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May 3rd, 2012
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  1. [b]File :[/b]Skype
  2. [b]Date :[/b] 05/03/12 11:20:33
  3. [b]PlayOnLinux Version :[/b] 4.0.18
  4. [b]File content :[/b]
  5. [code language=playonlinux]
  6. #!/bin/bash
  7. [ "$PLAYONLINUX" = "" ] \&\& exit 0
  8. source "$PLAYONLINUX/lib/sources"
  9. export WINEPREFIX="/opt/ltsp-users/massimiliano/.PlayOnLinux//wineprefix/Skype"
  10. export WINEDEBUG=""
  11. #POL_Log=Installazione manuale_1336036248
  12. cd "/opt/ltsp-users/massimiliano/.PlayOnLinux//wineprefix/Skype/drive_c/./Program Files/Skype/Phone"
  13. POL_Wine Skype.exe $@
  14. [/code]
  15. [b]Install output Installazione manuale_1336036248:[/b]
  16. PlayOnLinux debbuging tool (v4.0.18)
  17. -----------------------------------------------
  18. Debugging: Installazione manuale
  19. Warning! This is a PlayOnLinux script logfile! It does not contains everything that happened in your program virtual drive (wineprefix)
  20. Please do not use this logfile on winehq forum, this logfile is not interesting for wine debugging!
  22. Date: 05/03/12 11:10:48
  24. > uname -a
  25. Linux ltsp-appserv03 2.6.38-14-generic #58-Ubuntu SMP Tue Mar 27 20:04:55 UTC 2012 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
  26. > lsb_release -a
  28. > wine --version (Be careful, this version might not be the version used in the script! Read the content of this file for more information)
  29. wine-1.4
  30. > glxinfo \| grep rendering
  32. > glxinfo \| grep renderer
  34. > OpenGL libs
  36. 64bits direct rendering is enabled
  37. > export
  38. declare -x AMD64_COMPATIBLE="True"
  39. declare -x APPLICATION_TITLE="PlayOnLinux"
  40. declare -x DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS="unix:abstract=/tmp/dbus-z3Wdt46eyX,guid=b8ed5e05c95f26a52d9704e20000435a"
  41. declare -x DESKTOP="/opt/ltsp-users/massimiliano/Scrivania"
  42. declare -x DESKTOP_SESSION="xfce"
  43. declare -x DISPLAY=""
  44. declare -x DYLDPATH_ORIGIN=""
  45. declare -x DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=""
  46. declare -x ESPEAKER=""
  47. declare -x GECKO_SITE=""
  48. declare -x GLADE_CATALOG_PATH=":"
  49. declare -x GLADE_MODULE_PATH=":"
  50. declare -x GLADE_PIXMAP_PATH=":"
  51. declare -x GNUPGHOME="/opt/ltsp-users/massimiliano/.PlayOnLinux//gpg"
  52. declare -x GTK_MODULES="canberra-gtk-module"
  53. declare -x GTK_PATH=":/usr/lib/gtk-2.0"
  54. declare -x G_FILENAME_ENCODING="UTF-8"
  55. declare -x HOME="/opt/ltsp-users/massimiliano"
  56. declare -x IGNORE_ICON_DIR="false"
  57. declare -x LANG="it_IT.UTF-8"
  58. declare -x LANGUAGE="it_IT.UTF-8"
  59. declare -x LC_ALL="it_IT.UTF-8"
  60. declare -x LD_LIBRARY_PATH=""
  61. declare -x LD_PATH_ORIGIN=""
  62. declare -x LIBGLADE_MODULE_PATH=":"
  63. declare -x LOGNAME="massimiliano"
  64. declare -x LTSP_ALSA_DEFAULT="pulse"
  65. declare -x LTSP_CLIENT=""
  66. declare -x LTSP_CLIENT_HOSTNAME="ltsp191"
  67. declare -x MACHTYPE="x86_64-pc-linux-gnu"
  68. declare -x MAIL="/var/mail/massimiliano"
  69. declare -x MD5_COMMAND="md5sum"
  70. declare -x OLDPWD="/opt/ltsp-users/massimiliano/.PlayOnLinux/plugins"
  71. declare -x ONLY_ONCE="1"
  72. declare -x OS_NAME="linux"
  73. declare -x PATH="/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games"
  74. declare -x PATH_ORIGIN="/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games"
  75. declare -x PLAYONLINUX="/usr/share/playonlinux"
  76. declare -x POL_ARCH="x86"
  77. declare -x POL_ID="29833317"
  78. declare -x POL_LANG="it"
  79. declare -x POL_OS="Linux"
  80. declare -x POL_SetupWindow_ID="2052"
  81. declare -x POL_TERM="xterm"
  82. declare -x POL_USER_ROOT="/opt/ltsp-users/massimiliano/.PlayOnLinux/"
  83. declare -x POL_WGET="wget -4 -q"
  84. declare -x PULSE_SERVER="tcp:"
  85. declare -x PWD="/opt/ltsp-users/massimiliano/.PlayOnLinux"
  86. declare -x PYTHON="python"
  87. declare -x REPERTOIRE="/opt/ltsp-users/massimiliano/.PlayOnLinux/"
  88. declare -x SANE_NET_HOSTS=""
  89. declare -x SESSION_MANAGER="local/ltsp-appserv03:@/tmp/.ICE-unix/12398,unix/ltsp-appserv03:/tmp/.ICE-unix/12398"
  90. declare -x SHELL="/bin/bash"
  91. declare -x SHLVL="5"
  92. declare -x SITE=""
  93. declare -x SSH_AGENT_PID="12373"
  94. declare -x SSH_AUTH_SOCK="/tmp/ssh-KYkzRXq12335/agent.12335"
  95. declare -x SSH_CLIENT=" 50016 22"
  96. declare -x SSH_CONNECTION=" 50016 22"
  97. declare -x TEXTDOMAIN="pol"
  98. declare -x TEXTDOMAINDIR="/usr/share/playonlinux/lang/locale/"
  99. declare -x TITRE="PlayOnLinux"
  100. declare -x UBUNTU_MENUPROXY="0"
  101. declare -x USER="massimiliano"
  102. declare -x VERSION="4.0.18"
  103. declare -x WGETRC="/opt/ltsp-users/massimiliano/.PlayOnLinux//configurations/wgetrc"
  104. declare -x WINEDLLOVERRIDES="winemenubuilder.exe=d"
  105. declare -x WINEPREFIX="/opt/ltsp-users/massimiliano/.PlayOnLinux//wineprefix/default"
  106. declare -x WINE_SITE=""
  107. declare -x WorkingDirectory="/opt/ltsp-users/massimiliano"
  108. declare -x XDG_CONFIG_DIRS="/etc/xdg"
  109. declare -x XDG_DATA_DIRS="/tmp/ltsp-localapps-massimiliano-7oL1yD/:/usr/local/share/:/usr/share/:/usr/share"
  110. declare -x XDG_MENU_PREFIX="xfce-"
  111. declare -x XDG_SESSION_COOKIE="83afc1488635eb13786091df00000009-1336028262.518070-144468765"
  114. 05/03/12 11:11:02 - [POL_System_SetArch] Message: POL_ARCH set to x86
  115. 05/03/12 11:11:02 - [POL_Wine_SelectPrefix] Message: Selecting prefix: Skype
  116. 05/03/12 11:11:08 - [POL_Wine_PrefixCreate] Message: No version specified. Using system version (wine-1.4)
  117. 05/03/12 11:11:08 - [POL_Wine_PrefixCreate] Message: Creating prefix ()...
  118. 05/03/12 11:11:08 - [POL_Wine] Message: Running wine- --version
  119. 05/03/12 11:11:08 - [POL_Wine] Message: Notice: PlayOnLinux deliberately disables winemenubuilder. See
  120. 05/03/12 11:11:08 - [POL_Wine] Message: Wine return: 0
  121. wine-1.4
  122. 05/03/12 11:11:49 - [POL_LoadVar_PROGRAMFILES] Message: Getting Program Files name
  123. 05/03/12 11:11:49 - [POL_Wine] Message: Running wine- cmd /c echo %ProgramFiles%
  124. 05/03/12 11:11:49 - [POL_Wine] Message: Notice: PlayOnLinux deliberately disables winemenubuilder. See
  125. C:\Program Files
  126. 05/03/12 11:11:50 - [POL_Wine] Message: Wine return: 0
  127. 05/03/12 11:11:53 - [POL_LoadVar_PROGRAMFILES] Message: Getting Program Files name
  128. 05/03/12 11:11:53 - [POL_Wine] Message: Running wine- cmd /c echo %ProgramFiles%
  129. 05/03/12 11:11:53 - [POL_Wine] Message: Notice: PlayOnLinux deliberately disables winemenubuilder. See
  130. C:\Program Files
  131. 05/03/12 11:11:54 - [POL_Wine] Message: Wine return: 0
  132. 05/03/12 11:12:50 - [main] Message: Autorun : Checking floppy...
  133. 05/03/12 11:12:50 - [main] Message: Autorun : Checking floppy0...
  134. 05/03/12 11:12:50 - [main] Message: Autorun: Found 0 media
  135. 05/03/12 11:12:59 - [POL_System_CheckFS] Message: Checking filesystem for /home/massimiliano/Scaricati/SkypeSetup.exe
  136. 05/03/12 11:12:59 - [POL_Wine] Message: Running wine- /home/massimiliano/Scaricati/SkypeSetup.exe
  137. 05/03/12 11:12:59 - [POL_Wine] Message: Notice: PlayOnLinux deliberately disables winemenubuilder. See
  138. 05/03/12 11:13:58 - [POL_Wine] Message: Wine return: 0
  139. fixme:win:WINNLSEnableIME hwnd 0x10098 enable 0: stub!
  140. fixme:win:WINNLSEnableIME hwnd 0x10098 enable -1: stub!
  141. fixme:win:WINNLSEnableIME hwnd 0x10098 enable 0: stub!
  142. fixme:win:WINNLSEnableIME hwnd 0x10098 enable -1: stub!
  143. fixme:wininet:InternetSetOptionW Option INTERNET_OPTION_CONNECT_TIMEOUT (10000): STUB
  145. fixme:wininet:InternetSetOptionW Option INTERNET_OPTION_DATA_RECEIVE_TIMEOUT (10000): STUB
  146. fixme:wininet:set_cookie persistent cookies not handled (L"expires=Fri, 03-May-13 09:13:30 GMT; path=/;;")
  147. fixme:storage:create_storagefile Storage share mode not implemented.
  148. fixme:msi:ITERATE_CreateShortcuts poorly handled shortcut format, advertised shortcut
  149. fixme:msi:ITERATE_CreateShortcuts poorly handled shortcut format, advertised shortcut
  150. err:rpc:I_RpcGetBuffer no binding
  151. err:rpc:I_RpcGetBuffer no binding
  152. fixme:hnetcfg:fw_app_put_Enabled 0xbdfae0, -1
  153. fixme:process:WTSGetActiveConsoleSessionId stub
  154. fixme:wtsapi:WTSQueryUserToken 0 0x9be604
  155. fixme:wininet:InternetSetOptionW Option INTERNET_OPTION_CONNECT_TIMEOUT (10000): STUB
  157. fixme:wininet:InternetSetOptionW Option INTERNET_OPTION_DATA_RECEIVE_TIMEOUT (10000): STUB
  158. fixme:vbscript:parse_script parser failed on parsing L"(\"CHROME_INSTALL_DIRECTORY.05B3CEE0_7172_4F7F_8DE8_E2DBADD223A0\") = \"\" then\r\n if Installer.Environment(\"LOCALAPPDATA\") <> \"\" then\r\n'MsgBox(\"DEBUG: From LOCALAPPDATA: \" \& Session.Property(\"CHROME_INSTALL_DIRECTORY.05B3CEE0_7172_4F7F_8DE8_E2DBADD223A0\"))\r\n Session."...
  159. fixme:vbscript:parse_script parser failed on parsing L"(Process.Name) \r\n Case \"firefox.exe\"\r\n if MsgBox(\"All Mozilla Firefox windows have to be closed before installation.\"\& vbCrLf \&\"Please close all browser windows before continuing.\", _\r\n 0 vbExclamation, \"Skype Click to Call for Firefox\") ="...
  160. fixme:vbscript:parse_script parser failed on parsing L"(\"IEXPLORE_EXE_IS_PRESENT.B42772A4_1C26_461F_81F6_13E4A2E8DE85\") = \"0\"\r\n \r\n Set fso = CreateObject(\"Scripting.FileSystemObject\")\r\n file = Session.Property(\"ProgramFilesFolder\") \& \"Internet Explorer\\iexplore.exe\"\r\n 'MsgBox \"IExploreExeFileIsExist(): \" \& file\r\n If "...
  161. fixme:vbscript:parse_script parser failed on parsing L"(\"OriginalDatabase\")\r\n file = fso.GetFileName(path)\r\n Session.Property(\"OriginalDatabaseFile\") = file\r\n 'MsgBox(file)\r\nEnd Sub\r\n\r\nSub DoSplitSkypeExePath\r\n Dim path, drive, dir, file\r\n Dim fso \r\n Set fso = CreateObject(\"S"...
  162. fixme:vbscript:parse_script parser failed on parsing L"(\"OriginalDatabase\")\r\n file = fso.GetFileName(path)\r\n Session.Property(\"OriginalDatabaseFile\") = file\r\n 'MsgBox(file)\r\nEnd Sub\r\n\r\nSub DoSplitSkypeExePath\r\n Dim path, drive, dir, file\r\n Dim fso \r\n Set fso = CreateObject(\"S"...
  163. err:msi:ITERATE_Actions Execution halted, action L"CancelInstallIfNoFeatures" returned 1603
  164. fixme:win:WINNLSEnableIME hwnd 0x100b4 enable 0: stub!
  165. fixme:win:WINNLSEnableIME hwnd 0x100b4 enable -1: stub!
  166. 05/03/12 11:14:26 - [POL_Shortcut] Message: Shortcut created: Skype.exe Skype
  167. [b]Output :[/b]
  168. 05/03/12 11:20:33 - [main] Message: Debugger is starting
  169. [code language=console]
  170. [POL_System_CheckFS] Message: Checking filesystem for Skype.exe
  171. [POL_Wine_SetVersionEnv] Message: Setting wine version path: installing, x86
  172. [POL_Wine_SetVersionEnv] Message: "/opt/ltsp-users/massimiliano/.PlayOnLinux//wine/linux-x86/installing" exists
  173. [POL_Wine] Message: Running wine-installing Skype.exe
  174. [POL_Wine] Message: Notice: PlayOnLinux deliberately disables winemenubuilder. See
  175. [POL_Wine] Message: Wine return: 1
  176. [/code]
  177. [b]Other :[/b]
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