
Space RPG Session #6

Dec 31st, 2016
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  1. We Begin! Last we left off the crew found a robot with a mouth of a space sailor!
  2. Mr. Ryo Gato: ((Did I disappear her tile by accident?))
  3. Fried Silver (GM): Whos tile?
  4. Mr. Ryo Gato: ((Robomaid?))
  5. Fried Silver (GM): Oh
  6. "Now are you fuckers gonna stand here or do you wanna do ya damn job?"
  7. Mr. Ryo Gato shouts, "Comrades, we must continue forth and do our damn jobs!"
  8. Box-O-Rocks: (Box-o-rocks went to Sonic, he'll be back in a few minutes)
  9. (this is his friend)
  10. Fried Silver (GM): Hello there
  11. Mr. Ryo Gato: (Later! Ironically, I've always known Sonic's to be slow.)
  12. Perhaps we should check out the rest of this floor...
  13. Fried Silver (GM): "Why, what the hell do ya need?"
  14. Mr. Ryo Gato: Is there anything important on this floor?
  15. Box-O-Rocks: (( I'm back ))
  16. Mr. Ryo Gato: ((That's impossible!))
  17. Fried Silver (GM): "The only Important thing in here is me, I know my way around this hell hole and I got A high class permission slip or what ever you call them keycards."
  18. Mr. Ryo Gato: "Ah, that is exactly what we were looking for!
  19. Suule S.: Well the quicker we get out the better
  20. Mr. Ryo Gato: Yes, oxygen scrubbed air is unpleasant to the taste.
  21. Fried Silver (GM): "Good, now follow my shiny metal ass and well be out of here with my body and the fucker who started this."
  22. Mr. Ryo Gato: "Please do not make this weird."
  23. Fried Silver (GM): "Fine." The machine runs off to the living quaters
  25. Ramiel pulls the drone away from the group. "Hold off for a bit, I'm gonna keep circling the station, figure something out."
  26. Fried Silver (GM): Roll to search the outer of the station.
  27. Mr. Ryo Gato: Ramiel is probably climbing a mountain of joysticks right now.
  28. Ramiel: rolling 1d100+35
  29. (
  30. 27
  31. )+35
  32. = 62
  33. The outer of the station is unhindered and sealed exept for the open dockiing bay the crew started at.
  34. Mr. Ryo Gato: (So there is no sign of damage?)
  35. Fried Silver (GM): Nope
  36. No damage
  38. Ramiel radios back "No real outside damage it looks like... Maybe ask our new buddy."
  39. Suule S.: I think the rebellion of the robots might be done externally
  40. By the way
  41. Did you see any bodies so far?
  42. Fried Silver (GM): ((The robot left the room))
  43. Mr. Ryo Gato: I guess the robot does not have enhanced hearing.
  44. ((I follow the robot at this point.))
  45. Ramiel: "Hey, don't let the robot leave!"
  46. Mr. Ryo Gato: ((I follow with more haste))
  47. Fried Silver (GM): ((Follow the robot guys?))
  48. Ramiel: (( yes. ))
  49. Mr. Ryo Gato: ((Commence Map jump))
  50. Fried Silver (GM): "By god what took you fucker so long?"
  51. Ramiel: "We were trying to figure things out, no thanks to you."
  52. Fried Silver (GM): "Is a fucking ape piloting that drone? The other machines went awol due to a fucker stealing my body!"
  53. Hey
  54. GM: Yo!
  55. Zokva: I came to watchh
  56. GM: Sure.
  57. We have a backup character if you ever want to jump in.
  58. Zokva: no prob
  59. Ramiel: "Then by all means, lead the way. Don't run into a hail of gunfire though, we need to purge this station."
  60. Zokva: just finised my reggular saturday ggame and wanted to see if you guys are still at it
  61. GM: A recreation area?!
  62. Fried Silver (GM): "What do you expect, the crew to sit with their thumbs up there arse when they're not working?
  63. Mr. Ryo Gato: ((Thanks Z))
  64. I assumed they just slept, honestly.
  65. Fried Silver (GM): "Now if you guys are ok with stealing from the dead, take what you can."
  66. Mr. Ryo Gato: I inspect the room!
  67. rolling 1d100+30
  68. 89
  69. You try to open the door but it wont budge, it appears that something is blocking the way.
  70. Suule S.: So
  71. What happened to the crew, robutt
  72. Fried Silver (GM): "They either died, gone haywire or escaped."
  73. Maybe a mix with the latter 2 but I dont know."
  74. Ramiel: "And what about our monkey man? "
  75. Fried Silver (GM): Knock down the door Ryo?
  76. Mr. Ryo Gato: Sure.
  77. Fried Silver (GM): "I call you the monkey you dunderfuck."
  78. Mr. Ryo Gato: Is the door metal? Could I actually kick it open?
  79. Fried Silver (GM): Wood
  80. Mr. Ryo Gato: Kick!
  81. rolling 1d100+35
  82. = 69
  83. I hit the large stationary object
  84. rolling 4d10+35
  85. = 56
  86. Fried Silver (GM): You kicked the door, makiong a loud thud.
  87. Keyword being loud.
  88. Mr. Ryo Gato: I examine the room I just accessed
  89. Fried Silver (GM): is the stuff showing?
  90. Mr. Ryo Gato: yep
  91. I look at the giant documents on the desk thing
  92. And the grenade
  93. Suule S.: If they got killed where are the bodies... escape leaves no bodies but all other?
  94. You're not telling us something
  95. Mr. Ryo Gato: "We found bodies in the docking bay"
  96. The book apears to be about the studies of anti-mater, opon opening the book you see a suidcide note in it.
  97. Mr. Ryo Gato: "Ah, and there is another one in this room."
  98. Fried Silver (GM): "Well then lets hope that fucker isnt turning them into zombies."
  99. "Well shit, at least it wasn't someone I cared about."
  100. Mr. Ryo Gato: I look at the note then the grenade.
  101. the note read about how the machines are going AWOL and that she traped, and how she doesn't wanna go slow and painfully."
  102. Fried Silver (GM): The grenade appears to be a grenade, no idea how it got here.
  103. Mr. Ryo Gato: "Ah, a decrotive grenade."
  104. I respectfully check the body for anything useful.
  105. Fried Silver (GM): Roll for inspection
  107. Ramiel pulls the drone away from the grenade
  108. Mr. Ryo Gato: rolling 1d100+30
  109. = 105
  111. Suule S. whsipers to Ryo "I don't like this setup..."
  112. The body appears to been mauled from the lower intestance, some sort of slow and murediously way to end it, dont ya think?
  114. Ramiel pulls the drone back a bit more, something isn't right, he knows it.
  115. Ramiel: rolling 1d100+35
  116. = 61
  117. Fried Silver (GM): wait you took the grenade right?
  118. Mr. Ryo Gato: "It appears this was not a regular suicide. I would hope, anyway."
  119. Mr. Ryo Gato enters the main room and says, "Another body back in there. She barracaded herself but they found a way in somehow."
  120. The whole clean and untamped room feels off, like something is waiting to go wrong.
  121. Mr. Ryo Gato: "FixER! Why did you take us to this room?"
  122. Fried Silver (GM): "Cause it leads to the storage bay in which lead the 3rd sector docking bay!"
  123. Mr. Ryo Gato: I ready my pistol, loading the magazine.
  124. Fried Silver (GM): "WHY THE HELL YOU DOING THAT?"
  125. Mr. Ryo Gato: Because there are killer robots everywhere?
  126. Fried Silver (GM): "So you're telling me you didn't load your damn gun until now?"
  127. Suule S.: I got mine ready...
  128. ANd loaded
  129. Mr. Ryo Gato: (Should we bust open the storage bay?
  130. Fried Silver (GM): ((Yeah.))
  131. hold on
  132. Mr. Ryo Gato: (Welp, GM says so.)
  133. I walk over and try the storage bay door.
  134. Ramiel: (( Can I move y token? ))
  135. (( I can't move the drone. ))
  136. Fried Silver (GM): back
  137. so how do i enable token movement again?
  138. GM (GM): Double click them, select the player or 'all players' in the field "controlled by:"
  139. Ramiel: (( It's working now ))
  140. Fried Silver (GM): Ok
  141. GM: I uh, went ahead and did that.
  142. Mr. Ryo Gato: Wait!
  143. I want to roll sneak.
  145. Ramiel circles around the room, why don't we just start opening doors robot lady? Shouldn't you know where to go?"
  146. Mr. Ryo Gato: rolling 1d100+35+20
  147. = 56
  148. Over the intercoms you hear an "HAPPY BIRTHDAY (Insert name here"
  149. Mr. Ryo Gato: ...I walk straight into the door, apparently.
  150. Fried Silver (GM): Sotty
  151. Sorry
  152. Sorry
  153. I didn't see the stealth roll
  154. Mr. Ryo Gato: Thanks
  155. rolling 1d100+35+20
  156. = 147
  157. I peek my head in and look around
  158. Fried Silver (GM): You see one lone Junker bot.
  159. "Well sir I'm trying not to start another fight, does this model look like it can handle combat?
  160. Mr. Ryo Gato: I quietly close the door and signal the others that one bot.
  161. Fried Silver (GM): (( Sorry for the slip up earlyer. ))
  162. Mr. Ryo Gato: What slip?
  163. Fried Silver (GM): The not seeing your roll and messing up the map
  164. Mr. Ryo Gato: Eh, eh.
  165. ((So should I engage the robot?))
  166. Fried Silver (GM): "See? When theres one of them theres gonna be 2 more around the conner."
  167. Suule S.: (( Yes ))
  168. Ramiel: (( Or warn us. ))
  169. Mr. Ryo Gato: I open the door again and fire on the bot
  170. Fried Silver (GM): Roll to hit.
  171. Suule S.: (( Gonna join in))
  172. Mr. Ryo Gato: rolling 1d100+10
  173. = 55
  174. I will fire the whole clip. +35
  175. Fried Silver (GM): HIt, now damage
  176. Mr. Ryo Gato: rolling 1d10+5+35
  177. = 49
  178. Fried Silver (GM): The sound of metal clashing metal fills the rooms. Soon followed by the pounding of wood
  179. Suule S.: rolling 1d100+10
  180. = 70
  181. Mr. Ryo Gato: (You shooting the thing too, suule?))
  182. rolling 1d100+30
  183. = 55
  184. Fried Silver (GM): rolling 1d100 + 15
  185. = 50
  186. Rox roll for initiate
  187. Suule S.: (( Yep ))
  188. (( But I dunno if we get the first turn or not... if not...))
  189. Fried Silver (GM): Sorry if im not doing good today
  190. Suule S.: rolling 1d100+45
  191. = 111
  192. Fried Silver (GM): Joanna you're up to bat first
  193. Ramiel: (( gonna roll init ))'
  194. rolling 1d100+45
  195. = 111
  196. Fried Silver (GM): Well its a tie between suule and rox, wanna decide who does first?
  197. Suule S.: rolling 1d100+10
  198. = 53
  199. (( Too late I fired first ))
  200. Fried Silver (GM): Hit! so what you aiming at?
  201. Suule S.: Closest
  202. rolling 1d50+50
  203. = 97
  204. Fried Silver (GM): Ok
  205. Suule S.: (( Is it dead? ))
  206. Fried Silver (GM): Damaged. fire again?
  207. Suule S.: How damaged it looks
  208. Fried Silver (GM): It looks like another nice shot will do.
  209. Suule S.: rolling 1d50+50
  210. = 68
  211. (( Fuck wrong roll ))
  212. rolling 1d100+10
  213. = 91
  214. Mr. Ryo Gato: ((This makes me realize my gun is equvialent to a warm spritz of water.)
  215. Suule S.: rolling 1d50+50
  216. = 72
  217. Fried Silver (GM): Hit and kill!
  218. end turn?
  219. Suule S.: (Yeah gonna save my action to parry )
  220. Fried Silver (GM): Ram
  221. Ramiel: (I'm gonna fire on the next closest one. ))
  222. Mr. Ryo Gato: We could draw a circle around our targets!
  223. ((I like the paint tool!))
  224. Fried Silver (GM): Its a tie
  225. On the bots
  226. Ramiel: (( closest to me ))
  227. rolling 1d100+30
  228. = 76
  229. Fried Silver (GM): OK, now roll to hit
  230. Hit
  231. Now damage roll
  232. Ramiel: That was it
  233. That WAS my roll to hit
  234. rolling 5d10
  235. = 32
  236. +50
  237. so 82
  238. Mr. Ryo Gato: ((Some background music:
  239. ))
  240. Fried Silver (GM): Next move?
  241. Ramiel: I'm gonna pull back away from all the rooms and fire again.
  242. rolling 1d100+35
  243. = 41
  244. Fried Silver (GM): Hit
  245. Damage roll
  246. Ramiel: rolling 5d10+50
  247. = 79
  248. Fried Silver (GM): Enemy down!
  249. Ramiel: end turn
  250. Fried Silver (GM): Ryo
  251. Mr. Ryo Gato: Okay.
  252. My gun is empty.
  253. Fried Silver (GM): Reload action?
  254. Mr. Ryo Gato: Nope, I throw my gun at the circled bot
  255. rolling 1d100+35
  256. = 68
  257. Fried Silver (GM): Hit!
  258. Mr. Ryo Gato: With throwing rules a handgun is about 1d10
  259. rolling 1d10+35
  260. 41
  261. Now, it's gonna get weird.
  262. Suule S.: God, Ryo... you're as stupid as a villian in one of the movies you were in. Throwing your weapon at the enemy
  264. Fried Silver (GM): Throwing your gun at the bot seemed to damaged it as much as a whole round, IO smell refund
  265. Mr. Ryo Gato: Now I want to move to the pool table and throw a ball at the robot.
  266. Fried Silver (GM): All right! Roll to hit that fucker
  267. Mr. Ryo Gato: rolling 1d100+35
  268. = 99
  269. rolling 1d10+35
  270. = 41
  271. Fried Silver (GM): Hit!
  272. Suule S.: ...
  273. Fried Silver (GM): And Hurt
  274. Mr. Ryo Gato: So 82 total to the bot.
  276. Suule S. Joanna looks around and wonders if the cameras are rolling
  277. Fried Silver (GM): End turn?
  278. Mr. Ryo Gato: Yeah, I am out of actions.
  279. Fried Silver (GM): You have 7 agility, you got 3 actions.
  280. Mr. Ryo Gato: Well, it's throw, move, and throw.
  281. So i figured I was out.
  282. Fried Silver (GM): Oh yeah
  283. The machines moves in closer!
  284. Same again!
  285. Mr. Ryo Gato: (Crap, might take a hit.)
  286. Fried Silver (GM): "Do any of you fuckers have a spare gun? That fuckers throwing them like baseballs!
  287. The machine does the same and throw a pool ball at the robot.
  288. rolling 1d100 +
  289. = 34
  290. And misses.
  291. Joanna
  292. Suule S. looks at one of the fresher targets...
  293. Suule S.: rolling 1d100+10
  294. = 89
  295. Fried Silver (GM): hit
  296. Suule S.: rolling 1d50+50
  297. = 79
  298. rolling 1d100+10
  299. = 96
  300. rolling 1d50+50
  301. = 84
  302. Fried Silver (GM): hit
  303. Damaged
  305. Suule S. quickly checks her chamber "2 bullets left..."
  306. Suule S.: ( Not killed? )
  307. ( 79+84 total )
  308. Fried Silver (GM): They have around 160 hp
  309. Oh then yeah
  310. Next action?
  311. Or save it?
  312. Hello?
  313. Mr. Ryo Gato: Bird on the wire
  314. Suule S.: ( Save it )
  315. Fried Silver (GM): Raam you're um
  316. ram up
  317. Ramiel: (( I'll fire at the one coming out of the room ))
  318. rolling 1d100+30
  319. = 61
  320. Fried Silver (GM): Hig
  321. hit
  322. Ramiel: rolling 5d10+50
  323. = 79
  324. Fried Silver (GM): Next action?
  325. Movement
  326. Ramiel: (( pull back and fire again at a different bot. ))
  327. Fried Silver (GM): Ok, now shoot to thrill
  328. Ramiel: (( Wait, which one is our friendly bot ))
  329. Fried Silver (GM): The maid
  330. Ramiel: (( Ah, missed it, I'm firing at the bot closest to el geto ))
  331. rolling 1d100+30
  332. = 122
  333. Fried Silver (GM): HIT
  334. Ramiel: rolling 5d10+50
  335. = 75
  336. Fried Silver (GM): HIt
  337. Ramiel: That was damage
  338. Fried Silver (GM): both bots are near destruction cat.
  339. oh yeah
  340. Mr. Ryo Gato: Okay!
  341. Fried Silver (GM): May i suggest a spin kick?
  342. Mr. Ryo Gato: I want to approach one, pick it up, and toss it into the other.
  343. Fried Silver (GM): Okay, beat 80
  344. for lift
  345. Mr. Ryo Gato: rolling 1d100+35
  346. = 53
  347. Sheet.
  348. So...Spin kick?
  349. Fried Silver (GM): Try again or something else?
  350. Sure,
  351. Mr. Ryo Gato: I'll try again
  352. rolling 1d100+35 poor decisions away!
  353. = 75
  354. Welp, I'm snooked.
  355. Endturn
  356. So they weigh over 400lbs?
  357. Fried Silver (GM): Yeah
  358. Mr. Ryo Gato: Terrible robots!
  359. Overweight and lazy!
  360. Fried Silver (GM): They bastard tries to punch thru your helmet!
  361. rolling 3d10 +
  362. = 23
  363. Mr. Ryo Gato: Roll to hit first!
  364. Fried Silver (GM): shit
  365. Mr. Ryo Gato: beat 40
  366. Fried Silver (GM): rolling 1d100 +
  367. = 23
  368. Miss
  369. The other tryies to finish the job!
  370. rolling 1d100 +
  371. 54
  372. rolling 3d10 +
  373. = 13
  374. Mr. Ryo Gato: rolling 13-40
  375. 13-40
  376. = -27
  377. Fried Silver (GM): rolling 1d100 +
  378. = 22
  379. And miss
  380. Mr. Ryo Gato: My helmet is very cracked, I think.
  381. Fried Silver (GM): "Hold on you motherfucker!"
  382. Suule S.: Get out and back to the ship, Ryo
  383. Mr. Ryo Gato: I am fine, just... Need a new helmet.
  384. Fried Silver (GM): The maid botswings the vaccum at one of them!
  385. rolling 1d100 +
  386. 44
  387. How strong should a vaccum be?
  388. And hit!
  389. Suule S.: GET BACK TO THE SHIP, RYO
  390. Don't play Hero
  391. Mr. Ryo Gato: 2d10 commercial, 3d10 industrial.
  393. Fried Silver (GM): rolling 3d10 + 20
  395. = 39
  396. Mr. Ryo Gato: That's abit.
  397. Fried Silver (GM): The vaccum smacks aginst the back of the machine
  398. Joanna!
  399. Mr. Ryo Gato: brb, stretch break
  400. Fried Silver (GM): Ok
  401. Joanna attacks the not-damaged bots
  402. Joanna: rolling 1d100+10
  403. = 89
  404. rolling 1d50+50
  405. = 87
  406. rolling 1d100+10
  407. = 93
  408. rolling 1d50+50
  409. = 70
  410. ( Which one is the none-damaged one?)
  411. Fried Silver (GM): The undamaged is now the too damaged!
  412. On in the far back
  413. Joanna reloads her last speedloader... "Come on..."
  414. Joanna: (( That's all the actions I have ))
  415. Fried Silver (GM): Ram
  416. Mr. Ryo Gato: (Back.)
  417. Fried Silver (GM): Take rams turn?
  418. Ramiel: (( back now, sorry ))
  419. Fried Silver (GM): It ok
  420. Ramiel: I'll try to cover our cat, firing here
  421. rolling 1d100+30
  422. = 123
  423. Fried Silver (GM): Hit
  424. Ramiel: rolling 5d10+50
  426. = 77
  427. Fried Silver (GM): Another one down!
  428. Ramiel: (( Try to hit the last one. ))
  429. Mr. Ryo Gato: I will punch the bot twice then withdraw
  430. rolling 1d100+35
  431. = 48
  432. Fried Silver (GM): Oh shite i though you mover ram
  433. sorry
  434. but your hit was hit!
  435. cat
  436. Mr. Ryo Gato: I thought he was telling me to hit it, actually.
  437. damago
  438. rolling 2d10+35
  439. = 46
  440. And again
  441. rolling 1d100+35
  442. = 36
  443. Ramiel: (( We should call you fumbles ))
  444. Mr. Ryo Gato: Ah, even after all this time
  445. I still roll as a GM
  446. Fried Silver (GM): You rolled 2 1 gm.
  447. But its dead!
  448. End turn?
  449. Mr. Ryo Gato: I withdraw to the rear and endturn
  450. "Thank you for your courage, battlefriends!"
  451. Fried Silver (GM): The machine throws its inners at the group!
  452. rolling 3d10 +
  453. = 17
  454. rolling 1d100 +
  455. = 15
  456. And it missed
  457. Mr. Ryo Gato: Anyone specifically?
  458. Fried Silver (GM): nope
  459. Mr. Ryo Gato: Apparently it's targeting array was part of the stuff it tossed.
  460. "I kinda want to get a baseball bat and hit what it throws."
  461. Fried Silver (GM): The maid beggins throwing the pool balls at the bot
  462. rolling 1d100 +
  463. = 81
  464. rolling 1d100 +
  465. = 93
  466. rolling 1d10 + 20
  467. = 22
  468. rolling 1d10 + 20
  469. = 22
  470. Mr. Ryo Gato: We have discovered a great new ammunition.
  471. Fried Silver (GM): "You fucking body stealing defending fucker!"
  472. Joanna
  473. Mr. Ryo Gato: Gore it with your magic horn!
  474. Fried Silver (GM): So what does bird on a wire mean?
  475. Joanna takes her best shot
  476. Joanna aims at the bot
  477. Joanna: rolling 1d100+10+10
  479. = 48
  480. rolling 1d50+50
  481. = 61
  482. Mr. Ryo Gato: )In the old, old days telephones would get static for anything, sometimes because a bird was sitting on the telephone wire.)
  483. Fried Silver (GM): And its good!
  484. Joanna strikes an action pose
  485. Mr. Ryo Gato: I retrieve my gun
  486. Joanna: And this is how I broke the box office with "Space Ranger Joanna"
  487. Mr. Ryo Gato: You titled a movie after yourself?
  488. Fried Silver (GM): "Never heard of it,"
  489. Joanna: That was my agent's idea
  490. Fried Silver (GM): "Now doesn't the voilence and destruction on machines brong you in the hollyday spirit guys?"
  491. Mr. Ryo Gato: Yes. Thank you for the trap, maid bot.
  492. Fried Silver (GM): "The hell do you mean trap?"
  493. Mr. Ryo Gato: We come in, and conviently the robots are in a perfectly sparsed formation to jump at our rear lines.
  494. Fried Silver (GM): "And I thought the drone guy was the kinky fucker of the group?"
  495. Joanna takes aim at the maid bot "So tell us... what's your endgame?
  496. Fried Silver (GM): "S you're telling me that I don't want all the help I need to get my real body and get the hell out of hear?"
  497. "My game is 1 get my real body, 2 get the hell out of here!"
  498. Ramiel: "Well you aren't making a compelling case lady."
  499. Mr. Ryo Gato: I suppose, regardless of the intent that was indeed a trap although maybe not set by you...
  500. Incidently, do we still have some of that suit repair spray?
  501. Fried Silver (GM): "What do you want then? for you to yank out my CPU and cram it into your pocket so that i can't backstab you?"
  502. Ramiel: (( might be some on the drone. ))
  503. "Well it would shut your mouth."
  504. Mr. Ryo Gato: ((Oh yeah))
  505. Is there some Aerogel here or am I pulling a Martian?
  506. Fried Silver (GM): "You know im not in my origal haul, I can fix it for ya if you stop acting like im an enemy
  507. "its now like my model had FIX in it."
  508. Mr. Ryo Gato: "I'll be fine"
  509. "We have no choice but to continue. Lead the way, FixER"
  510. Ramiel: " I have foam on my drone dummy, just grab it off."
  511. Mr. Ryo Gato: I foam my helmet, even if it obscures my vision.
  512. Fried Silver (GM): Go or look around?
  513. Mr. Ryo Gato: We must GO! To victory! To the enemy!
  514. Or either.
  515. I imagine it's bad karma to steal Gift-Mass presents.
  516. Fried Silver (GM): It's ask bad karma to clock santa across the face
  517. also
  518. Mr. Ryo Gato: This is going to get that weird? Excellent
  519. Fried Silver (GM): All right guys, look around and see if you can find some shit to kill with.
  520. Joanna: I'm at my last speedloader... I need some Magnum bullets
  521. Fried Silver (GM): No, its just bad luck, and I also seen Bad Santa 2.
  522. Mr. Ryo Gato: I enter the bathroom and look around
  523. rolling 1d100+30
  524. = 58
  525. Joanna searches the room for anything worth of notice... maybe the bots have something
  526. Joanna: rolling 1d100+35
  527. = 58
  528. you see that at least they flush even during an robot uprising
  529. Fried Silver (GM): The sound on metal clanking is heard.
  530. Mr. Ryo Gato: If I hear it I fall back and reload my gun
  531. Fried Silver (GM): Thankfully it didn't see the group.
  532. "So guys,you got any heavy firepower?"
  533. Mr. Ryo Gato: I inspect the sewer grate.
  534. Fried Silver (GM): (( that suppose to be ametal box.))
  535. Joanna shows her gun "What does this look like?"
  536. Ramiel: (( Do I know where everyone is in the station from the outside? ))
  537. Fried Silver (GM): "In your hands it looks like a shitty cowboy movie."
  538. Mr. Ryo Gato: I inspect the metal box
  539. Fried Silver (GM): (( Sure i guess.))
  540. Roll to inspect.
  541. Mr. Ryo Gato: rolling 1d100+30
  542. (
  543. 42
  544. )+30
  545. = 72
  546. I am a terrible inspector
  547. Joanna: A bullet in your head will look quite amazing if you don't stop being so foul mouthed
  548. Fried Silver (GM): You see a label stating that there are plasma weapons inside
  549. (( or is that to strong of a weapon?))
  550. Mr. Ryo Gato: ((Really wish I had stated out energy weapons now.))
  551. ((Assault rifles are good enough.))
  552. Fried Silver (GM): (ok ass alt rifles
  553. Joanna wonders if she should look around some more...
  554. Fried Silver (GM): "Heh, it looks like it says ass alt rifle on the printing."
  556. Ramiel is more busy in his cockpit than with the drone.
  557. Mr. Ryo Gato: "I found a box of rifles in the bathroom!"
  558. The maid bot opens the crate using the id scan.
  559. Fried Silver (GM): Were in the storage room, or is it bugging?
  560. Mr. Ryo Gato: Bathroom
  561. Fried Silver (GM): Shit the tag thing
  562. It it working now?
  563. Mr. Ryo Gato: Yep
  564. ((Heey, do we still have that homemade shotgun from earlier?
  565. Fried Silver (GM): Yeah
  566. Mr. Ryo Gato: Is it like 3d10+30, single shot or something or 4d10?
  567. Also, if I see the behemoth I immediately take cover.
  568. Fried Silver (GM): Its a one shot and done sort of thing
  569. Mr. Ryo Gato: Like it will break if it's fired?
  570. Fried Silver (GM): Its more of a reloading in combat is a stupid move sort of thing
  571. like it would take 3 action
  572. Mr. Ryo Gato: Single tube, got it.
  573. I roll sneak
  574. rolling 1d100+35+20
  575. (
  576. 55
  577. )+35+20
  578. = 110
  579. With that said, I scope out the big guy.
  580. Fried Silver (GM): Sneak where?
  581. Joanna tries checking for any crates
  582. Joanna: rolling 1d100+35
  583. (
  584. 56
  585. )+35
  586. = 91
  587. Mr. Ryo Gato: Over by the forklift for a better view.
  588. Fried Silver (GM): its a monsterous machine, it appears to be armed with a blowtorch and a pistol around the body.
  589. Mr. Ryo Gato: Also, just in general sneaking.
  590. I inspect the forklift, is it driveable?
  591. Fried Silver (GM): It requires a keycard, thankfully the one you picked up apears to be able to use it.
  592. Mr. Ryo Gato: I sneak back to the others.
  593. Fried Silver (GM): "So what the hell is it?"
  594. Mr. Ryo Gato: "A large robot? I don't know. I'm not a robot-man. I think we can smash it if we ram it with the forklift.
  595. Fried Silver (GM): "Well shit, it might pierce the damn thing i guess."
  596. Joanna: (( Any Crates I can open? ))
  597. Fried Silver (GM): "So I ASSume that you want us to be bate."
  598. Yes
  599. both out of reach and behind doors
  600. except that one
  601. Mr. Ryo Gato: ((That crate might be important.))
  602. Fried Silver (GM): Roll to pick the lock?
  603. Joanna: rolling 1d100+35+10
  604. (
  605. 5
  606. )+35+10
  607. = 50
  608. (FUCK!)
  609. Fried Silver (GM): Beefin it
  610. Mr. Ryo Gato: Higher than 1, at least!
  611. Fried Silver (GM): The pick breaks in the lock, making you not be able to open the crate the civil way.
  612. Joanna: (( I'm gonna try once again if there is a possiblity ))
  613. Fried Silver (GM): (sure)
  614. Joanna: rolling 1d100+35+10
  615. (
  616. 90
  617. )+35+10
  618. = 135
  619. (( Haha ))
  620. Fried Silver (GM): Inside the crate appears to be constructoin space suits for mantience of the ship
  621. Mr. Ryo Gato: You just jam that thing and it hooks right up to the broken pick, I guess.
  622. "Not too useful right now."
  623. Joanna curses "Was expecting weapons..."
  624. Fried Silver (GM): "Well its not like we got fucking assult rifles."
  625. the bot picks up a rifle and 4 mags for it.
  627. Ramiel pipes up over the radio. "So listen lady, how do clear this station efficiently?"
  628. Fried Silver (GM): "Not a lot of gun food in there' so we each getting 4 gun food each."
  629. Mr. Ryo Gato: "The most dangerous weapon is the brain."
  630. "Let us caulk ours into firing position."
  631. Fried Silver (GM): "Like I said, remove the fucker from my body and they'll shut down or at least go back to default."
  632. Mr. Ryo Gato: "Right. Speaking of, do you have an idea where your true body is?"
  633. Fried Silver (GM): " just follow me Like I said, I just can feel that what ya call, phantom limb in the next room."
  634. Mr. Ryo Gato: Excuse me a sec.
  635. ((Whoops forgot parathensis.))
  636. Joanna: (( Sure thing... ))
  637. Mr. Ryo Gato: ((Back))
  638. ((Could you circle where she wants to go? Maybe we can sneak by.))
  639. ((Or have Rami shoot through the station into her.))
  640. Box-O-Rocks: (( I don't think I should fire into the station. ))
  641. Fried Silver (GM): "So guys, you think it would be a stretch if we moved the crate with the lift?"
  642. Mr. Ryo Gato: "Everything is a stretch at this point. Worth a try."
  643. Box-O-Rocks: "What would be in the crate?"
  644. Fried Silver (GM): "Either guns, supplies or robots."
  645. Joanna: Not at all... I think I know how to drive one
  646. Box-O-Rocks: "Clear the room then, I'll try to graze the room to open it up."
  647. Fried Silver (GM): "You fucker can take it once my body bock since they would be in shutdown."
  648. "All right, so lets hould ass out and hope you hit them.
  649. Mr. Ryo Gato: I exit the room and shut the door tight whe everyone is out.
  650. Fried Silver (GM): (( prenend were in the other room.))
  651. "All right, fire at will."
  652. Box-O-Rocks: (( Acn I aim with the ships guns? ))
  653. Mr. Ryo Gato: Yep
  654. Fried Silver (GM): Yee
  655. Mr. Ryo Gato: Standard roll
  656. rolling 1d100+pilot skill,
  657. (
  658. 54
  659. )
  660. = 54
  661. Fried Silver (GM): "Waste the fucker all ready!"
  662. Mr. Ryo Gato: Whoop.
  663. I meant 1d100+skill. beat 40
  665. Box-O-Rocks pulls his schooner around, trying to line everything up.
  666. Box-O-Rocks: (( I thought you declared aiming. ))
  667. Mr. Ryo Gato: Sure
  668. Box-O-Rocks: rolling 1d100+30
  669. (
  670. 9
  671. )+30
  672. = 39
  673. lol
  674. Mr. Ryo Gato: Keep in mind you are doing shp damage
  675. so it's 2d10 or 2d10*100, really.
  677. Box-O-Rocks curses, "fucking bullshit"
  678. Box-O-Rocks: (( I'm gonna fire again. ))
  679. rolling 1d100+30
  680. (
  681. 11
  682. )+30
  683. = 41
  684. Fried Silver (GM): HIT
  685. Mr. Ryo Gato: (To GM) rolling 1d10*10
  686. (
  687. 3
  688. )*10
  689. = 30
  690. Fried Silver (GM): now roll damage
  691. Ramiel: rolling 2d10
  692. (
  693. 5
  694. +
  695. 2
  696. )
  697. = 7
  698. so 700 hp
  699. Mr. Ryo Gato: Space gun sounds
  700. Ramiel: (( no sound in space boyo ))
  701. Mr. Ryo Gato: I've got to go guys!
  702. Fried Silver (GM): Ok
  703. Mr. Ryo Gato: Really sorry, be back soon!
  704. Fried Silver (GM): "Ok you finally got the fucker!
  705. "And also fucked up most of the loot with the bot!"
  706. Ramiel: "Maybe spring for thermo vision next time then. Or guide my shots."
  707. Fried Silver (GM): "Oh yeah cause a FUCKING MAID HULL CAN DO THAT SHIT!"
  708. Ramiel: "Well do better next time."
  709. Fried Silver (GM): "Well, those on the ship enjoy yoor only giftmas present."
  710. Suule?
  711. Joanna: (( Sorry, spaced out because I was drawing something ))
  712. (( What hapened? ))
  713. Fried Silver (GM): (( ram missed the shots and destroyed a good chuck of loot.))
  714. Ramiel: (( It was the maid's fault ))
  715. Fried Silver (GM): "So, we ready to go forward?"
  716. Joanna: ... I guess... fucking Christ
  717. (( BTW... the suit I grabbed is destroyted?)
  718. Ramiel: "What part of the station is this guy at? How much farther?"
  719. Fried Silver (GM): Nope
  720. (( the suits good.)
  721. "It's in the next room, ala the one closed entrance."
  722. Joanna: Ramiel... I swear you're trying to kill me. at this rate
  723. Fried Silver (GM): Am i connected? Its lagging.
  724. Joanna: (( Yeah you are )
  726. Ramiel cracks up, "Don't worry about it. I don't miss twice."
  727. Fried Silver (GM): "Good, cause if your strafing run fuck up my body imma be pissed."
  728. Any actions you guys wanna make?
  729. Ramiel: (( I'll have my drone observe the area. ))
  730. Fried Silver (GM): OK roll to search.
  731. Ramiel: rolling 1d100+35
  732. (
  733. 16
  734. )+35
  735. = 51
  736. (( shit rolls today my man. ))
  737. You see a droid on the balcony.
  738. Ramiel: "Robot, straight ahead"
  739. Joanna will do the searching manually
  740. Joanna: rolling 1d100+35
  741. (
  742. 17
  743. )+35
  744. = 52
  745. (( Why ))
  746. Fried Silver (GM): "What does it look like?"
  747. You see crates scattered about.
  748. Fried Silver (GM): (( man it quite silence only gming with 3 people
  749. Joanna: It looks like crates with a droid lookout
  750. Fried Silver (GM): "I mean the droid! What does it look like?"
  751. Zokva: ettin late time to snooz
  752. cya later
  753. Fried Silver (GM): Ok
  754. Zokva: Have fun guys
  755. Joanna: I have no idea! It's hard to see from here
  756. Fried Silver (GM): Rocks you there?
  757. Ramiel: (( Yah, I went to the restroom ))
  758. Fried Silver (GM): "Drone fucker what does the body look like?"
  759. Ramiel: "That your body?"
  760. "Iunno lady. "
  762. Ramiel maneuvers the drone closer to the bot.
  763. Ramiel: (( new perception roll? ))
  764. Fried Silver (GM): Yeah
  765. Ramiel: rolling 1d100+35
  766. (
  767. 85
  768. )+35
  769. = 120
  770. Yep, it looks like his body
  771. Fried Silver (GM): brb
  772. back.
  773. Ramiel: "Looks like your body, lady."
  774. Fried Silver (GM): "THANK FUCKING GOD!"
  775. Other voice (GM): "HALT"
  776. The sound of metal being broken and shaking fill the roob.
  777. Ramiel: "brace yourselves"
  778. (( I want to fire at the dude. ))
  779. Other voice (GM): Out of the floor pops out a huge motherfuck
  781. Joanna: SHOOT AT IT
  783. Initiate roll.
  784. Ramiel: rolling 1d100+45
  785. (
  786. 19
  787. )+45
  788. = 64
  789. Other voice (GM): rolling 1d100 + 50
  790. (
  791. 67
  792. )+50
  793. = 117
  794. Joanna: rolling 1d100+45
  795. (
  796. 17
  797. )+45
  798. = 62
  799. Other voice (GM): Suule roll.
  800. Joanna: ( I did! ))
  801. Other voice (GM): Oh, sorry
  802. rolling 1d100 + 20
  803. (
  804. 75
  805. )+20
  806. = 95
  807. The metal monstrosity Steps forward.
  808. Other voice (GM): "All right piolet Imma oper the dorr and your gonna shoot the fucker thru the entrance!"
  810. Ram
  812. Ramiel steers his ship around to the entrance, readying his weapons. He also pulls his drone around to fire at the bot.
  813. Other voice (GM): JOanna
  814. Joanna thinks of taking a aimed shot at SOMETHING of the Droid.
  815. Joanna: Does this shit have a CPU...
  816. Other voice (GM): "Just shoot the fucker! Its not like there rifles will do shit to him!"
  817. Joanna takes her best shot all 3 of them
  818. Joanna: rolling 1d100+10
  819. (
  820. 46
  821. )+10
  822. = 56
  823. rolling 1d100+10
  824. (
  825. 80
  826. )+10
  827. = 90
  828. rolling 1d100+10
  829. (
  830. 71
  831. )+10
  832. = 81
  833. rolling 3d50+150
  834. = 252
  836. brb
  837. back
  838. rolling 1d100 +
  839. (
  840. 13
  841. )
  842. = 13
  843. Wiffed a melle attack!
  845. Other voice (GM): "Im getting the door open!"
  846. Yello?
  848. Hello?
  849. Joanna: (( Where's Clay? ))
  850. Other voice (GM): I don't know
  851. Ramiel: (( backa gain, sorry things got a bit hectic. This is usually around the time I leave. ))
  852. Other voice (GM): So end session?
  853. Joanna: (( Yeah... this is a good moment ))
  854. (( Big baddie ))
  855. (( Best write down that 250 I that I inflicted ))
  856. Ramiel: We can, I don't want to cut it short fora anyone, but I really can't be present %100
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