
Out of the Closet: RarityxFemanon

Jul 6th, 2015
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  1. " I threw my dictionary at him and that asshole threw it back! Hit me right in the eye and gave me this wonderful little shiner here. Chased him down the street with a shovel, though. That was pretty satisfying."
  2. >"Femanon, Darling, you simply have the WORST taste in boys. Now hold still while I put the ice pack on."
  4. >"Yes, it is an ICE pack, Darling. Anyway, I'm sure you'll be back in the saddle in no time wrangling some straping young man."
  5. "Psh, I don't need no man."
  6. >"Oh pish-posh! They swarm you, Femanon. You have to beat them off with a stick! And who can blame them? Why, with your perfect, silken hair, ample bust, curvacious hips...long...slender legs..."
  7. "Well, I DO have those."
  8. >"Soft...full rose petals..."
  9. "Well, I suppose they are kinda...why are you getting so close?"
  10. >"Soft...full rose petals..."
  11. >Rarity's eye seemed to haze over.
  12. >Her cheeks toasted with a subtle blush.
  13. >Her grip on the ice pack she held fast to your swollen eye waxed and softened.
  14. >Her crystal blue eyes studied your features, listlessly darting from your lips to your cheeks, to your hair and ears.
  15. >You, however, had far more important things to contemplate.
  16. >Eyes scanning the ceiling of your room in search of some mental aid, you finally came to a definitive conclusion.
  17. >Your lips WERE, in fact, something like rose petals.
  18. "Well, I suppose they are kinda..."
  19. >Eyes returning to focus, you couldn't help but notice your violet haired friend inching closer towards you.
  20. >Curious.
  21. >You investigated.
  22. "Why are you getting so close, Rarity?"
  23. >The pinnacle of generosity and attentive friendship seemed not to hear you at all.
  24. >Instead she just kept looking loftily at your lips, inching ever closer inwards.
  25. >How rude.
  26. >Had you back not been to your wall you may have inched back.
  27. >You felt a heat radiating off Rarity's cheeks caressing your own.
  28. >Your friend graced a hand upon your cheek as her other fell to your lap, ice pack in tow.
  29. "R-Rarity?"
  30. >Your eyes opened wide as soft, amethyst painted lips locked upon your own.
  31. >What to do?
  32. >What COULD you do?
  33. >You were speechless, dumbstruck.
  34. >Your fog of mind left you motionless, subject to the tender searching lips of your sudden paramour.
  35. >It was light, delicate.
  36. >Almost innocent.
  37. >As gradually as it began did it end.
  38. >Rarity, eye lashes aflutter, slowly pulled away, casting her gaze anywhere but upon you.
  39. >Head shaking slightly she seemed to fight for her words.
  40. >"I...I'm sorry. That...that was. That wasn't me."
  41. >You eyed her, unblinking in disbelief.
  42. >You weren't quite sure what to make of things.
  43. "Rarity..."
  44. >She looked more distressed and quickly scooted back from you.
  45. >"That was a mistake. I don't know what came over me, Femanon. Look, it never happened, okay Darling?"
  46. >Near in a panic, she bolted up and collected her backpack.
  47. >"Darling, listen to me carefully, okay? Please, PLEASE don't tell anyone. Not the girls, not anyone. I'm fine, I assure you, never happened, okay? That's that."
  48. ""
  49. >"Came and cared for you injury, Darling, don't you remember?"
  50. "But-"
  51. >"I simply DON'T know what you are talking about, Hun. I must be off! I'll see you at school. Toodaloo~!"
  52. >With a nervous twiddle of her fingers she sashayed away.
  53. >You weren't sure what the hell had just happened.
  54. >You ruminated long on the sudden kiss and once more came to a brilliant conclusion.
  55. >You shrugged to yourself.
  56. "Not bad."
  57. >It was rare that you received a challenge.
  58. >Most infatuations and doomed relationships came to you as a nice box of chocolates, ready and easy to open and enjoy before they ran out on you.
  59. >Rarity presented a different box of candy, the kind that came in a package and, no matter how hard you tried, simply wouldn't open.
  60. >This only made ripping it open with your teeth and getting at the sugar beneath more satisfying.
  61. >And that is how you were going to get Rarity's sugar: by ripping her open with your teeth.
  62. >It was foolproof.
  63. >You chewed on your candy themed metaphors as you turned on your shower, your body soon awash in steam.
  64. >As the water washed over your breasts and down your body you wondered at what others may think of your sudden choice of prey.
  65. >Yes, there would be plenty of accusations.
  66. >Lesbian this.
  67. >Dyke that.
  68. >Whatever. You reveled in your sexual fluidity.
  69. >You wondered if you would make some boyfriends passed cry.
  70. >The thought made you feel powerful.
  71. >Stepping out the shower you parked before the mirror and gave yourself a once over.
  72. >Face: soft and refined.
  73. >Lips: pretty much rose petals.
  74. >Hair: silken and irresistible
  75. >Breasts: full, perky, and...
  76. >You jumped
  77. >...still jiggly.
  78. >Butt?
  79. >You stood sideways at the mirror and scrutinized.
  80. >Curvacious, plump and ready to shake.
  81. >Check list complete, you were left with no wonder as to why even girls thought you desirable.
  82. >You smirked resolutely to your reflection.
  83. >Before the day was out, you would have your prize.
  84. >As was your custom before undergoing any goal you verbally reassured yourself of your objectives.
  85. >Deep breath in.
  86. "I'm going to kiss that closet marshmallow mistress."
  87. >You quickly dressed and made for school.
  88. >You stepped into the school just as the bell chimed for first period.
  89. >For you, this meant English.
  90. >While normally you would bemoan the prospect of your teacher's attempts to hammer into your brain the subtleties and wit in Candid, you saw a silver lining in your cloud.
  91. >Rarity took the same class.
  92. >What's more, she sat only a few seats away from you.
  93. >While usually her gushing over the "humor" of Voltaire put you to sleep, you had ample cause to stay alert this period.
  94. >You hurried to the second floor and took your seat within the classroom.
  95. >Your object of amorous intent was already seated a few desks too your right by the window.
  96. >She must have seen you come in, you figured.
  97. >She was always alert to your arrival and greeted you with a silent smile and a pleasant wave.
  98. >You cast your gaze her way and waited.
  99. >And waited.
  100. >Nothing.
  101. >Not so much as a peripheral glance to acknowledge you.
  102. >She simply kept her head down towards her notebook, occaisionally scribbling a line or looking up at the teacher who jawed on in deaf tones to you.
  103. >You felt the sting acutely.
  104. >Dejected but not defeated you looked on.
  105. >You took your un-reciprocated gaze as an opportunity.
  106. >It was clear from yesterdays revelations that Rarity had spent some time studying your finer points.
  107. >You decided now to return the flattery.
  108. >With rapt attention you studied your friend.
  109. >Light from the window beside her welled into the room, framing Rarity's figure in an iridescent haze.
  110. >You blinked and cocked your head.
  111. >Her hair, amethyst purple, shone refulgent in the sun.
  112. >The ghost of lavender and honey wafted over to you, it was your friends favorite combination.
  113. >Your eyes felt heavy.
  114. >You studied on, dreamlike haze wrapping your brain.
  115. >Her ears, cute and fine.
  116. >Her nose, petite, adorable.
  117. >Her lips.
  118. >The feeling of their gentle embrace upon yourself flooded back to you.
  119. >You blinked absently.
  120. "Jesus..."
  121. >You whispered to yourself.
  122. "She really is beautiful."
  123. >You drank in serenity for a little while longer.
  124. >You would have continued unabated, happy to stare at your target's feminine wiles and-
  125. >Your eyes darted to her chest.
  126. >-ahem- copious curves.
  127. >Your attention was regrettably broken by a pairs of eyes that lay fixed upon you directly to your left.
  128. >Well, it was ONE eye, at least.
  129. >The blonde, wall-eyed girl, eyes wide in curious disbelief, sat gawking at you, a gentle blush over her face.
  130. >Muffins wasn't a bad girl by any stretch of the term.
  131. >Her general clumsiness and occasional social awkwardness earned her a clandestine nickname, though.
  132. >"Derpy" had circulated behind her back since 8th grade.
  133. >A fact of which she seemed to remain utterly ignorant.
  134. >Perhaps that was for the best, you thought as she watched you now.
  135. >You pieced it together quickly in your head.
  136. >Armed with a flirtatious smile you spoke.
  137. "That's right, you're beautiful~"
  138. >You punctuated the sentence with a kiss to the air.
  139. >Muffin's silently gasped and blushed a fuller hue before darting her gaze back to her desk.
  140. >Such an innocent girl, really.
  141. >You readied to revel further in Rarity's sensuous glow.
  142. >Sadly, it was not to be.
  143. >You groaned as the school bell chimed the period to a close.
  144. >You cursed your luck and questioned the universe why bad things happen to good girls?
  145. >You thought to stop Rarity on her way out but found as you rose that she was nowhere to be seen.
  146. >You frowned at Rarity's surprisingly adept skills of sneakery - she had to pass right by you to exit.
  147. >You felt more a troubled tingle in your breast.
  148. >It was now clear that she was going out of her way to avoid you.
  149. >That hurt.
  150. >While she wasn't your lover (yet), she was still meant to be your friend.
  151. >It was clear that you were the victim here.
  152. >Ah well, the game was not yet lost.
  153. >The rest of your morning schedule kept you both apart until lunch period.
  154. >It was then that you would have to mark up your prey and make a move.
  155. >The morning passed in a whirlwind of fantasized plots and schemes.
  156. >Throughout every projected scenario and plan of attack one stratagem shone through.
  157. >Never mind that it was the one you always utilized.
  158. >You lacked in tact and clever word-play what you made up for in salacious confidence.
  159. >It was part of your charm and why so many boys flocked to you like ants to an admittedly sexy picnic.
  160. >Rarity was a girl of hidden meanings and double entendres so, by the irrefutable law of 'opposites attract', you would have to be her foil.
  161. >Direct, open, devilishly alluring.
  162. >Rarity would surely find you irresistible.
  163. >You skipped to the lunch room when the bell chimed, a wave of anticipation filling your chest.
  164. >Sashaying through the cafeteria doors you immediately set to work locating those unmistakable violet locks.
  165. >You smiled in - was it relief? - as you eyes set upon that perfectly manicured head of hair.
  166. >Rarity sat at a center table, back turned, seemingly alone.
  167. >Twilight and the other girls must not have arrived yet.
  168. >Jumping at the opportunity to corner your paramour-to-be alone you hastened over.
  169. >Your heart sank as you approached.
  170. >A boy sat opposite of Rarity, having been hidden behind her.
  171. >This certainly wouldn't do.
  172. >Tossing your hair back and lifting you bust, you waltzed over to the edge of the table, an alluring sway characterizing your hips with each step.
  173. >At last, Rarity noticed you, turning to see you with something of nervous dread in her eyes.
  174. >YOU, however, focused on the jock that sat before you.
  175. >You knew just how to proceed.
  176. "Why hello there, Thunderlane~."
  177. >"Femanon, erh...hi."
  178. "Listen, Thunder, I could use some help. You see, I'm afraid I lost my favorite pen. You know, the pink one with the cat on the end?"
  179. >You bent forward and propped yourself against the table, your decolletage beaming right in his face.
  180. >"Uhh..."
  181. >A seductive smile found home on your lips.
  182. "I was wondering if you could help me find it? Please?"
  183. >You stole a glance to his crotch and began your mental checklist.
  184. >Tent: pitched.
  185. >Cheeks: flushed.
  186. >Eyes?
  187. >You gingerly swayed your girls for good measure.
  188. >Eyes: entranced and locked on target.
  189. >A glancing study of his expression completed your work.
  190. >Mind: non-existent.
  191. >Wrapped around your little finger as he was, you need only wait.
  192. >You counted in your head.
  193. >3...2...1
  194. >"Y-yeah, okay. Uh, w-where did you leave it you think?"
  195. "Oh, probably in the gym far, far on the other side of school. Please hurry, Thunder, I need my pen. Without it I can't do my chem homework and I'll look like an idiot. You don't want me to look like an idiot, do you Thunder~?"
  196. >"Well no-"
  197. "Oh, you're my hero! Hurry now, before people start thinking I don't know who Mendeleev is!"
  198. >Thunderlane jumped from his seat and bolted out of the cafeteria with an alacrity that you had become accustom to seeing.
  199. >Most boys took off from you like that...from one reason, or another.
  200. >Riding on the tides of victory, you took your throne opposite Rarity.
  201. >She looked at you with a mixture of disbelief and veiled discomfort.
  202. >"Well, I have to say that was impressive as always, dear. You never fail to get your way."
  203. "Not when I know what I want. It's a gift."
  204. >You tossed your hair precociously and noticed a kiss of red affect Rarity's cheeks.
  205. >"Quite."
  206. >Yet another salacious smile flitted across your lips as you eyed hers.
  207. >You may have thought to enjoy a more paced out conversation with Rarity, but the girls would arrive soon and time was of the essence.
  208. >Time to enact your grand strategy: direct and open.
  209. >With all the charismatic brilliance of a blunt truncheon you began.
  210. " wanna kiss?"
  211. >Rarity choked.
  212. >A full red washed over her features.
  213. >Shocked and awed she fought to find words.
  214. >"W-WHAT?!"
  215. >She shot glances side to side to see if anyone had heard.
  216. "You. Me. Kiss. I know you want to."
  217. >Rarity shrunk back, aghast at your proposition, her face a cherry red.
  218. >Clearly she was undecided.
  219. >You decided to turn your seduction up a notch to aid her decision making abilities.
  220. >Batting your eye lashes, you made a small show of teasingly giggling at her blush.
  221. "You know, like last night~."
  222. >Rarity radiated all the grace and composure of a cornered animal, sapphire eyes flitting to find an escape
  223. >You thought perhaps you noticed sweat forming on her brow.
  224. >"I-I have NO idea what you're talking about!"
  225. "Yes, right, it never happened. Hehe, you know, you're awfully cute when you're indecisive."
  226. >"W-what?"
  227. "Think about it, Rarity! You're beautiful, I'M beautiful. We could be like two Emma Stones!"
  228. >Your violet haired vixen's expression altered, curdling from fear to anger and disgust.
  229. >Sadly, it seemed she did not appreciate your celebrity comparison.
  230. >A low profile in mind, she hissed at you under her breath.
  231. >"Enough, Femanon! I will hear no more of this degeneracy!"
  232. >The poor thing; she didn't even know she wanted it.
  233. "Look, we don't have to do it here. We can kiss when we're alone, somewhere else."
  234. >"I will not kiss you here, there or anywhere! I would NEVER do such a vile thing!"
  235. >Hard to get; you were unfamiliar with playing this on the other side of the court.
  236. >Rarity sneered at you in disgust.
  237. >This was obviously all a facade, you assured yourself.
  238. >You knew she wanted it as much as you.
  239. >So, sticking to your strategy of forward directness, you thought to call her bluff.
  240. "Look, Rares, I know you like girls so-"
  241. >For a moment you saw stars.
  242. >Your cheek began to swell.
  243. >The same hand that only the evening prior had nursed your bruised eye now left a stinging welt upon your fair complexion.
  244. >You blinked, disbelieving.
  245. >Rarity, her eyes narrowed and covetous lips a rictus of displeasure, retracted her hand.
  246. >Her normally mellifluous voice dripped of acid disgust.
  247. >"I will NOT hear such vile accusations. I don't know what kind of girl you think I am but I do NOT throw my hat in with familiar company! I am a normal girl. You may like to cavort about with such repulsive affections but leave me out of it! I will not become your trollop! Do not make me the subject of your based carnal perversions. If you need to satisfy your disgusting depravity I suggest you kiss Pinkie Pie and and get it out of your system!"
  248. >Jolting out of her chair with a huff, Rarity turned elegantly on her heel and stormed towards the exit.
  249. >This was bad; you seem to have really angered her.
  250. >But worse than that: you got rejected.
  251. >Speechless in your punch drunk stupor you could only watch her leave.
  252. >This proved to be bittersweet.
  253. >Hips swaying curtly with attitude, her skirt pressed against the perfectly toned curvature of her butt.
  254. >Those long, slender legs kicking with irritation.
  255. >Even angry she walked gracefully.
  256. >A slight fire grew in your face to compound your throbbing cheek.
  257. >You bit your lip slightly as that familiar, guttural pang from earlier rekindled.
  258. >It was beginning to annoy you.
  259. >Just as your lingering gaze broke from Rarity as she exited the room so did the girls walk up behind you.
  260. >They giggled at some joke or other, their bustle of conviviality in stark contrast to your contemplative despondency.
  261. >Pinkie Pie was first to greet you.
  262. >"Oh, hi Femanon! Room for five more? And where's Rarity? I could have sworn I saw her over here."
  263. >They seemed to have missed the display only moments earlier.
  264. >Good.
  265. >Taking their seats, Applejack spied the swelling still fresh on your cheek.
  266. >"Tarnation, Sugarcube, what happened to you? Did someone throw another book at you?"
  267. >You hardly heard the farm girl's wearisome drawl.
  268. >You were far too engrossed in thought.
  269. >Something Rarity had said had done the unthinkable.
  270. >For the first time, you were doubting yourself.
  271. >Was she right? Was this all just an infatuation that could be sated by a kiss from anyone?
  272. >Were your looks no longer hitting the mark?
  273. >You craved validation.
  274. >A flash of your trademark brilliance struck you.
  275. "Pinkie Pie!"
  276. >"Yes, Nonny?"
  277. "Kiss. Me."
  278. >A playful giggle.
  279. >"Awe, need a kiss to make you feel all better?"
  280. "Yessss."
  281. >"Hehe, okie dokie!"
  282. >It was quick, over as soon as it began.
  283. >Bubblegum.
  284. >Not your favorite.
  285. >You still craved grape.
  286. >It was shallow, friendly, and lacking any semblance of tenderness or innocent passion.
  287. >It was meaningless.
  288. >And it wasn't enough.
  289. >Myth busted: not just ANY kiss would do.
  290. >The girls, perhaps thinking a kiss on the lips was not your true intention, snickered.
  291. >You heeded them not.
  292. >You found your direction again.
  293. >Confidence and surety returned, you set your course yet again for alabaster skin and purple painted lips.
  294. >It was regrettable that you would be starved of them for the rest of the day; Rarity shared none of your afternoon classes.
  295. >On top of this, fuming as she was, you were sure to be avoided.
  296. >You were not to be deterred.
  297. >Retrieving relevant data you realized you had walked Rarity back to her house several times.
  298. >You knew the way by heart.
  299. >Further, you knew just the place to intercept her.
  300. >Quiet, out of the way; it should be the perfect spot to talk to her.
  301. >You grinned as you visualized your eminent stalk.
  302. >That kiss would be yours yet.
  303. >You looked at the clock and groused silently as it ticked woefully slow.
  304. >You itched your nose and fidgeted your feet.
  305. >This must be what withdrawal is like.
  306. >As content as a coke fiend in a Pepsi factory you waited for school to end.
  307. >Then you would spring your trap.
  308. ------------------------------------------------
  309. >When the school bell chimed to close classes for the long weekend you alone held the new record for most expedited departure.
  310. >Never slowing your pace, you quickly assumed your hiding spot along your reluctant paramour's path well ahead of your target.
  311. >The cramped quarters and the squirrels that quipped angrily at you were a necessary annoyance.
  312. >You waited and watched, pensive and focused.
  313. >The sidewalk was calm, unmanned and unmarred save for bickering wildlife beside you.
  314. >This was perfect.
  315. >You didn't have to wait long before coifed violet locks and generous bouncing bosom came into view down the way.
  316. >Target acquired, you bode your time until she was in range.
  317. >As she neared, you rolled into action.
  318. "Psst."
  319. >Rarity stopped, scanning around for the source of the disturbance.
  320. >It was as though you had already won.
  321. >You beckoned again.
  322. "Psst. Hey, over here."
  323. >You had her in your thrall.
  324. >Curiosity piqued, she cautiously gained on your position.
  325. >"Is someone there?"
  326. >Now was the time to spring into action.
  327. >With the deadly grace of a master assassin you floundered and tripped out of the bracken bush that had concealed you.
  328. >Deft as a cat, you corrected yourself and stood before your intended.
  329. >She look none too pleased.
  330. >That was to be expected, you thought.
  331. >"Oh for goodness...what do you want?"
  332. "Short answer: you."
  333. >"And you thought the best way to achieve this was to hide in a bush and terrify me?!"
  334. >"It was the only way to get to you! You've been avoiding me!"
  335. >"For good reason! You've been bothering me! Accosting me with such perfidious slanderous notions! I thought I made myself PERFECTLY clear when you insulted me at lunch! I want nothing to do with your filth!"
  336. "Filth?"
  337. >You and your actions had been called many things before but 'filth' was new.
  338. >And poignantly bitter.
  339. >"Yes, filth! You and your-your licentious ways!"
  340. "Rarity, what's gotten into you? I thought we were friends."
  341. >"I thought so too, Darling. But then you kept thrusting yourself at me!"
  342. "You came at me first, girl."
  343. >"I...I...but I told you to stop! It never happened. Why can't you just leave it at that? I'm a proper lady. Lady's don't succumb to such things. "I" can't succumb to such things!"
  344. "But you admit it! You DID come at me first. In my room. With your lips."
  345. >Your little game of Clue had you feeling ontop of things.
  346. >Rarity sputtered trying to find a parachute.
  347. >"Buh...I..."
  348. >She gritted her teeth.
  349. >"That NEVER. HAPPENED. DARLING. Okay?"
  350. "But it did! And you gave me a hunger~"
  351. >Donning your feminine wiles and brushing off a few excess leaves from your attire you kissed the air.
  352. >Rarity, in turn, donned a petulant sneer.
  353. >"You're deplorable!"
  354. "You're sexy!
  355. >"You...brash...bold...billowing harlot!"
  356. >Ouch.
  357. >Your friend was getting heated again.
  358. >"Just...just..."
  359. >Something in your chest turned as a glimmer shone from the corner of gorgeous sapphire eyes.
  360. >"Just...stop teasing me! Why are you doing this!? Did I do something wrong?! Did I hurt you in some way?!"
  361. >You were genuinely taken aback.
  362. ", Rari-"
  363. >"Then why are you doing this?! Why do you make me the subject of your sick game?! I don't know what egregious offense I have wronged you by, but I am sorry! Please, just stop this!"
  364. "Rares..."
  365. >Your mournful mistress fought back her tears.
  366. >She could not fight back her sniffles.
  367. >You looked on guilt stricken as she wiped her eyes with the hem of her sleeve.
  368. >"I'm the same as all the other girls, okay? I like boys, same as the others. I make my hair, do my nails, and make up my face every morning for a REASON, Femanon."
  369. >She sniffled less frequently, regaining more of her composure but less of her pain.
  370. >"Just...just leave me alone, okay? Just leave me alone."
  371. >The object of your desire turned away and hurriedly fled back to her path home.
  372. >You were left alone, a curious melange of emotions frothing inside of you.
  373. >Sadness at your friend's despair.
  374. >Guilt that you had brought it to her.
  375. >Joy that you got her to admit the previous night's antics.
  376. >Pain at the coarse words that still hung like daggers in your pride.
  377. >And anger that you had failed to acquire that kiss.
  378. >You doubted yourself again.
  379. >Perhaps you were doing something wrong.
  380. >Maybe you SHOULD just leave her alone.
  381. >Rarity was clearly in mental turmoil.
  382. >You thought that, perhaps, she needed a friend now more than a lover.
  383. >Maybe you have no right to-
  384. >You shook yourself back to a proper state of mind.
  385. >No.
  386. >You couldn't stop now.
  387. >You were committed.
  388. >What Rarity needed wasn't a friend to pat her on the back and deny her sexual preferences with her.
  389. >What she needed was someone to wrench her out of that prim and proper little closet she so meticulously kept.
  390. >You knew in your heart of hearts what she truly needed.
  391. >A release that frustration; her desires made clear.
  392. >Your dear friend Rarity needed a kiss.
  393. >You folded your arms solemnly.
  394. >She may even need it more than you.
  395. >This grim realization was startling indeed.
  396. >You grinned through it, seeing your new responsibility.
  397. >Some things must be done; some burdens must be born.
  398. >You were going to kiss Rarity, not for you, but for her.
  399. >You nodded to affirm your new mission of selflessness.
  400. "So it must be."
  401. >Confidence and clear course restored, you rode home on the wings of a victory that others may question you actually achieved.
  402. >Stepping into your room, you dropped your bag and stripped as you walked.
  403. >Your breasts jiggled as you pulled off your top; it flew onto your bed.
  404. >You peeled your skirt off; they were kicked towards your dresser.
  405. >You danced out of your panties, grumbling at how they wedged up between your thighs when they were wet; you weren't quite sure were you tossed them.
  406. >By the end of your disrobing discourse you stood before your chamber of contemplation.
  407. >You always did your best thinking in the shower.
  408. >Turning the handle, you reveled in the cascade of water over your body.
  409. >Immediately you entered your state of absolute focus and unmatched creative problem solving.
  410. >What a wit you were.
  411. >You stuck your tongue out to help you concentrate.
  412. >It was Friday.
  413. >The long weekend could be used to your advantage.
  414. >Three days to capture the heart and lips of your Lady Love.
  415. "Let's set the challenge at one day."
  416. >Tomorrow then.
  417. >Saturday.
  418. "But what to do? How to get to her?"
  419. >Your brained stormed in the steam.
  420. >The image of Rarity's full, yearning lips kept flashing into your mind.
  421. >You resisted the urge to let your fingers wander down south.
  422. >Now was the time to think.
  423. >You fell into a true Holmesian thought process.
  424. "Lips...lips rhyme with tips. Waiters get tips. A restaurant?"
  425. >You shook your head.
  426. >That would cost money and you had spent your last stipend on a shovel.
  427. >You thought harder.
  428. " are money. Money is made of paper. Paper...trees...the woods!"
  429. >The town park was free and large enough to find some privacy.
  430. >It was perfect.
  431. >But how to get her to come?
  432. >She certainly wouldn't accept your invite so soon after your confrontation.
  433. >But...
  434. "She would listen to the other girls."
  435. >You grinned ear to ear as your plan unfolded before you.
  436. >Hopping out of the shower you wrapped a towel around you and hurried to your phone.
  437. >Seven digits later you were listening to a static ringing.
  438. "C'mon pick up..."
  439. >"Helloooo~?"
  440. >The high, bubbly tones of Pinkie's voice were hard to mistake.
  441. "Pinkie! Whats up?"
  442. >"Hehe, oh nothing, just planning out a new cupcake recipe! It's going to be SUPER yummy delicious! You wanna help me try it out?"
  443. "Of course! But listen! I have a better plan! It's been too long since we all got together and had a picnic, don't you think?"
  444. >"Oooohhh you're right! It HAS been too long!"
  445. "Yep! So how about we have one tomorrow evening? We can bring it into the park right on the hill by the pond and watch the sun set and afterwards we can watch the stars. What do you say?"
  446. >"Wowwie, that sounds like fun, Femanon! I can bring my cupcakes and a WHOLE bunch of other yummy things!"
  447. "Well of course! We can't have a picnic without delicious things! Now, I know how much you like planning events so I'll leave inviting the girls up to you, okay?"
  448. >"Okie dokie lokie!"
  449. "Just one thing, Pinkie. I'm planning a bit of a surprise for Rarity and for it to work she can't know I'm coming. She already suspects something and I don't want to blow my cover, you dig?"
  450. >"Ooo sounds important. What is it?"
  451. "Classified information, I'm afraid. You'll find out tomorrow. Just if you can do me a favor and make sure to tell Rarity that I won't be there I would love you forever~."
  452. >"Yoooooou got it!"
  453. "Thanks Pinkie, you're the best! See you tomorrow at sunset!"
  454. >You hung up the phone and promptly dropped yourself onto your bed.
  455. >You smiled up at the glow-in-the-dark shooting stars that adhered to your ceiling.
  456. >Pinkie would come through. You just placed her in her element.
  457. >All the girls would be excited for a picnic in the park and stargazing at night.
  458. >Even Rarity would be there.
  459. >Sadly for the rest of the girls, Rarity would be the ONLY one of them to come.
  460. >When noon struck tomorrow Pinkie would receive a lamentable call from you saying how very sick you had suddenly become.
  461. >You wouldn't be able to make it and will ask to move the picnic to another night.
  462. >She'll agree and call the girls - all except Rarity, whom you will claim to call yourself, stressing the need to show her your "surprise" that same night.
  463. >Pinkie will believe that, you thought.
  464. >Rarity, of course, will never receive any call from you.
  465. >She'll go to the hill in the park alone and there is where you will find her.
  466. >You sighed.
  467. >You didn't like going to such great lengths and elaborate schemes.
  468. >Not against your friends, anyway.
  469. >But you saw no other option.
  470. >You were very sure that Rarity was not going to receive you by normal means.
  471. >Tricking her and the girls was necessary.
  472. >It was for the greater good.
  473. >It was, in earnest, for Rarity's benefit.
  474. >You bit your lip as you wandered in a nascent daydream.
  475. >Full, violet lips came into view.
  476. >Soft, gentle, calling for you.
  477. >Calling for someone to recognize them.
  478. >You shrugged and admitted to yourself that, if only to a small degree, this was for you too.
  479. >Smirking, you closed your eyes as your towel was tugged open.
  480. >You allowed a sigh to escape as your fingers traced down your stomach to regions below.
  481. >At some point you fell asleep, mind high aloft on a cloud of endeavors to cum.
  483. >The sun rose bright and cherry red the next morning.
  484. >An auspicious sign, you thought sitting up naked in your bed.
  485. >The morning passed by dreadfully slow.
  486. >Anticipation prolongs that which is uncertain, and for all your confidence of tonight's encounter you wavered slightly within.
  487. >For the final half hour till noon time was at a standstill.
  488. >You parked in front of your TV and made to watch some show or other.
  489. >But the ancient technology of the Phoenicians and the lasting effects of the Bantu expansion didn't interest you this day.
  490. >Your eyes were glued to the clock, watching minute after ticking minute.
  491. >After an age the sun finally reached it's zenith and the clocked marked noon.
  492. >You prepared your best sick-voice and dialed Pinkie.
  493. >The plan went off without a hitch.
  494. >Pinkie bought your feigned illness and called the girls to plan a new date.
  495. >All except Rarity who simply had to be shown the surprise you had today.
  496. >Plan in effect, it was all you could do to continue your clockwork vigil.
  497. >Minutes turned to hours.
  498. >The sun hung low in the sky.
  499. >Deeming the time nigh, you dressed for a cool evening and stepped out your door.
  500. >Oddly, you were nervous.
  501. >You didn't understand why.
  502. >It was just a kiss, after all.
  503. >Shaking you mind back to itself you performed a mental checklist.
  504. >Clothes: On.
  505. >Lips: balmed.
  506. >Hair: gorgeous.
  507. >Confidence: struggling.
  508. >You shrugged as you entered the park; it would come.
  509. >You always enjoyed the park, particularly at this hour when the setting sun glowed fiery through the trees.
  510. >The hill over the pond was just ahead of you.
  511. >As expected, the woods were quite, the only disturbance being the fall of your feet.
  512. >Passing a small grouping of trees you looked up.
  513. >The gently rolling hill lumbered steady before you, the pond behind it reflecting the dying ember that sank in the sky.
  514. >The way ahead free of trees the whole scene was awash in an amber summer glow.
  515. >And there atop the hill, sitting against a lone tree with her head turned towards the refulgent pond, sat your violet haired beauty.
  516. >It was rare that you became entranced by something so beautiful.
  517. >Usually, with your swaying hips and bouncing cleavage, it was the other way around.
  518. >That annoying pang within your chest sparked yet again.
  519. >In your hypnotic state you slowly began to ascend the hill.
  520. >You must have stepped on a twig; Rarity became alerted to your presence.
  521. >Turning her head, hopeful to see one of her absent friends, her face instantly weighed with dread at the sight of you.
  522. >"Oh for the love of-"
  523. >She bolted up and came around before you into the shadow of the tree.
  524. >"Why are YOU here? Where are the others?"
  525. >You figured it was time for honesty.
  526. >With a shockingly apprehensive sigh you answered.
  527. "They're not coming, Rares. It's just me."
  528. >Rarity smelled your scheme.
  529. >"What? What did you do to them?"
  530. "I changed the date of the picnic. I planned it and I...told them all not to come tonight. All except you."
  531. >Rarity rolled her eyes at you.
  532. >"So this was all some ploy, was it? Waste my time, ALL our time so that you can continue this horrid little game of yours?"
  533. "Look, I'm sorry, but it was the only way I thought I could talk to you alone."
  534. >"Hmph! If alone time is what you desire I will happily give it to you in abundance! I'm leaving! The nerve of you."
  535. >She made to bound down the hill.
  536. "Rarity, wait! Please, just...can I say something before you go?"
  537. >To your pleasure, and not a little bit of surprise, she balked and looked down her nose at you.
  538. >You took the opportunity to slowly gain some of the hill towards her.
  539. "Listen, we're alone here, okay? I just...want to make sense of what happened that night at my house."
  540. >"Nothing HAPPENED."
  541. "Rarity, you know that's not true. And after what you said yesterday...I'm worried about you."
  542. >"You worry for nothing. I assure you I am perfectly fine! Never has a girl been more content."
  543. "You know I don't believe that for a second, right?"
  544. >Rarity crossed her arms and pouted.
  545. >"I fail to see how your disbelief is any of my fault."
  546. "Rarity. I know that you must hate me right now. You think I've been teasing you, and mocking you, but that isn't true. I've just been...curious, I guess."
  547. >"Well, keep your curiosities to yourself!"
  548. "It was your curiosity that started mine, Rares."
  549. >Her brow furrowed and she looked away, shifting her weight from foot to foot.
  550. >A kiss of blush rose on her cheeks.
  551. >You gained a few more cautious feet up the hillside.
  552. >"I keep telling you, I didn't DO anything."
  553. "You leave quite an impression for someone who doesn't do anything. Rarity, I'm the only one who knows. It might be weird, but...I want you to talk to me about it."
  554. >She eyed you over cautiously, fearfully, before flitting her eyes away again, rocking her torso in her crossed arms.
  555. >At length she spoke.
  556. >"Why can't you just leave me alone? That's all I asked."
  557. >You gained more ground. You were only a few feet from her.
  558. "Because I want to help you, Rarity. And after that've seen me. I can't put you out of my mind."
  559. >"I don't need any help..."
  560. >Her sapphire eyes reluctantly drew back to yours.
  561. >They were immeasurably deep and unspeakably beautiful.
  562. >You once again were caught entranced.
  563. >You spoke truthfully.
  564. "No, you don't."
  565. >You paused and basked in the fire red of the setting.
  566. "But I think I do."
  567. >You stepped forward; Rarity held her ground, her eyes still fixed on yours.
  568. "Your legs so slender."
  569. >"Femanon, please, what are you-"
  570. >She retreated a few steps backwards.
  571. "Your perfect, silken hair."
  572. >"Femanon, please stop..."
  573. >She took more steps back; her eyes never tarried from yours.
  574. "Ample bust."
  575. >A blush to complement the sunset blossomed on her face.
  576. >"Femanon, please, this isn't-"
  577. "Curvacious hips."
  578. >Your heart pounded in your chest.
  579. >Your eyes became lost in crystalline blue.
  580. >Rarity's breathes shortened.
  581. >"Just, listen, I-I-I..."
  582. >Her back pressed against the oak tree on the hill, her hands pressing back against it.
  583. >You closed the last few yearning feet as you spoke.
  584. "Long, slender legs."
  585. >Rarity breathed faster, more labored with each captured inch.
  586. >She had run out of things to say.
  587. >"I...I...I...."
  588. >A lock of violet hair fell down in her face.
  589. >You reached forward, brushing it back behind her ear.
  590. >Caressing the hand down her gentle cheek you felt the heat rising from her flushed face.
  591. >Her eyes never broke from your own.
  592. >Her chest bounding in frantic uncertainty, Rarity finally resigned herself.
  593. >Her eyes grown heavy, she still attempted to stutter out syllables of half-hearted protest to no avail.
  594. >You drew your head in and in and whispered on final phrase.
  595. "Soft...full lips..."
  596. >The familiar touch flooded back to you as you closed your lips around hers, locking them in an intimate embrace.
  597. >Rarity's hands pawed in futility, searching for one last escape route.
  598. >They, too, eventually resigned, one coming to rest gripping your shirt, the other upon the hand that you still held to her cheek.
  599. >Your lips lingered for an eternity.
  600. >Passionate, innocent, tender.
  601. >True.
  602. >It was everything you wanted and then some.
  603. >Rarity's breathing eased and leveled out, her frantic inhibitions demolished if only for a time.
  604. >Your mind persisted in a miasma of heightened arousal and decadent sin.
  605. >It was only with the utmost reluctance that you slowly pulled away from those moist, covetous lips.
  606. >You smiled and rested your forehead against your gently panting paramour, her eyes closed and mouth still slightly agape in forbidden ecstasy.
  607. >You whispered.
  608. "Like rose petals."
  609. >Rarity's knees quavered.
  610. >She finally opened her eyes and looked foggily at you.
  611. >She said nothing, continuing only to gaze in at you, searching for something.
  612. >And then a glimmer in her eyes.
  613. >A plaintive tear dripped down one side of her blushing face.
  614. >She sniffled and hid her face in your shoulder.
  615. >Grasping your clothes tightly for support, her knees buckle, and she allows herself to sink into you.
  616. >Cradling her in your arms you gently follow her to the ground.
  617. >A flood gate opened.
  618. >Her sniffles evolve into pained sobs.
  619. >Confused and concerned you thought only to console her when you began to brush your fingers through her hair.
  620. >She spoke through choked sobs.
  621. >"I don't know what's wrong with me."
  622. "Shhh, nothing is wrong with you. I'm here for you."
  623. >"N-no! No, you'll only make it worse!"
  624. >Her tears fell bitterly onto your shirt as she clutched at you tightly for support.
  625. >"I shouldn't...I can't do this. This isn't right."
  626. "But it is what you like. Why deny it?"
  627. >Her sobbing ebbed away gradually.
  628. >"Why can't I just be normal?...
  629. >She sniffed.
  630. >"Why do I have to be like this?"
  631. >You rocked her in your arms as she slowly came back to herself.
  632. >She was seemed frail; scared.
  633. "Because if you weren't we wouldn't be here right now."
  634. >She stayed quiet for a bit.
  635. >"We should go. I need to go."
  636. >She sounded tired.
  637. >Though you were enjoying the embrace you decided not to fight her on the matter.
  638. "It is getting dark. Okay, let's go."
  639. >"No. Not at once. No one must see us together."
  640. >While you were largely indifferent on that matter it was clear, as she wiped her eyes on your shoulder, that Rarity was still very much afraid.
  641. "Okay. You go first. I'll wait."
  642. >Rarity silently nodded and stood up, a fraction of her composure regained.
  643. >As she sluggishly began to make her way down the hill a thought came to you.
  644. >You weren't about to leave things up in the air.
  645. " I going to see you? Like, ever again?"
  646. >Rarity turned and looked defeated, eyes searching for an answer.
  647. >They found none.
  648. >"I don't know. I don't know what to think about you right now..."
  649. >She trailed off.
  650. >As things stood right now you could very easily lose her.
  651. >This was not in the plan.
  652. >You offered a solution.
  653. "I'll be back here tomorrow at sunset. Same time, same place. Meet me here and...we'll talk."
  654. >She didn't respond, only looked at you with crippling uncertainty.
  655. >Without a word, she turned away and soon was out of sight within the darkening forest.
  656. >As you watched her go that annoying pang in your chest returned.
  657. >You tried to contain it with other thoughts.
  658. >Left alone on that hill, in the wake of everything that had just occurred, only one thought crept into your mind.
  659. "Mission accomplished."
  660. >After a few minutes, you too made your way into the woods and made for home.
  661. >The night sky mirrored your ceiling; dazzled with stars and planets.
  662. >A crisp wind blew.
  663. >Your mind crept back to Rarity.
  664. >Head craned to the heavens you wondered if she would show up tomorrow.
  665. ----------------------------------------------------------------
  666. >The sun held sleepy on the horizon, a facsimile of a glowing ember.
  667. >The pond shone of liquid gold, churning and dancing on gentle ripples.
  668. >From atop the hill you looked out at the gilded landscape before you.
  669. >You sat against the oak tree occupying the very same spot you had found your tentative girl the evening prior.
  670. >In serene silence you waited, alone to your thoughts.
  671. >You had told her 'same time, same place'.
  672. >The minutes marked by waning sunlight began to worry you.
  673. >She was late.
  674. >This did not augur well for you.
  675. >Nor did it bode well for the possibility to get yet another kiss from your Lady Love.
  676. >She would be here.
  677. >How could she possibly resist you?
  678. >The temptation was too great, you reasoned.
  679. >She wanted you.
  680. >You predicted that she would deny it, but after last night you proved that all she needed was a little push.
  681. >She was scared and in need of some reassurance; someone to hold her.
  682. >Someone to tell her that it is okay to like who you like.
  683. >To love who you love.
  684. >That was your job.
  685. >And once you had accomplished all that she would be yours.
  686. >Funny.
  687. >You had never stopped to question why you were trying so hard to pursue a girl.
  688. >They certainly weren't your usual cup of tea and until recently you hadn't even really looked at Rarity in a sexual way.
  689. >But there was something about her now that you found inexplicably alluring.
  690. >Perhaps it was simply the thrill of the chase.
  691. >Once you had her she would be like all the other guys you had dated.
  692. >A high school relationship doomed to end with dictionaries and shovels.
  693. >Once you had her maybe you would wake up and turn your attentions away from girls and back to boys.
  694. >That thought didn't sit well with you, yet you couldn't keep it from niggling in the back of your mind.
  695. >Whatever it was drove you to great lengths your mind kept going back that evening in your room.
  696. >It was that kiss.
  697. >That first initial kiss.
  698. >It echoed of a desire, a hunger for more.
  699. >It had baited you like a fishing lure and consumed your mind.
  700. >You wondered if this was how lesbianism started; with some kind of toxic kiss that spread around.
  701. >You smiled inwardly.
  702. >Whatever the cause for your sudden desires, you, unlike Rarity, didn't fight it.
  703. >In fact, you thoroughly enjoyed the touch of Rarity's lips.
  704. >So soft, so sweet.
  705. >You would claim them for your own.
  706. >You always got what you wanted.
  707. >And you wanted her.
  708. >More than just your lips you wanted...
  709. >Her?
  710. >Your cheeks rosed.
  711. >That infernal pang thumped in your heart.
  712. >You were on the cusp of realizing something.
  713. >You wanted to talk to Rarity.
  714. >No, you NEEDED to speak to her.
  715. >Yet, as the last vestiges of the sun began to hide below the Earth your hope dwindled.
  716. >Rarity was nowhere to be found.
  717. >You sighed.
  718. >She hadn't come.
  719. >You weren't used to this: being wrong.
  720. >That unfamiliar feeling of self-doubt crept back into you mind.
  721. >What if she never wanted to see you again.
  722. >A flare of anxiety burned within you.
  723. >Just as you had given up hope and thought to leave a timid voice sang out from behind you.
  724. >"Femanon?"
  725. >You turned in a flash and hopped to your feet.
  726. >Dressed in a lovely evening gown Rarity stood before you, curls of violet hair swaying in the breeze.
  727. >You eyed her up and down.
  728. >She stood discomforted, shifting her weight and toying with her fingers.
  729. >Her eyes scanned the ground, darting up to meet your gaze before darting back away.
  730. >You could not help but find her mental tumult adorable.
  731. "You scared me."
  732. >"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to sneak up on you."
  733. >You grinned anxiously.
  734. "No. I was scared you weren't going to show up."
  735. >She cast you a plaintive stare.
  736. >"In truth I wasn't going to. I didn't want to encourage anymore renegade behaviours like last night."
  737. "And yet here you are. You look beautiful."
  738. >She bit her lip and looked downward.
  739. >"Please, Darling, don't make this any harder for me. It's hard enough for me to even be here right now."
  740. "If you didn't want to come why are you here?"
  741. >She closed her eyes.
  742. >A melancholy sigh escaped her.
  743. >Gluing he gaze to the ground she began.
  744. >"I don't quite remember when all of this started. When I began to...feel this way. It happened gradually, I suppose. I would look at models and think how pretty they were."
  745. >This sounded like a recent problem of yours.
  746. >Her sapphires flitted your way.
  747. >A blush crept over her cheeks.
  748. >"You were so pretty. A fleeting glance here, a lingering look there. I found myself studying your features. Why, sometimes it was like I was seeing you for the first time even though we've been friends for years. I didn't piece it all together at once, what was happening to me. You just remained the goddess out of the corner of my eye. I wish that is how it could have remained."
  749. >Rarity paused.
  750. >You stood still as a statue, listening solemnly.
  751. >"But one day as you were toting about with some new boy I realized something. I was jealous. Not that you got the boy...but that the boy got you. Then I understood. It all came crashing towards me like some derelict train. What I was feeling; what i desired. Soon it became that I was flirting with boys...but thinking of you. It wasn't right. I tried to ignore it, I tried to just remain friends, but that night in your room...I suppose I simply lost myself."
  752. >Rarity fixed a lock of her hair behind her ear as she trailed off into thought.
  753. >Your stomach was tied in knots at her pained honesty.
  754. >Your turn.
  755. "Sounds more like you found yourself."
  756. >Her eyes came to you again.
  757. >"It shouldn't have happened."
  758. "Sounds like it was long overdue."
  759. >She grit her teeth and clutched her dress.
  760. >"Stop this! Why do you keep pushing me?"
  761. "Because you need to be pushed. Why do you keep fighting it?"
  762. >"Because this is just a crush! That's it! A silly little crush that young girls can get! It's meaningless and skin deep and I'll be back to normal once I stop thinking of you!"
  763. "And have you stopped thinking of me, Rarity? Honestly? Because it sounds to me like you have been thinking of me for quite some time."
  764. >Rarity pinched her nose and took in a deep, purifying breath.
  765. >"Look, Femanon, Darling...I admit we've had our bit of 'fun'. And I admit it wasn't ENTIRELY unwanted. But this 'fling', this whatever this is must end. This isn't us, this isn't either of us. THAT's why I came tonight."
  766. >You remained silent at her ultimatum.
  767. >You didn't believe that for a second.
  768. >You searched her face for a sign, a route to go.
  769. >She was finally admitting things.
  770. >Your gaze fell upon her lips.
  771. "Did you like it?"
  772. >Rarity rolled her eyes and didn't play coy at your question.
  773. >"Of course I did, but Fem-"
  774. "Do you like me?"
  775. >She waved her head in resigned exasperation, her mouth agape trying to make some mute protestation.
  776. >Her eyes screamed affirmation to your question.
  777. "Look, Rares, if that's what you think it is, just some kind of crush, then the best plan would be to entertain it until it passes. Like a song that's stuck in your head; the best course is to drown yourself in it until you get sick of it. If what you feel really is a phase that will pass, then why wouldn't you want to hasten it?"
  778. >"Femanon, no."
  779. "No you're just being illogical. You're scared, aren't you?"
  780. >Her eyes lit up and her brow narrowed at your poor choice of words.
  781. >"Scared? SCARED?! Of course I am scared! I have no idea what is going on with me and-and YOU are trying to lure me into torrid temptations! What if someone sees us?! What if someone finds out?! What if...what if-!"
  782. >Before she could stutter another aggravated word your arms locked around her in an embrace.
  783. >Cradling the back of her head to your shoulder you rocked her gently in sway.
  784. >Perhaps from shock, perhaps from comfort, Rarity fell silent in your arms.
  785. >Heart pounding in your chest, you proceeded with a motherliness uncharacteristic to you.
  786. "Shhh. Enough of that. 'What if, what if'. What if this is what you need? What if knowing what you want isn't a bad thing? What if finally having what you want and refusing it is a silly thing that only silly girls do? What if you enjoy yourself? What about all that?"
  787. >Rarity remained silent, her arms at her side.
  788. >You carefully wove a few fingers through her silken hair as you continued to rock her.
  789. "I know you're scared but listen to me. You. Are. Safe. You're pretty, and beautiful, and generous and kind. I would be so lucky to have you. And it can be our secret for as long as you want."
  790. >You closed your eyes and continued your consoling sway.
  791. >At length, and to your hopeful surprise, you felt a hand reluctantly slide upon your back.
  792. >Gripping the back of your shirt with both hands Rarity returned your embrace, holding herself tightly to you.
  793. >It was all you could do to crack a smile.
  794. "Whatever happens to you happens to me, and you know I don't let anything happen to me."
  795. >Finally breaking her vow of silence Rarity spoke into your shirt.
  796. >"Except books to the eye."
  797. "I'll protect you from whatever may come, with both eyes if need be."
  798. >You produced a reluctant, muffled laugh from your paramour.
  799. >"You speak so elegantly, Femanon."
  800. >She finally lifted her head and looked to you.
  801. >Her sapphires were well watered.
  802. >But for the first time since that Thursday night in your room you saw a smile grace her lips.
  803. >Your burning heart gave in and melted.
  804. "Rarity, if you're mine, I'm yours."
  805. >She nodded faintly before donning a look of concern.
  806. >"If I do that...this isn't some kind of bargain store fur coat. If I give you this, can't just give it back."
  807. >A caress from your hand dissolved her worried brow.
  808. "I've already lost the receipt."
  809. >Pushing off from her toes, Rarity lifted towards you.
  810. >For the third time your lips untied, mirroring the close embrace of your bodies.
  811. >Wrapping an arm around her waist, your other supporting her head, you pulled her flush against you.
  812. >You breathed in unison, busts lifting and falling against one another.
  813. >This kiss was markedly different from the others.
  814. >Passion.
  815. >Yearning.
  816. >Desire.
  817. >Hunger.
  818. >Lips parted only to be pressed back a second later, eager for more.
  819. >You felt the heat rise off of your lover's face as a full blush consumed her.
  820. >Slowly, reluctantly, you both broke away, chests and hearts aflutter.
  821. >Rarity's knees quavered.
  822. >Anticipating their inevitable buckling you brought her down to the ground with you.
  823. >You lay her back on the cool summer grass and looked down at her.
  824. >Blue crystals beamed up at you, glinting with latent fear, glowing with lofty passions.
  825. >The fire in your breast had never burned this intensely.
  826. >Then it hit you.
  827. >That pang in your chest.
  828. >Looking down into those infinite crystalline pools it was obvious.
  829. >You smiled and furtively shook your head.
  830. >What had taken Rarity maybe years affected you in mere days.
  831. >Rarity cocked a quizzical brow.
  832. >"What?"
  833. "Nothing. Just I may have found more in you than I realized."
  834. >Without waiting for a response you kissed a trail up Rarity's lithe, soft neck.
  835. >Kiss, after blossoming kiss.
  836. >Up her jaw.
  837. >Over her chin.
  838. >Finally coming to journey's end upon those moist petals she so modestly called lips.
  839. >Rolling over onto your back beside her.
  840. >Rarity curled up against your arm.
  841. >Hand in hand, fingers interlocked in an intimate clasp, you both watched the stars as night consumed the sky.
  842. >You would both have to leave eventually.
  843. >She would demand to leave separately.
  844. >That would hurt.
  845. >But that was later.
  846. >For now nothing else mattered save for the stars shooting in the abyssal sky and the warm heart that beat lovingly against your arm.
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