'en', 'Has answered to %s of the project %s'),
  191. ('feed-new_project', 'en', '    <span class="red">New Goteo project</span>, you''ve got 40 days from today to support this project.'),
  192. ('feed-new_support', 'en', 'Has published a new <span class="green">Collaboration</span> at the %s project, with the title "%s"'),
  193. ('feed-new_user', 'en', 'New Goteo user, %s'),
  194. ('feed-project_fail', 'en', '    The project, %s, has <span class="red">closed</span> having only received <span class="violet">%s ? (%s %) of the minimum contribution</span>'),
  195. ('feed-project_finish', 'en', '    The project, %s, has <span class="red">completed the second round</span> having received <span class="violet">%s ? (%s %) of the minimum contribution</span>'),
  196. ('feed-project_goon', 'en', '    The project, %s, <span class="red">will continue</span> in the second round since it received <span class="violet">%s ? (%s %) of the minimum required contributions</span>'),
  197. ('feed-project_runout', 'en', 'The %s project has <span class="red">%s more days</span> until the end of round number %s'),
  198. ('feed-side-top_ten', 'en', 'Top ten co-financiers'),
  199. ('feed-timeago', 'en', '%s ago'),
  200. ('feed-timeago-justnow', 'en', 'just'),
  201. ('feed-timeago-periods', 'en', 'second-seconds_minute-minutes_hour-hours_day-days_week-weeks_month-months_year-years_decade-decades'),
  202. ('feed-timeago-published', 'en', 'Published %s ago'),
  203. ('feed-updates-comment', 'en', 'Has written a <span class="green">Comment</span> to the message "%s" on %s of the %s project'),
  204. ('footer-header-categories', 'en', 'Categories'),
  205. ('footer-header-projects', 'en', 'Projects'),
  206. ('footer-header-resources', 'en', 'Resources'),
  207. ('footer-header-services', 'en', 'Services'),
  208. ('footer-header-social', 'en', 'Follow us'),
  209. ('footer-header-sponsors', 'en', 'Institutional support'),
  210. ('footer-platoniq-iniciative', 'en', 'An initiative of:'),
  211. ('footer-resources-glossary', 'en', 'Glossary'),
  212. ('footer-resources-press', 'en', 'Press Kit'),
  213. ('footer-service-campaign', 'en', 'Campaigns'),
  214. ('footer-service-consulting', 'en', 'Consulting firm'),
  215. ('footer-service-resources', 'en', 'Feeder capital'),
  216. ('footer-service-workshop', 'en', 'Workshops'),
  217. ('form-accept-button', 'en', 'OK'),
  218. ('form-add-button', 'en', 'Add'),
  219. ('form-ajax-info', 'en', 'This form is saved automatically while you fill it out'),
  220. ('form-apply-button', 'en', 'Apply'),
  221. ('form-errors-info', 'en', 'Total: %s | At this step: %s'),
  222. ('form-errors-total', 'en', 'There''s %s errors in total'),
  223. ('form-footer-errors_title', 'en', 'Errors'),
  224. ('form-image_upload-button', 'en', 'Upload image'),
  225. ('form-navigation_bar-header', 'en', 'Go to'),
  226. ('form-next-button', 'en', 'Next'),
  227. ('form-project-info_status-title', 'en', 'Overall status of information'),
  228. ('form-project-progress-title', 'en', 'Data evaluation'),
  229. ('form-project-status-title', 'en', 'Project status'),
  230. ('form-project_status-campaing', 'en', 'Campaign in progress'),
  231. ('form-project_status-cancel', 'en', 'Discarded'),
  232. ('form-project_status-cancelled', 'en', 'Canceled'),
  233. ('form-project_status-edit', 'en', 'In review'),
  234. ('form-project_status-expired', 'en', 'Closed'),
  235. ('form-project_status-fulfilled', 'en', 'Benefit completed'),
  236. ('form-project_status-review', 'en', 'Evaluation pending'),
  237. ('form-project_status-success', 'en', 'Funded'),
  238. ('form-project_waitfor-campaing', 'en', 'Spread the word about your project. Help get the most support!'),
  239. ('form-project_waitfor-cancel', 'en', 'We have decided not to publish your proposal on Goteo, though we invite you to try again with a different idea or concept.'),
  240. ('form-project_waitfor-edit', 'en', 'When it''s ready, send it for review. You have to provide a minimum of information about your project on the form.'),
  241. ('form-project_waitfor-expired', 'en', 'It didn''t work out. Make it better and try again!'),
  242. ('form-project_waitfor-fulfilled', 'en', 'You''ve managed all the benefits. Thanks for participating!'),
  243. ('form-project_waitfor-review', 'en', 'We will get back to you as soon as we''ve had a chance to review your project. At that point, we will either post your project, or suggest ways to make it fit better on Goteo.'),
  244. ('form-project_waitfor-success', 'en', 'You have reached or surpassed your co-financing goal for this project. We will contact you shortly to talk about money :)'),
  245. ('form-remove-button', 'en', 'Remove'),
  246. ('form-self_review-button', 'en', 'Correct'),
  247. ('form-send_review-button', 'en', 'Send'),
  248. ('form-upload-button', 'en', 'Send'),
  249. ('guide-dashboard-user-access', 'en', 'You can change the information with which you log in to your Goteo account.'),
  250. ('guide-dashboard-user-personal', 'en', 'You should only fill in this data if you have created a project and you want it to be co-financed and supported through Goteo. The information in this section is necessary so that we can contact you in the event that you obtain the necessary co-financing, and make the corresponding deposit.'),
  251. ('guide-dashboard-user-preferences', 'en', 'Select ''Yes'' for the automatic notifications you want to block.'),
  252. ('guide-dashboard-user-profile', 'en', 'Whether you want to create a project or co-finance someone else''s, in order to join the Goteo community, we recommend that you carefully edit your presentation text, and include relevant links about what you do as well as a profile image with which you identify'),
  253. ('guide-project-comment', 'en', 'guide-project-comment'),
  254. ('guide-project-contract-information', 'en', '<strong>The only thing left is to fill in your data if you want your project to be co-financed and supported through Goteo.</strong><br><br>The information in this section is necessary so that we can contact you if you get the required financing, and be able to make the deposit. In the case of organizations, we recommend that the representative of the organization be formally accredited (for example, by way of the statutes or a certificate of the secretary with an OK from the president, in the case of associations).'),
  255. ('guide-project-costs', 'en', '<strong>In this section, you should fill out a short business plan based on the estimated costs for your project.</strong><br><br>You should break down the numbers by tasks, infrastructure, or materials. Try to be realistic about the costs and briefly explain why you need each one. Keep in mind, that as a general rule, at least 80% of the project will have to be undertaken by the person or team that is promoting the project, and not subcontracted to third parties. <br><br><strong>Very important</strong>: On Goteo, we differentiate among necessary and supplemental costs. The former must be totally covered in order to obtain funding, while the latter can be obtained as part of a second campaign, once the project is underway, in order to cover optimization costs (promotion, design, outreach, additional units, etc.) These supplemental costs can not be more than one half of the total cost of the project.'),
  256. ('guide-project-description', 'en', '<strong>Use this section to explain the conceptual aspects of the project</strong><br><br>This is the first information that a visitor to the site will see. For that reason, we recommend being careful with editing and avoiding typos. You will see that there are required fields, including one for video and images. We believe that these are essential for starting a campaign to raise funds via Goteo.<br><br>Keep in mind that the most valuable thing to Goteo is: the free information and general knowledge that your project will bring to the community, the originality, the desire to answer a social need, the power to attract a wide community of interested people, making it clear that the promotion team has the capacity and experience to bring the project to fruition. So don''t forget to give us information about all of these points.'),
  257. ('guide-project-error-mandatories', 'en', 'Some required fields are missing'),
  258. ('guide-project-preview', 'en', '<strong>This is a summary of all of the information about the project.</strong><br><br>Review the information given in each field to see if any improvements can be made, and when you''re ready, send us the project (by clicking the Send button below) so we can evaluate it. Once the proposal is sent, no further changes are permitted.<br><br>Keep in mind that we can only choose a few projects per month in order to guarantee a certain amount of attention and promotion for those that are published. You will receive a message with all of this information shortly, which will indicate the next steps, as well as some recommendations that will help your project reach its proposed objectives.'),
  259. ('guide-project-rewards', 'en', '<strong>In this section, you should establish what the project is offering to its co-financiers and also what the collective benefits will be.</strong><br><br>In addition to the individual rewards for each level of co-financing, you should define the kind of license that you will assign to the project, according to its format and/or level of openness (or that of its parts). This is very important, since Goteo is a crowdfunding platform for projects based on a philosophy of open source software and promotion of the common good.<br><br>In the event that in addition to one of the licenses specified here you would also like to register the intellectual property rights of your work or ideas, while maintaining its compatibility with collective benefits, you can get specific legal protection with <a href="" target="new">Safe Creative</a>.'),
  260. ('guide-project-success-minprogress', 'en', 'You have achieved the minimum percentage'),
  261. ('guide-project-success-noerrors', 'en', 'All of the required fields are filled out'),
  262. ('guide-project-success-okfinish', 'en', 'You can send it for reviewing'),
  263. ('guide-project-support', 'en', 'guide-project-support'),
  264. ('guide-project-supports', 'en', '<strong>In this section you will specify what other support, apart from financing, that you will need in order to complete the project.</strong><br><br>They can consist of collaboration or assistance from other people (translations, organization, promotion, etc.) or perhaps specific loans (of material, transportation, hardware, etc.)'),
  265. ('guide-project-updates', 'en', '<b>It''s very important that the projects keep their co-financiers and other potentially interested people up to date about how the campaign is progressing. Use this section like a blog to publish updates about the project.</b>On Goteo, after you''ve achieved the minimum financing, and as you go into the second round, it''s essential to periodically explain how the production, progress, problems, etc. are going in order to allow the most transparency possible in order to generate even more interest and community.'),
  266. ('guide-project-user-information', 'en', '    <strong>In this section, you will enter data for the public part of your user profile. </strong><br><br>Whether you want to create a project or co-finance someone else''s, in order to join the Goteo community, we recommend that you carefully edit your presentation text, and include relevant links about what you do as well as a profile image with which you identify.'),
  267. ('header-about-side', 'en', 'What inspires us'),
  268. ('home-posts-header', 'en', 'On our blog'),
  269. ('home-promotes-header', 'en', 'Highlighted'),
  270. ('image-upload-fail', 'en', 'Error uploading image'),
  271. ('invest-address-address-field', 'en', 'Address:'),
  272. ('invest-address-country-field', 'en', 'Country:'),
  273. ('invest-address-header', 'en', 'Where would you like to receive the reward (only if it''s sent via the postal service)'),
  274. ('invest-address-location-field', 'en', 'City'),
  275. ('invest-address-name-field', 'en', 'Name:'),
  276. ('invest-address-nif-field', 'en', 'VAT:'),
  277. ('invest-address-zipcode-field', 'en', 'Postal code:'),
  278. ('invest-amount', 'en', 'Quantity'),
  279. ('invest-amount-error', 'en', 'You have to write an amount'),
  280. ('invest-amount-tooltip', 'en', 'Enter the quantity with which you want to support this project'),
  281. ('invest-anonymous', 'en', 'Please make my donation anonymous'),
  282. ('invest-create-error', 'en', 'There has been a problem when processing the payment'),
  283. ('invest-data-error', 'en', 'Necessary data missing'),
  284. ('invest-donation-header', 'en', 'Enter the fiscal information for this donation'),
  285. ('invest-individual-header', 'en', 'You can decline to receive rewards for your contribution, or select those that match or are under the amount that you have entered.'),
  286. ('invest-next_step', 'en', 'Next step'),
  287. ('invest-payment-email', 'en', 'Enter your PayPal user name'),
  288. ('invest-payment_method-header', 'en', 'Choose a method of payment'),
  289. ('invest-paypal-error_fatal', 'en', 'There has been a fatal error when connecting to PayPal. The incidence has been notified, sorry for the inconvenience.'),
  290. ('invest-resign', 'en', 'I don''t want any reward, I just want to help the project'),
  291. ('invest-reward-none', 'en', 'These can no longer be chosen'),
  292. ('invest-social-header', 'en', 'With collective benefits, we all move forward'),
  293. ('invest-tpv-error_fatal', 'en', 'There has been a fatal error when checking out. The incidence has been notified, sorry for the inconvenience.'),
  294. ('leave-email-sended', 'en', 'We have sent you an email to confirm the closure of your account. If you don''t find it right away, look in your junk or spam folder.'),
  295. ('leave-process-completed', 'en', 'The account was closed correctly.'),
  296. ('leave-process-fail', 'en', 'We were not able to close the account. Please contact us at'),
  297. ('leave-request-fail', 'en', 'We didn''t find any account with that email in our database.'),
  298. ('leave-token-incorrect', 'en', 'The code for completing the closure of the account is not valid.'),
  299. ('login-access-button', 'en', 'Enter'),
  300. ('login-access-header', 'en', 'Registered user'),
  301. ('login-access-password-field', 'en', 'Password'),
  302. ('login-access-username-field', 'en', 'User name'),
  303. ('login-banner-header', 'en', '    Get access to the <br /><span class="greenblue">100% open</span> Goteo community'),
  304. ('login-fail', 'en', 'Error'),
  305. ('login-leave-button', 'en', 'Close the account'),
  306. ('login-leave-header', 'en', 'Close the account'),
  307. ('login-leave-message', 'en', 'Leave a message'),
  308. ('login-oneclick-header', 'en', 'Log in with a single click'),
  309. ('login-recover-button', 'en', 'Recover'),
  310. ('login-recover-email-field', 'en', 'Account email'),
  311. ('login-recover-header', 'en', 'Recover password'),
  312. ('login-recover-link', 'en', 'Recover password'),
  313. ('login-recover-username-field', 'en', 'User name'),
  314. ('login-register-button', 'en', 'Register'),
  315. ('login-register-conditions', 'en', 'I accept the platforms terms of service, and give my permission for the treatment of my personal data. To that end, those responsible for the site have established a <a href="/legal/privacy" target="_blank">privacy policy</a> that states how the data will be submitted through the current form, as well as the rights that belong to the person who submits said data.'),
  316. ('login-register-confirm-field', 'en', 'Confirm email address'),
  317. ('login-register-confirm_password-field', 'en', 'Confirm password'),
  318. ('login-register-email-field', 'en', 'Email address'),
  319. ('login-register-header', 'en', 'New user'),
  320. ('login-register-password-field', 'en', 'Password'),
  321. ('login-register-password-minlength', 'en', 'At least 6 characters'),
  322. ('login-register-userid-field', 'en', 'User name'),
  323. ('login-register-username-field', 'en', 'Screen name'),
  324. ('login-signin-facebook', 'en', 'Log in with Facebook'),
  325. ('login-signin-google', 'en', 'Log in with Google'),
  326. ('login-signin-linkedin', 'en', 'Log in with LinkedIn'),
  327. ('login-signin-myopenid', 'en', 'Log in with myOpenID'),
  328. ('login-signin-openid', 'en', 'Other Open ID server'),
  329. ('login-signin-openid-go', 'en', 'Go'),
  330. ('login-signin-twitter', 'en', 'Log in with Twitter'),
  331. ('login-signin-view-more', 'en', 'More login options'),
  332. ('login-signin-yahoo', 'en', 'Log in with Yahoo'),
  333. ('mailer-baja', 'en', 'If you don''t want to receive more updates form, you can unsubscribe your email address with <a href="%s">link</a>'),
  334. ('mailer-disclaimer', 'en', 'Goteo this is a translation test'),
  335. ('mailer-sinoves', 'en', 'If you can''t see this message use this <a href="%s">link</a>'),
  336. ('main-banner-header', 'en', '    <h2 class="message">Social network for <span class="greenblue">co-financing and collaborating with </span><br /> creative projects that further the common good<br /> Do you have a project with <span class="greenblue">open DNA</span>?</h2><a href="/contact" class="button banner-button">Contact us!</a>'),
  337. ('mandatory-cost-field-amount', 'en', 'You must assign an amount to the expenses'),
  338. ('mandatory-cost-field-description', 'en', 'You must add a description for the expenses'),
  339. ('mandatory-cost-field-name', 'en', 'You must label the expenses'),
  340. ('mandatory-cost-field-task_dates', 'en', 'You must specify the approximate dates for the task'),
  341. ('mandatory-cost-field-type', 'en', 'You have to select the type of cost'),
  342. ('mandatory-individual_reward-field-amount', 'en', 'You have to specify the amount that qualifies for the reward'),
  343. ('mandatory-individual_reward-field-description', 'en', 'You must add a description'),
  344. ('mandatory-individual_reward-field-icon', 'en', 'You must choose the type of reward'),
  345. ('mandatory-individual_reward-field-name', 'en', 'You must enter a reward'),
  346. ('mandatory-project-costs', 'en', 'These should be broken down into at least two groups.'),
  347. ('mandatory-project-field-about', 'en', 'You have to explain the project''s basic characteristics'),
  348. ('mandatory-project-field-address', 'en', 'The project leaders'' address is required'),
  349. ('mandatory-project-field-category', 'en', 'You must choose at least one category for the project'),
  350. ('mandatory-project-field-contract_birthdate', 'en', 'You must enter the project leader''s date of birth'),
  351. ('mandatory-project-field-contract_email', 'en', 'You must enter the project leader''s email'),
  352. ('mandatory-project-field-contract_name', 'en', 'You must enter the name of the project leader'),
  353. ('mandatory-project-field-contract_nif', 'en', 'You must enter the ID number for the project leader'),
  354. ('mandatory-project-field-country', 'en', 'You must enter a country for the project leader'),
  355. ('mandatory-project-field-description', 'en', 'You have to enter a summary for the project'),
  356. ('mandatory-project-field-entity_cif', 'en', 'You must enter the organization''s Business Number (CIF)'),
  357. ('mandatory-project-field-entity_name', 'en', 'You must enter the name of the organization'),
  358. ('mandatory-project-field-entity_office', 'en', 'You must enter the position that you have in the organization that you represent'),
  359. ('mandatory-project-field-goal', 'en', 'You have to explain your goals in the project description'),
  360. ('mandatory-project-field-image', 'en', 'You have to link at least one image to your project'),
  361. ('mandatory-project-field-lang', 'en', 'You have to indicate a language for the project'),
  362. ('mandatory-project-field-location', 'en', 'You have to enter the potential reach for your project'),
  363. ('mandatory-project-field-media', 'en', 'We recommend uploading a video to facilitate the evaluation of your project by the Goteo team.'),
  364. ('mandatory-project-field-motivation', 'en', 'You have to explain your motivation in the project description'),
  365. ('mandatory-project-field-name', 'en', 'You have to enter a name for the project'),
  366. ('mandatory-project-field-phone', 'en', 'You must enter a phone number for the project leader'),
  367. ('mandatory-project-field-related', 'en', 'In the project description, you must describe your project-related experience and the team that you''re planning on working with.'),
  368. ('mandatory-project-field-residence', 'en', 'You must enter the project leader''s place of residence'),
  369. ('mandatory-project-field-resource', 'en', 'You must specify whether or not you have other resources to draw from'),
  370. ('mandatory-project-field-zipcode', 'en', 'A postal code for the project leader is required'),
  371. ('mandatory-project-resource', 'en', 'You must specify whether or not you have other resources to draw from'),
  372. ('mandatory-project-total-costs', 'en', 'You must specify an expense'),
  373. ('mandatory-register-field-email', 'en', 'You have to enter an email address'),
  374. ('mandatory-social_reward-field-description', 'en', 'You must enter a description for the benefit'),
  375. ('mandatory-social_reward-field-icon', 'en', 'You must choose the type of benefit'),
  376. ('mandatory-social_reward-field-name', 'en', 'You must specify the benefit'),
  377. ('mandatory-support-field-description', 'en', 'A description is required.'),
  378. ('mandatory-support-field-name', 'en', 'You have to enter a name for the collaboration'),
  379. ('oauth-confirm-user', 'en', 'Connect with existing user'),
  380. ('oauth-facebook-access-denied', 'en', 'Facebook access denied'),
  381. ('oauth-goteo-openid-sync-password', 'en', 'You''re trying to connect an existing Goteo account with an external provider. That will allow you to access Goteo with a single click.<br>This time you must provide your Goteo account password in order to confirm your identity.'),
  382. ('oauth-goteo-user-not-exists', 'en', 'That user does not exist in Goteo'),
  383. ('oauth-goteo-user-password-exists', 'en', 'That user already exists in Goteo'),
  384. ('oauth-import-about', 'en', 'About you'),
  385. ('oauth-import-facebook', 'en', 'Link to your Facebook account'),
  386. ('oauth-import-location', 'en', 'Place of residence'),
  387. ('oauth-import-name', 'en', 'Name'),
  388. ('oauth-import-twitter', 'en', 'Link to your Twitter account'),
  389. ('oauth-import-website', 'en', 'Your websites'),
  390. ('oauth-linkedin-access-denied', 'en', 'Linkedin access denied'),
  391. ('oauth-login-imported-data', 'en', 'This data is also being imported, you can change it once authenticated:'),
  392. ('oauth-login-welcome-from', 'en', 'Welcome to Goteo. Please check your username and email to finish the process. In case we could not import the email address (or if you change it for another) an email will be sent with an activation link for validation.'),
  393. ('oauth-openid-access-denied', 'en', 'Open ID access denied'),
  394. ('oauth-openid-not-logged', 'en', 'User disconnected from Open ID'),
  395. ('oauth-token-request-error', 'en', 'There has been an error when getting data from provider'),
  396. ('oauth-twitter-access-denied', 'en', 'Twitter access denied'),
  397. ('oauth-unknown-provider', 'en', 'Session can''t be started with this provider'),
  398. ('open-banner-header', 'en', '<div class="modpo-open">OPEN</div><div class="modpo-percent">100&#37; OPEN</div><div class="modpo-whyopen">%s</div>'),
  399. ('overview-field-about', 'en', 'About'),
  400. ('overview-field-categories', 'en', 'Categories'),
  401. ('overview-field-currently', 'en', 'Current status'),
  402. ('overview-field-description', 'en', 'Brief description'),
  403. ('overview-field-goal', 'en', 'Goals of the Crowdfunding Campaign'),
  404. ('overview-field-image_gallery', 'en', 'Current images'),
  405. ('overview-field-image_upload', 'en', 'Upload an image'),
  406. ('overview-field-keywords', 'en', 'Key words for the project'),
  407. ('overview-field-lang', 'en', 'Original language'),
  408. ('overview-field-media', 'en', 'Video introduction'),
  409. ('overview-field-media_preview', 'en', 'Preview'),
  410. ('overview-field-motivation', 'en', 'Why this is important for you'),
  411. ('overview-field-name', 'en', 'Project title'),
  412. ('overview-field-options-currently_avanzado', 'en', 'Advanced'),
  413. ('overview-field-options-currently_finalizado', 'en', 'Finished'),
  414. ('overview-field-options-currently_inicial', 'en', 'Starting'),
  415. ('overview-field-options-currently_medio', 'en', 'Midway'),
  416. ('overview-field-options-scope_global', 'en', 'Global'),
  417. ('overview-field-options-scope_local', 'en', 'Local'),
  418. ('overview-field-options-scope_nacional', 'en', 'National'),
  419. ('overview-field-options-scope_regional', 'en', 'Regional'),
  420. ('overview-field-project_location', 'en', 'Location'),
  421. ('overview-field-related', 'en', 'Team and Experience'),
  422. ('overview-field-scope', 'en', 'Project reach'),
  423. ('overview-field-subtitle', 'en', 'Summary'),
  424. ('overview-field-usubs', 'en', 'Publish with Universal Subtitles'),
  425. ('overview-field-video', 'en', 'Additional video about motivation'),
  426. ('overview-fields-images-title', 'en', 'Images from the project'),
  427. ('overview-main-header', 'en', 'Project description'),
  428. ('personal-field-address', 'en', 'Address'),
  429. ('personal-field-contract_birthdate', 'en', 'Date of birth'),
  430. ('personal-field-contract_data', 'en', 'Information about the project leader'),
  431. ('personal-field-contract_email', 'en', 'Email linked to the project'),
  432. ('personal-field-contract_entity', 'en', 'Project promoter'),
  433. ('personal-field-contract_entity-entity', 'en', 'Legal entity (associations, foundations, businesses, etc.)'),
  434. ('personal-field-contract_entity-person', 'en', 'Person'),
  435. ('personal-field-contract_name', 'en', 'First and last names'),
  436. ('personal-field-contract_nif', 'en', 'NIF / NIE / VAT number'),
  437. ('personal-field-country', 'en', 'Country'),
  438. ('personal-field-entity_cif', 'en', 'Organization''s Business ID Number (CIF)'),
  439. ('personal-field-entity_name', 'en', 'Official name of the organization'),
  440. ('personal-field-entity_office', 'en', 'Position in the organization'),
  441. ('personal-field-location', 'en', 'City'),
  442. ('personal-field-main_address', 'en', 'Legal address'),
  443. ('personal-field-phone', 'en', 'Telephone'),
  444. ('personal-field-post_address', 'en', 'Postal address'),
  445. ('personal-field-post_address-different', 'en', 'Different'),
  446. ('personal-field-post_address-same', 'en', 'Same'),
  447. ('personal-field-zipcode', 'en', 'Postal code'),
  448. ('personal-main-header', 'en', 'Information about the project leader'),
  449. ('preview-main-header', 'en', 'Information preview'),
  450. ('preview-send-comment', 'en', 'Additional notes for the administrator'),
  451. ('profile-about-header', 'en', 'About me'),
  452. ('profile-field-about', 'en', 'Tell us something about yourself'),
  453. ('profile-field-avatar_current', 'en', 'Your current image'),
  454. ('profile-field-avatar_upload', 'en', 'Upload an image'),
  455. ('profile-field-contribution', 'en', 'What can you offer Goteo?'),
  456. ('profile-field-interests', 'en', 'What kind of project motivates you most?'),
  457. ('profile-field-keywords', 'en', 'Topics that interest you'),
  458. ('profile-field-location', 'en', 'Place of residence'),
  459. ('profile-field-name', 'en', 'User name'),
  460. ('profile-field-url', 'en', 'URL'),
  461. ('profile-field-websites', 'en', 'My web pages'),
  462. ('profile-fields-image-title', 'en', 'Profile image'),
  463. ('profile-fields-social-title', 'en', 'Social profiles'),
  464. ('profile-interests-header', 'en', 'I am interested in projects that are...'),
  465. ('profile-invest_on-header', 'en', 'Projects that I support'),
  466. ('profile-invest_on-title', 'en', 'Co-finances'),
  467. ('profile-keywords-header', 'en', 'My key words'),
  468. ('profile-last_worth-title', 'en', 'Date'),
  469. ('profile-location-header', 'en', 'My location'),
  470. ('profile-main-header', 'en', 'Profile data'),
  471. ('profile-my_investors-header', 'en', 'My co-financiers'),
  472. ('profile-my_projects-header', 'en', 'My projects'),
  473. ('profile-my_worth-header', 'en', 'My flow on Goteo'),
  474. ('profile-name-header', 'en', 'Profile of'),
  475. ('profile-sharing_interests-header', 'en', 'Sharing interests'),
  476. ('profile-social-header', 'en', 'Social'),
  477. ('profile-webs-header', 'en', 'My websites'),
  478. ('profile-widget-button', 'en', 'Show profile'),
  479. ('profile-widget-user-header', 'en', 'User'),
  480. ('profile-worth-title', 'en', 'Contribute here:'),
  481. ('profile-worthcracy-title', 'en', 'Position'),
  482. ('project-collaborations-supertitle', 'en', 'Non-economic needs'),
  483. ('project-collaborations-title', 'en', 'Looking for'),
  484. ('project-form-header', 'en', 'Form'),
  485. ('project-invest-closed', 'en', 'The project page has expired'),
  486. ('project-invest-continue', 'en', 'Choose a method of payment'),
  487. ('project-invest-fail', 'en', 'Something went wrong, please try again.'),
  488. ('project-invest-guest', 'en', 'Guest (Don''t forget to register)'),
  489. ('project-invest-ok', 'en', 'Your contribution to co-finance this project has been processed :)'),
  490. ('project-invest-start', 'en', 'You''re one step away from becoming a co-financer of this project'),
  491. ('project-invest-thanks_mail-fail', 'en', 'There has been an error when sending the gratitude message'),
  492. ('project-invest-thanks_mail-success', 'en', 'Gratitude message correctly sent'),
  493. ('project-invest-total', 'en', 'Total contributions'),
  494. ('project-menu-home', 'en', 'Project'),
  495. ('project-menu-messages', 'en', 'Messages'),
  496. ('project-menu-needs', 'en', 'Needs'),
  497. ('project-menu-supporters', 'en', 'Co-financiers'),
  498. ('project-menu-updates', 'en', 'News'),
  499. ('project-messages-answer_it', 'en', 'Respond'),
  500. ('project-messages-send_direct-header', 'en', 'Send a message to this project''s promoter'),
  501. ('project-messages-send_message-button', 'en', 'Send'),
  502. ('project-messages-send_message-header', 'en', 'Write your message'),
  503. ('project-messages-send_message-your_answer', 'en', 'Write your answer here'),
  504. ('project-review-confirm_mail-fail', 'en', 'There has been an error when sending the confirmation message'),
  505. ('project-review-confirm_mail-success', 'en', 'Reviewing confirmation message correctly sent'),
  506. ('project-review-request_mail-fail', 'en', 'There has been an error when sending the reviewing invitation'),
  507. ('project-review-request_mail-success', 'en', 'Reviewing invitation message correctly sent'),
  508. ('project-rewards-header', 'en', 'Benefits'),
  509. ('project-rewards-individual_reward-limited', 'en', 'Limited reward'),
  510. ('project-rewards-individual_reward-title', 'en', 'Individual rewards'),
  511. ('project-rewards-individual_reward-units_left', 'en', ' <span class="left">%s</span> units left'),
  512. ('project-rewards-social_reward-title', 'en', 'Collective benefits'),
  513. ('project-rewards-supertitle', 'en', 'What is offered in exchange'),
  514. ('project-share-header', 'en', 'Share this project'),
  515. ('project-share-pre_header', 'en', 'Let your network know that'),
  516. ('project-side-investors-header', 'en', 'Already contributed'),
  517. ('project-spread-embed_code', 'en', 'Embedding Code'),
  518. ('project-spread-header', 'en', 'Spread the word'),
  519. ('project-spread-pre_widget', 'en', 'Spread the word'),
  520. ('project-spread-widget', 'en', 'Project widget'),
  521. ('project-spread-widget_legend', 'en', 'Copy and paste the code in your website or blog to help spread the word about this project'),
  522. ('project-spread-widget_title', 'en', 'publish the project widget'),
  523. ('project-support-supertitle', 'en', 'Economic needs'),
  524. ('project-view-categories-title', 'en', 'Categories'),
  525. ('project-view-metter-days', 'en', 'Remaining'),
  526. ('project-view-metter-got', 'en', 'Received'),
  527. ('project-view-metter-investment', 'en', 'Co-financing'),
  528. ('project-view-metter-investors', 'en', 'Co-financiers'),
  529. ('project-view-metter-minimum', 'en', 'Minimum'),
  530. ('project-view-metter-optimum', 'en', 'Optimum'),
  531. ('recover-email-sended', 'en', 'We have sent you an email with instructions for recovering your password. If you don''t get it right away, be sure to check your junk or spam folders.'),
  532. ('recover-request-fail', 'en', 'We could not recover the password from any account with that data'),
  533. ('recover-token-incorrect', 'en', 'The code for recovering your password is not valid'),
  534. ('register-confirm_mail-fail', 'en', 'There has been an error when sending the account activation email. Please contact us at %s'),
  535. ('register-confirm_mail-success', 'en', 'Account activation message sent. If it you don''t find it on your Inbox, check your /Spam folder.'),
  536. ('regular-admin_board', 'en', 'Admin panel'),
  537. ('regular-allsome', 'en', 'all/some of'),
  538. ('regular-anonymous', 'en', 'Anonymous'),
  539. ('regular-ask', 'en', 'Ask'),
  540. ('regular-banner-metter', 'en', 'Obtained-of-lasting'),
  541. ('regular-by', 'en', 'By:'),
  542. ('regular-collaborate', 'en', 'Collaborate'),
  543. ('regular-create', 'en', 'Create a project'),
  544. ('regular-days', 'en', 'days'),
  545. ('regular-delete', 'en', 'Erase'),
  546. ('regular-discover', 'en', 'Discover projects'),
  547. ('regular-edit', 'en', 'Edit'),
  548. ('regular-facebook', 'en', 'Facebook'),
  549. ('regular-facebook-url', 'en', ''),
  550. ('regular-fail_mark', 'en', 'Closed'),
  551. ('regular-faq', 'en', 'Frequently asked questions'),
  552. ('regular-first', 'en', 'First'),
  553. ('regular-footer-contact', 'en', 'Contact'),
  554. ('regular-footer-legal', 'en', 'Legal terms'),
  555. ('regular-footer-privacy', 'en', 'Privacy policy'),
  556. ('regular-footer-terms', 'en', 'Terms of service'),
  557. ('regular-google', 'en', 'Google+'),
  558. ('regular-google-url', 'en', ''),
  559. ('regular-gotit_mark', 'en', 'Funded!'),
  560. ('regular-go_up', 'en', 'Upload'),
  561. ('regular-header-about', 'en', 'About Goteo'),
  562. ('regular-header-blog', 'en', 'Blog'),
  563. ('regular-header-faq', 'en', 'FAQ'),
  564. ('regular-header-glossary', 'en', 'Glossary of terms used in Goteo'),
  565. ('regular-hello', 'en', 'Hello'),
  566. ('regular-home', 'en', 'Start'),
  567. ('regular-identica', 'en', ''),
  568. ('regular-identica-url', 'en', ''),
  569. ('regular-im', 'en', 'I am'),
  570. ('regular-invest', 'en', 'Contribute'),
  571. ('regular-investing', 'en', 'Contributing'),
  572. ('regular-invest_it', 'en', 'Co-finance this project'),
  573. ('regular-keepiton_mark', 'en', 'Minimum achieved'),
  574. ('regular-last', 'en', 'Last'),
  575. ('regular-license', 'en', 'License'),
  576. ('regular-linkedin', 'en', 'LinkedIn'),
  577. ('regular-linkedin-url', 'en', ''),
  578. ('regular-login', 'en', 'Log in'),
  579. ('regular-logout', 'en', 'Log out'),
  580. ('regular-looks_for', 'en', 'looking for:'),
  581. ('regular-main-header', 'en', ''),
  582. ('regular-mandatory', 'en', 'Required field!'),
  583. ('regular-media_legend', 'en', 'Key'),
  584. ('regular-menu', 'en', 'Menu'),
  585. ('regular-message_fail', 'en', 'There was an error sending the message'),
  586. ('regular-message_success', 'en', 'Message sent correctly'),
  587. ('regular-months', 'en', 'months'),
  588. ('regular-more_info', 'en', 'More info'),
  589. ('regular-news', 'en', 'News'),
  590. ('regular-new_project', 'en', 'New project'),
  591. ('regular-no', 'en', 'No'),
  592. ('regular-onrun_mark', 'en', 'In progress!'),
  593. ('regular-preview', 'en', 'Preview'),
  594. ('regular-projects', 'en', 'projects'),
  595. ('regular-published_no', 'en', 'Draft'),
  596. ('regular-published_yes', 'en', 'Published'),
  597. ('regular-read_more', 'en', '
  598. ('regular-review_board', 'en', 'Review panel'),
  599. ('regular-round', 'en', 'Round'),
  600. ('regular-save', 'en', 'Save'),
  601. ('regular-search', 'en', 'Search'),
  602. ('regular-see_all', 'en', 'See all'),
  603. ('regular-see_blog', 'en', 'Blog'),
  604. ('regular-see_details', 'en', 'See details'),
  605. ('regular-see_more', 'en', 'See more'),
  606. ('regular-send_message', 'en', 'Send message'),
  607. ('regular-share-facebook', 'en', 'Goteo on Facebook'),
  608. ('regular-share-rss', 'en', 'RSS/Blog'),
  609. ('regular-share-twitter', 'en', 'Follow us on Twitter'),
  610. ('regular-share_this', 'en', 'Share on:'),
  611. ('regular-sorry', 'en', 'We are sorry'),
  612. ('regular-success_mark', 'en', 'Successful!'),
  613. ('regular-thanks', 'en', 'Thank you'),
  614. ('regular-total', 'en', 'Total'),
  615. ('regular-translate_board', 'en', 'Translation panel'),
  616. ('regular-twitter', 'en', 'Twitter'),
  617. ('regular-twitter-url', 'en', '!/'),
  618. ('regular-view_project', 'en', 'See project'),
  619. ('regular-weeks', 'en', 'weeks'),
  620. ('regular-yes', 'en', 'Yes'),
  621. ('review-ajax-alert', 'en', 'Evaluation / feedback fields will be automatically updated when changed'),
  622. ('review-closed-alert', 'en', 'You marked the review as finished, no more changes can be done.'),
  623. ('rewards-field-individual_reward-amount', 'en', 'Amount financed'),
  624. ('rewards-field-individual_reward-description', 'en', 'Description'),
  625. ('rewards-field-individual_reward-other', 'en', 'Specify the type of reward'),
  626. ('rewards-field-individual_reward-reward', 'en', 'Reward'),
  627. ('rewards-field-individual_reward-type', 'en', 'Type of reward'),
  628. ('rewards-field-individual_reward-units', 'en', 'Units'),
  629. ('rewards-field-social_reward-description', 'en', 'Description'),
  630. ('rewards-field-social_reward-license', 'en', 'Licensing options'),
  631. ('rewards-field-social_reward-other', 'en', 'Specify the type of benefit'),
  632. ('rewards-field-social_reward-reward', 'en', 'Benefits'),
  633. ('rewards-field-social_reward-type', 'en', 'Type of benefit'),
  634. ('rewards-fields-individual_reward-title', 'en', 'Individual rewards'),
  635. ('rewards-fields-social_reward-title', 'en', 'Collective benefits'),
  636. ('rewards-main-header', 'en', 'Benefits and rewards'),
  637. ('social-account-facebook', 'en', ''),
  638. ('social-account-google', 'en', ''),
  639. ('social-account-identica', 'en', ''),
  640. ('social-account-linkedin', 'en', 'Goteo page at Linkedin'),
  641. ('social-account-twitter', 'en', ''),
  642. ('step-1', 'en', 'Profile'),
  643. ('step-2', 'en', 'Promoter'),
  644. ('step-3', 'en', 'Description'),
  645. ('step-4', 'en', 'Expenses'),
  646. ('step-5', 'en', 'Benefits'),
  647. ('step-6', 'en', 'Collaborations'),
  648. ('step-7', 'en', 'Preview'),
  649. ('step-costs', 'en', 'Step 4: Project/Expenses'),
  650. ('step-overview', 'en', 'Step 3: Project description'),
  651. ('step-preview', 'en', 'Project / Preview'),
  652. ('step-rewards', 'en', 'Step 5: Project / Benefits'),
  653. ('step-supports', 'en', 'Step 6: Project / Collaborations'),
  654. ('step-userPersonal', 'en', 'Step 2: Personal information'),
  655. ('step-userProfile', 'en', 'Step 1: User / Profile'),
  656. ('supports-field-description', 'en', 'Description'),
  657. ('supports-field-support', 'en', 'Summary'),
  658. ('supports-field-type', 'en', 'Type of help'),
  659. ('supports-fields-support-title', 'en', 'Collaborations'),
  660. ('supports-main-header', 'en', 'Request for collaborations'),
  661. ('tooltip-dashboard-user-access_data', 'en', 'This is your current log in data. The only thing you cannot change is your username.'),
  662. ('tooltip-dashboard-user-change_email', 'en', 'Change the email address at which you receive messages from Goteo.'),
  663. ('tooltip-dashboard-user-change_password', 'en', 'Change your password that you use to log in to Goteo.'),
  664. ('tooltip-dashboard-user-confirm_email', 'en', 'Confirm the new email address where you wish to receive messages from Goteo.'),
  665. ('tooltip-dashboard-user-confirm_password', 'en', 'Confirm the new password with which you want to log in to Goteo.'),
  666. ('tooltip-dashboard-user-new_email', 'en', 'Specify the new email address at which you wish to receive messages from Goteo.'),
  667. ('tooltip-dashboard-user-new_password', 'en', 'Write the new password that you want to use to log in to Goteo'),
  668. ('tooltip-dashboard-user-user_password', 'en', 'Write the current password that you use to log in to Goteo'),
  669. ('tooltip-project-about', 'en', 'Briefly describe the project in conceptual, technical, or practical terms. For example, by detailing how it works or what it is made up of. Think about what it will be like when it''s done, and what people will be able to do with it.'),
  670. ('tooltip-project-category', 'en', 'Choose as many categories as you deem necessary in order to describe the project, based on everything you''ve written above. Your choices will help us get your project out to interested Goteo users.');
  671. INSERT INTO `text` (`id`, `lang`, `text`) VALUES
  672. ('tooltip-project-comment', 'en', 'Do you have any doubts or comments for the Goteo administrator? This is the place to mention some part of what you have written that you''re not sure about, to suggest improvements, etc.'),
  673. ('tooltip-project-contract_birthdate', 'en', 'Enter your date of birth. It will never be published, but rather only used for statistical purposes.'),
  674. ('tooltip-project-contract_data', 'en', 'Whether it''s a person or legal entity, someone has to be named as the project promoter, as well as the liaison with the Goteo team. It doesn''t have to be the same as the user profile from the previous field.'),
  675. ('tooltip-project-contract_email', 'en', 'Main email address associated with the project.You will receive all the notifications and messages from the Goteo team relating to your project proposal at this address.'),
  676. ('tooltip-project-contract_entity', 'en', 'Choose “Person” if you are the project promoter and are representing yourself. If the promoter is a group you have to choose the second option, “Legal Entity”, in which case, you''ll also have to enter a CIF.'),
  677. ('tooltip-project-contract_name', 'en', 'Please use your real first name and surname. Note that you will be listed as the project leader.'),
  678. ('tooltip-project-contract_nif', 'en', 'Your NIF, NIE or VAT number with digits and the letter'),
  679. ('tooltip-project-cost-amount', 'en', 'Specify the amount in euros for each expense. Don''t use points or commas to mark the thousands, OK?'),
  680. ('tooltip-project-cost-cost', 'en', 'Enter the most descriptive title possible for this expense'),
  681. ('tooltip-project-cost-dates', 'en', 'Give a time frame for when the task will be completed or the expense will be covered. Plan it by starting at least two months from today, since you have to take into account the time needed for revising the proposal, publicizing it if it is chosen, and the 40 days from the first financing. Don''t include pieces that were developed previously even though these are good to explain in your project''s description. We only want things on the schedule that still need to be done and for which you''re requesting co-financing.'),
  682. ('tooltip-project-cost-description', 'en', 'Briefly explain what this expense consists of.'),
  683. ('tooltip-project-cost-required', 'en', 'This section is very important: for each expense that you enter, you have to indicate if it is absolutely necessary or just supplemental. All of the expenses that are marked as necessary will be added to get the full amount of minimum financing required for the project. The sum of the supplemental expenses, in contrast, can be requested during the second round of financing, after having gotten the “necessary” funds.'),
  684. ('tooltip-project-cost-type', 'en', 'Here you should specify the type of expense: related to a task (something that requires someone''s skill or knowledge), obtaining material (consumables, raw materials) or infrastructure (spaces, equipment, furniture) '),
  685. ('tooltip-project-cost-type-material', 'en', 'Necessary materials for the project, like tools, office material, computer equipment, etc.'),
  686. ('tooltip-project-cost-type-structure', 'en', 'Investment in costs that are linked to an office space or store front, mode of transport, or other basic infrastructure needed to bring the project to fruition.'),
  687. ('tooltip-project-cost-type-task', 'en', 'Tasks in which knowledge and skills can be invested in order to develop a part of the project.'),
  688. ('tooltip-project-costs', 'en', 'The more precisely you break down the expenses, the better Goteo will be able to evaluate the general information about your project.'),
  689. ('tooltip-project-currently', 'en', 'Which phase is the project currently in with respect to the process of creation or execution?'),
  690. ('tooltip-project-description', 'en', 'Describe the project in at least 80 words (any less will generate an error). Explain it so that it''s easy to understand for a lay person. Try to give it an attractive, social focus, summarizing its strong points that make it unique, innovative or special. '),
  691. ('tooltip-project-entity_cif', 'en', 'Enter the organization''s business number (CIF, letter plus the number)'),
  692. ('tooltip-project-entity_name', 'en', 'Write the name of the organization exactly as it appears in its CIF.'),
  693. ('tooltip-project-entity_office', 'en', 'Enter the position with which you represent the organization (secretary, president, ...)'),
  694. ('tooltip-project-goal', 'en', 'List the project''s principal goals, in the long and short term, in all aspects that you consider important. This is another opportunity to contact with and get support from the people who sympathize with those objectives.'),
  695. ('tooltip-project-image', 'en', 'These might be outlines, screenshots, photographs, illustrations, storyboards, etc. (their authoring license should be compatible with what you choose in section 5). Use a variety, and at a decent resolution. You can upload as many as you like.'),
  696. ('tooltip-project-image_upload', 'en', 'ERASE'),
  697. ('tooltip-project-individual_reward-amount', 'en', 'Amount for which one can receive this type of reward.'),
  698. ('tooltip-project-individual_reward-description', 'en', 'Briefly explain what the reward will consist of for those who co-finance the project at this level.'),
  699. ('tooltip-project-individual_reward-icon-other', 'en', 'Briefly describe this other type of individual reward'),
  700. ('tooltip-project-individual_reward-reward', 'en', 'Try to make the title as descriptive as possible. Remember that you can add more rewards later.'),
  701. ('tooltip-project-individual_reward-type', 'en', 'Select the type of reward that the project can offer to people who contribute this amount.'),
  702. ('tooltip-project-individual_reward-units', 'en', 'Limited quantity of items that can be offered individually in exchange for this amount. Adjust the amounts so that the total sum of all of the individual rewards for the project is close to the minimum financing budget that you have created. Don''t forget that you can also incorporate the previous rewards as the amount increases, by starting with “All of the preceding, plus...”'),
  703. ('tooltip-project-individual_rewards', 'en', 'Specify the reward that a supporter will receive, linked to a particular amount of money. Carefully choose what you''re offering. Try to offer attractive or ingenious products or services that don''t generate extra production expenses. If you must incur extra expenses, calculate the amount that it will cost to produce this reward (including time, materials, shipping, etc.) and offer a limited quantity. Remember that you will have to follow through with these obligations when the project is produced.'),
  704. ('tooltip-project-keywords', 'en', 'As you enter text, the system will suggest key words that other users have written. These categories help to link your project with other similar ones.'),
  705. ('tooltip-project-lang', 'en', 'Indicate the language in which you''re filling out the project form.'),
  706. ('tooltip-project-main_address', 'en', 'Legal address of the person or organization (whichever applies)'),
  707. ('tooltip-project-media', 'en', 'Copy and paste the URL address of the project''s presentation video, previously published on YouTube or Vimeo. This is an essential step in attracting the attention of potential co-financiers and collaborators, and the more original it is, the better. Videos should last between 2 and 4 minutes.'),
  708. ('tooltip-project-motivation', 'en', 'Explain the reasons or circumstances that led you do think of this project, as well as the communities or users to whom it is geared. It will help you connect with people who are moving in this same circle of interests, problems, and tastes.'),
  709. ('tooltip-project-name', 'en', 'Enter a title for your project. The shorter the better, you can add description in the following field.'),
  710. ('tooltip-project-nsupport', 'en', 'Advice on filling out a new collaboration proposal'),
  711. ('tooltip-project-phone', 'en', 'Telephone number (mobile or landline) with prefix'),
  712. ('tooltip-project-post_address', 'en', 'Indicate, if need be, a detailed postal address'),
  713. ('tooltip-project-project_location', 'en', 'Indicate where the project will be developed; in which towns or cities the principal promoters are located.'),
  714. ('tooltip-project-related', 'en', 'Summarize how you or the promoting group got to this point. What experience do you have that relates to the proposal? Tell us about your team, resources, and infrastructure. '),
  715. ('tooltip-project-resource', 'en', 'Note here if you are counting on additional resources, apart from those that you''re asking for, in order to carry out this project: sources of financing, your own resources, or perhaps you''ve already gathered some materials. This might be attractive to potential co-financiers of your project.'),
  716. ('tooltip-project-schedule', 'en', 'Production calendar for your project. Remember that you should only indicate new tasks, not those that have already been completed.'),
  717. ('tooltip-project-scope', 'en', 'Specify the geographic impact that you hope this project will have (each category includes the previous one)'),
  718. ('tooltip-project-social_reward-description', 'en', 'Briefly explain the type of collective benefit that this project will offer or allow.'),
  719. ('tooltip-project-social_reward-icon-other', 'en', 'Briefly describe what this other collective benefit consists of'),
  720. ('tooltip-project-social_reward-license', 'en', 'Choose a license from the group displayed. We recommend that you read through them carefully before deciding, and keep in mind that an important factor for Goteo is that projects have the most open licences possible.'),
  721. ('tooltip-project-social_reward-reward', 'en', 'Try to make the title as descriptive as possible. Remember that you can add more benefits later.'),
  722. ('tooltip-project-social_reward-type', 'en', 'Specify the type of benefit: DIGITAL FILES like music, video, text documents, etc. SOURCE CODE of a software program, DESIGNS of layouts or patterns, MANUALS in the form of kits, business plans, how-to''s, or receipts, SERVICES like workshops, courses, consulting, website access, online databases.'),
  723. ('tooltip-project-social_rewards', 'en', 'Define the type of benefits from the project that can be accessed openly, and the license that should regulate them. If you have any doubts about which option to choose, or which is best in your case, <a href="" target="new">contact us</a> and we will advise you on this point.'),
  724. ('tooltip-project-subtitle', 'en', 'Create a single phrase for the subtitle that explains just what your initiative is about, that gives a taste of what it''s for and what it consists of. It will appear together with the project title.'),
  725. ('tooltip-project-support', 'en', 'Advice on editing existing collaborations'),
  726. ('tooltip-project-support-description', 'en', 'Briefly explain the kind of help that your project needs, to help people see what is needed and encourage them to collaborate.'),
  727. ('tooltip-project-support-support', 'en', 'Descriptive title about the needed collaboration'),
  728. ('tooltip-project-support-type', 'en', 'Choose if the project needs help with concrete tasks or rather loans of material, infrastructure, etc.'),
  729. ('tooltip-project-support-type-lend', 'en', 'Temporary loan of material needed for the project, or the loan of infrastructure or space during a given period of time. It might also imply permanent loans, that is, gifts :)'),
  730. ('tooltip-project-support-type-task', 'en', 'This collaboration requires a skill in a specific task, either via computer or in person.'),
  731. ('tooltip-project-supports', 'en', 'In Goteo, projects can be supported in other ways besides just monetary. There are people who can''t help economically but have plenty to offer in terms of their talent, time, energy, and more.'),
  732. ('tooltip-project-totals', 'en', 'This graph shows the sum of essential expenses (the minimum necessary to complete the project) and the sum of secondary expenses (optimal amount) for the two rounds of financing. The first round lasts 40 days, in order to obtain the minimum essential amount. Only those that achieve this level of financing can opt to continue with the second round, for an additional 40 days, in order to achieve the optimal amount of funds. In the second round (in contrast with the first), you get everything you have raised even if you don''t reach the full goal.  '),
  733. ('tooltip-project-usubs', 'en', 'Check if you subtitled the video to other languages with Universal Subtitles:'),
  734. ('tooltip-project-video', 'en', 'Consider publishing and linking a video (YouTube or Vimeo) where you briefly explain to the camera your vision for your project. This is something that might compliment the principal video, by letting you transmit your need or originality in the most direct way possible. If you find it hard speaking to the camera, maybe there''s someone else you know and who is following the project that might complete this step as a "fan". Feeling empathy for and seeing the person on the other side of the project is a key component for certain kinds of co-financiers.'),
  735. ('tooltip-user-about', 'en', 'As a social network, Goteo attempts to help spread the word about and finance interesting projects among the largest amount of people possible. To that end, it''s important to share information about your skills and experience (professional, academic, hobbies, etc.)'),
  736. ('tooltip-user-contribution', 'en', 'Briefly explain your skills and the areas in which you could help (translating, marketing, testing, programming, teaching, etc.)'),
  737. ('tooltip-user-facebook', 'en', 'This social network can help you spread the word about Goteo projects that interest you with your friends and family.'),
  738. ('tooltip-user-google', 'en', 'The Google+ social network is pretty new, but you can specify your user id if you use it already.'),
  739. ('tooltip-user-identica', 'en', 'This channel can help you spread the word about Goteo projects in the open source community.'),
  740. ('tooltip-user-image', 'en', 'You don''t have to add a profile picture, but it does help other users to identify you.'),
  741. ('tooltip-user-interests', 'en', 'Indicate the kind of projects you might be interested in co-financing or in supporting with other resources, knowledge or skills. These categories cut across boundaries; you can select more than one.'),
  742. ('tooltip-user-keywords', 'en', 'As you enter text, the system will suggest key words that have already been created by other users. These categories help link your profile with specific other people and projects.'),
  743. ('tooltip-user-linkedin', 'en', 'This social network can help you spread the word about interesting Goteo projects with your professional contacts.'),
  744. ('tooltip-user-location', 'en', 'This information is important so that we can connect you with a local Goteo group.'),
  745. ('tooltip-user-name', 'en', 'Your screen name or nickname on Goteo. You can change it whenever you like. (Note: it''s not the same as your user name, which cannot be changed.)'),
  746. ('tooltip-user-twitter', 'en', 'This social network can help spread the word about Goteo projects quickly and virally.'),
  747. ('tooltip-user-webs', 'en', 'Indicate the URL addresses of personal or other websites that you are associated with.'),
  748. ('translate-home-guide', 'en', 'Note to the translator'),
  749. ('translate-home-guide', 'fr', 'Message pour le traducteur'),
  750. ('user-account-inactive', 'en', 'The account is deactivated.'),
  751. ('user-activate-already-active', 'en', 'The account is already active.'),
  752. ('user-activate-fail', 'en', 'Error upon activating the user account'),
  753. ('user-activate-success', 'en', 'The account has been activated correctly.'),
  754. ('user-changeemail-fail', 'en', 'Error while changing the email'),
  755. ('user-changeemail-success', 'en', 'The email address has been successfully changed.'),
  756. ('user-changeemail-title', 'en', 'Change email'),
  757. ('user-changepass-confirm', 'en', 'Confirm new password'),
  758. ('user-changepass-new', 'en', 'New password'),
  759. ('user-changepass-old', 'en', 'Current password'),
  760. ('user-changepass-title', 'en', 'Change password'),
  761. ('user-email-change-sended', 'en', 'We have sent you an email so that you can confirm the change of address'),
  762. ('user-login-required', 'en', 'You have to sign in to interact with the Goteo community'),
  763. ('user-login-required-access', 'en', 'You have to sign in or ask for permission to get access to this section'),
  764. ('user-login-required-to_create', 'en', 'You have to sign in to create a project'),
  765. ('user-login-required-to_invest', 'en', 'You have to sign in to co-finance a project'),
  766. ('user-login-required-to_message', 'en', 'You have to sign in to send messages'),
  767. ('user-login-required-to_see', 'en', 'You have to sign in to see this page'),
  768. ('user-login-required-to_see-supporters', 'en', 'You have to sign in to see the other co-financiers'),
  769. ('user-message-send_personal-header', 'en', 'Send a message to the user'),
  770. ('user-password-changed', 'en', 'You have changed your password'),
  771. ('user-personal-saved', 'en', 'Updated personal information'),
  772. ('user-prefer-saved', 'en', 'Your notification preferences were saved correctly'),
  773. ('user-preferences-mailing', 'en', 'Disable newsletter subscription'),
  774. ('user-preferences-rounds', 'en', 'Disable progress notifications from the projects I''m backing'),
  775. ('user-preferences-threads', 'en', 'Disable answer notifications to the messages I start'),
  776. ('user-preferences-updates', 'en', 'Disable news notifications from the projects I''m backing'),
  777. ('user-profile-saved', 'en', 'Profile updated'),
  778. ('user-register-success', 'en', 'The user was registered correctly. We are sending you an activation email now.'),
  779. ('user-save-fail', 'en', 'There was a problem saving the data'),
  780. ('validate-cost-field-dates', 'en', 'Specify the beginning and ending dates for the expense in order to better evaluate the project.'),
  781. ('validate-project-costs-any_error', 'en', 'Some information is missing from the breakdown of the expense'),
  782. ('validate-project-field-about', 'en', 'The project description is too short'),
  783. ('validate-project-field-costs', 'en', 'We recommend that you break it down into least 5 distinct expenses to make it easier to evaluate your project to see whether it should be published on Goteo.'),
  784. ('validate-project-field-currently', 'en', 'Indicate the current status of the project in order to facilitate the evaluation of the project and to determine whether it should be published on Goteo.'),
  785. ('validate-project-field-description', 'en', 'The project description is too short'),
  786. ('validate-project-individual_rewards', 'en', 'Indicate up to 5 individual rewards in order to improve the score'),
  787. ('validate-project-individual_rewards-any_error', 'en', 'Some information about individual rewards is missing.'),
  788. ('validate-project-social_rewards', 'en', 'You have to specify at least one collective benefit'),
  789. ('validate-project-social_rewards-any_error', 'en', 'Some information is missing about collective benefits.'),
  790. ('validate-project-total-costs', 'en', 'The optimal cost cannot exceed the minimum cost by more than 50%. You have to either raise the essential costs or lower the supplemental costs. '),
  791. ('validate-project-userProfile-any_error', 'en', 'There''s an error in the URL address'),
  792. ('validate-project-userProfile-web', 'en', 'We recommend you list some websites'),
  793. ('validate-project-value-contract_email', 'en', 'The email address is incorrect.'),
  794. ('validate-project-value-contract_nif', 'en', 'The NIF is incorrect'),
  795. ('validate-project-value-description', 'en', 'The project description is too short'),
  796. ('validate-project-value-entity_cif', 'en', 'The Business number (CIF) is not valid.'),
  797. ('validate-project-value-keywords', 'en', 'Write down at least five key words about the project that will help facilitate its evaulation by Goteo.'),
  798. ('validate-project-value-phone', 'en', 'The format of the telephone number is incorrect'),
  799. ('validate-register-value-email', 'en', 'The email address you entered is not valid'),
  800. ('validate-social_reward-license', 'en', 'Indicate a license in order to improve the score'),
  801. ('validate-user-field-about', 'en', 'Tell us about yourself so that we can better evaluate your project and determine its suitability for publishing on Goteo.'),
  802. ('validate-user-field-avatar', 'en', 'Add a profile image to help us evaluate your project and determine whether it is suitable for publication on Goteo.'),
  803. ('validate-user-field-contribution', 'en', 'Explain what you could bring to Goteo to improve the evaluation of the project to determine whether it should be published on the platform.'),
  804. ('validate-user-field-facebook', 'en', 'Add your Facebook user name to help us evaluate your project and whether it is suitable for publication on Goteo.'),
  805. ('validate-user-field-interests', 'en', 'Select an interest to help us evaluate your project and determine if it is suitable for publication on Goteo.'),
  806. ('validate-user-field-keywords', 'en', 'Indicate up to 5 key words that define you, to help evaluate your project and decide if it is suitable for publication on Goteo.'),
  807. ('validate-user-field-linkedin', 'en', 'The LinkedIn field is not valid'),
  808. ('validate-user-field-location', 'en', 'The place of residence of the user is not valid'),
  809. ('validate-user-field-name', 'en', 'Enter your complete name to help us evaluate your project and see whether it is suitable for publishing on Goteo.'),
  810. ('validate-user-field-twitter', 'en', 'The Twitter user name is not valid'),
  811. ('validate-user-field-web', 'en', 'Please enter the address (URL) of the website'),
  812. ('validate-user-field-webs', 'en', 'Enter the address of your website to help us evaluate your project and determine if it is suitable for publishing on Goteo.');
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