
FoE RPG G0 - #005 Undercover

Feb 23rd, 2013
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  1. 19:21<SpiritOfFate> It's dark and wet, but at least your shack protects you from the downpour outside. Ignis wakes up.
  2. 19:22* Ignis yawns as he wakes up for another lovely a slave. He looks around, trying to make out his surroundings, wondering if he would get his meal today.
  3. 19:24<SpiritOfFate> There is only a little food left that you didn't eat yesterday.
  4. 19:28<SpiritOfFate> You hear sounds of trotting, despite the loud rain. Two, in fact. One approaches from the door of the shack and the other... you can't pinpoint for sure.
  5. 19:31* Ignis moves quietly and stands behind the door, as quiet as he could.
  6. 19:35<SpiritOfFate> You manage to hide in the dark shack as a small cloaked figure comes in, carrying two buckets.
  7. 19:36* Ignis observes.
  8. 19:49<SpiritOfFate> The figure dumps the buckets into the troughs, then moves closer to the furnace itself
  9. 19:50* Ignis keeps watching quietly, rather curious.
  10. 19:53<SpiritOfFate> The hood falls and the figure reveals itself to be the little jenny. She takes a bit of thread with a hook from inside her cloak and... looks at the place the dragon was supposed to sleep. She looks around startled.
  11. 19:55* Ignis takes a claw from his hiding place and beckons her with it.
  12. 19:57<SpiritOfFate> The jenny nevously approaches you
  13. 19:58* Ignis takes the jenny into his hiding spot, instantly using a claw to cover her mouth for a few moments. "Shhhh, somepony else is around, Hearthy..." He whispers.
  14. 20:02<SpiritOfFate> "Umm, who?" She looks around.
  15. 20:07* Ignis "Outside..." He whispers. "Stay quiet and try to listen it..." The dragon also falls silent, holding the jenny close and trying to not make any noise, wanting to hear out what was that...
  16. 20:20<SpiritOfFate> You both stay silent, but you can't hear that sound anymore, even though you are fairly sure you would
  17. 20:21* Ignis eventually releases the jenny, finally breathing calmly again. "Guess it went away." The dragon smiles apologetically to her. "Sorry, Its..." He scratches the back of his head. "I'm a bit jumpy."
  18. 20:23* SpiritOfFate blinks. "O-oh. It's f-fine." Her eyes back and forth from you and the furnace.
  19. 20:23<SpiritOfFate> The jenny^
  20. 20:24<SpiritOfFate> You hear a thunder, but the rain is getting weaker.
  21. 20:25* Ignis trots closer and looks at the furnace as well, intead of talking to her, he whispers lowly into the jenny's ear. "Or perhaps, he is listening to us right now..." The dragon nods. "Something I can help you with?" He whispers again.
  22. 20:27<SpiritOfFate> "Um, it's nothing. I just..." she fidgets nervously.
  23. 20:28* Ignis resist the urge to facepalm. "I'm not going to do you any harm, I am your friend." He whispers once again. "Just tell me, okay?"
  24. 20:32<SpiritOfFate> "Well, um, thanks, but I can't..."
  25. 20:33<Ignis> "I want to help you...but I can't do that if you won't get me into the loop....think about it."
  26. 20:34<SpiritOfFate> "Um, but what if they find out? The'd hurt you, they'd hurt me and they could catch everypony. " She looks out of the door nervously.
  27. 20:36* Ignis ponders that over. "You already did...whenever you are plotting. The wheels are already grinding...the best you could do is take my offer, Celestia knows if you'll ever have the chance to do so again if you don't right now..."
  28. 20:43<SpiritOfFate> She fidgets. "Um, okay... They leave things sometimes, the escaped ponies. Letters and even some gifts to help us sometimes, and there is rumors, and you need to go to the right place, but you find something, sometimes."
  29. 20:45* Ignis nods. "So..." The dragon falls silent, something grinding into his head...wouldn't be an absurdly coincidence of the destiny if the sound that he heard earlier was one of the escapees? He put the thought aside. " got any tip about that?"
  30. 20:46<SpiritOfFate> Hearty nods, looking at the chute. "Yeah..."
  31. 20:47* Ignis notices the jenny shifting her gaze. "Ah, interesting..." He nods.
  32. 20:48* Ignis nods a few times. "If that's may leave, already helped me much." The dragon hugs her. "If you wish for anything, feel free to ask...and stay safe."
  33. 20:55* Ignis looks around and notices his meal. "Oh, silly old me...forgot you'd need those buckets." The dragon chuckles and goes to drink and eat his fill
  34. 20:57<SpiritOfFate> The jenny bows slightly to you and walks away.
  35. 20:58* Ignis finishes nomming and hands the couple of buckets to her. "Thanks again, Hearty...I'll remember that." He smiles to her.
  36. 21:07<SpiritOfFate> Hearty smiles back before leaving.
  37. 21:07* Ignis nods, and after she goes, the dragon moves on to check the chute...
  38. 21:17<SpiritOfFate> There seems to be a package down there, half hidden by grass
  39. 21:17* Ignis tries to get the package and the grass.
  40. 21:21<SpiritOfFate> Your claws can only scratch it and grab the grass over it.
  41. 21:21* Ignis digs his pipe and uses it to pull the package close till he could grab it.
  42. 21:27<SpiritOfFate> You manage to get the package. It's smaller than a suitcase, covered in dried leaves.
  43. 21:27* Ignis opens the package and checks the contents.
  44. 21:31<SpiritOfFate> There is a letter, 1 healing potion, 2 antidotes, 4 magic bandages and 4 med-X
  45. 21:32* Ignis leaves the meds on the package and buries it among the rest of his "hoard". The dragon takes the letter and reads it.
  46. 21:37<SpiritOfFate> The letter reads. "It's all we could afford. We hope this can help your work, so you can continue helping ours."
  47. 21:38* Ignis crumples the letter and tosses it onto the furnace, so it could, good to hear about them. The dragon moves on to the door and checks the weather.
  48. 21:40<SpiritOfFate> The rain is stopping now, and the griffin are returning to their positions. You hear gunshots from very far.
  49. 21:41* Ignis sighs and moves back to the pile of junk, wanting to look for more stuff...his prime goals are scrap eletronics, crutches and duct tapes...though, he keeps his eyes open for anything particularly interesting.
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